Often times we come across strange items, and objects. They appear mysterious to us. And this is pretty much due to the fact that they are often found without context. We know nothing at all about what is going on regarding the object or issue, or why. So we try to seek answers. This is true whether it is a dusty object hidden behind a wall partition, or a political issue. Such as the “war in Ukraine”. We need context to fully understand what is going on.
Consider Ukraine…
All the media is filled with the Hate-Russia; Punish-Russia narrative. It’s pretty thick. And all the articles are missing one very important thing; context. As this screen capture from The Drudge Report clearly points out.

But then we search, if we are intelligent, and look for context regarding the issue. Like this one from Fred…
Why did Russia invade the Ukraine? Contrary to American media, the invasion was not unprovoked. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, America has been pushing NATO, which is a US sepoy operation, ever closer to Russian borders in what, to anyone who took fifth-grade geography, is an obvious program of military encirclement. Of the five countries other than Russia littoral to the Black Sea, three, Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria, are now in NATO. America has been moving toward bringing in the Ukraine and Georgia. After Georgia would have come Azerbaijan, putting American forces on the Caspian with access to Iran and Kazakhstan. This is calculated aggression over the long term, obvious to the—what? Ten percent? Fifteen percent?—of Americans who know what the Caucasus is. Putin has said, over and over, that Russia could not allow hostile military forces on its border any more than the US would allow Chinese military bases in Mexico and China or missile forces in Cuba. Washington kept pushing. Russia said, no more. In short, America brought on the war. Among people who follow such things, there are two ways of looking at the invasion. First, that Washington thought Putin was bluffing, and he wasn’t. Second, that America intentionally forced Russia to choose between [1] allowing NATO into the Ukraine, a major success for Washington’s world empire; or [2] fighting, also a success for Washington as it would cause the results it has caused.
Context: for America, it was a win-win.
Context is everything. Without it; without context, the object hold no meaning. Though, however, that doesn’t stop our minds from trying to piece together narratives and a background as to what is going on.
The strange book
People discover strange things all the time, but this random book has to be one of the strangest discoveries ever found.
This masterpiece comes with no context. Some websites suggest that it was found in a yard sale, or an estate sale. Others offer a more curious story of it being found in an attic, or behind a sealed wall. It’s really hard to identify what the real truth is. All that is known is that his “book” or “box of papers” was found, and the new owners found it intriguing.
More info: Reddit (h/t: imgur)
The box was handmade from wood, fit with hinges, a handle and a pair of locks.

From what was written here, it appears that the author had “an experience” that was definitely not and “everyday one”.

Inside the box were all sorts of carefully drawn works. Some drafts, and some sketches. The creator of the documents was indeed trained in the professional line-art and drafting skills. Here’s a hand-drawn table of the elements.

This patent is not filed with the United States patent office – but the drawings are remarkably detailed. But this is not the weirdest part…

This drawing was dated 1939 – why would someone discard this?

Oddly, this map shows air travel routes.

A lot of the maps are hand-drawn with a “center” noted on it.

The maps represent aerial patterns and/or routes of some type.

There were quite a few of the maps.

And the mystery continues…

A note; perhaps from the previous owner.

Another map with a “center” on it.

A piece of the past – a note from a very old veterans affairs office.

The artist depicts an event from Tampa, FL in 1977. He notes the event to be extraterrestrial in nature.

Yes, I suppose that it is odd to see extraterrestrial UFO illustrations on the same page with angelic-looking creatures.

Drawing of an entity.

A slight summary of the events.

Geometric shapes that are related.

Another drawing of one of the entities – looks strangely like something out of the biblical book of Ezekiel.

An additional sketch of the same being.

Beings from the side view.

The artist was fixated on these creatures for some time.

Was this a dream, or did this really happen? Was it a fantasy? Was it a story plot for a movie? Or, was he trying to pierce together theories, ideas, concepts and visions? No one knows.

One might say this looks like wheels within wheels, wings full of eyes and creatures with 4 heads (man, ox, eagle and lion) from the book of Ezekiel.

The drawings seem to mix biblical and extraterrestrial visions.

A close-up of the corner.

The details of this drawing include some of the patent drawings seen earlier.

A different view of one of the patent drawings.

It appears that these new train wheels might have come from the train he drew earlier.

What are your thoughts?

Whatever your conclusion – someone who was working too hard, a drug-induced vision, or a true extra-terrestrial experience… it sure is a puzzle. Unfortunately, we cannot ask the artist and know for sure. All we know is that this person experienced something very odd. Perhaps he knows something that we don’t.

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