China has achieved the crown of substantive quantum supremacy

For those of you who worry about Taiwan, and the collapsing US Empire taking over or suppressing integrated chip manufacture. Take note.

China already holds the undisputed leadership in quantum supremacy with not one, but two complete separate computers. One using light and the other superconducting circuits, performing computational feats unattainable for traditional computing.

China has developed two different quantum computers, one that uses light and the other superconducting circuits, and obtained a computing power unattainable for traditional computing, as explained in two articles published in Physical Review Letters.

That means that this dual system of quantum computing gives China the ability to solve practical problems that can not be implemented on conventional computers, stands to respect PhysicsWorld.

With this result, China is already much more than an economic power: together with its energy developments with the artificial sun, it has also entered the “space race” of the 21st century with force, with different projects oriented to Mars and the Moon.

Except... that it is the ONLY nation in this race. The rest of the world are arguing whether to drive to the racetrack or walk.

Pioneers in quantum information

The new quantum computers have been developed by two groups from the Hefei National Laboratory of Physical Sciences, China University of Science and Technology, led by Professor Jian-Wei Pan, whose work has been highlighted in the past, both by the journal Nature and Science, as a pioneer in experimental quantum information science.

The National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory is one of two national labs at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, Anhui province, July 11, 2019. [Photo by XU MINHAO/FOR CHINA DAILY]
Last July, China announced that it had achieved quantum supremacy with a supercomputer called the Zuchongzhi, capable of performing operations much, much, MUCH faster than Google’s quantum computer.

Zuchongzhi completed a complex calculation in just over an hour, doing it about 60,000 times faster than a classic computer: Using 56 qubits, he solved in just 1.2 hours a task that would take a classic supercomputer eight years.

China leads in quantum supercomputer design, technology, manufacturing, research, applications, components, robotics and AI controls .

Two new quantum computers

China now emerges with a new quantum computer, which it calls Zuchongzhi 2.1 , which uses 66 qubits and is 10 million times faster than the current fastest supercomputer: its computational complexity is more than 1 million times greater than the Sycamore processor. of Google.

It also emerges with another quantum supercomputer, which it calls Jiuzhang 2.0 , that uses light to process information, rather than the superconducting circuits that underpin Zuchongzhi 2.1. “Jiuzhang 2.0”, with 113 photons transmitting qubits, is a septillion times more powerful: it can solve in a millisecond an operation that the fastest computer in the world would take 30 billion years.

This second development also represents quite a feat over the previous version of this same quantum computing system based on light, the “Jiuzhang”, presented at the end of 2020 and with which 76 qubit transmitting photons were used.

Quantum supremacy

With these developments, China consolidates its global quantum advantage and confirms that quantum computers are much more powerful and efficient than classical computers in solving critical problems.

Classical computers are based on the binary system, in which each symbol constitutes a bit, the minimum unit of information in this system, which can only have two values ​​(zero or one).

Binary Computer.

These classic computers have managed to increase their power through supercomputers, which appeared in the 70s of the last century.

These supercomputers, better known as high-performance computers , base their extraordinary capabilities (measured in petaflops) on the sum of powerful binary computers linked together to increase their working power and performance.

Another universe

Quantum computing belongs to another universe: it uses a completely different and superior basic unit of information called the qubit.

The qubit, unlike the bit, can take several values ​​at the same time, that is, it manifests a quantum system with two simultaneous eigen states.

The qubit with two simultaneous eigen states.

While the bit takes on values ​​of 0 or 1 in groups of 8,16,32 or 64 bits, the measurement in qubits can be in both states of 0 and 1 simultaneously, giving you the ability to perform unreachable operations to binary computing.

Quantum supremacy is achieved when it is shown that a qubit-based computer can solve something that is not available to binary computers, even if they are very sophisticated.

Double supremacy

Although it has been claimed in the past that quantum supremacy has already been achieved, and became a battleground between IBM and Google, China has overtaken both with far more powerful developments that, according to Physics magazine, give it no place. to doubt the real and verified quantum supremacy.

And not only that, but it has achieved it by following two different and parallel paths that fortify its supremacy: that of light and that of superconducting circuits.

Physics highlights that it is very difficult for classical algorithms and computers to improve China’s quantum advantages, so we can say that the debate on whether quantum supremacy really exists has concluded.

Useful Supremacy?

And the magazine concludes: Given that quantum machines solve such large and impressive problems in a way that far surpasses classical simulators, could we use these quantum computers to solve useful computational problems?

Researchers have claimed that these quantum computers can tackle important problems, particularly in the field of quantum chemistry, but no convincing experimental demonstration has yet been reported in the West.

You can rest assured that it is ongoing, or has already been conduced, inside of China.


Don’t believe me?

Strong Quantum Computational Advantage Using a Superconducting Quantum Processor. Yulin Wu et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 180501. DOI: https: //

Phase-Programmable Gaussian Boson Sampling Using Stimulated Squeezed Light . Han-Sen Zhong et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 180502. DOI: https: //

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Technology growth in China has been exceptional. Leaving America a “has been” nation.

When American people talk about China it’s all so very silly. They repeat whatever narrative that the American media has fed to them. Anything outside of that narrative is just discarded and ignored. Conservatives will repeat how evil China is, and Progressives will repeat how repressive it is. And both narratives are lies. For China is many things, but the American two-dimensional narrative, nope! It’s not even close.

One of the more amusing narratives is the changing views on China. If you actually pay attention you can follow the evolution of the narratives and observe just how the American population has been manipulated.

  • 1970s – Eat your vegetables, think of all the starving people in China!
  • 1980s – China is yearning for democracy! But the government imprisons everyone.
  • 1990s – China is just a manufacturer of cheap junk and low priced gadgets.
  • 2000s – China only copies things, they just are unable to innovate.
  • 2010s – China uses slave labor, child labor, and pollutes terribly.
  • 2020s – China is dangerous! We must destroy China; our ENEMY!

Prior to Donald Trump becoming President, China held the status of “Most Favored Trading Partner”. Now four years into the Donald Trump Presidency, they are considered the Number one Enemy of “Freedom, Liberty, Justice and the American Way!”

Depending on what narrative (see above) the ignorant use to describe China, we can determine just how uneducated they are in global technology, trade, and world politics.

It’s actually funny, if it wasn’t so Gosh Darn Sad.

The following is a reprint of an article titled “Yesterday’s Country – Not to Worry, They Can’t Innovate” by Fred Reed written on April 17, 2019 . It has been edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

Yesterday’s Country – Not to Worry, They Can’t Innovate

For many years the United States has regarded itself as, and been, the world’s technological leader. One can easily make a long and impressive list of seminal discoveries and inventions coming from America, from the moon landings to the internet. It was an astonishing performance. The US maintains a lead, though usually a shrinking one, in many fields. But:

China has risen explosively, from being clearly a “Third World” country forty years ago to become a very serious and rapidly advancing competitor to America.

Anyone who has seen today’s China (I recently spent two weeks there, traveling muchly) will have been astonished by the ubiquitous construction, the quality of planning, the roads and airports and high-speed rail, the sense of confidence and modernity.

Guangzhou, China. September 2020.

Compare this with America’s rotting and dangerous cities, swarms of homeless people, deteriorating education, antique rail, deindustrialized midlands, loony government, and the military sucking blood from the economy like some vast leech, and America will seem yesterday’s country.

The phrase “national suicide” comes to mind.

Los Angeles, USA. September 2020.

A common response to these observations from thunder-thump patriots is the assertion that the Chinese can’t invent anything, just copy and steal.

What one actually sees is a combination of rapid and successful adoption of foreign technology (see Shanghai maglev below) and, increasingly, cutting edge science and technology. More attention might be in order. A few examples: A few examples from many that might be adduced:

“China Confirms Scientist Genetically Engineered Babies”

Supposedly the intent was to make the twins resistant to AIDS. It was done using CRISPR-Cas 9, a gene-editing technique invented in the West by Jennifer Dooudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier but quickly mastered by China.

It seemed odd that AIDS resistance would be the goal since the disease is easily avoided. Maybe, I thought, for some technical reason the insertion was particularly easy. But then:

“China’s Genetically Edited Twins May Have Enhanced Brains ‘By Accident’”

“By accident” indeed. Since the researchers admitted being aware of the neurologic effects of CCR5, the gene in question, the experiment sure looked like a shot at increasing intelligence.

But maybe not. Then:

“Chinese researchers insert human brain gene into monkeys, making them smarter”

Whether the insertion in fact had the effect described, I do not know, and the story maybe or may not be sensationalized. Of interest are, first, that it was an attempt to engineer intelligence, second, that it involved inserting a human gene in a (presumably) lower primate, and third, that the Chinese did it.

“China, Huawei to Launch 5G network in Shanghai Station”

Though 5G is usually presented as an improvement to smartphones, it is far more, and the Chinese seem poised to jump on it hard. See below.

September 2020. 5G is "old technology" now. Work is in progress for 6G.

“World’s First 5G powered Remote Brain Surgery Performed in China”

It is interesting that China and South Korea are clear leaders in 5G. The US, unable to compete seeks to prohibit its European vassals from dealing with Huawei by threatening sanctions. Germany has refused to obey. .

Huawei’s 5G Dominanc e In The Post-American World – Forbes

Whether Forbes’ overstates the facts can perhaps be argued. That China has come from nowhere to be ahead in a crucial technology ought to be a wake-up call.

That America has to rely on sanctions instead of better technology accentuates the point.

“More Than 510,000 Overseas Students Return to China”

This year.

A couple of decades ago, Chinese students in the US often refused to return to a backward and repressive country. It now appears that Asia is where the action is and they want to be part of it.

“Chinese Bullet Trains Depend on Mega Bridges”

These things are everywhere. Click the link.Inmost countries roads and rails follow the contour of the land. China likes pillars.

Chinese Mega-Bridges are everywhere.

Digging subways is expensive and disruptive, cutting highways through cities is destructive of homes and business, so China goes with sky-trains. Building these takes about half the land as roadways. The bridges are built offsite and then erected with a special crane.

“China Develops Infrared Light to Alter Genes of Cancer Cells”

A team led by Professor Song Yujun from the Nanjing University’s College of Engineering and Applied Sciences designed an infrared light-responsive nano-carrier to be used for the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, which will have great potential in cancer therapeutics. The strong penetrability of infrared light enables scientists to precisely control the gene editing tool in deep human tissue”

I am clueless as to the function of IR in this but, as with so very many stories coming out of China, it does not suggest copycatting. increasingly, the Chinese seem to following from in front.

“China Breaks Quantum Entanglement Record at Eighteen Qbits”

In a new record, Pan Jianwei and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology of China, eastern China’s Anhui Province, demonstrated a stable 18-qubit state. The previous record of 10 qubits was set by the same team. The breakthrough was made possible by simultaneously manipulating the freedom-paths, polarization, and orbital angular momentum of six photons.

 “The speed of quantum computing grows exponentially as the number of  qubits in an entangled state increases … the achievement of an 18-qubit  entanglement this time has set the world record for largest entanglement  state in all physical systems,” 


(Noah’s ark measured 300 Qbits, but the (barely) antediluvian technology has bee lost.)

Shanghai Maglev Train

Shanghai Maglev Train

Open Date: Dec. 31st, 2002
Total Length: 30 kilometers (19 miles)
Highest Speed: 430km/h (267 mi/h)
Duration per Single Journey: 8 minutes
Frequency: 15-20 minutes
Route: Longyang Rd. – Pudong International Airport (PVG

Trains relying on magnetic levitation float on a field of magnetic repulsion, having no contact with rails. This reduces friction and ends wear on wheels and rails. China did not invent the technology but uses it well. Before this train, the trip from downtown to the airport took forty minutes to an hours.

Now, eight minutes.

The technology is German, the idea a century old, but the Chinese decided that they wanted it, and got it. The ability to make a decision and act on it without years of political wrangling and lawsuits gives China a major advantage over other countries.

The video is long, at 43 minutes, a bit ray-rah, and wanders briefly off into the history of elevated rail in Chicago but gives a good picture of the train, the technology at a non-specialist level, and the China in which it runs.

Rand: Chilling World War III Wargames show US Forces Crushed by Russia and China

“RAND Senior Defense Analyst David Ochmanek discussed the simulations at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) in Washington D.C. last week. “In our games, where we fight China or Russia … blue gets its a** handed to it, not to put too fine a point on it,” he said, during a panel discussion. Blue denotes U.S. forces in the simulations.”

The reasons for this are several and belong in another column. The military’s utterly predictable response is “Send more money” instead of “Maybe we should mind our own business and spend on our economy.”

The point here is that the world is changing in may ways and Washington seems not to have noticed.


The list could be extended at length, to cover numbers of patents awarded, scientific papers published, quantum communications, investment in education and technological research and development, supercomputers and chip design and many other things.

Beijing is clearly bent on Making China Great Again–as why should it not?

Meanwhile America focuses more on transgender bathrooms and whether Bruce Jenner is a girl than on its endless and draining wars.

China sends its brightest to the world’s best technical school while America makes its universities into playpens for the mildly retarded. The country crumbles but spends drunkenly of defective fighter planes it doesn’t need in the first place.

This won’t work a whole lot longer.

Do you want more?

I have more articles on China inside of my China Index here…


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