When I first came to China back in the 1980’s, China was a poor land. The roads were dirt, and the cities looked very disorganized, dirty, and poor. it was very primitive. Public restrooms were horrible, the people were rural, even in the cities, and the police looked like some cross between Mad Max and a Mongolian mountain guide. And as I traveled back and forth from the USA to China and back, I saw first hand how it developed, changed and improved. It has been amazing.
Today China is simply amazing. It really is. This is true on oh, so many levels. And today we are going to talk about one of those things that no one ever addresses in a visceral way; the deep blue skies of China.
What? You might ask.
According to all the “experts”, China is a polluted wasteland of child workers, trash, poor unsanitary facilities, and gloom. Well it is not. It’s a merit-driven nation of hard workers, a harmonious culture, and society, and an enormous land with a deep and impressive culture and history.
But that doesn’t stop the Western media from continuing to bash it so relentlessly.
Do a Google search on China pollution, and you get millions of articles (all out of America and the UK) about how terrible and polluted China is. So, judging from the great magnitude of articles, it must be true. Right?

CNN takes a picture of a dust storm in Beijing and claims that it’s pollution. FOX takes a picture of China in the early 1990’s and provides the impression that it is contemporaneous. Yahoo “news” bans any comments out of China to their China-hate articles. The BBC takes clips from an expat blog, uses photoshop to colorize it into greys and dark hues to give the illusion of a dirty, oily, filthy place.
And the articles. Jeeze!
- China’s pollution is so bad it’s blocking sunlight
- China’s air pollution harms its citizens and the world
- A carbon tax would curb pollution from China …
- Chinese Pollution – The Daily Reckoning
And then they make all these graphs, and maps to show pollution quality. Giving the reader the perspective that the air must just be fucking awful.

Western “news” is simply manipulated propaganda for the domestic audience. Those of us who know better shouldn’t read it. It provides zero benefit to us.
Today, we are going to compare apples with other apples. We are going to compare orange with other oranges. And we are going to compare pizza with other pizza. These days of deception, half truths and manipulation are OVER.
Well, here we are going to chat about something that had to be pointed out to me. I have grown so accustomed to the blue skies here, that I take them for granted, when I shouldn’t. And with that as an introductory lead in, I will [1] address the fact that Chinese skies tend to be pristine, and then [2] how this all came about.
China has tamed air pollution in all of it’s forms, and China today has absolutely stunning skies.
It all began when I posted this article HERE about a factory business trip that I took.I went to an industrial area, and visited some hard manufacturing factories.
People couldn’t get over how pristine blue the sky was, as that was not at all the impression that they had of China. They asked “where’s all the pollution”, “where’s the smog”, the “plumes of industrial clouds, and the forever white eye-burning skies? They asked where are the vapor plumes of the airline flights that create a network of white lines in the skies?
And that got me thinking.
As many times that I have mentioned over and over, and over that China has “cracked down” severely on pollution and enforces it with a very special of police known as the “corruption police”, people don’t get it. They don’t understand.
There are results as a consequence of these actions.
China does things, and then there are measurable and visceral results.
So when I take a drive up to visit a factory, I am used to the pristine blue skies, the brilliant and fresh green trees, the clear colors and razor sharp images. But others, who do not live inside of China aren’t.
What started this discussion
Here’s the videos and images that started this entire discussion…
In the following videos, please check out these embedded videos or their associated links to get the “full” experience. It’s almost as good as sitting in the car with MM getting there. video 46MB
All of rural China looks like this. It’s an entire nation of skyscrapers. This, believe it or not, is just a tiny, tiny village. video. 69 MB.
And this is what it is like. The factory sits on the edge of the tiny village, and so we just pulled in and went up to the front gate. Video. 32MB
But you know, it’s not just a trip to a factory. It’s not confined to the rural sections of China. It’s everywhere.
And I do live in Zhuhai
I know it is nice here. But I am not talking about only my city. I am talking about all of China. Video of Zhuhai. 1MB
But Zhuhai isn’t unusual. We are right outside of Hong Kong. Shenzhen is right across the bay. Combined, over 20 million people live within ten miles of my house. Which is a lot. New York City is only 6 million people! Yet, look at the skies here….
Downtown Gongbei Zhuhai at sunset. Video 2MB
But then again, let’s be real.
There’s rain, cloudy days, snow, squalls, fog, dust storms and other weather events that will turn the sky different than the pristine blue skies that I seem to encounter most of the time. video 16.7MB
Shanghai, and Hong Kong see a lot of fog. Overcast skies and fog seem to be the norm there. Shenzhen gets a lot of the overcast from the geographical wedging from the fog of Hong Kong and the mountains inland.
Beijing deals with dust storms.
And so on and so forth.
Some examples
Examples of blue skies, free of smog, pollution or aircraft vapor trails are everywhere. Just go onto the Chinese social media and watch the videos. Blue skies are everywhere. Seriously.
- It’s like those High Speed Trains. They are common and everyday events. No one notices them.
- It’s like those police drones in the sky, they are everywhere and no one notices them.
- It’s like those thermal scans at all the entrance ways. No one cares or gives them any notice any longer.
- It’s like paying using WeChat. It’s common and no one thinks about it at all.
But you know, we do need to take notice, and pay attention. The rest of the world do not have these kind of skies. Their cities have a dome of haze. Their suburbs are criss-crossed by airplane vapor trails. Their industrial areas have eye stinging smog and glare.
And I, for one, am going to point it out and celebrate it.
Here’s someone else driving in Hunan, China. video. 2MB
Here’s my ride in the DD. video
Here’s a cute BABY girl in the front of her house. Video 6MB
Here’s a ride taken yesterday from my house. I just filmed the ride as we pulled out of the building complex. video. 53MB
Here’s a nice girl being filmed at dusk video. 3MB
This looks like the mountains near Longgong, North of Shenzhen, China. video 4MB
Here’s a nice video showing the first graders getting their red scarves as part of the Pioneers. Everyone in China gets mandatory military trainings, and it all starts in first grade. video. 5MB
Here’s the Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai bridge. Video. 4MB
This girl is posing all over the city. I love these compilations with a pretty girl showing what China is like. Video. 10MB
Here’s another nice girl. Notice the sky and clarity of the air all around her. video. 4MB
Here’s a movie taken in front of my office. Video 14MB
Here’s another nice girl. video. 6MB
I took this video as I walked to my office in the morning. video 10MB
And another nice woman outside. video 3MB
Here’s the park outside the bridge near my house. video. 7MB
And, yet another girl. video. 4MB
The Chinese are so patriotic too. All of them trust their government, and the government really has earned their respect. Here’s a Pioneer. You can tell with the red scarve. video. 2MB
Let’s be real
Yeah, it’s a non-stop hate fest against China, and while China changes, cleans up and moves forward the lies just keep a running. And the West, already ignorant, is really completely uneducated on the true and real state of things.
The crack down on pollution
China has made enormous strides in cracking down on pollution. Though you would NEVER read about that in the Western “news”. It’s all the continuing non-stop fantasy of China being the world’s polluter. If so, then why are Chinese skies so blue? Eh?
Here’s some articles about the Chinese efforts to stop, contain and eliminate pollution of all types.
- China vows to fight pollution ‘with all might‘
- 40% of China‘s factories shuttered in pollution crackdown
- Drug chemical makers brace as China cracks down …
- China’s Crackdown On Polluters : NPR
- Iron ore slips from highs as China’s pollution crackdown …
- China’s steel city Tangshan vows to crack down on …
- China Shuts Down Thousands of Factories To Battle Pollution
- Nonprofit leads crackdown on air pollution – …
- China cracks down on pollution in imported waste processing
- China promises crackdown on fake air quality data
- Chinese steel futures rise on pollution control pledge …
- China plastic ban: Beijing lays out plan to crack down on …
- China has announced a new plan to crack down on most …
- Authorities crack down on pollution off China‘s Florida …
- China Factories Shutdown Due to Pollution Crack Down – …
Yeah, you probably saw these articles, but didn’t think too much about them. Maybe you should have read them, eh?
Pay some attention to the world around you and note who is doing all the complaining, and who is actually physically doing things; taking corrective measures, and actually making the world a better place. Eh?
When China says that it is going to do something, well you should take note. They actually do things. And when they say they are going to clean up China, and make it a healthy and clean place they do so.
China is very beautiful
YaoYao showing how beautiful Hunan, China is. Video 3MB
Video taken at a busy intersection waiting on our DD. Video. 12MB
Chinese first graders going through their military training exam. Everyone in China MUST take military training through their entire education system. It starts at first grade. Here’ is the first “final exam” where they are rate in their ability to compete an obstacle course. These kids are 6 years old. video. 9MB
Here’s a nice girl walking in one of the many, many parks here in China. She is wearing black. video. 3MB
Airplane vapor trails
Air Pollution Control Air pollution is arguably the most egregious environmental problem plaguing China. The central government has placed improving air quality as a priority on its agenda for the next several years, with China’s Premier Xi Peng pledging in March 2017 to “bring back blue skies” and work faster to address air pollution.
- China - Environmental Technology
But why no vapor trails in the sky above? Well it appears that the Chinese government has placed pollution controls on all the domestic airlines, and this has really caused a great deal of consternation on the international airlines that want to operate inside of China domestically.
It costs too much money, they say, and they can’t earn the kinds of profits that they need to please their shareholders. They argue that they MUST make a profit because they must answer to their owners who demand profits.
Meanwhile, China reports that the role of the government is to provide affordable, food, clothing, shelter transportation and a comfortable standard of living to it’s people. The government should not be a for-profit enterprise.
- Aviation’s emissions and contribution to the air quality in China
- China to fight pollution with drones – CNN
- Control of particulate nitrate air pollution in China …
- China – Regulations On The Administration Of …
- Environmental Law and Practice in China: Overview …
- 2 new environmental laws to go into effect in 2018- …
- China – Environmental Technology
Because the foreign airlines cannot meet the tough environmental, and pricing requirements that China provides for it’s citizenry, the airlines had a fit. They then worked with the United States to “crowbar” and “strong arm” China to change it’s polices so that foreign companies can profit off the Chinese citizenry inside of China.
- China to Allow Foreign Airlines One Inbound Flight a …
- China’s aviation regulator backs off from a two …
- China eases foreign flight restrictions after Trump …
Blue skies everywhere
This girl is skateboarding near my house. The building in the background is the Zhuhai Opera House. Video. 10MB
You can actually see the Opera House from my living room. Here’s a video that I took not too long ago. Video. 26MB
Here’s one of our photoshoots. This one took place at around 5:00 in one of the parks down the street. Video. 21MB
96 percent of Chinese people owned their own residence. More than 50 percent of the Chinese people grow their own food and produce. They do not need to pay any property tax and any insurance.
They do not need a car in their lives. They do not pay homeowners' association fees, the fire department fees, the police protections and so on and on. Of the fifty percent of the Chinese rural population, they do not use cash that much.
Three of my sisters in China have been laid off workers of state owned enterprises for the last thirty years. Their income is only a couple thousand yuan from the state pensions every. But they all have their own houses, and have savings over one million Chinese yuan.
They eat better than I do in the USA as a professor struggling to pay for my mortgage. I have to pay out of my pocket medical care, dental insurance, home insurance, property taxes, home owners association fees, all of which the Chinese do not have.
My sisters all grow their own vegetables in their own yard. I have to buy everything from the supermarkets.
There are too much loose holes in the calculation of GDP, which is simply meaningless.
When I was growing up during the Mao era, we grew everything we ate organically, and everything was fresh. We did not have much cash income, but we had everything we needed. By comparison, how many people in the world could have organically grown fresh produce everyday in the world free of all kinds pollutants.
The Chinese people's per capita income was very low during the Mao era, about a hundred dolar a year. But Chinese people life expectancy grew from 32 years in 1949 to 69 years in 1976, more than doubled in less than thirty years.
GDP as a measurement of well being is simply a trick created by the capitalist west to cover up their management failure, with a high GDP but many homeless and hungry people.
After all this, it should be clear that China is really doing things and making things happen. There’s so much bullshit and lies about China, but I will tell you what, if you come to China, you WILL SEE the blues skies. You will see the HIGH TECHNOLOGY. You will see the flower and the trees, and the relaxed pace of life. And you will see that it’s because it is a nation government by merit and people who care.
China treats those who want to change things for “democracy”, and “rule by the wealthy”, and the greedy as evil and dangerous people. They are locked up and kept away from the levers of power.
China is doing things RIGHT.
A billion Chinese have applied for membership in the Communist Party of China since 2001. 907 million of them were rejected, mostly on moral grounds. It seems that most Chinese adults would take the Party oath, to endure the people’s ordeals first and enjoy their fruits last, subject themselves to constant scrutiny, and be held to higher ethical and legal standards than non-members. Adultery is cause for dismissal. Rape is cause for execution. Nonetheless, ninety-four million members are honoring their oath pretty well.
China is a nation of Rufus’s…
We don’t want even one politically unqualified person sneaking into the Party, fishing for personal gain.
-Xi Jinping.
And here’s a great image of a roadside rest area. Check it out.
A highway rest area. This one is in Inner Mongolia, Northern China. 41.5MB Video
Other possible reasons
There are a host of other possible contributors for the blue skies. May I suggest that other things can add to the overall effect experienced within China today…
- A decline in domestic air flights because of the enormous network of high speed trains.
- A decline in international air flights to and from China.
- A severe curtailing of all factories that do not have, or plan to add, air scrubbing pollution control equipment.
- A movement of the simple, labor intensive, and crude manufacturing out of China to South East Asia.
- Intentional power rationing to selected geographical regions and specific targeted regions.
All in all, while China has indeed set forth impressive air pollution standards, and have implemented such, a number of other effects contributed synergistically to make the air of China noteworthy and pristine.
Oh, and a note to all the people who just stumble on MM and this article and want to shit on it…
Yes. And I do actually mean “to shit” on it.
Keep in mind that this information is going to go against your Western media brainwashing. It’s comfortable to believe the lies that face the TRUTH.
So don’t give me the normal bullshit, I delete those comments. If I wanted to read a regurgitation of FOX “news”, or the BBC, I’d read them directly myself. Though I do keep a few prize examples of stupidity for use in other articles.
Like these two comments (that I deleted from other articles that made China look better than the non-stop hate-China narrative spewing forth from the media megaphones)…
I’m telling you what it is like.
You can absorb it in, or you can believe the nonsense being spewed at you by billions of dollars in manipulation and funding. Your choice.
But here, is the REAL deal. It’s what is going on right now. Soak it in.
And finally…
Be the Rufus
Are you making the place a little bit nicer when you leave it? Do you pick up after yourself? Do you make people smile when you are in public? Do free-ranging dogs and cats welcome you?
Are those around you comfortable that you are nearby in case anything goes wrong?
Do not be ashamed of who you are, or what you do. You are NOT your job. You are NOT what others say you are. You are unique and very, very special. Stand up for who you are and serve justice, and help those in your society. It’s your highest calling. video. 2MB
Please, be the Rufus. Not for personal profit. Not for fame, or glory. Just do it because you are a decent person and you want to make your tiny part of the world a better place to live in.
And after the explosion, the Rufus runs back into the flames to rescue others trapped inside. Video. 2MB
The world is not a bad terrible place. Spread the love around. Be a Rufus. Just be nice, give things away for free just to make people feel happy, wanted and included. It won’t cost you that much, and you will really help make the world a much better place. Be the Rufus. Like this guy does… video 5MB
Or this. Use your talents and make the world a better place. Video. 6MB
Do you want more?
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