I tire of all this global politics and political manipulations. It’s really quite tiring and worrisome. The anti-China campaign is geared up to prep the American electorate towards a war with China, and it is really building up to that point. (It really is.) Trump collapsed global trade, unleashed a bio-weapon, and supported the proxy use of a micro-nuke to destroy the BRI facility in the Beirut Port in Lebanon. And I haven’t even started listing the thousands of other efforts. Ugh!
Forget those negotiations with China spearheaded by the man who boasted that he was the maestro of “the art of the deal.” Recently, it’s been an all-hands-on-deck assault on that country: from deploying U.S. aircraft carriers in the South China Sea to the sudden and arbitrary closing of a Chinese consulate in Houston. Of all people, Health Secretary Alex Azar was even dispatched to Taiwan, that other China, to meet and greet the country’s president, the highest-ranking official American visitor to do so in four decades. Of course, as with so much in the age of Trump, there was a grimly comic aspect to his trip, since he made a particular point of praising the way a democratic country could handle the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic (a howler, given how Chinese President Xi Jinping and Donald Trump have each handled that same virus). And that’s just to start down a list that, from TikTok bans to criminal charges against four members of the Chinese military, only continues to grow as The Donald and crew become ever more belligerent about that rising power on a falling planet.
Hong Kong
Let’s focus on Hong Kong.
Now that China has pretty much captured, imprisoned, and evicted the NED agitators (who where behind the (so called) “pro democracy” protests), we now have a very detailed picture of the techniques and systems that they used.
A secret high-level committee of Hong Kong senior activists worked with Western agents from the CIA to coordinate and amplify the leaderless protests against the fugitive law amendment last year, Nury Vittachi claims in his book The Other Side of the Story: A Secret War in Hong Kong. Vittachi, a veteran journalist and a columnist for The Standard, accused the CIA of funding anti-government activities in the SAR. He said Hong Kong protesters have received practical training in street-protest strategy and media control from members of the professional revolution industry since January 2013. The book named three US-based groups - the Oslo Freedom Foundation, the Albert Einstein Institute and the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies - which were directly involved in last year's social unrest. He added that public records had shown that the National Endowment for Democracy, the CIA's regime-change arm, had sent HK$170 million to the mainland or Hong Kong since 2014 to "advance the cause of democracy." https://lnkd.in/dwnSU-S
We know for certain that the NED was a CIA front. We also know through videos, audio recordings, phone conversations, movies, and confessions how the protestors were trained and directed to cause disruption in Hong Kong. It’s amazing stuff for certain.
Not all protestors were so trained. Just the leadership were.
They leadership ran the mobs. Other individuals (also paid for by the NED) were “recruiters” and collected and organized the mobs. Most of which operated by recruitment in Hong Kong schools and Universities. There is where the millennial youth were collected and inspired to protest.
But, not all protestors were young.
The older protestors were also recruited. But they were recruited differently. We know because they were paid to be agitators. NED recruiters would go into retirement communities, and other venues to collect people and pay them to participate in the protests. Those so paid were issued with a monetary award of a few thousand HKD and were given a stamped tattoo. You can see this tattoo on many of the older protesters during the riots.
But such short lived money had some consequences, don’t you know…
Money flowed easily, and some Chinese tried to capitalize in this by "double dipping" and other tactics to claim the money. However, months later, many who collected the CIA cash, found that they suddenly lost all of their social security, and their social credit score went to zero and went black. The money was dirty and tracked by Beijing. If you cashed it at a Chinese bank, and the GPS showed that you were at a protest event, you suddenly lost all social standing. Which meant, no buses, no taxi's, no subways, no school, no credit cards, no flying. No parking. Nothing.... ... for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
All of this was conducted by the NED.
Which is the CIA, run by the CIA, and funded by the CIA. But, it is now renamed as a "private NGO" for "humanitarian purposes."
In short, the CIA under the control of Mike Pompeo, and by direction of Donald Trump lead a “Color Revolution” in Hong Kong, following very advanced techniques and supported technology.

A “color revolution” in HK
Using American technology and Langley information, protest venues were precisely mapped out. Cameras were identified and disabled, and targets were selected.
Each protest was like a piece in a very complex puzzle. All directed to force the Hong Kong government to take certain precalculated actions. (As it was compelled by HK democrat law to behave in certain ways and react to crime in certain specific ways.)
This was success for some time.
For a while it was like a “wack a mole”, and the police were running all over the place. Riots were popping up everywhere, stations and buildings were burning, Chinese citizens were getting hurt and killed, and the government appeared impotent. As soon as the protestors were arrested, HK Judges (UK, and Australian citizens within HK) would let them go home free with no punishments or consequences.
This is because the entire system was not set up to combat an invasion by a foreign power. Only to arrest and suppress individual disturbances to the civil order.
The “color revolution” counted on HK maintaining democracy, and they used systems and polices that would work in that environment. As such, the rioters were trained to do as much damage as possible and to provoke as much as possible, but cause no direct confrontation.
And they thrived.
Things were going exactly to plan.
That was, until China decided that it served no purpose to continue to play the game and play by the rules established by Mike Pompeo.
China recognized that America was behind everything. They had proof and confirmations. They realized that the way the situation was being handled would eventually result in the collapse of the government there. This was unacceptable. And action had to be taken.
China takes action in HK
So they changed the rules of the game. They changed the laws, and immediately went to work collecting, seizing and isolating the CIA elements.
- The entire faculty at the problematic universities were fired. There were were no exceptions for tenure or other reasons.
- All foreign journalists and news media were culled for their participation in the riots. many operations were shut down, and the people deported from HK.
- HK billionaires who partially funded the operations, and produced pamphlets and propaganda were arrested with their entire families and senior staff. They were taken to mainland China and are now being held for treason which will result in serious consequences for them and their families.
- The COVID-19 served as great cover to clear out the remaining “rats nest” and for the most art, HK is clean of the offenders.
Now, there is a lot of information behind all this. It’s all in China. I couldn’t find anything in the American or British press. Which was strange. You would think that they might at least have one singular article. At least.
In the articles you can see the great deal of depth and discoveries uncovered by the Chinese investigation teams. For they have found chemical weapons labs making both munitions, and chemical weapons. they have found instructive literature (that came from the United States), and secure communication systems that lead straight back to America.
- Military Communication Systems | ASELSAN
- Military Communication Systems | Ultra CIS
- Palomar Secure Communication Systems (SCS)
From a technical point of view, I find all this information fascinating.
But that is not what I am going to post here. Instead, I am going to just post one or two videos that have been making their way inside China that well illustrate the great degree of avant-garde control that the CIA has established when trying to force the collapse of Hong Kong and establish billionaire Jimmy Lai as the new dictator.

All of it is terribly interesting.
Video 1 – Riot control by the NED
Like I said, I won’t spend too much time on this. I really don’t have much interest in the instigation of riots for manipulative gain. But I am interested in “fifth column” activities.
Check this video out…
This is all very interesting.
Now, China had to stop all of this. Beijing saw that the Hong Kong government was following the standard police riot control methods that usually work for “grass roots” organizations, but this was on another level completely. These protests and riots were well funded, highly organized, and methodical. There was a long term plan and strategy at play.
Video 2 – What was intended to happen to HK.
China bugged the conversation(s) between trumps’ diplomatic aides in Hong Kong and the protest leadership. So everything they said, did, promised and explored was recorded, and analyzed in both Hong Kong and Beijing.
- China has videos and audio tracks of American leadership directing riots in HK.
- China has videos of American Leadership making promises and giving money to anti-China (pro-Democracy) terrorists.
- China has the complete “paper trail” of the money, how it changed hands, and where it originated from, as well as detailed itemized lists of how it was spent.
They knew what was promised, what the funding and supply channels were and what to expect. And they did not like it.
Because it was clearly stated DURING THE CONVERSATIONS with the radical leadership that the intention of President Trump was to turn Hong Kong upside down “and let it burn“. The Trump administration wanted to turn Hong Kong into another fiasco like all the other “color revolutions” were.
Hong Kong – Let it BURN!
This is what the objective was…
Today, Hong Kong is quiet.
Everything is back to normal.
There just isn’t any more protests. No one is waving American Flags. No one is singing the American National Anthem. No one is spraying pro-American graffiti on the walls. Pepe-the-frog is no where to be seen.
Imagine that!
Trump is furious!
You can see this. He is completely unhinged. What the heck? Why is he so upset if Hong Kong is calm and peaceful? Why is he so enraged?
Well, we all know the reasons.
But first, let’s be clear…
China was the ONLY nation that has been able to stop a CIA / NED sponsored “color revolution” dead in it’s tracks. It’s the only nation that was able to do so.
That is worth consideration.
This is all pretty obvious if you have been paying attention.
What I find interesting in all of this is the dearth and lack of information about this in the American and Western press. Further, and most importantly, there is ZERO information anywhere about how China stopped a NED sponsored “color revolution” in a city that is four times the size of New York City.
You can come to many conclusions regarding all this.
- You can pretty much consider all “news” to be nonexistent.
- The USA is out of control and failed in containing HK via the NED.
- HK still remains an economic and financial center fro the Pacific basin.
Meanwhile, Overseas Chinese are flocking back to China…
“Hong Kong is and will always be an inseparable part of China. Hong Kong has its own identity, it will always be special, like Shanghai and Beijing are special too. Because of our history, we are fortunate to have choices. There is absolutely nothing wrong with emigrating to US, Canada or UK. My generation has been there and done that. We have many friends and family happily settled in the US/Canada/UK, albeit they are frustrated because Trump makes their lives miserable too. But those who choose to leave Hong Kong now because media and hallucinations lead them to believe that Hong Kong will decline and there will be no more freedom and rights blah blah blah, then I guarantee you, they will miss the best ride ever and regret it for the rest of their lives. This is the best time in history to be Chinese, and to be in Hong Kong and China.” As a HK’er myself, I totally agree with her points of view. To be totally open, I know Sandra and her husband. We went through very similar life experience and after a long time in the West, we settled back down in Hong Kong and China. Not only is Hong Kong our home, China is the place to be at. We feel proud because of our own achievement and the prospects going forward are even better.
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