This is something that I threw together after another mindless clone started repeating the Mike Pompeo “talking points” about China. I mistakenly tried to explain that he didn’t have all the information that he was coming to conclusions based on fraudulent and partial data sets. But, boy oh boy did that set him off! I should have known better, but whatever… it just serves me right for arguing with a fool; a manipulated fool, but a fool never-the-less.
So I threw this post together.
Personally, I believe that if you cannot make something simple to understand, then you either don't know how to communicate, or you simply don't understand the issues.
I suggested that he “discern” and “think”, and stop repeating the same tired narratives.
But that is not how the world actually works.
Most people are sheep. Humans are herd animals. Nothing more. And, in a way, you can say that this is bread into us intentionally.
So when I tell a person to “discern”, their minds switch off , and they don’t know what to say.

When I tell people to “discern”, or to use “discernment”, what I actually refer to is for them to see the full totality of any given issue. Not a little bit here, or some opinions there, but to look at a much, much larger picture.
This goes with just about everything.
Look at the bigger picture.
Look at the larger picture and then work your way down, cut through the bullshit and get to the rich nuggets at the bottom level.
Don’t just blunder about, repeating the choice bits of information that is shoveled to you in your trough and just regurgitate them at will.

How to discern in the American Media
Let’s consider all “news”. But let’s really focus on “news” related to [1] politics (I will use the American media in this regards for illustration purposes) and [2] Top Secret disclosures (such as MAJestic) to [3] OOPARTS, and [4] social-cultural re-engineering efforts.
In all cases there are very vocal “camps” of believers or disbelievers of all types and “stripes” and pedigrees. They take their points of view, and violently stand by their opinions in the matter no matter what information or ideas that they are confronted with. I know. I was one of them.
They do so because they have accepted others as “gatekeepers” of “news”, and only listen to those “journalists” and “media outlets”. And that person, over time, becomes the sole source of “news” for them. “News” which they regurgitate verbatim as “the gospel”.
But there is a work around.
It’s quite simple, actually…
- Provide some “news”, quite interesting and factual, that their approved news sources are not providing.
- Then provide another, and then another…
- Add those elements of “news” to the already robust collection of information that they have at hand.
- Let them come to their own conclusions, and leave it at that.
In all cases we need to collect a very broad and wide-ranging assortment of ideas, facts, details and contexts, and then we need the intelligence to intentionally structure them together by sifting though the nonsense to get to the actual “juicy” bits of value.
Thus the first key to discernment is to recognize that the PTB are not concerned with what “news” is available. They are concerned with how it is disseminated to the population.
The PTB are not concerned with the details in the “news”. They are concerned with how it is disseminated.
And that is the key, as well as the reason why everyone is so contentious in America today.

The media don’t really care about what the actual “news” is, whether it is factually correct or not, or what the source of the information actually is. They are concerned with one thing, how to disseminate the “news” in a proper manner so as to manipulate and control it’s consumption.
So if you consider the “news” to be a hodge podge of information, you can consider it to be like an enormous puzzle box with millions of pieces. and Scattered in those pieces are fake “news” and lies. Or in other words, an entirely different puzzle, similar in appearance and puzzle-piece-part-size to the original puzzle, but intended to confuse.
But, what is “news”?
But, before we go any further let’s discuss what the “news” actually is, and what it isn’t.
The “news” is not what everyone thinks it is.
It’s a mixture of selected facts, and incident reports (traditional news), with great quantities of personal opinions, narratives, and theories interspersed, along with outright lies and deceptions. It hasn’t been pure and pristine unbiased reports for many, many decades, if not centuries. Instead, it’s just a mountain of information with zero quality control.
So the first thing you need to do in discernment, is become the QC manager for what you read and absorb.
Let’s continue with our analogy of a puzzle box.
Modern contemporaneous “news” is more like a couple of puzzles that are all mixed together. And the “journalists” concentrate on the individual pieces and they have no care if they are factual, truthful, actual, or beneficial. They just collect the “items”, package it for public consumption and then move on to the next “news item”.
Now, you all need to appreciate that almost all the puzzle pieces made in the world are cut out of the same cutting blades. A puzzle for dinosaurs uses the same cutting blade for a Walt Disney Princess puzzle. And because of this, the puzzle piece shapes are identical. If you are not careful, you can (if you were careless) mix the puzzle boxes together and create a mess.

You would need to be very creative in assembling the puzzle. But no matter how hard you try, it will not be what was intended. And we see that all the time with some really bizarre stories that have been popularized in American media.
Such as…
- Robert Kardashian and Ted Cruz are the same person.
- 5G will cause brain cancer.
- Fossilized reptiles are on Mars and are being covered up by the US government.
- Princess Di did not die and is a sexual slave in Saudi Arabia.
And thusly, that methodology is intentionally used when it comes to “news”.
It is important to the PTB that the people are herded together and allow to roam at will within the fencing that they have created. It is important to them that the people are given an overwhelming amount of information so that the people would never be able to see the real and accurate picture of what is going on. People are herd animals, and are being shepherded effectively by others at many levels.
So rather than try to control each and every item of information, real or not, the control lies in the dissemination of the news. The objective is to maintain a fragmentation of news so that it is difficult to piece together the actual situation(s) and what is going on.
How the “news” is disseminated
So, let’s consider how the “news” is disseminated.
In short, and in America, there are three major groupings of “news”. It is pretty well established now, and came about sometime in the middle 1990’s. The groups are…
- Mainstream media (also known as “traditional” media).
- Alt-Right (with such notable personalities and Rush Limbaugh and FOX News)
- Alt-Left (with examples being and the Huffington Post.)
Additionally, over the last ten years these media outlets have splinted off some rather “extreme” outlets which include…
- Hard-Right (Such as Alex Jones and Hall Turner).
- Hard-Left (Such as Current Affairs.)
And in general, you can be well assured that the United States government has control of all the major “players” in these dissemination venues. Because by controlling them, they can control what you (the people) read, consume, and believe.

This level of control is absolute. I was first exposed to it when I noticed that my Metallicman postings to Free Republic (an Alt-Right website) were deleted without notice, and then I was banned without care or concern that I had over 10,000 posted articles over a 20 year time span. The reason? My articles no longer fit in the “ideal desired” framework.
Anyone who has tried to run through the gauntlet of publishers to get their book or manuscript published, or had an article or two rejected by someone can well understand this horror.
The PTB, through the United States government, controls the dissemination of articles and “news” through approved and heavily monitored venues. If you are unable to fit within the “approved guidelines for content” you will not be able to publish.
In my case, the reason that I was banned was that I (tried to) post an article that said that the “pro-Democracy” riots in HK were NID / NED sponsored, and that the Chinese have the entire city bugged. They know who is doing what, why and when, and unless the United States stops and reassess their position, they will forever lose access to Hong Kong as a staging location for international bedevilment.
What happened?
Did I call it, or what?
But that is not want the United States government wants the citizen-cattle to be exposed to. They are not to be exposed to “news” and information. They are to be manipulated and cajoled. And at that time, the sole purpose of the Alt-Right “news” venues was to enrage the American population to hate China, so that they can be justified in having a long drawn out hot war with them.
And how do they do this…
The various media groups establish a pre-defined narrative that they harp on continuously over and over…
Actually, it’s numerous narratives.
When Trump was elected in 2016, he was a walking “soapbox” of Alt-Right narratives.
- Hillary Clinton is corrupt.
- The “invasion” of the South Americans is stealing “our” jobs.
- China is ripping us off blindly and we must do something!
And when he came into office, he tried to implement policies that reflected the alt-Right narratives.

The thing is that the various groups (mainstream, alt-right, alt-left, etc.) only concentrate on the things that will maintain their audiences. If it lies outside of what the audience wants to hear, it is ignored or suppressed. This is necessary. Because if they didn’t do that they risk losing their audience, and thus their customer base for their advertising supporters.
So the media outlets do not want “the truth”. They want to package information (correct or lies) and sell it (via advertising revenue) to a voracious audience. Which is why I always say that…
The worst and most dangerous propaganda is that which we want to believe.
And this environment, when you have individuals that only listen to alt-left, or alt-right, or hard-right news…
…end up living inside an “echo chamber”, where they only hear what they want to hear.
The echo chamber in politics refers to a group of people who share the same political views. In this group, forum or arena, they share their identical views with each other while at the same time condemn other views regardless as to whether they have a point. In America, for example, people who are very conservative (e.g. a lot of Republicans aged 70 or older) watch Fox News on TV while many liberals (young Democrats, for example) read things like the New York Times or Los Angeles Times or A lot of these people stay in their echo chamber and never mix with others. As a result and in consequence, over a long period of time, they no longer understand each other at all. Or, worse, some begin to hate each other. The upshot is, people become intolerant of each other, be it due to party affiliation, religion, skin color, sexual orientation or what have you. Society as a whole becomes divided and fragmented. Tensions ensue and, needless to say, any social progress becomes difficult of accomplishment in this type of environment. Yes, but what does “echo chamber” mean exactly? Oh, an echo chamber is originally a hollow room (chamber) used to produce reverberated sounds (echoes), usually for recording purposes. In this enclosed room, if you make a sound, this sound will, like a ball bouncing off the walls and the floor, reverberate, producing echoes. In other words, you hear the same sound again and again. Hence and therefore in a political echo chamber, you hear the same arguments over and over again, ad infinitum. Or ad nauseam because, as a matter of fact, echo-chamber arguments can become nauseating. -Echo Chamber?
But what happens when a person is exposed to ideas that lie outside of the various “bubbles” or “echo chambers” that exist? What happens when, by accident, they hear something, or read something as resonates with them? What then?
Stepping outside the echo chamber…
You step outside the echo chamber.

They will discover something unique and special.
And they will become excited.
They will try to find other information that would confirm their beliefs and associations, and they would go through all sorts of websites and news organizations to do so. But they will be disappointed. They won’t find much of anything.
That is because the information that lies outside of those approved narratives are very difficult to find, and very difficult to accept.
And this will cause them to question themselves, and when they mention their discoveries to others, they will be shocked at how contrary others are regarding their discoveries. And while they might go along with the opinions of others, for the most part they will keep their thoughts to themselves.
And start putting the puzzle pieces together.
Putting the pieces together.
Normally, it’s difficult to see patterns in all the jumbled mess. You see an incident here, and then hear of another one there, and then you remember an article from a few years back, and then this other event reminds you of…
You start putting things together.
But it is only when you put a large number of events together, and compare it with historical incidents, do you actually start to see what is going on…
- COVID-19 is an American bio-weapons attack on China. The seventh in three years.
- America is embroiled in more than just a Hybrid-War with China, it’s readying for World War III on the expectation that it will win and completely destroy China.
- The 50 million year old hammer is a marine shell-fish dislodging tool.
- The bronze hand bell depicts a midget-sized mantid-like insect wearing clothing.
To give a few selected examples.
In the examples above, you can see that that study of the issues (per article) goes far, far beyond the typical three paragraph narrative so popular in the various news outlets. It involves a study of all elements of the issue, and then places them in context.
This is what discernment is.
A detailed study of an issue within context.
But how do you do that?
How do you put the pieces together?
The way to put all the pieces together is to use history, education, the known sciences and then work outward. I suppose that politics is as good as a place (as any) to start with.
It usually starts where two or twelve elements of “news” seemingly resembles something else. It could be an item, a person, a statement, or an event from history.

The discerning individual would see that while the situation is different, there are fundamental elements that stay the same. Such as (for instance) how the United States today closely resembles the fall of Rome…
- The US is Doomed to Repeat the Same Fate as The Roman …
- Does the United States today resemble the fall of the …
- 8 striking parallels between the U.S. and the Roman Empire …
- America now looks like Rome before the fall of the Republic
When read together, striking parallels emerge -- between our failings and the failings that destroyed the Roman Republic. As with Rome just before the Republic's fall, America has seen: 1 -- Staggering Increase in the Cost of Elections, with Dubious Campaign Funding Sources: Our 2012 election reportedly cost $3 billion. All of it was raised from private sources - often creating the appearance, or the reality, that our leaders are beholden to special interest groups. During the late Roman Republic, elections became staggeringly expensive, with equally deplorable results. Caesar reportedly borrowed so heavily for one political campaign, he feared he would be ruined, if not elected. 2 -- Politics as the Road to Personal Wealth: During the late Roman Republic period, one of the main roads to wealth was holding public office, and exploiting such positions to accumulate personal wealth. As Lessig notes: Congressman, Senators and their staffs leverage their government service to move to private sector positions - that pay three to ten times their government compensation. Given this financial arrangement, "Their focus is therefore not so much on the people who sent them to Washington. Their focus is instead on those who will make them rich." (Republic Lost) 3 -- Continuous War: A national state of security arises, distracting attention from domestic challenges with foreign wars. Similar to the late Roman Republic, the US - for the past 100 years -- has either been fighting a war, recovering from a war, or preparing for a new war: WW I (1917-18), WW II (1941-1945), Cold War (1947-1991), Korean War (1950-1953), Vietnam (1953-1975), Gulf War (1990-1991), Afghanistan (2001-ongoing), and Iraq (2003-2011). And, this list is far from complete. 4 -- Foreign Powers Lavish Money/Attention on the Republic's Leaders: Foreign wars lead to growing influence, by foreign powers and interests, on the Republic's political leaders -- true for Rome and true for us. In the past century, foreign embassies, agents and lobbyists have proliferated in our nation's capital. As one specific example: A foreign businessman donated $100 million to Bill Clinton's various activities. Clinton "opened doors" for him, and sometimes acted in ways contrary to stated American interests and foreign policy. 5 -- Profits Made Overseas Shape the Republic's Internal Policies: As the fortunes of Rome's aristocracy increasingly derived from foreign lands, Roman policy was shaped to facilitate these fortunes. American billionaires and corporations increasingly influence our elections. In many cases, they are only nominally American - with interests not aligned with those of the American public. For example, Fox News is part of international media group News Corp., with over $30 billion in revenues worldwide. Is Fox News' jingoism a product of News Corp.'s non-U.S. interests? 6 -- Collapse of the Middle Class: In the period just before the Roman Republic's fall, the Roman middle class was crushed -- destroyed by cheap overseas slave labor. In our own day, we've witnessed rising income inequality, a stagnating middle class, and the loss of American jobs to overseas workers who are paid less and have fewer rights. 7 -- Gerrymandering: Rome's late Republic used various methods to reduce the power of common citizens. The GOP has so effectively gerrymandered Congressional districts that, even though House Republican candidates received only about 48 percent of the popular vote in the 2012 election -- they ended up with the majority (53 percent) of the seats. 8 -- Loss of the Spirit of Compromise: The Roman Republic, like ours, relied on a system of checks and balances. Compromise is needed for this type of system to function. In the end, the Roman Republic lost that spirit of compromise, with politics increasingly polarized between Optimates (the rich, entrenched elites) and Populares (the common people). Sound familiar? Compromise is in noticeably short supply in our own time also. For example, "There were more filibusters between 2009 and 2010 than there were in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s combined." As Benjamin Franklin observed, we have a Republic -- but only if we can keep it. -8 striking parallels between the U.S. and the Roman Empire
And one you come up with a theory, it becomes easier and easier to find details that fit in with your premise. And also… ones that do not.
But you know, not everyone will welcome your conclusions.
New ideas = Bad
Most people do not want their illusions shattered. They want to believe what they believe. And even if what they believe is something horrible and disgusting, they will hold on to it like tar on a baby.

Just because you see something, doe not mean that the rest of the world can see it as well. The fact is, that you have now walked through a very special door. It is the door of the outcast, and the pariah. And as such, your happiness will be wholly dependent on how quiet you are and whether or not you “upset the apple cart”.
To spoil or disrupt a plan or arrangement. This great idiom originated as "upset the cart" and it has been in use since Roman times which has similar meaning: "mess up the whole thing" though, the exact dates of this phrase were from the late 1700s. So, this idiom is originally derived from a Roman phrase "upset the cart" and it is to be believed that later, it becomes "upset the applecart". Source:
But that doesn’t matter.
You just need to understand things as you see fit. it is not your job, or business or concern what others might think.
So you fill in the blank spots.
And a full pattern emerges.
As you work the various puzzle pieces, you will start to see an entire puzzle. And things will start to make a lot of sense to you.

Of course there will always be areas that you will not be able to “fill in the blacks” with. And there will always be questions about the picture that you are able to compile and compose.
I advise keeping your discoveries to yourself. You certainly don’t need any aggravation. Right?
The trolls, whether paid (many actually are), ‘bots, bored youth, or just assholes, will do everything they can to disparage your ideas, your thoughts and your presentation.
One of the biggest things that they will try to do (and it is often successful) is to argue that you don’t have all the information…
The “you don’t have enough information” argument.
Oh those funny and silly guys; always trying to yell down and disparage that which they do not understand. Here is one of their techniques. And, it is, indeed a powerful technique. This is quite often used by disinformation organizations, as well as individuals. Here, in this method, they avoid the key and important issues. They do this by requiring opponents to solve the incident or question at hand completely. They demand that this be done immediately, at hand, on the spot. It is absolutely ridiculous. But that is what happens. It is rude; impossible to comply to, and insulting. But is is a very common techniques.
Here is an example for this. It was found in an Internet debate over a subject inquiring “how the Universe came to be”:
“…It can also be noted that evolutionists only discuss this subject in the broadest terms. If evolution is true, why don’t they give us answers to our many questions? Where did all the 90-plus elements (iron, barium, calcium, silver, nickel, neon, chlorine, etc.) come from? How do you explain the precision in the design of the elements, with increasing numbers of electrons in orbit around the nucleus? Where did the thousands of compounds we find in the world come from—carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, calcium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, oxalic acid, chlorophyll, sucrose, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, aluminum silicate, mercaptans, propane, silicon dioxide, boric acid, etc. come from?
This list continues from the macro of “where did the Universe come from”, if not from (the huge) divine intervention down to the (smallest detail) the micro of every detail of minutia of the Universe.

In reality, as in my case, no one ever has “complete solutions”, we can only provide glimpses into specific details or a very broad overview of a given situation, abet in a blurred and unfocused manner. This is, such as what I provide here. You will find no exact and greatly detailed solutions or details, as that would thwart 99% of the core readership and simply regulate this manuscript into the heaps of obscurity.
Ah, but it’s just a tool of argument.
Do not get caught up in the techniques of disparagement
Just don’t. For you own sanity. Don’t.

You will have more than enough information.
And with the information that you have, you will be able to see other trends and other patterns and other information.
And as you do so…
You can pretty much expect people to attack you, your thoughts, and your conclusions. And they will use all sorts of techniques.
- Top 10 Argument Techniques (That Ruin Arguments For …
- Argumentative Techniques « Argument at UC Berkeley
- 6 Toxic Arguing Techniques Used by Narcissists and …
- 6 Powerful Social Media Persuasion Techniques : Social …
And you will start to have doubts.
Seriously, that is the reason behind this. It is to make you doubt your ideas, your conclusions and your process.
So, for the purposes of YOUR sanity, keep in mind…
You will never have the full picture.
You never will.
So forget about perfection. It’s an unobtainable objective.
Perfection is not possible. Perfection is an age-old myth that creates more pain than joy, more confusion than calm, more angst than creative productivity. Being perfect is a farcical fantasy that distracts us from being present. Constantly driving toward perfection creates a sort of black and white, all or nothing perspective that invariably leaves us colorblind. We are forced to forget the beauty that lies between failure and perfection if we think in such binary terms, if we uphold one way of being as the gold standard… a myopic worldview bound to disappoint.
Perfection is not possible.

Why Perfection is Not Possible Striving, in and of itself, can be chock-full of rewarding jubilant health. It’s when we chase perfection with tunnel vision as if it’s the only option that we drain our life force. When we strive for excellence while acknowledging our humanity we are less likely to plummet into a dark depression if things don’t turn out as we originally planned. It is maladaptive perfectionism that sets the stage for inevitable failure whereas adaptive standards for high achievement can result in productivity and a measured response when ideals are not attained. Finding the beauty in not being perfect, or in imperfection, means we are taking an active role in changing the polarizing zeitgeist. The roots of perfectionistic characteristics begin to loosen as we explore basic aspects of identity, such as self-esteem, groundedness, and what it means to be imperfect. We dare to step into our own humanity and experiment with what it feels like to walk away from self-doubt and loathing. Striving toward understanding who we are and why we are who we are might reveal pockets of enlivening imperfection—a textured humanness that is refreshingly real and surprisingly interesting. It is a revolutionary act to embrace who we are, just as we are. -Dr. Jessica Zucker is a clinical psychologist specializing in women’s reproductive and maternal mental health. She has a Los Angeles based practice and is a prolific writer and speaker in the areas of women’s health.
What you need to do is be able to see the patterns in what ever you have stitched and pieced together. Then, by using personal examples, or historical examples, you will be able to see the big picture.
And it will be a glorious moment.

And you shouldn’t need to worry about what others might think. They are not you. They have their own ideas, ways of doing things, and thoughts. There might be a singular issue (like a swear word, for instance), or a misunderstanding regarding their religion (“blowing up mud huts” might anger a person from a poor, rural nation), or some other trigger often hidden deep down inside.
So stop allowing others to define your reality, or control your thoughts.
They will not be able to see what you can do.
Here’s my “rule of thumb”…
If they can correctly guess the color of your underwear, they are permitted to hear your thoughts. If not, then they are not worthy.
The world is filled with all sorts of people. Everyone is different. And that is a good, no it is a great thing.

Know what you can control and what you cannot.
If you are unable to correctly guess the color of the underwear of the person that you are talking with, then they are not deserving of your counsel.
It’s a pretty good rule, I think.
It’s important to be open minded to thoughts and ideas, for that is how you are able to expand your picture and your ideas. And that is what you WANT. What you don’t want is to waste your time on the echo-chamber narratives that have saturated the various media outlets. For not only do they irritate, but they distract and waste your time.
Over the years, I have found that when it comes to being receptive to ideas and perspectives other than their own, most people gravitate toward one of these tendencies: A need for the opinions of others. These individuals have not yet learned to value their own ideas and viewpoints. They are especially vulnerable to being swayed by others. When asked, they have a hard time expressing their own beliefs and convictions. A rejection of the opinions of others. People in this category are generally high achievers who have worked very hard to get where they are in life. For some they view not having all the answers as a weakness, and their ego guards against this by rejecting the ideas of others. For others their egos are so big, they think they know it all, and just aren’t open to the ideas of others. If they do listen, they place little value on what’s being said. An interest in the opinions of others. Striking a balance between those who rely too heavily on the ideas of others and those who reject the opinions of others, these individuals welcome collaboration and actively seek it out. They understand the benefits of the wisdom that comes from the life experiences of others. These people would participate well on any type of team. What’s important to realize is that whatever your natural tendency may be, it is possible to learn to appreciate the ideas of others. When you do, you’ll find that your ability to envision and implement new ideas will flourish and you’ll build stronger relationships in the process. Let’s take a look at how this works. -Be Open to the Ideas of Others
Not everyone will understand, though…
Some will use techniques to drive your off track.
I don’t know why this it, but it’s a common enough “thing”. There are others that will purposefully argue that you are missing a “key element” of the picture and that you need to to be able to reach the kinds of conclusions that you are working towards.
They might use “Gaslighting”…
“Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of psychological abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim. Sociopaths and narcissists frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but typically are also charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.”
Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by. Here is a response to an article I found on the Internet regarding witnesses recanting their testimony in a famous Brazilian UFO case:
“This is absolutely preposterous. The amount of evidence about the Varginha Case, including thousands of hours of investigations by a few dozen men, and hundreds interviews with witnesses, such as the military who did the capture, guarantee otherwise completely. You are basing most of the story on Badan Palhares account. Amazing. Would you expect that he confirms that he dealt with alien corpses? Come on?!”
This comment came from an editor of Brazilian UFO magazine. Does he have an agenda to keep the question of this case open?

There’s often a reason behind all of this.
And in itself, the arguments against what picture that you are trying to piece together might themselves open you up to some very interesting venues of investigation. You never know.
There are many, many arguments that a person can use, and in general the best thing is to keep your thoughts to yourself and live life as the best you can. Just know that many others have agendas, and thoughts and often you are unaware of them. Just like they are unaware of the color of your underwear.
“When a wise man points out the moon, an imbecile examines the finger.” -Confucius
In all cases remember what you are doing, and why. Accept information as best you can and be open to new ideas. Try your best to de-emotionalize the content and just look at things as objectively as possible, and don’t get too caught up in all the distortions, lies, and confusion. Life is far too short.

So with all of that in mind, let’s get to our final conclusion…
The key to understanding your reality and your place in this universe is to [1] observe and [2] read everything. Be like a sponge and get as much information as you can, and when you are ready, start putting the pieces together. At first it will look like a big mess, but you will start to sift though the lies and get to the nuggets, and then you can start fitting the puzzle pieces together.
Look for coincidences.
- Six brand new, never before seen, viruses that attack livestock were discovered in China during a two year time period. Very unusual. Very odd.
- Drones were spreading the lethal virus(es). Very, very odd.
- A bat-coin minted and released in America just when a “bat originated” COVID-19 is raging though China as a pandemic. Unusual.
- A COVID-19 license plate in an abandoned BMW at an airport BEFORE the COVID-19 even existed. Very incredulously odd.
You look for strange coincidences that point to other suggested events.
And most ESPECIALLY look for things that have zero coverage. Things that have “dropped off the radar”. Things that the PTB want to keep suppressed.
- The Oxia Palus facility.
Don’t worry too much what other people think or say. Just gather the information as you feel the need. And look way outside of the normal venues. remember that long before the “Alt-right” came into existence it was the Drudge Report that discovered the “blue stain” on the dress of Bill Clinton’s Intern.

Remember, that we are all on the same side. Left, right, or center and anything in between. Most of us want justice, to be left alone to live life as we choose, and hate bad people doing bad things. It’s that we just differ in what information that we have at our fingertips.
Good and happy hunting.
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