The world is well aware of the 2016 through 2019 trade negotiations between America (the United States) and China. It lasted three years, and was marked by a seemingly endless set of stops and false starts. Finally culminating with a “phase one” agreement immediately prior to the the COVID-19 (coronavirus outbreak). What many people are not aware of is the list of demands placed upon China by the (neocon) negotiation team. Here, we look at the impossible demands, and record them for prosperity.
Remember this well kids; this is NOT how you negotiate.
Negotiation is a matter of give and take, where both sides have the belief that they “won” the negotiation. You do not enter into negotiations with the idea that “you will do as I say, or I will destroy you!“.
The American Advantage.
What many people, especially Americans (locked up within their propagandized bubble) do not understand is that America doesn’t have much clout to negotiate with.
America has little to offer China.
While it might seem like “China needs America, more than America needs China”, the truth is that is actually the other way around.
The exports to America, from China, are a very small percentage of the Chinese export market.
The imports from America to China are also tiny. With aircraft and cotton being the leading exports.
Thus, the “Trump trade war” has very little impact on China.
This is not the world of the 1980’s. The rest of the globe has grown, and they have vibrant middle classes, malls and cities. China services the world. Not only America. In fact, over the years, it appears that the bulk of products exported to America from China are increasingly the cheapest and easiest to make.
Meanwhile the rest of the world opts for better to best quality, and higher priced consumer products. All provided by China.
I’ve covered this in another post here…

You see, there really isn’t much of an advantage that America has. It can only negotiate from a point of military strength.
The John Bolton strategy… “do as we say or we will erase you from the surface of the earth”.
American Negotiation Team
The Negotiation team set up by President Trump was filled and staffed by hard-line neocons. These war-mongering dinosaurs are the reason why the entire world economy was riding a “roller coaster” for the last three years.
- U.S. and China swap hard-line lists of demands at trade …
- U.S.-China Trade Talks End With Strong Demands, but Few …
- (PDF) U.S.-China Trade Negotiations: Practices, Procedures …
- China trade war: US will struggle to reach a ‘grand …
- Trump’s negotiating team just gave China a trade-war …
- Analysis: Trump team’s talks in China raise both questions …
They entered the negotiations with “strong demands“, and “hard lists“. Then when things would apparently be going well, the American team backed out and left the table.
This continued for three long years, and threw the world economy into a tail spin.
List of American Demands
The negotiation strategy was one of strength. From the American side it was “do this, or face the consequences”.
American strategy: Do as I say, or face the consequences.
This is well known throughout the American news media, though they didn’t say it as brutally or bluntly as I did.
It’s all described as “reasonable”, “fair” and “common sense”. You know, “…for the children”.
All lies.
Just like “common sense gun control”. Just like “reasonable sentencing guidelines”, and “zero tolerance rules for the school children.”
It’s all just propaganda.
That’s all it is.
For most Americans, reading the news, they are mistakenly under the impression that the “trade wars” was all about trade. It wasn’t. It was about global power, and how America can retard the growth of China long enough to recover it’s former standing.
Here’s the list of demands that the American (neocon) trade negotiation team placed upon China…
Now to be clear and certain, this is not ALL of the demands, nor the thousands of bullet lists that the trade negotiations encompass. I am not the mainstream press. The American media would report on a Thanksgiving dinner in the following manner... "There was a Thanksgiving dinner. People were upset about the tooth pick selection. The toothpicks were too wooden, too few, and not the proper size. Anonymous sources within the dinner party has referred to the dinner as "catastrophic" and desiring strong toothpick discipline..." Selective reporting is NOT reporting. It is propaganda.
Thus here, I am going to concentrate on the general omissions in American coverage of the trade war events. Here we look at some of the American demands that only warranted a mere sentence or two in a multi-page report.
[1] Independence for Tibet
If you read the American media you might be inclined to say that this is not unreasonable. The Western media is saturated with news about unhappy Tibetans and the need for “freedom” and “democracy”. That’s the story. That’s the propaganda.
Here’s a selection of some readings to give you all an idea of what is going on in Tibet and what America is up to…
- China urges U.S. to stop pushing Tibet-related bill …
- Autonomy and assistance drive Tibet to prosperity_China …
- What’s the U.S. think it’s up to with the Reciprocal …
- On Top of the World: 60 Years of Transformation in Tibet
What you don’t read is any thing positive about China and Tibet.
That’s right. All Western media is all about the unhappiness and “unrest” in Tibet. Americans read this while never setting a foot there, knowing people there, or getting news from other areas.
The fact is that Tibet is not riddled with unrest, strife and unhappiness. It’s quite the contrary.

Just go and see for yourself. Do not take my word for it.
In the meantime, realize that by removing the Tibet region from China, it takes a sizable geographic bite out of China. It’s roughly equivalent to removing California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas from America.

[2] Independence for Xinjiang Muslims
This is a “much to do about nothing” narrative. The entire Uyghur Muslim independence movement is a CIA fabrication.
Oh, how I hate to use the letters "CIA" in anything. It makes me sound like some kind of conspiracy kook. Yet. The CIA does exist. They do launch revolutions, and they ARE involved in trying to destabilize China.
Likewise the narrative continues for the independence for Xinjiang. Oh, you don’t know what I’m talking about? I am talking about the Uyghur Muslims. Oh, I’m sure you read about the millions and millions of poor harmless Muslims in re-education camps.

What’s the latest figure? Eleven million people in concentration camps. OK. I’ll bite. Point the camps out to me using Google Maps. After all New York City is six million people, so any camps that are double that size should be easy to see…
The reason to cause unrest and strife in Xinjiang is to stop the Road and Belt initiative from taking place there. For those “poor Muslims” are going to become filthy Dubai-rich within the next ten years. Oh, no! That will not help the United States one bit, and must be stopped.
Don’t you know.
“For the children”.
As I have stated before, the idea that China would discard the Road and Belt initiative, and isolate themselves to an over reliance on sea shipment of goods is a “pipe dream”.

[3] Independence for Taiwan
Taiwan is populated with Han Chinese. But maintains it’s own government structure. It’s the one nation, two systems philosophy that China maintains. Well, that does not sit well with the negotiation team. They want Taiwan to sever ALL TIES with China, and instead make Taiwan a client nation with the United States.
Here’s a mixture of links to help you all flush out the situation…
- Taiwan Travel Act provocative and pointless
- Mainland, Taiwan Ink Landmark Deals
- The US is playing with fire by using Taiwan to contain China
- 22,000 Taiwan residents apply for mainland residence …
- Taiwan’s silly folly in aiding trade war
Taiwan is like a nice big juicy aircraft carrier right off the Chinese mainland.
Anyone who even thinks that China would even consider this is smoking too much of that wacky weed. China is a nation of merit. Their leadership ranks are filled with the best and the brightest. They will not even contemplate such an abomination.

[4] Freedom for Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a tiny nation. It too is part of the one nation, two systems set of governance.

However, it is important. This is because it is the second portal to the Road and Belt initiative.

By freezing egress from that portal, American can retard trade routes and isolate China effectively.
By controlling Hong Kong and Taiwan, and arranging for military bases in both those areas, America can easily place military forces in close proximity to the Chinese mainland.
[5] Adopt a two party democracy
There is nothing so rude, so arrogant as to tell someone that you don’t like their hair style, their clothing, and the way they sign their name. Well, that’s American industry today. All of which happened to me.
Well, these jackasses in Washington, don’t even give a seconds thought to applying this level of rudeness to other nations.
That’s like China telling Washington DC to disband all political parties and adopt Communism.

If the roles were reversed. And China demanded these similar kinds of demands on the United States, the nation would look something like this…

The five major structural demands that the American negotiation team placed on China did not occur. They will not occur. They never will occur.
- Independence for Tibet. (US client state.)
- Independence for Xinjiang. (US client state.)
- Independence for Taiwan. (US client state.)
- Independence for Hong Kong. (US client state.)
- Change the Chinese government into a two-party “democracy”.
China has spent the last two decades trying to be come functionally independent from the rest of the world, but tied to the global economic reality. You will [1] not be able to successfully instigate famine in China via trade restrictions, even if you use biological warfare on both the chicken and pork industries. You will [2] not get them to sever their ties with their neighbors, and [3] you will not get them to embrace the failed American “democracy” model.
I do hope that you enjoyed this post. You can see similar posts in my Trump Trade War index…
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