Ok, it is the weekend before CNY January 30, 2022. There is a ton load of things happening right now. A real enormous pile of shit.
On top of the USA rout in Afghanistan, the failed color revolution in Belarus, and Kazakhstan, the death of the CIA assets in Tibet, and the multiple submarine events in the South Pacific Sea (One “crash into a mountain”, and another missing sub and recovery effort with the cover of “recovery of an F-35C in the ocean”) things are not going well for the USA.
The ramp up for a war in the Ukraine did not happen, and now the USA is trying to sabotage the Olympic Games in China. Geeze! Can’t these assholes give it a rest?
There’s so much that one can say about an uncertain future, but one thing is for sure, that the harder the United States try to drag the world into a global war, the greater it’s losses mount.
Everyone by now should realize that both China and Russia told the United States to stop putting nuclear weapons in their borders, trying to instigate “color revolutions” and hybrid-wars, and all the rest. But the “red lines”, the requests for “white tent” peace, and cooperation are going nowhere.
The United States, like a snotty assed brat, said no. NO! And you can’t make me! Nah. Nah, Nah, nah.
There are no “positive things” in the American response. The response is a flagrant and contemptible rejection of Moscow’s core demands on NATO expansion and the deployment of nuclear missiles to locations on Russia’s border.
Obviously, they believe that they can goad Asia into a fight where the United States would emerge the Victor.
Both Putin and Xi have plans for how to deal with what comes next.
China Sitrep: Cookies, Lil’Blinky and The Pain Dial
By Amarynth and intended as a quick update and a companion piece to The Saker’s Chaos piece here: http://thesaker.is/panic-and-chaos-is-clearly-stetting-in-as-the-west-fears-peace-above-all-else/
Victoria Nuland (affectionately known as Cookies), jumped the shark.
She called her counterpart in China and demanded, (asked, petulantly begged?): China Do Something!. Influence the Russians!. We need a concession from them. Just Do Something! There were the requisite attempts to deliver soft threats: “if there is a conflict in Ukraine it is not going to be good for China either,” as “there will be a significant impact on the global economy”
The Chinese Foreign Ministry responded:
- Stop interfering in the Olympics
- Pay attention to Russia’s Security Guarantees which are valid
- Give up your zero-sum game and the Cold War mentality and use the correct method to put out the fires you started.
On the very same day, this past Thursday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (affectionately known as Lil’Blinky) had a telephone conversation with China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Lil’Blinky talked about the risks posed by “further Russian aggression against Ukraine” and conveyed that “de-escalation and diplomacy are the responsible way forward.”
Wang Yi responded:
- Stop interfering in the Olympics
- Pay attention to Russia’s Security Guarantees as this is valid and important
- Give up your zero-sum game and the Cold War mentality and use the correct method to put out the fires you started.
- And what about those Minsk accords? You understand they have to be implemented, don’t you?
Global Times wrote an op-ed about all of this, explaining: “The root cause of the Ukraine issue is that the US has promoted NATO’s eastward expansion unrestrainedly, thus pushing Russia into a corner where there is no way to retreat.
Washington is the culprit of the crisis.
The US now hopes China will “persuade” Russia. In essence, it wants China to urge Moscow to make a concession. The perfect plan Washington desires is that Moscow will cooperate unconditionally with the US’ geopolitical ambitions. How absurd and ridiculous its logic is!”
So both Cookies and Lil’Blinky struck out on the highest levels of the diplomatic circles in Beijing.
More interference in the Beijing Winter Olympics?
That would be the new plot to encourage athletes to create chaos and to cause trouble everywhere.
Sources said the plan includes encouraging athletes to express dissatisfaction with China for various reasons, not to compete or even not to participate in the games.
The US has also pledged to offer generous rewards to athletes who join the program and to mobilize global resources to “protect the personal reputations” of athletes who choose to play negatively. (Is this what the 47 state department officials for security only wanted visas for)?
The US is also blowing smoke of withdrawing their diplomats from China during the course of the Olympics. Can you connect the dots in terms of what is being planned here?
And then they want China to help with concessions?
How perfectly arrogant.
And oh BTW, China is also not interested in the US’ F-35C stealth fighter that recently crashed in the South China Sea, says the Foreign Ministry.
It was left to the new Chinese Ambassador to the US to ratchet up the final pain dial one more click. In an interview with NPR, to a US Audience, his first public interview since taking the post as Chinese Ambassador, he states:
“If the Taiwanese authorities, emboldened by the United States, keep going down the road for independence, it most likely will involve China and the United States, the two big countries, in a military conflict.”
This has caused shockwaves in the United States.
Duh? I mean, how stupid can people be? But then again, I am talking about the United States, after all -MM
China simply says that the US must take its warning with all seriousness and Washington’s strategic arrogance will only drag the US into more tense strategic unpreparedness.
In addition, this exacting expression is used:
If Washington provokes either China or Russia, the other one will not be indifferent.
Seems to me Lil’Blinky and Cookies have just been wack-a-moled. Apparently, Blinken was so curtly dealt with, that he could not get to the litany of human rights abuses and the Uyghurs and whatever else. He was cut off smartly before he could rattle off that old litany of nonsense.
Ambassador to the US Qin Gang has succeeded in raising the stakes and turning the tables.
Indeed, like a little kid.
The pot of water is boiling on the stove, and the moronic United States, like little children, are trying to reach up and grab the handle.

So what is next…?
In this example, I will use a scene from the American television series “Breaking Bad”. In this scene, there is a fight / conflict between two gangs over some drug territory.
The guy in white represents the local (well established) drug boss in the town. The others are hungry, mean and aggressive Mexican cartel members who are moving in and taking over his territory.
We get the idea, in watching this scene, that the guy (and his gang) in white clothes believes that he is “untouchable” and that his local, well established reputation will be enough to protect him. And that is anything happens, it will be something like what you see in the movies or in television.
But reality is not like that.
The cartel uses strategy.
When you watch this scene, keep that in mind. Consider the United States to be fat guy guzzling a super-sized coke and acting haughty on “his turf”. And the Mexican cartel guys to be Asia (China, Russia and Iran).
Watch and learn. Strategy.
That’s what is coming next. MARK MY WORDS. Please watch this little video. Click on the link if your internet isn’t that functional.

Interesting times
Obviously, whoever, or whatever is running the United States and the Western Block today, are seriously disconnected from reality.
I am not saying that Russia or China will engage in a hot kinetic war, but you can bet your sweet bippy that they are going to take action in a well-planned, well-coordinated, and thorough effort.
Again, don’t get too hot and bothered about anything. Again, follow my age-old grandfatherly advice…
Don’t get so caught up in all the fearmongering talk.
Follow the basic MM precepts. You will be fine.
- Affirmation prayers.
- Stable world-line templates and controlled slides.
- Fate forecasting.
- Be the Rufus.
- Participate in your local community.
- Be prudent, traditional and have a larder.
You all will be fine.
Now go forth and call up a friend. Invite him over. What the Hell are you waiting for?
Then, place a tray of chicken wings in the oven and have a case of beer on hand. Then just hang out with friends and family, eat the chicken legs, wings or whatever, and drink beer together. Maybe play some cards.
Just share your time.
Maybe even play an old board game. Risk. Monopoly. Chess, or checkers. Possibly Trivial Pursuit.

Oh, expert tip…
After taking the chicken out of the over, pour honey over all of them, and then have some blue cheese salad dressing nearby and place it in a bowl for dipping purposes.
It will look something like this…

Picture the scene.
Friends. Beer. Delicious food. It’s called “Heaven”.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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