This post discusses a hidden aspect of the EBP. It was used to teach and / train me (aside from it’s other purposes).
Once I had the EBP installed, and my genetic makeup modified, I underwent a long period of time being trained. This was during the time that I described in my post; lost as an autonomous vagabond. This period in my life was absolutely confusing. As I lived on the outskirts of society, living hand-to-mouth at a below-poverty level. While all the time, my consciousness was partitioned and participating within a training regimen.
Here we will discuss what it was like for me during my training and the kind of things that I was taught. It’s way, way, WAY “out there” and rather incredulous. But this is my record, and this is my autobiography. Read it or not. Believe it or not. I don’t fucking care. It’s your life.
I was trained by our extraterrestrial benefactors. MAJestic had nothing to do with the training. It was all associated with the EBP.
MAJestic controlled the ELF probes only.
They were used to monitor what was going on between the benefactors and my mind. I do believe that it must have been rather boring to the operators, as it relied on the optical sensors and the auditory sensors of my brain. While just about all the activity took place with consciousness with operates outside of the brain.
There was activity that took place between the ELF and the benefactors in regards to mission parameters at Oxia Palus. But this began AFTER this period of training.
MAJestic knew about the EBP. They knew that it was installed, and that I had a role that involved our benefactors. They also knew that they had to be “hands off” in regards to this role.
They did not know the scope of what the EBP entailed, or what my actual role with the benefactors would be.
Our benefactors consider the physical world to be a small part of the totality of reality. They operate within the non-physical world, and what we see in the physical is but a small part of their operations.
Thus it makes complete sense that I would be trained in using their technology, and their systems within their environment. And ya!, it’s really, really different than anything we (as humans) know.
The Mantids are a multi-dimensional species, and the EBP interfaced with that species using their technologies and their sciences.
Sequence of events.
This is the sequence of events…
- Enter MAJestic.
- ELF probes installed.
- EBP installed and genetically re-engineered.
- Left on my own as a vagabond.
- Training via the EBP while a vagabond. – You are HERE.
- Recovery by MAJestic at China Lake Naval Weapons Center.
- Calibration of the ELF probes at China Lake.
- Operations with the ELF probes via Oxia Palus.
- Mission operations…
The Schools
To understand what is going on, you need to recognize that over a period of at least three years I “attended” schooling. It occurred in my mind via my consciousness. My brain observed two things happening all at once.
- I lived a normal physical life, and my consciousness participated in that life.
- My brain also observed that my consciousness attended school in the non-physical realms. This occurred simultaneously with my normal day to day life.
This education took place with my partitioned consciousness and our benefactors. There was zero participation with MAJestic. To an outside observer, there was zero physical evidence that anything was going on. There was nothing that would tell an outside observer what I was going through or enduring.
I went through “training” of a unknown nature at facilities and training centers.
While there were occasional “schools” that I attended that lasted for under a day. Most attendance was sequential at various “facilities” or “places”.
While my consciousness migrated in the non-physical worlds, it would attend schools. These schools in all instances resembled human structures with campuses, buildings, vegetation, parks, quads, and entities. Most of the entities were human people, for the most part, but not always.
The appearance of the structures varied from a simple outdoor amphitheater to huge buildings of amazing construction and complexity.
I would attend classes with other students. Some of the classes had a few as three students while other classes had perhaps thirty. Most of the classes were of small size. Only a a few very rare occasions did I participate in larger classes.
There would be a teacher / instructor.
Often, that instructor would take a special notice of me and devote the class to my particular studies while the rest of the class watched on. I have no idea why this was the case.
Class length and duration
This education at different facilities had a degree of uniformity to it. I would attend “training” at one place for a period of time, and then attend another school or a different period of time. After that, another school, and then again, yet another school.
Duration was typically three days per school. This would occur during my waking life, as well as intrude into my dreams. I was 24-7 “on” in regards to this.
The longest time that I spent at any school was (perhaps) around two and a half weeks. The shortest time was just a few hours. I estimate that I attended perhaps 300 to 350 different “schools”.
That is quite a lot, in case you aren’t paying attention.
Breaks / vacations
There were breaks between sessions. I do not know why the breaks occurred or what was behind the breaks. Breaks typically lasted between four to six days. Then the education procedure would continue. I would typically have a break every three or four months or so.
When I was on a break, I would have a more or less “normal” life. No strange thoughts, experiences, dreams or feelings.
The subjects were beyond the conception of anything that I can explain. Sorry.
If we used a scale to compare educational complexity, we might be able to compare difficulty and advancement levels. So here’s my attempt.
- Toddler learning how to walk – 1
- Kindergarten – 4
- Elementary School – 12
- High school – 22
- College – 38
- Post-graduate studies – 45
Using that as a scale, I would say that the content, the subjects, the content and the degree of saturation and density of the information portrayed as…
- EBP 3 year training – 3450
I attended numerous “programs” that consisted of “blocks” of education and specific “classes”.
After a certain period of time had elapsed I would then attend another school.
Infrequently, and for reasons I do not understand, I would attend a sort of “graduation ceremony”. This procedure would acknowledge that I had obtained the necessary education, skills and abilities that I was supposed to learn.
I perhaps graduated, maybe, five separate times, plus my “final” graduation ceremony. Thus, I can only assume that I attended approximately six Major “educational programs” (and at least 12 minor programs) from which I obtained some type of ‘certificate”.
So, the question is what abilities do I now have?
I think that most of the training was associated with the world-line switching and slides that I experienced once I completed my training at China Lake NWC. I also believe that most of the training was elementary (from our benefactors point of view) as it taught me how to use their systems and understand their technologies.
After all, if you are going to teach a dog to drive a car, you would need to show him how to get into the car, where to sit, and other basics that we humans take for granted…
…and not to sniff and pee on the tire.
Important points
All this took pace before the ELF probes were calibrated at China Lake NWC.
Which means that the EBP and the genetic changes were such that they were able to partition my consciousness into a secondary “container”.
Imagine this much the same way that we partition a hard drive into different “drives”.
If you install a 500 MB hard-drive into a computer, it is preset as drive C:. Thus it would appear in your Windows Explorer as “Drive C:”.

You can use partitioning software to break that drive down into other drives. Such as Drive D:, Drive E: and Drive F:.
In a way, and this is very simplistic, I believe that this is what occurred with my consciousness.
Partitioning and education
Most of what I was taught had zero utility in my physical life.
Therefore, it wasn’t even transmitted to my physical brain in in any kind of meaningful way. I just cannot vocalize my teachings, or be able to explain them to anyone within this world-line.
The consciousness partitioning was absolute and what could be utilized by my physical body was conveyed by the shared consciousness. What could not be, was not transmitted. and this leads to some interesting conclusions…
- There is a segmentation and stratification of understanding, experience and knowledge between the physical and non-physical worlds.
- A given world-line within the physical world might have information restricted or access denied to the consciousness that is within that reality.
- The idea that the physical reality is all that there is, is laughingly pathetic. It is but a very tiny part of a much larger, much more expansive non-physical reality.
- To obtain my role in the physical reality, and acquire my experiences for the non-physical reality, certain non-physical universe training was necessary. What it is, and how to communicate it to the reader trapped within this physical reality is impossible.
My role in MAJestic required me to perform tasks for our benefactors.
I had two set of physical modifications. They were a set of ELF probes that were MAJestic implanted, and operated. And a EBP that was installed with other substantial genetic modifications and training by our benefactors.
The training of the EBP is what this post covers.
The EBP modified my physical body and created multiple consciousnesses. Both consciousnesses can communicate back and forth between each other. The two consciousnesses have different roles and different functions, and much of what the EBP educated me with was involved in the newly segmented consciousness. Not with my original consciousness.
And finally…
- MAJestic traded myself to our benefactors for technology.
- They used me as a kind of “ambassador”.
- This role was monitored by MAJestic via the ELF technology.
This ambassador role was unlike anything that we can conceive of.
- I was altered and changed.
- Not only physically, but spiritually as well.
- I had my consciousness segmented.
As such, I was able to utilize advanced non-physical technologies provided by our benefactors.
- This training enabled me to conduct world-line travel with a great degree of facility over and above what most humans are capable of.
- It enabled me to anchor world-lines.
- It enabled me to be the “representative” of humans to “adjust” our world-line trends towards a preferred sentience.
Are you confused?
You should be. Our world, our universe, and our lives are not like anything that we have been taught or understand. It is different, really, really different on so many, many levels.
If you want to kick the computer screen and yell, go ahead. Then go read about the “enlightened ones”, the (shape changing) “reptilians”, chrononauts, the “Zeta’s” that are going to take over America, Eh? It’s your reality. Read about the “coming age of enlightenment” and other fictions.
This is my history. Not a relatable fiction that makes you feel good about yourself.
Like I said before. The “real world” doesn’t resemble anything that you think it does.
Do you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my MAJestic Index, here…
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