Jesus. American Senators are actively discussing United States military fighting one-on-one against the Russians in the Ukraine. I swear. The United States is ruled by fools, ignorant lunatics, and psychopathic evil demons. It is. Seriously. I do not know which rock these people crawled out of, but they have no fucking idea what they are dealing with.
War with Russia is not going to be anything like the US Senate assumes it will be like.
And I have to tell you all, after watching the video that I am presenting below, if you are not getting sweat on your brow then something is wrong with you.
This is a very, very dangerous situation that the United States is playing around with. They are NOT taking it seriously.
They are not listening.
The are ignoring every single warning sign.

No one in the United States media; it’s leadership, and it’s public is taking Russia and China seriously.
I am talking about stable, thoughtful and reasonable discussions designed to reduce tensions, and create mutually agreeable solutions for everyone involved.
That is not happening.
Asia has no problem with reducing the United States into a glowing ember.
And anyone, anyone at all who cannot see the dangerous folly in this, deserves to suffer the fate that they are creating.
Here we are going to use history to predict what will come next in the world of Geo-politics.
Washington needs to be on the front-lines. Not Ukraine.
And, if we use historical trends, then that is exactly what will happen.

We begin with this to set the pace.
Tucker seems to be the only voice of reason amongst a lot of warmongers. If the US start fighting Russian aircraft over Ukraine this act will mean WWIII, the next devastating war in Europe but this time with nuclear weapons. Tucker is the only one who sees this imminent danger and dares to speak out against it. I really do hope he will continue to do so. -Joe Fairdin
Please watch this video. It is critical that you watch this short video because this entire article is a reaction to this particular video.
It’s horrific.
Tucker Carlson reports that the United States Senate is completely willing to go to war against Russia. And all the neocon senators (Republican and Democrat) believe that it will be [1] conventional, and [2] limited to Ukraine.
That’s a pretty big fucking assumption.

War will not be limited to the Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a televised address today, and basically spoke to the world regarding the events taking place in Ukraine and the economic fallout being blamed on it.
Putin said Moscow offered the Ukrainian authorities not to engage in hostilities, if they withdrew troops from the Donbass, but they did not want to.
He went on to say the special military operation is going well and according to plan.
Here is a machine translation from Boris Rozhin (aka Colonel Cassad): (only partial extracts from the full transcript, slight English editing by MM.)
The operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine is developing successfully, strictly in accordance with plans. The tactics of the Russian Defense Ministry in Ukraine have fully justified themselves, everything is being done to avoid civilian casualties. Before the operation began, Moscow offered Kiev to withdraw troops from Donbass, but they refused. All the tasks necessary will certainly be solved. If Russian troops had stopped at the borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, this would not have been the final solution, it would not have removed the threat to Russia. Russia is not going to occupy Ukraine. There was no necessitated need to storm the major cities. The strike on Donetsk on March 14 is a bloody terrorist attack. Russia will not allow Ukraine to remain a springboard for anti-Russian actions. The whole planet has to pay for the ambitions of the West, the myth of the “golden billion” is collapsing.
The “golden billion” is Russian slang. золотой миллиард. It means the relatively wealthy people found in the Western nations. It refers to the “middle class” that live in nice homes, drive nice cars, and are affluent.
The West is trying to convince its citizens that their difficulties are the result of Russia’s actions, but this is a lie. Sanctions against the Russian Federation are hitting the Europeans and Americans themselves, “it is not necessary to shift from a sick head to a healthy one.”
The Russian President pointed out that Western patrons are pushing Kyiv to continue the bloodshed, by supplying weapons, intelligence, and sending mercenaries.
Не стоит переходить от больной головы к здоровой is an idiom that translates to “it is not necessary to shift from a sick head to a healthy one.”
Many people have the bad habit of blaming others for their own faults. As a result, they do not know how to accept their own mistakes and are accustomed to blaming others for their troubles. The Russian idiom “to fall from a sick head to a healthy one.” refers to this behavioral aberration.
The US and the EU actually defaulted on their obligations to Russia, freezing its reserves – now everyone knows that the state’s reserves can simply be stolen. Russia – unlike Western countries – will respect the right of ownership. Arrests of foreign assets of the Russian Federation and business – a lesson for Russian entrepreneurs, there is nothing more reliable than investments at home We now know who cowardly betrayed their partners and failed to fulfill their obligations to employees. Trying to “cancel” Russia, the West has torn off all the masks of decency. I am sure that after blocking the accounts of the Russian Federation in the West, many countries will convert their reserves into goods, which will increase the deficit. It is obvious that the current events draw a line under the global dominance of Western countries, both in politics and in the economy. Moreover, they themselves question the economic model that has been imposed on developing countries in recent decades. Yes, in general, the whole world.
The actions of the United States are being viewed by the rest of the world. That in turn will influence their decisions on using the USD, adopting American “protections” and placing their systems under the umbrella of the United States government.
I emphasize that the sanctions obsession of the United States and its supporters is not shared by countries where more than half of the world’s population lives. It is these states that represent the fastest growing, most promising part of the global economy, including Russia. The “empire of lies” of the West is powerless against truth and justice, Russia will continue to bring its position to the whole world The West relies on the fifth column, national traitors, such mentally are there, in the West, and not in Russia. The West is trying to split our society, speculating on combat losses, on the consequences of sanctions. The people will be able to distinguish patriots from scum and traitors and just spit them out like a fly that accidentally flew in. The natural self-purification of society will strengthen our country.
Most interestingly, Putin pointed out a network of a dozen laboratories operated in Ukraine, where military biological programs were carried out with the financial support of the United States Military.
These included experiments with samples of coronavirus, anthrax, cholera, African swine fever. He went on to say authorities in Ukraine are now strenuously trying to cover up traces of these programs.
Speaking to the world, he said
"I want ordinary citizens of Western states to hear me too. They are now trying to convince you that all your difficulties are the result of some hostile actions of Russia; That from your wallet you need to pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat. It's all a lie! And the truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of years of actions by the ruling elites in the West. Their mistakes, myopia and ambitions. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens, they are obsessed with their selfish interests and super profits."
Putin also spoke about his future plans for Ukraine, saying
"The appearance of Russian troops near Kiev and other Ukrainian cities is not connected with a desire to occupy Ukraine, Russia has no such goal. All tasks assigned in the special military operation will certainly be completed; We had no other option to ensure the security of Russia."
He laid out what is going on and why. He identified who started the war and why. He elaborated on the extent of Russian involvement and narrated the need for the West to stop now before things get bad.
In short. Russia is ready for war.
Economic. Military. Social. Financial. Scientific. In every way.
I would just add “better late than never”!
Now, let me be perfectly clear. It will NOT be limited to Ukraine. Both Putin and Xi Peng know where all the warmongering originates. They will not allow proxy wars on their borders.
The United States as a weed-filled garden
From Amerka…
Many still do not understand that we are already deeply in decay. Two groups immediately spring up once we realize we are in decay: the standard lazy-stupid human “wow it’s all doomed, no point in doing anything” response, and the “we must cling to what we still have” group. The latter sort of get it, but not fully. If you have a garden and are sent out of town for a few months, you will return to a ruin. Overgrown with weeds, ridden with rotted plants, layered in dead leaves, and possibly now inhabited by wild animals, your garden is a working model of nature (which itself models a fully complex system fairly well, so you can draw parallels to any situation of sufficient complexity via this model). In all situations, your approach is the same: remove parasites and unwanted plants, remove the sick, clean up the mess, and nurture the health of those plants you want. Weeding is, if viewed properly, a tragedy. Here I am on my hands and knees, yanking out grasses, clover, dandelion, and broadleaf that I would otherwise be very happy to see on the edge of a forest where I could selectively harvest them, dandelion for tea, clover for poultice, and broadleaf for salad. And yet, if I want the tomatoes, eggplant, onions, peppers, chives, garlic, stringbeans, cabbage, and mustard to thrive, I need to yank out these otherwise functional plants — now categorized as “weeds” — and allow the plants I need to take up the sunlight, water, space, and fertilizer that otherwise would be siphoned off by the others. Weeds, by the way, show us economics in action. Even a five percent loss of inputs — the sunlight, water, dirt, and nutrition mentioned above — to weeds or bad plant placement can reduce a crop by half. That may not matter so much for ornamental gardens, but if you plan to feed your family with those plants, it is instantly a very big deal. Gardens separate humanity into two groups, much as society does. On one side you have the realists, who recognize that whatever must be done to make the garden grow to the maximum should be done; this is a morality of realism, or reality first. The other side consists of both liberals and religious conservatives. They talk about what should be done, and from that list, want to select the methods that can be used in the garden. This is classic Control: exclude any methods that are unwanted, and then by managing the methods used by others, create an external situation designed to manage human inner mental state. Instead of self-control and positive motivation, you have negative motivation (political correctness, Biblical morality, social disapproval, shareholder revolt) paired to external control, with the idea that you will have no inner structure whatsoever because you have given it all up for the mental comfort of the group. In this way, our morality comes down to two forms. The realists figure for ends-over-means, signifying that what should be done is what is functional; the humanists look toward means-over-ends, proclaiming what should be done and then trying to shoehorn function into what is left. All humanist groups eventually become narcissistic, solipsistic, and egotistic like the Communists and, by catering to every human, provide for none, and self-destruct. Democracy just takes a slightly slower boat especially when mediated by capitalism as it has been in America. Europe has doomed itself by neutering itself; as the Russian military struggles through Ukraine, we might all reflect that this shows us Europe before Genghis Khan’s Mongols arrived: so accustomed to our own battles that we downgraded to an efficient optimum and equilibrium, we were unprepared for anyone using other tactics, even if these were widely known. Contemporary Europe, like the Russian army, has downgraded itself to meet the threats it likely faces, all of whom are sickened by the same weeds of socialism and diversity, not the Black Swan threat it should prepare for since that will be its test of survival. This means that democracy has reached its endgame. The weeds have won; a third of the garden is growing random plants that serve none of our purposes, and the others have accepted a life of taking less and producing less, year after year, hastening our inevitable Soviet-style decline when our system can no longer produce what we need.
The result of the USA-China meeting in Italy
U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, warned Beijing it would “absolutely” face consequences if it helped Moscow evade sweeping sanctions over the war in Ukraine. Unnamed US “Officials” stated that “Russia asked China for military equipment after its Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine”. This report was catagorically denied by the Chinese government.
Personally, I can’t figure out (for the life of me) what military weapons that China could possibly provide Russia. Only the ignorant would believe that Russia and China use the same weapons.
But a lie, is a lie, is a lie. And since it is coming out of Washington DC, you can expect it to be a BIG lie.
Jake Sullivan (according to the United States “news” media), started mapping out the consequences and growing isolation China would face globally if it maintains its support of Russia.

Or so the media narrative went.
The purpose, supposedly, for the meeting is that the United States was to warn China not to support, help, or trade with Russia. If it does, then bad things will result.
“Bad things”.
After the meeting, the United States media hardly said a peep about what transpired. All it said is that the meeting lasted seven hours. Nothing else.
The Chinese media, however, was very clear.
China said no.
Then no again.
Then again, no, and then No, get out of my face.
Followed by no, and know who the fuck you are dealing with.
The USA failed, and China would not be intimated. Here’s the best summary that I could find on the Internet. You-Tube. Great video.

Curious Coincidence
Immediately after the failed USA-China negotiations in Italy, China was hit with a very lethal strain of Coronavirus.
Shenzhen is under full and absolute lockdown.Same with a number of other cities including Shanghai, Danguang, and Wenzhou.
No one is moving. HK has hospitals overflowing, and the entire nation is swabbing the population multiple times. I myself, have already had three swabs in the last 48 hours.
It’s a good thing that China is still at DEFCON 2.
Major coronavirus outbreaks in multiple locations at ports and entry cities. All coordinated at the same time, all after failed negotiations with the United States. What a coincidence.
Imagine that!
Chinese aide to Russia
Here’s a comparison between facts, and the resulting distortions.
To China, the relations between China and Russia is absolute and necessary.
Where Russia is like the teeth. And China is like the lip.
If the lip is damaged, the teeth will be exposed to the harsh world without protection.
Thus, the wellbeing of Russia is a life and death issue for China.
I am in no doubt that China will stand side by side with Russia in the 21st century facing off against the dying United States military empire.
Spokesperson for Chinese mission to the EU answers a question about NATO leader’s remarks about China
According to reports, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said yesterday that any Russian support, military support or any other support, will actually help Russia wage a brutal war. A war against an independent sovereign state, Ukraine, and help them continue to wage a war that brings death, suffering and great destruction. He also stated that China, as a member of the UN Security Council, has an obligation to actually uphold and abide by international law and join the rest of the world in condemning the Russian invasion. What is your comment?
We have taken note of the relevant comments. The Chinese can fully understand the pain and suffering of other countries because we will never forget who blew up our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We don't need lectures on justice from a violator of international law. As a remnant of the Cold War and the world's largest military alliance, NATO continues to expand its geography and range of operations. What role has it played in bringing peace and stability to the world? NATO needs to think carefully.
Deleted Web Page Shows Obama Plan to Build BioLab for ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’ in Ukraine
Charlie Kirk
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Former President Barack Obama was a part of an agreement that allowed for the construction of Biolabs in Ukraine that handle “especially dangerous pathogens.”
The discovery was made after a deleted web page was discovered by The National Pulse.
This discovery comes on the same day that Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told the US Senate that the Biden Administration was worried about potential bioweapon research facilities being taken by Russian troops as the conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate following Russia’s invasion.
The article, titled “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” goes into how Obama helped negotiate the construction of a level-3 biosafety lab in Odessa, a city that has already seen conflict. Obama did so during his time serving as an Illinois Senator.
The article reads:
U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odesa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists. The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens. “The continuing cooperation of Nunn-Lugar partners has improved safety for all people against weapons of mass destruction and potential terrorist use, in addition to advancements in the prevention of pandemics and public health consequences,” Lugar said. Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials. Lugar and Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S and Ukrainian researchers that year in an effort to study and help prevent avian flu. The Nunn-Lugar Act, which established the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, was established in 1991. Since that time it has provided funding and assistance to help the former Soviet Union dismantle and safeguard large stockpiles of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. The program has also been responsible for destroying chemical weapons in Albania, Lugar said.
Another document by the BioWeapons Prevention Project breaks down in detail which pathogens are in the bio lab. Ebola and other “viruses of pathogenicity group II by using of virology, molecular, serological and express methods” are listed.
Victoria Nuland
[1] Responsible for the bioweapons in the Ukraine. [2] Admitted that they are in the Ukraine. [3] Agrees that the Ukraine is a war zone, but any problems with them are Russias fault.Weak-wristed loser pointing fingers at others for her very own actions.

The Burning Platform on the madness that has gripped the United States
From Here.
When Machiavelli wrote The Prince he had Vladimir Putin in mind. The president of Russia has adroitly sought, maintained, and used power, the theme of Machiavelli’s masterpiece (see “The Black Belt Strategist,” Robert Gore. SLL, July 19, 2018). That he is an amoral snake is both true and laughable as a criticism coming from the amoral snakes who populate Western power structures. Nobody who slithers to the top of those pits is anything other than an amoral snake. Western snakes hate Putin because he’s repeatedly outsnaked them.
Call Putin a rattlesnake for he clearly rattled before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
That he was ignored is a worrisome indication of the epistemological breakdown that grips the West.
Its leaders are unable to grasp that Putin meant what he said.
That is because those in the West rarely mean what they say.
Facts are not facts and the truth is whatever narrative they’re promoting at the moment. It’s become axiomatic that power flows from control of the narrative.
Until it doesn’t.
Power flows from understanding reality and making use of what it can offer.
If narratives were power, Ukraine’s army would be in Moscow by now.
We haven’t seen this kind of excessive excrement from governments and their media minions since . . . Covid. Narratives are for simple-minded sheep and the wolves who devour them.
The propaganda is devoid of any mention of:
- The 2014 U.S.-sponsored coup against a democratically elected government;
- rampant corruption within the Ukrainian oligarchy;
- Ukranian payola to American political figures (e.g., the Bidens and Clintons);
- widespread neo-Nazi infestation of Ukraine’s military and government;
- their eight-year war on its Russian-heritage citizens in eastern Ukraine;
- the government’s willful failure to adhere to the Minsk accords that were meant to resolve that conflict, or the latest—
- U.S. built, funded, and staffed, bioresearch labs in Ukraine.
Simply trying to find accurate information about the military situation in Ukraine is virtually impossible amidst the propaganda onslaught and the censoring or shutting down of Russian information sources.
Previous wars have featured regular press updates and maps that detailed the situation on the ground, that is, reality.
Not this one.
No matter how loathsome the opponents, it’s always a good idea to know what they’re doing and saying, even when its demonstrably untrue.
During the first Cold War the West had armies of analysts studying every scrap of information that came from the Soviet Union.
Now Western leaders and most of the populace are flying blind.
They’re children sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming over anyone saying anything they don’t want to hear.
It’s yet another sign of epistemological breakdown and reflects a terrifying feedback loop. Mental chaos leads to chaos in reality, which leads to more mental chaos and so on.
Trying to explain the Russian position on Ukraine, even when the explanation is festooned with disclaimers that it’s not a justification of the invasion or Putin, is as useless as trying to explain the dangers of Covid vaccines. This is true, even by doctors and scientists who have promoted vaccines their entire careers and who have had the Covid vaccines themselves. The children have their masks jabs, and boosters, they’re waving the blue and gold. You’re antivax, pro-Putin, and must be canceled immediately—that’s it, end of story.
This childishness can only lead to disaster.
Which has arrived on multiple fronts.
Russia is a net exporter of grain, minerals, metals, oil, and natural gas. The U.S. and non-Russia Europe are net exporters of debt.
The former are exchanged for the latter via the SWIFT inter-bank messaging network, fiat currency and debt’s global circulatory system.
Some Russian banks’ access has been cut off, stopping the flow of debt and the counter flow of Russian exports. Although payments for gas and oil exports have been exempted, Russian oil and gas still trades at a steep discount on fears the exemption will be lifted if the war gets worse.
The exemption reflects Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas.
However, Germany canceled approval for the completed Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia.
The energy situation in Europe was already strained, with natural gas trading at a large premium to the rest of the world.
Renewable energy is meant to replace fossil fuels and nuclear, but solar and wind are intermittent. The stopgap is coal, ironically the dirtiest fuel.
European energy’s shortages and high price hurt the competitiveness of its industries, particularly Germany’s. Stopping Nord Stream 2 exacerbates the problem.
Biden administration energy policies have shifted towards the same delusory green agenda, making the U.S. an importer again after it had achieved energy self-sufficiency during the Trump years.
Although it’s not a huge percentage of total energy used, the U.S. has been importing Russian oil, gas, and coal, giving Russia additional wherewithal to make war on Ukraine.
Recognizing that awkward fact, the administration banned those imports by executive decree (now the favored form of rule), which will put more pressure on prices from non-Russian energy sources.
Ascending gas prices are not helping the administration politically, notwithstanding its blatant lies that they are due solely to Russia’s invasion. (Prices had almost doubled prior to the invasion.)
The U.S. and Europe’s energy miscues are matched by their financial folly, which amount to children holding their breath until they suffocate and die.
Stopping Russia’s exports via the SWIFT cutoff is severe.
The price of nickel, a big Russian export, recently jumped 250 percent in one day.
Tsingshan Holding Group, a Chinese stainless steel giant whose largest creditor is J.P. Morgan Chase, has a huge short position in nickel. The London Metals Exchange, caught between its own Chinese owners, Tsingshan, and one of the world’s systemically important banks, shut itself down and is trying to undo some trades.
A tentative settlement has been reached, but this kind of mess can reverberate quickly throughout the world’s financial daisy chain, sparking globalized financial meltdown. It certainly doesn’t increase faith in financial clearinghouses.
That’s not the worst of it.
Curtailed access to SWIFT hinders Russian companies’ ability to service their debts.
As with most of the sanctions regime, this hurts Europe the most.
Several of its banks have large exposures to Russia debt, and its banking system was dangerously over-leveraged pre-Ukraine war, much more so than the U.S.’s. Bank insolvencies in Europe could also reverberate across the planet, as mortgage and mortgage-security insolvencies did in the 2007-2009 financial crisis.
Even that’s not the worst of it.
The U.S. and Europe crossed a monumentally important red line when they froze the Russian central bank’s foreign exchange reserves.
The U.S. dollar’s reserve currency status has given the U.S. what’s been called an exorbitant privilege—the world sends it goods in exchange for its fiat currency, of which it can produce unlimited amounts.
Freezing the Russian central bank’s dollar reserves tells the world the reserve currency is no longer a safe haven.
The move is not entirely unprecedented—the U.S. has frozen the Afghanistan and Venezuelan central banks’ reserves—but freezing the reserves of a nuclear power is an order of magnitude greater breach of global financial arrangements and contracts.
Joining Canadian dollar deposits, some of which Justin Trudeau recently froze, U.S. dollar deposits can now be frozen and potentially expropriated on a political whim.
Of course dollars have been stealth-expropriated on political whim via monetary inflation since the Federal Reserve was established in 1913, but this crystalizes the threat that nations who don’t toe the U.S. line will have their dollar reserves stolen.
Russia and China have been reducing their dollar holdings—which they often invested in U.S. Treasury debt—for years, switching to euros, yuan, yen, and gold.
They’ve also created alternatives to SWIFT.
Now that the U.S. government has demonstrated that holding dollar deposits is like caching stores of food in a wolves’ den, this move is sure to accelerate until their dollar holdings are the bare minimum required for international trade.
The Russians have a financial nuclear option.
As exporters of oil, gas, crucial raw materials and industrial goods, they can demand payment in gold rather than in the fiat currencies the U.S. and Europe have now rendered worthless to them.
With this one masterstroke Russia would collapse what Alasdair Macleod calls “the global fiat Ponzi scheme.”
The reserve currency will no longer be a fake money whose value is only maintained by political promises not to produce too much of it.
Gold—real money (see “Real Money,” Robert Gore, SLL, September 9, 2015)—will be restored to the place it has held for centuries as countless government-issued fiat currencies went to their ultimate value: zero.
The current crop of fiat currencies is headed to the same destination, but the Russian nuclear option would bring down the curtain on them once and for all.
Russia and China are both large producers of gold and both their governments have been stockpiling it for years.
The U.S. government reportedly owns 8,000 tons of gold (Russia has a known 2,000 tons and Macleod estimates the Chinese government has 20,000 tons), but those holdings have never been audited and calls to do so have been fiercely resisted. Unknown as well is how much of the U.S. government’s physical gold has been collateralized, leased, or is otherwise tied into derivatives in the paper gold market. Tellingly, the U.S. has discouraged other countries for whom it acts as custodian of their gold reserves from withdrawing them.
War is the ultimate chaos and the Ukraine-Russia war has sparked another upside breakout.
To say [1] that the military situation favors Russia, or that [2] the sanctions against it will end up hurting the U.S. and Europe more than Russia, or that [3] Russia can bring down the global financial system is only to say that one way or another the situation adds to the chaos.
Assuming Russia eventually achieves its military objectives in Ukraine, the U.S. will undoubtedly foment an insurgency by feeding weapons and the usual unacknowledged mix of intelligence spooks, covert military advisors, and private mercenaries into an Ukrainian resistance.
The goal is a long-running and enervating guerrilla war that drains Putin’s support and leads to his ouster.
Cheap Stinger missiles will take out expensive Russian aircraft and cheap Javelin missiles will take out expensive Russian tanks.
The template is the successful mujahideen-led and U.S.-aided war against the Soviet Union from 1979 to 1989 in Afghanistan, often credited with helping bring down the Soviet government two years after its military withdrawal.
Syria may end up as the actual template, an effort by U.S.-aided jihadist groups to regime change that nation’s leader, Bashar al-Assad, which failed after Russia came to Syria’s defense.
Even were that the case, if Putin thinks he can invade Ukraine, impose his objectives, and then withdraw with the country pacified and compliant, he’s as deluded as American schemers have been with all their surgical strikes, covert operations, limited wars, and regime changes since World War II.
Insurgencies are always messy regardless of who “wins.” Ukraine has become another theater for the uncontrollable chaos engulfing the world.
It's a good thing then, that Russia has no plans to stay in the Ukraine. -MM
It’s not hard to imagine what forms further amplification of that chaos might take. Modern agriculture is dependent on energy and fertilizers are made from minerals of which Ukraine and Russia are significant suppliers. Both countries also export grains.
Skyrocketing food prices and famine in some areas loom, and food riots and other forms of civil unrest are sure to follow.
There is no limit to the pandemonium either centralized actors—governments and globalist institutions—or decentralized actors can wreak.
Infrastructure is never completely protected. Electrical grids can be short-circuited, water supplies poisoned, transport and logistics disrupted or destroyed, and the internet sabotaged.
The World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon “simulation” may well be an eerie harbinger of that last possibility, just as its Event 201 in October of 2019 presaged the Covid-19 pandemic.
We’re still early days in chaos’s lengthy run.
Controlling chaos requires energy, resources, and production. While there is no way to determine the mathematical relationship between chaos and control (remember Get Smart?), that it is direct and exponential seems a reasonable hypothesis. Herein lies the contradiction at the heart of the globalist design.
They are fomenting ever-increasing chaos while destroying the energy, resources, and production necessary to control it.
Alexander Putin
Not a happy man. Making hard and difficult decisions while being harrased by a lunitic, out of control, evil psychopathic United States “leadership” cabal. I know what he’s thinking.
Do you?

You May Want To Figure Out Where You Want To Spend Your Days When World War 3 Fully Erupts
The growing desire for war that we are witnessing in Washington D.C. right now should greatly alarm all of us.
In this environment, voices of reason such as Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard are being accused of “treason” just because they are calling for peace. Well, you can add me to that list because I am calling for peace too.
I don’t want nuclear war.
I don’t want billions of people to die.
You would think that we should all be able to agree on those things, but unfortunately the warmongers in Washington seem absolutely determined to keep escalating matters.
That is a very dangerous game, and it is going to be way too easy for someone to make a huge mistake.
Before that day arrives, you may want to figure out where you want to spend your days when global war fully erupts.
At some point, the shooting in Ukraine will end.
Either Russia will achieve total victory, or more likely there will be some sort of a ceasefire agreement.
But when the shooting in Ukraine stops, don’t be fooled into thinking that everything is okay. The truth is that a much bigger conflict between the United States and Russia has now begun, and both sides are beginning to realize that this is ultimately a struggle for all the marbles.
World War 3 is here, and now we must hope that we can keep both parties from “going nuclear” for as long as possible.
Of course there are some that would like to see the U.S. and Russia shooting at each other very soon. On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky begged Congress to establish a “humanitarian no-fly zone” over Ukraine…
The t-shirt-attired Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed a joint session of the U.S. Congress by video on Wednesday and asked for the United States to send warplanes into the sky over Ukraine to create a “humanitarian no-fly zone” or, failing that, to provide Ukraine itself with warplanes. “Russia has turned the Ukrainian sky into a source of death for thousands of people,” Zelensky told Congress.
Zelensky knows very well that the establishment of a “humanitarian no-fly zone” would require U.S. forces to shoot down Russian jets.
And he also understands that this would spark a shooting war between the United States and Russia.
But you can’t blame Zelensky for trying.
He is trying to save his own skin, and the best way to do that is to drag the United States into the war.
Needless to say, the establishment media in the western world absolutely adored Zelensky’s speech. The following example comes from CNN…
Zelensky’s words are not only destined for the history books. They will likely energize support for Ukraine’s defense against Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war machine and reverberate across the US. When America’s top Democrats and Republicans rose side by side to give Zelensky a standing ovation, we knew the Ukrainian President had made his mark. Zelensky, reminding Americans what freedom really means after the country has spent years devaluing it in petty political battles, proves there is a new seriousness in the nation.
And most members of Congress ate it up as well. Following the speech, Senator Jeanne Shaheen boldly declared that “more must be done to assist Ukraine”…
“It is clear that more must be done to assist Ukraine and hold Putin to account,” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Democrat, said in a statement following Zelenskeyy’s virtual address. “The images we watched today underscore the horrific violence – the war crimes – being committed by Putin. He will pay for what he has done.”
And Senator Joni Ernst said that Zelensky’s speech made her want to put on a uniform and “go help”…
‘It’s hurtful to see anything like, you know, thinking about if it were my child, if that were my family, that were my people. You know, I’d be doing the exact same thing that President Zelensky is,’ Ernst said. ‘I would be appealing to every nation possible to get whatever it takes to defeat the Russians and get them the heck out of my country. You know, it makes me want to throw on my uniform, you know, and go help.’
Actually, I would love to see that.
In fact, I would love to see U.S., Ukrainian and Russian politicians all flown to an island where they would resolve this conflict “Battle Royale” style.
But instead, all of the politicians are safe and warm while millions upon millions of Ukrainians deeply suffer.
One of the biggest warmongers in the U.S. Senate, Lindsey Graham, has decided that it is time to start calling Vladimir Putin “a war criminal”…
“It’s time for him to go. He’s a war criminal,” Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, an erstwhile standard bearer for the Republican Party’s Reagan-era foreign policies, told reporters shortly after Zelenskeyy’s address. “I am asking the Russian people to rise up and end his rein of terror.”
Joe Biden also referred to Putin as a “war criminal” on Wednesday, and he announced that an additional 800 million dollars in military aid would be given to the Ukrainian government.
To be honest, it is quite an impressive list that the Ukrainians will be receiving…
- 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems
- 2,000 Javelin, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons, and 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems
- 100 Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems
- 100 grenade launchers, 5,000 rifles, 1,000 pistols, 400 machine guns and 400 shotguns
- Over 20 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenade launcher and mortar rounds
- 25,000 sets of body armor
- 25,000 helmets
But of course this is not nearly enough for some of the warmongers in Congress.
In fact, 40 Republican senators just signed a letter “in which they strongly disagreed with the decision to not transfer aircraft and air defense systems to Ukraine from Poland”.
Biden was hesitant to take such a step because it might start a shooting war with Russia, but apparently that is a risk that most Republican senators are willing to take.
Thankfully, most Americans do not actually want a shooting war with Russia.
But according to one new survey, more than a third of all Americans “would favor military action even if it risks nuclear conflict with Russia”…
However, most Americans (62%) say they would oppose the U.S. “taking military action even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia.” About a third (35%) of Americans say they would favor military action in this scenario. Comparable shares in both parties (36% of Republicans, 35% of Democrats) say they would favor military action even if it risks nuclear conflict with Russia.
Those of us in the majority need to be much louder than those in the minority, because if the warmongers get their way we could eventually find ourselves in the middle of a nuclear conflict.
And if that happens, there won’t be a future for our country.
Speaking of World War 3, Joe Biden is also escalating matters with China by sending thousands of U.S. troops to Australia…
The Pentagon is to deploy over two thousand troops to Australia by September to join an established rotational force of 200 in anticipation of a conflict with China, according to reports. The Daily Mail notes that “The contingent is part of an ongoing US initiative in the Indo-Pacific region to prepare for a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan in coming years.” The report notes that 1000 marines have already arrived in the country.
The battle lines are being drawn.
Once World War 3 fully erupts, it will be the United States on one side, and Russia and China on the other.
If Americans truly understood what was at stake, there would be massive demonstrations in the streets of every major U.S. city right now.
But the general population just doesn’t get it.
They just assume that war is something that happens on the other side of the globe and that our leaders have everything under control.
Unfortunately, our leaders most definitely do not have everything under control, and when World War 3 fully erupts the death and destruction that we will witness will be absolutely unimaginable.
Let’s talk a little about the timing for disaster.
The following is taken from a post that I wrote three years ago. I reprinted a section of it here, and made some minor alterations. For just about everything that I predicted has come to pass, or are developing in such an obvious way that I look like a real accurate fortune-teller. If I made any mistakes (so far) is that my predictions were one to two years late. Or, in other words I was too optimistic. Which points to a rot, and decay far deeper than which I was aware of.
Historical records clearly point out the the United States will go through a severe and harsh change in society. This has been building up for some time. The worst and most catastrophic elements of that change has already been set in motion. Anything that will occur will occur during the ten-year span from 2020 though 2030.
The worst time should be 2023 through 2024.
With 2025 being a “harsh reality“.
By 2026, my guess is that the kenetic phase might be over, but people will still be dealing with turmoil at various levels.
Serious upheaval in America will occur from 2020 though to 2030. This is a ten year period of time. It is now the first quarter of 2022. My previous predictions were on track. I was in slight error when I predicted that the events would transpire one year later than they are now transpiring.
I predicted a major military event in 2023. It seems that it occurred in 2022 with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the United States Senate driving a war-machine full-throttle.
Points and information
I’m going to lay out some points and some information. I’ve covered the background elsewhere in great detail. However, here we are just going to throw it all out for purposes of review.
Generational Turnings are a historically accurate methodology for predictive behaviors.
America; the United States, will go through the following in the next ten years;
- Domestic unrest resulting in American death(s).
- A complete change in the Federal Government.
- The value of the USD will collapse.
- A very serious “Hot War” on American soil.
- Cultural, and societal collapse.
Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects. The normalcy bias causes many people to not adequately prepare for natural disasters, pandemics, and calamities caused by human error. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias during a disaster. -Wikipedia
Let’s go one by one on these points.
[1] Domestic unrest resulting in death(s).
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with domestic unrest. Not only that but people die. Yes. There is an entire sub-culture of Americans that believe that domestic unrest will occur. All you need to do is google SHTF and “prepper”. And you know that many Americans expect this. Gun stores are empty of guns and ammo.
Everyone is expecting societal unrest. And they plan on defending themselves and their family. In fact, for the last three months the top MM posts are those devoted to the SHTF Index.
And sure… nothing is guaranteed. This fear might just be a passing fad. Or the absolute result of American media going “off the rails”. Or some kind of mass psychosis due to being locked inside all 2020. It could be anything.
I am of the opinion …
- Most Americans are unhappy.
- Most Americans are locked inside of a class structure with little upward movement.
- There are terrible and systematic problems regarding American society.
- Government “solutions” are insufficient, meager and viewed as an insult.
- There are groups who desire to capitalize on domestic discord to promote their own agendas.
- There are elements inside of the Federal Government that have the power and plans to come down aggressively to any disruption of society.
None of the above should come as any surprise to most Americans. And thus I conclude…
There is a higher than average chance that there will be domestic revolt / upset. This is not a continuation of BLM, Antifa “riots”, or a Trump Supporter “frat party” style takeover of Congress.
This will be something far more serious, sinister and deadly. It will not be reported, or if it is, it will be reported in such a way as to minimize what is actually going on.
Historically, these kinds of events are preceded by the government trying to take preemptive actions. That could be [1] “false flag” events, [2] a banning of weapons or one or more Rights / freedoms, and [3] a call to fight some kind of “enemy” or “threat”.
If any of the above occurs to any serious degree, you can well expect domestic discord to follow promptly.
Historically, all Democrat Presidents have had a major "Gun-related mass-killing event" within the first nine months of their Presidency. That includes Trump who was supposed to lose to Hillary Clinton.
[2] A complete change in the Federal Government.
The United States government WILL change. And, it will not be voluntary.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with a serious and large change in the Government.
The current American government is an enormous behemoth, it is sluggish, inefficient, lazy, and is out of control. To believe that it is working fine or that it could be improved is to ignore the facts. Both sides of the political divide demand a restructuring.
- Democrats are looking towards a Socialist and Marxist solution.
- Republicans are looking for a return to the 1776 Republic.
- Both are looking to create a major war of distraction.
The compass is all over the place on this. One thing is for certain, the wealthy oligarchy loves the status quo and do not want to change anything. To make the changes that are necessary, a real revolution must occur.
The Federal Government will change substantially. I can offer no insight into what it will change into. Needless to say, the nation is completely divided and polarized and no matter who obtains the reins of power, large segments of the population will be unhappy. The only way that I can see any kind of satisfaction is by an overwhelmingly exhausted citizenry that is ready to accept change, no matter how radical it is.
Nor can I offer insight as to how this will happen. What I do know is that unless it happens, there will be no ‘Crisis Event”.
[3] The value of the USD will collapse.
The USD is presently losing its status as a global reserve currency.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with economic changes. I see an exponential increase in the value of the stock market with zero connection to the lives of actual American citizenry. I also see an exponential increase in the national debt. It doesn’t take a genius to see that both of these things are not sustainable.
People have been predicting the eventual collapse of the American economy for decades. Yet it still hums along. The only way that this will change is if the international medium of exchange changes. And there is evidence that this is exactly what is going on. I do not see this as a sudden, precipitous event, but rather a trend that continues over a long swath of time before the USD stabilizes.
The USD will significantly change in value negatively. This will occur over a period of time. The end result will be generalized discomfort for Americans on many levels.
What we are seeing RIGHT NOW is a movment to the discarding of the USD as a reserve currency and the adoption of the e-yuan instead.
[4] A very serious “Hot War” on American soil.
No, there will not be another Iraq, Afganastan, Yemen, or Syria in Ukraine. There will be a major, big and very nasty short war.
It WILL result in much damages, destruction and death on American soil.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with “hot wars”; shooting wars that occurring using the most advanced technology available, and they always occur on the soil of the leading economic power.
This Fourth Turning event is an American driven cycle. Not an Asian cycle.
Even if the nation stays together, its geography could be fundamentally changed, its party structure altered, its Constitution and Bill of Rights amended beyond recognition. History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war—class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil—its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured. And if there is total war, it is likely that the most destructive weapons available will be deployed.
There is no avoiding this.
Russia will not allow a war near or on it’s borders. Anyone who thinks that they can “poke the bear” is going to be in for a rude, and horrifc shock. The same goes for China. Anyone who thinks that China will allow another Yemen, Afghanistan or Syria to occur in Taiwan, on the South China Sea is delusional.
War will happen fast and be over fast.
Within a month.
That’s FAST.
These nations do not play, are peer-capable, or superior in training and weaponry, and work together. The idea that America can take on China or Russia independently is a fantasy. Any war with either will result in a war with both simultaneously.
It’s a suicide move.
So forget the illusions that America has the biggest, the baddest, and the best military. It might get by trying twenty years to fight goat-herders with AK-47’s, but is no match for merit-based, well-trained, superior-armed, and a pissed-off Asia.
From 2017 through 2020, the United States “carpet bombed” China with bio-weapons. This effort affected Russia, and Iran. And of course, China, Iran and Russia knows who was involved, why and how.
But China, Russia and Iran didn’t take any obvious retaliatory action.
That should make every single Americans hair stand on end.
We should expect a major hot war. This war will be instigated though American actions and international activities.
Neither China, nor Russia are stupid. They will strike first. They will use full-spectrum nuclear weapons, and America will resemble one of the nations that it “bombed the shit out of” for democracy™.
[5] Cultural, and societal collapse.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with severe changes to society and the individuals who live inside America. In the past, Americans have been resilient enough, independent enough, and hardy enough to rebuild any collapsed society.
But today, I am not so sure.
With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers' visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.
Most Americans are terribly overweight, and while many are functional with technology, during a period of societal collapse most technology will not operate in an optimal manner during a full scale Crisis Event.
During 2020 large segments of the American population failed to work together and wear masks during the pandemic. I just cannot imagine that Americans would rebuild radioactive cities, start planting vegetables in their suburban lawns, and working together for free.
Americans have been a historically resilient people, but whether or not they will be able to come together during the Crisis Event is unlikely. It is not a politically attractive position, but it is a realistic expectation.
Let’s combine everything together.
Well, there is nothing that I have said here that I have not covered elsewhere. But let’s see if we can compile some knowns to help us make a substantive predictive engine for our use.
In 2019, I created the following map which I extrapolated from Fourth Turning cycles and the Deagal (Remote Viewing) Report.
Keep in mind that this is just a predictive map. It may or may not happen.

Recent events suggest that things have accelerated somewhat, and are pushing the dates ahead by 1.5 years.
Uh Oh!
My argument is that the COVID-19 fiasco in the United States is not part of this collapse crisis vector. It is only a contributor.
Whether the future occurs as predicted will depend on the actions or inaction’s of the American Presidency. Any of the following events will probably unleash a particular singular element of the Crisis event.
- Passage of restrictive laws that infringe on cherished Rights.
- Freedom of Speech.
- Gun control.
- Travel / banking.
- Ability to be employed.
- A military action that involves either China, Russia or Iran. Perhaps all three.
- No attempts at financial, banking or economic restructuring.
- A trigger event being either “false flag” event of any purpose, or a major provication such as crossing a “red line”.
- WMD (nuclear, biological, and chemical / EM) will be used.
These are all historical trendlines.
Knowing that these are exactly the same kind of modus operandi that Washington has used over the last fifty years, you can well expect that some or all of them will precipitate the Crisis event.
Year by Year expectations
The graphic above is pretty complex. Let’s look at it like you would a newspaper horoscope.
- The key point representative of the year are in bold red.
- Items that have been predicted correctly, that has already happened are in blue.
- The pandemic continues all year.
- Posturing of various political and special interests organized by various oligarchies.
- Internet freedoms curtailed.
- Urban riots.
- Submarines / US Naval vessels damaged or sunk.
- Continued (minor) unrest on many levels.
- A somewhat stabilization of the overall economic consideration.
- An event that will force one of the major Asian powers to take action.
2022 Shit breaks out.
- The pandemic continues.
- Domestic unrest starts to manifest. Maybe shootings or some kind of organized behavior.
- Asian powers threaten nuclear retaliation.
- FEMA, NSA, FBI or other domestic agencies activated.
- Rule by Executive Orders continue.
- Major domestic crime.
- Producted goods become harder and harder to obtain.
- Some unpopular laws or regulations are implemented.
- United States bioweapon activity starts to get public attention.
- Inflation in the world grows to an unmanagable level.
- Sides in a geopolitical conflict are established; Us vs. Them.
- The mid-tem elections generate an electorial sweep.
- The USA starts to get involved in some strong covert (not visible) international military actions.
- American Congress start talking about fighting either Russia, China, Iran or North Korea directly.
- Events force Russia or China to initiate hot kinetic wars.
2023 Crisis Deepens.
- People are adapting to the Pandemic and it seems to be subsiding.
- People refuse to mask up even when bioweapons are used in America.
- Domestic unrest continues and gets more violent.
- United States debt is beyond comprehension, and items become unobtainable.
- The economy and the USD starts to falter.
- Ambushes and attacks on American police.
- The United States starts to have shortages in gasoline / heating fuel.
- Economic Balloons start to “pop”.
- The Internet starts to falter in many nations.
- Rural communities starting to band together for protection.
- American trade with China is decreased sharply.
- Some states discuss leaving the Untied States.
- The USD is no longer a major reserve currency.
- The United States government starts seizing assets, energy, and finances from its enemies.
- The Federal Government initiates a hot war with a major power as a desirable technique of distraction and unification.
- The USA starts to engage in International Military Actions of some visible type. American soldiers are shooting at Asian powers and forces.
- Risk of a HOT WAR is very high. It may or may not hit American soil.
2024 Insanity
- Still a pandemic, but is seemingly under control.
- Domestic unrest breaks out in open conflict in numerous areas.
- The Federal Government starts to decentralize, or change in some significant manner.
- The United States starts to have shortages in food.
- The United States starts to have shortages in medicine.
- Brown-outs roll throughout the United States.
- The US government plans / talks about a draft and forced civilian enlistment.
- The 2024 election is a crazy turmoil, and no one is happy with the results.
- The economy starts a long sequence of contractions and mini-collapses.
- The USD starts to have it’s value erode significantly.
- SEVERE HOT WAR! Americans on American soil are affected. It’s not a “police action” in a far away land or sea.
- The health system, inefficient and expensive, collapses completely.
- Society is disrupted. Communication, transport, food, and electricity are all unreliable and disrupted.
- The Election is a landslide for one political party who promises massive change.
2025 “Everything but the kitchen sink”
- 2025 will be like 2024, only crazier, and more intense.
- American contractions at every level continue.
- The Federal, and the States governments show complete incompetence.
- Bad moves, and bad decisions result in numerous fiascos for the United States.
- Discord and disruptions are commonplace and are no longer isolated to certain geographic regions. Everyone “feels the pinch”.
- Some states start to actually leave the Untied States and restructure themselves.
- Americans start to hunt, fish and eat pets in certain areas.
- May people start to die of illnesses that could have been prevented or cured.
- New illnesses and viruses start to appear all over America. These are far worse than the COVID-19. Americans treat them like the “seasonal flu”.
- Everyone is in “survival mode”.
- Americans start to turn to non-American news for information.
- Most of the Hot War is over.
2026 “The Kitchen Sink gets included”
- Anything that was good about 2025, is now gone.
- Normal lifestyles are permanently disrupted.
- Urban areas are hotbeds of contentious activity.
- The United States starts to put people in FEMA camps.
- The United States start to shoot fellow Americans.
- Woods and forests are flooded with urban refugees.
- Hot war officially ends.
- Things are still crazy, but groups of people are working together to sort out the craziness.
- The United States is largly gone.
- A new type of government emerges.
- Domestic discord and fighting continues, but it’s mostly “turf wars”.
- The USD has substantially collapsed.
- US economy is in ruins.
- The government begins to discuss reconstruction efforts and mobilization of work forces for a common good.
- A new normal has arrived in America.
- There is a new government, new people, new ideas, and new systems.
- The USA is shattered and a real mess, but people are starting to band together in small groups to make things right in their little area of control.
- People can see the “light at the end of the tunnel”.
- Reconstruction efforts begin.
- Rehabilitation efforts begin.
- New policies and lifestyles start to manifest.
- A brighter future lies ahead for everyone still left alive.
I wrote this article after I watched the horrific section on Tucker Carlson FOX “news”.
He’s right.
War is bad, but not as bad as having United States Senators openly advocating war with nuclear armed Russia over a flat of bland terration that has zero strategic importance for America.
It just confirms my worst fears.
Here’s pretty much the future that most everyone in the collective West can look forward to.
Historically, the rising nations pretty much survives the Fourth Turning unscathed. I don’t think that they will remain as pristine as the USA did during World War II, but they will pretty much be in far better shape than the West.
There’s a lot of bullshit on the “news” sites.
But, I can positively say the following…
- The United States caused the Ukraine-Russia war.
- This is becuase they violated Russian “Red Lines”.
- Now the United States wants to get involved in it directly.
- Russia warned that it will destroy the USA if they don’t stop.
- Russia is now ferrying all its leadership to secure locations.
And for China, irregardless as to the absolute failure of the Italy talks…
- The USA push towards war / sanctions with China is continuing.
- China has repeatedly warned that it is a dragon that DOES bite.
- The USA government is ignoring the warnings.
- The USA government is proceeding with the violation of Chinese “Red Lines”.

The article describes the actions. It’s crossing the Chinese “Red Lines”.
Internally, domestically…
- Americans are happy for no more mask mandates.
- Mass crime continues.
- Inflation is absurd.
- Washington DC is oblivious.
- Supply Lines / trade is a complete fiasco.
- The American “news” media is on overdrive and the propaganda is outrageous.
As far as Russia is concerned…
- Leading Russian leadership personnel have evacuated Moscow and all the major cities. This and the very wealthy in Russia…
A large exodus of private jets out of Moscow towards Dubai this morning too. Looks like the uber-rich Arab oil Billionaires are high-tailing-it out of Moscow too.
- From a source within the Diplomatic corps . . .
For the past three days, Russia has been pulling one of a kind, proprietary, machine dyes and templates, and putting into deep storage, along with items of cultural value.
- On Thursday, 17MAR22, at 4:02pm EST, the formal message from Russia to the United States read…
Please plan to avoid the high risk areas. Note that I am conservative in my predicitons, and anumerous elements are proceeding in advance to what I predicted.
Good luck.

This information is compiled from other sources.
To see the methodology in these other sources, please go to the Theories of Collapse Index here…
Collapse Theories.
To check out the results of remote viewing this period of time, go to my writings on the Deagal Report here…
- Breaking down the casualty figures of the 2025 ‘Deagel’ Forecast in terms of what is going on today
- The Shocking 2025 ‘Deagel’ Forecast and Remote Viewing the future
- Deagel August 2020 Forecast For America has the population dropping a full 70% by 2025
What this means is that the defense intelligence organizations represented by Deagel believe that there will be some kind of event or series of events that will result in a major population drop by 2025.

From the chart above we can clearly see a number of conclusions or extrapolations that they have made.
I have an index that collects various observations regarding the internal collapse of the United States. That is in a sub-Index known as “Front Row Seat”.
Front Row.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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