It all began so innocently…
You know, I am having a cup of coffee, a plate of buttered crunch baguette beside me (with a side of cut up tomatoes with salt) and just going through my emails, my comments, the forum, and the normal round of sites that I just skim though. Then I hit LinkedIN.
Ho. Ho. Ho.
There was a very lively discussion about America invading Australia. Invade? Australia? WTF? I thought that it must have been a joke. So did everyone else. The comment thread was long, silly, humorous and to the point. To quote one such commenter…
“America is off their trolly.”
And then nothing.
Yes. these people are seriously off their trolleys.
Well, I will tell you that this little announcement SHOULD be taken seriously.
Though I do not (as of this time) recognize it as a fluke, a misunderstanding, a “flag” proposal, or a “fair warning”, I do need to explore the mechanism behind this statement.
This mechanism is frightening.
America 101
“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong.” — They Live
When you recognize what America actually is, then how the internal domestic politics and statements play out becomes much clearer. So let’s forget the standard Hollywood ideas about America being the great wonderful nation that protects others and look at what it REALLY is.
For starters
- America is an Oligarchy.
In fact, a study conducted by Princeton and Northwestern University concluded that the U.S. government does not represent the majority of American citizens. Instead, the study found that the government is ruled by the rich and powerful, or the so-called “economic elite.” Moreover, the researchers concluded that policies enacted by this governmental elite nearly always favor special interests and lobbying groups. In other words, we are being ruled by an oligarchy disguised as a democracy, and arguably on our way towards fascism—a form of government where private corporate interests rule, money calls the shots, and the people are seen as mere subjects to be controlled. Not only do you have to be rich—or beholden to the rich—to get elected these days, but getting elected is also a surefire way to get rich. As CBS News reports, “Once in office, members of Congress enjoy access to connections and information they can use to increase their wealth, in ways that are unparalleled in the private sector. And once politicians leave office, their connections allow them to profit even further.”
- America is also a Military Empire. The largest in the world, and the largest in history.
- This Empire is supported by an enormous Military-Industrial industrial complex. Every Senator, and Representative has large military factories within their districts that employ voters. As long as the voters are employed, they get to stay in office.
Clearly, we are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests. We have moved into “corporatism” (favored by Benito Mussolini), which is a halfway point on the road to full-blown fascism. Corporatism is where the few moneyed interests—not elected by the citizenry—rule over the many. In this way, it is not a democracy or a republican form of government, which is what the American government was established to be. It is a top-down form of government and one which has a terrifying history typified by the developments that occurred in totalitarian regimes of the past: police states where everyone is watched and spied on, rounded up for minor infractions by government agents, placed under police control, and placed in detention (a.k.a. concentration) camps.
- This arrangment is so embedded in American society that “peace” will equate to “economic depression”. If you stop buying military hardware, the economy just simply cannot recover. A collapse is imminent. The people “take to the streets” and in America they are armed and dangerous.
- Therefore, the United States can only exist as long it is constantly fighting wars all over the globe.
No wars = No United States.
Situational awareness
Lately, and over time, an entire series of “bubbles” have been created. The collapse of any singular one of them would create a chain-effect that would rage through America like a firestorm on a dry August wheat field. So something HAS to be done. It cannot be put off.
There are only two solutions available.
- Disassemble the Military-Industrial industry and convert the production output to other purposes. Somehow. Using systems not yet in place. Using staff that are unskilled, and finding markets for new products that do not exist.
- Start a HUGE war that would be able to feed the coffers of the multitudes of industries that exist for warfare.
Given what amounts to the stupidest leadership in history, the United States government leadership has earmarked either Russia or China for a war.
For the last fifteen years, there was a tug and forth between various political interests. One side wanted a war with Russia. The other side wanted a war with China.
And for the last five years it has become obviously apparent that China was set up as the enemy du jour.
The general secretary of NATO has told the Financial Times that there's a new foe in town. After decades of sparring with the Soviet Union, and Russia, the bloc is firmly setting its sights on a different standoff – with China.
Putting aside the diplomatic niceties, his pitch is simple: NATO should turn its attention to Beijing. To put it more bluntly than Stoltenberg did, the US’ European partners should follow Washington into a new, openly-declared Cold War in East Asia. The pitch belies the fact President Joe Biden is offering NATO members a deal they are not supposed to refuse. Either you help us in our new Cold War against China on which we have decided alone, or we will no longer help you feel safe from Russia. As Stoltenberg puts it, for America, NATO is “not something they do to be nice to Europe.” Instead, he reminds us, for Washington, allies must fit their national interests. In other words, now that the endless 'wars on terror’ are winding down, the US has identified its new geopolitical enemy number one, Beijing. The Pentagon and the attached military-industrial complex – as president Eisenhower once called it – must be kept in business after all. -RT
And so it is currently.
But uh oh!
However, within the last five months or so, the American military leadership have been busy trying to “bitch slap” the neocons inside of Washington DC, K-street with the fundamental understanding that were a war with China to occur, America would lose.
And lose badly.
And the entire nation would be destroyed, rubbled, and the leadership would all be dead. Dead. DEAD.
In fact, there isn’t a single war simulation, not one, that has the USA the victor or even a close draw. Each and every simulation for the last 18 years has had the United States defeated in a war with China.
- The USA has been losing simulated war games against both Russia and China.
- War games suggest the US will lose fast if it confronts China
- The US Apparently ‘Gets Its Ass Handed to It’ in War Games with China
- War games: America ‘keeps getting its ass handed to it’ by China
- US ‘Gets Its Ass Handed To It’ In Wargames
- ‘It Failed Miserably’: After Wargaming Loss, Joint Chiefs …
- The US military ‘gets its ass handed to it’ in World War 3 …
So now what?
There STILL needs to be a war.
But it has to be something that will keep the Military-Industrial industries still alive and working. A war with either China or Russia, or any of their allies would not do that. The war would come to American shores, and it would be very hard on the voters which is a big “no no” in a “democracy”.
So what options are available?
- Go to war with a small defenseless small nation that is not aligned with anyone. Think Vatican City, Palau, or Portugal.
- Go to war with a nation that is aligned with either Russia or China. Like Mongolia, or North Korea.
- Go to war with one of the more prosperous of American allies. Like France, Canada, Mexico, or Japan.
It is obvious what the answer is. It is to go to war with one of America’s allies. That’s the most logical and reasonable solution.
- A war with a small third world banana republic would not meet the needs of the enormous military industrial complex.
- A war with a surrogate or ally of either Russia or China would be equivalent to conducting war with them directly.
So the solution is to turn on one of America’s allies.
Which American proxy nation?
To select the nation, we have to relook and revisit the criteria required.
- The target nation must be formidable enough to provide a challenge.
- However, it must be weak enough so that the United States would be in full control from start to finish.
- It must provide good “optics”.
- It must be large enough so that immense quantities of war material can be used.
- It must have some kind of native population that the US propaganda machine can use to fabricate an excuse of “saving people”.
- It must have nearby large American bases from which to send huge quantities of manpower and material for logistical support.
- It must be new and novel.
And apparently, the K-street crew, decided that Australia is the best alternative available.
Well. Let’s break it all down.
The target nation must be formidable enough to provide a challenge.
Americans tire of endless wars blowing up mud huts, shooting defenseless donkeys, and strafing cabbage patches. They no longer want to see this. They want a shooting war that resembles a made-for-Hollywood war. They want to see bad guys with guns, tanks, and see real buildings; relatable buildings destroyed and smashed into tiny broken pieces. They want to see shiny stainless steel and glass skyscrapers exploding under a volley of Hellfire™ missiles. They want to see the large civic structures; the Opera Houses, and the bridges full of holes, collapse and rusted wrecks.
Australia is perfect.
House to house fighting in Melbourne is relatable, has great sensational value, and in many ways would resemble Southern California. The ruins of Sydney with proud American troops marching though the streets with willing and smiling Australian women running into their arms for liberation would be well televised and appear “just” and “right” to the dumbed down American masses.

And the Australians, at least those not yet disarmed, would put up a fight. It would be a losing battle of course, but it would be relatable. You can almost hear the bullets at the Starbucks in Brisbane, or the McDonald’s on fire in Perth. You can just see proud American gunships strafing the lorries on the motorways.
However, it must be weak enough so that the United States would be in full control from start to finish.
Australia has a weak government, a corrupt election system, a government where crime and corruption lead from the top, and for-profit individuals at every level. That should be obvious from watching the clown-show that the Morrison administration has been running. As well as the (so called) representative congress that just approves all Morrison dictates like kingly pronouncements from God himself.
America would then initiate and script a “colorful” war within Australia and prod the Australian “actors” on what to do and what to say. The American people would eat it all up and love every minute of it. America would be winning again! American exceptionalism at it’s best!
They would announce that “Australians will fight to their dying last breath for the warm sandy beaches and the happy shelas”. Perfect.

Additionally, the military is weak, using (and following) American military doctrine. It would be easily consumed by the mighty American military forces. Of course, scripted battles would be the norm, and the Australian forces must be able to fight to a point where a long and protracted war can occur.
It must provide good “optics”.
This is all about salvaging the American economy while preventing a very disheartened American populace from rising up and burning Washington DC to the ground. The optics must be more than just good. They must be great!
From the coastal cities, to the outback, to small desert towns to quiet fishing hamlets, the great diversity of scenery and the fact that the Australians speak a strange accented English would make television ratings soar. It would be exotic, yet very familiar.
Red skinned, and tan skinned, Australians wearing bush hats and shouldering FNAL rifles as the scurry from the gleaming American killer drones would make great television. The Facebook feeds would show all the action in colorful bloody gore, and that would attract more views. American flag bumper stickers would reappear on the cars, and Churches throughout America would be taking donations “for the cause”.

It must be large enough so that immense quantities of war material can be used.
Australia is a large nation.
Maps would be presented on the mainstream media showing pincer movements in red and blue arrows. There could be all sorts of interesting CGI effects, and displays of the latest in American military technology. Barrack Obama would come out of retirement and opine how racially divided Australia has always been and that it is the time; a long overdue one, where the “white man” gets his due.
Tons and tons of munitions can be thrown on such cities as Adelaide, or Hobart, and they would just take it in. After all, it would be the “Yanks” doing it. Their long time buddies. As they say I’ll be right, and fair dinkum.
Australia has the proper mixture of rural desolation, scenic beauty, and urban life that would make a glorious war for freedom™ and democracy™ worthwhile.

It must have some kind of native population that the US propaganda machine can use to fabricate an excuse of “saving people”.
Certainly there are the local inhabitants. And the Americans, being so insanely dumbed down, can be told anything and they would believe it. Look how easily they fell for the Uighur “concentration and rape camps”, or the “dangers of 5G radiation”. Look how much they fear vaccinations, using the cell phones near gasoline pumps and cell phone towers.

It would be so simplistically easy to hammer down the idea that America must save the native inhabitants of Australia NOW NOW NOW!!!!
It must have nearby large American bases from which to send huge quantities of manpower and material for logistical support.
Australia is perfect. under the guise of a military build-up to “counter China”, enormous quantities of war material could be flown direct into Australia without a sound. By the time a “go plan” is launched, ten American battle divisions can be fully amassed and positioned within Australia for the war to start.

Keep in mind that the United States military presence inside of Australia is quite large. Here’s from a fan located in Darwin…
...There is something you can do to prevent war between the US and China, by helping us remove the US military bases from the NT of Australia. These bases are key infrastructure, part and parcel of the 2015 Rand report recommendations for such a war. Contrary to popular belief, the Gulkula civilian aerospace facility in Arnhem Land is in fact run by the US military and Raytheon, with Lockheed Martin probably still involved. Their presence is camouflaged with NASA. I read the internal report before it was taken down in 2017. I also read the NT Government reference to US military expansion there in the Budget review committee documents, so this is absolutely certain. The installation is for nuclear-armed missiles.There are several secret US bases in the NT, as well as the six knowns... submarine, heavy air, fighter air, Five Eyes, and spy satellite centres x 2, and 3500 US Marines to man a warehouse full of tanks. Obviously, here to contain local rebellion.What keeps the US here is Rupert Murdoch's control of the media. Particularly the NT News (News Corp), but he also controls the ABC through his associates, Ross Garnaut and Frank Lowy. Garnaut, by the way, is a key world economist, controls Australia's climate change agenda, and is a permanent member of the Trilateral Commission. He is a pivotal element in US control of Australia and has recently released a major paper recommending an end to taxation for American corporations in Australia, under the guise of more efficient taxation...
It must be new and novel.
Obviously, it would be unexpected. Unique and exotic to the American and global readership. Any images of Australia that now persists in the United States today are all colored by the images of Barry Humphries and Paul Hogan.
This unique imagery, when coupled with the current contemporaneous military culture would make a nice juxtaposition which would be perfect for an enemy to attack.
While a war is going on, it could last ten, twenty to fifty years, and the American Military-Industrial establishment can continue to saturate the entire nation under constant warfare without any equivalent destruction of American cities.
Not only that but the actions of the Morrison government has effectively isolated Australia from the rest of the world. Russia and China would loathe to come to their aid.
The same can be said for the peace-loving New Zealand people.
Japan would stand down. Korea would stand down. India would do nothing. There would be come “rubber stamp” squeals and protests from the UK, but nothing of substance.
It’s all a “perfect storm” waiting to happen.
Why do I say all this?
I think all of this is pure evil.
I believe that it is despicable.
I think that it is horrible.
But whether it is war! War! War! with China, or War! War! War! with Australia they are both the same.
War is horrible and anyone desirous of war should be locked up in a mental institution for the rest of their life.
Oh, it’s so easy to “get on the bandwagon” and say “we must fight a war with China” (Here’s looking at you you Australian war-mongers) It’s another thing completely different when you are facing the enormous military might of the Untied States.
Australia has minerals that America desperately needs. It has coal. It has food. It has a major geographical location that America can exploit. By conducting a war with Australia, the eventual collapse of the United States can be delayed for up to 75 years. Isn’t that worth fighting for?
To save American exceptionalism!
To preserve the American rules based order!
So what if a handful of Australians are sacrificed on the alter of democracy? It’s not like they would matter to the needy in New York. Some real perspective is needed right now. And on the grand scale of things, it’s obvious that those in Washington DC are more important than anyone in that overly hot, but sunny land, down under.
What are Australia’s options
Not many, I am afraid.
- Continue on the path that the Morrison government has laid out and be attacked by the United States in three to five years.
- Get a new government in. Break all treaties with American military interests, and give the United States a reason to attack.
- Get a new government in. Phase out American interests, and team up and form protective treaties with China.
That’s it.
From the American neocon point of view.
Troops and material inside of Australia offers all kinds of options and flexibility.
- Australia can be sacrificed if the USA provokes a war with China.
- If there isn’t a war with China, then America can have a war with Australia.
Win. Win.
In both cases, American industrial and social re-engineering agents can remake Australia into a “little America”. It could be granted citizenship and statehood. The nation could be afforded all the Rights that Americans already possess, as well as the great pride of being an exceptional society; a city on the bright and shiny hill.
Then, soon afterwards, the mandatory taxes, fees, and regulations can be implemented and collected from Australians. The take home income of Australians can be taxed at a minimum of an additional 30%, and the fine judicial and policing systems can displace the paltry ones that now exist.
Australians will be able to use “real” units like feet, inches and miles. they would be driving on the correct side of the road, and they will be celebrating Christmas properly with big hot turkeys and heavy mashed potatoes instead of prawns, shrimp and vegimite. Not to mention that it would be an American flag that would be flying in the breeze, and American language they would be speaking, as well as American food that they will be eating, and…
…most importantly, appreciating the real standards of real American beauty on women.
Keep in mind who Candace Owens is
This is NOT some “news” media commentator. She is a LEADER in the neocon faction of the Republican political party.
She has direct top contacts with the Military-Industrial Complex, and she is / was / has the eyes and ears of all the influential decision makers inside of America.
If she is promoting this, you can be assured that THIS DECISION HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE and that the public announcement is a “tell tail” to gauge the intensity of the anti-Australia propaganda campaign that will naturally follow.
Buckle up Australians, whether you will be the next Syria or Afghanistan is up to you this coming election cycle.
MM estimation on the outcome of this crazy turn of events.
MM readers are aware of our extraordinarily high prediction ratings of future Geo-Political events. Right now, it’s running in the mid 80’s in percentage of success.
I’d hate to destroy that streak placing my bets on such an “out of the blue”, “out of left field” crazed political bullshit being floated off K-street. But you know, weirder things have happened.
Here’s my likelihood estimations of success;
- 90% chance that this discussion is active in the neocon offices in Washington DC.
- 45% chance that resources are being put in place to study it as a fall-back position instead of attacking China.
- 65% chance that there are SAP programs studying the feasibility avenues of this plan.
- 51% chance that the oligarchy has tentatively given a “green light” go-ahead for further research.
- 15% chance that generals have been briefed.
- 80% chance that the top active generals know that this option is on the table for consideration.
- 98% chance that the CIA is involved presently.
How all this will go is unknown.
My guess that this becoming reality is far stronger than what the general public thinks or believes.
And for you Australians that are furious at reading this, relax. I think the entire idea is just bat-shit crazy. Don’t start screaming at me. I agree with you that this is insanity, and it is mean and uncalled for.
In fact, after Trump’s tantrums and Biden’s Great Rout of Kabul, even the most doctrinaire European Atlanticist must face the facts: America is not a reliable hegemon, neither with respect to its domestic order (it might well turn from being an oligarchy with democratic rest features into an oligarchy with growing authoritarian features) nor regarding its commitments and behavior abroad. -RT
However, you need to know just how fucked up America is today, and if you dance with the devil, you had best expect to be date-raped by it.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings.
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