We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
I usually have tried to refrain from injections and Vaxx subjects, but this one is special. And during a Q&A with the Domain, yet to be published, I was instructed to send this out.
Here is the entire segment from the Q&A…
"Already systems are in place to suppress the desire to generate a major conflict against China.
Within a year or two, a conflict will be the last thing in the minds of the United States leadership.
Everyone will notice that something is amiss by the end of this year (2022), and it will be quite obvious by the end of the next (2023).
Most sensible humans would come to the conclusion that a war would be ill advised.
You will write about it tomorrow."
Here is the article. Complete.
What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?
A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.
People frequently write to Jill and myself. People we have never met. They call, they arrive at the farm by appointment or unannounced, they fill our email in boxes with their inquiries. They all want something; time, attention, an interview. Many want to tell us about their fear, illness, nightmares, or (what often seems like) outright paranoid conspiracies. And then, over time, these fears and “conspiracies” keep getting confirmed. As Jan Jekielek (a senior editor with The Epoch Times) recently said to me, it is getting harder and harder to tell which ones are mere conspiracy theories and which are true reality.
One farm visitor told me of his foreshadowing massive numbers of deaths within three years consequent to the genetic vaccines, and that this was all about the “Great Reset” and the depopulation agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF). I tried to reassure him that, in my opinion, this was highly unlikely- while privately thinking about how easily people fall into this type of conspiracy ideation, and how I need to be careful to avoid going there when confronting so many public health decisions that appear either incompetent or nefarious.
At the time, I only knew of the WEF as the host of a big annual party in Davos Switzerland where the uber rich and the hoi oligoi of the Western nations went to watch Ted talks, drink the best wine, see and be seen. Silly me. What a long, strange trip this has been. I doubt that even Hunter S. Thompson could have imagined it in his most drug and booze addled state. Suffice to say, I nominate Ralph Steadman as official illustrator of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Or a resurrected Hieronymus Bosch.
But I am wandering from a point that I am afraid to clearly state…
Uh oh
It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed.
And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes against Humanity” push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to look a lot less quixotic and a lot more prophetic.
Here is what lit me up in this report from The Center Square contributor Margaret Menge.
“The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.””
So, what is driving this unprecedented surge in all-cause mortality?
“Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths,“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.””
AT A MINIMUM, based on my reading, one has to conclude that if this report holds and is confirmed by others in the dry world of life insurance actuaries, we have both a huge human tragedy and a profound public policy failure of the US Government and US HHS system to serve and protect the citizens that pay for this “service”.
IF this holds true, then the genetic mRNC vaccines so aggressively promoted have failed, and the clear federal campaign to prevent early treatment with lifesaving drugs has contributed to a massive, avoidable loss of life.
AT WORST, this report implies that the federal workplace vaccine mandates have driven what appear to be a true crime against humanity. Massive loss of life in (presumably) workers that have been forced to accept a toxic vaccine at higher frequency relative to the general population of Indiana.
The problem is the mRNA vaccines themselves
FURTHERMORE, we have also been living through the most massive, globally coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human race. All major mass media and the social media technology companies have coordinated to stifle and suppress any discussion of the risks of the genetic mRNA vaccines AND/OR alternative early treatments.
IF this report holds true, there must be accountability. We are not just talking about running over the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States and grinding it into the mud with an army of artificial intelligence-powered heavy infantry.
This article reads like a dry description of an avoidable mass casualty event caused by a mandated experimental medical procedure. One for which all opportunities for the victims to have become self-informed about the potential risks have been methodically erased from both the internet and public awareness by an international corrupt cabal operating under the flag of the “Trusted News Initiative”.
George Orwell must be spinning in his grave.
MM Thoughts
I posted it as told.
It appears to indicate something odd is going on inside of the United States, and since the media is completely controlled by the government, no one really knows what is going on. However, if you look elsewhere there seems to be some alarming trends.
Taking the fact that I was told to post this article, and it was used in conjunction with a discussion of a situation that would dissuade the United States government from getting involved in a war with China, I think that it is significant.
The author is confirming that the actuarial tables (associated with Life Insurance policies) are clearly showing an unheard of association between an increase in deaths and the mRNA vaccines. There is apparently a direct correlation between the two.
Further, he accuses the media, the government and big business of a massive conspiracy. Whether it is part of some kind of depopulation agenda, a profit-motive, or just being malevolent, is not stated.
He suggests rallying up and demanding “Rights” and “accountability” fully oblivious that the United States is a Military empire and he is living in a Police State where he has no voice, no control, no power and no future.
Obviously the United States is a toxic place. But I wasn’t aware that it was this toxic. A 40% increase in a death rate is very concerning.
It’s a stealth SHTF event.
Obviously, if these trends continue or get worse, then the Deagel report will be vindicated, and there will not be enough people left alive in the United States to wage a war against China, let alone run the country.
Frightening stuff.
Special Considerations
There are MANY MM readers that might be shell-shocked from this information. I want to tell you all NOT TO WORRY. From what I understand, the human body adapts to the mRNA changes. You (if you have had an mRNA injection) will need to adapt to prevent what is apparently a potential bad series of side effects.
I do not understand it, but your body will require more oxygenation to prevent any adverse side effects.
This can be obtained via vitamin supplements, more exercise, walks outside in nature, and a reduction in super-processed food like sugary breakfast cereals, deep fried pig skins, and a reduction in fast food to perhaps once a week instead of five times a week.
It has been clearly relayed that once you obtain the mRNA injection, your body needs oxygenation at a greater level than what we all have come to live with. So you must alter your lifestyle with some vitamins, walks and a reduction in super-processed food intakes.
The article above suggests that people who do not alter their lifestyle behaviors towards more oxygenation, will start to see some health complications.
PissedLizard Comments
From an email communication... -MM
Absolutely. I am very familiar with Dr. Malone and the article referenced. I know what I am going to write goes against the narrative, but literally pick up a high school biology book and it’s right there.
The mRNA is from stem cells derived from fetal tissue.
So you are taking another human beings mRNA, mixing it with others, THEN running it thru CRISPR – which tells the mRNA in the vax to make spike proteins.
The thought is that if you naturally make the spike protein that Corona has, you will always have be able to produce anti- antibodies to the spike protein.
Sounds good in theory but you aren’t supposed to make virus spike protein. Although the HUMAN mRNA is programmed to make spike proteins – it could be programmed for anything – and that’s the boosters – but the spike proteins are getting thrown everywhere. They are sticking to the inside of the heart and irritating the blood supply of the middle “muscle” layer of the heart (myocarditis).
This is messed up. It has been from day 1. And for them – all blame goes to Trump. It’s “his vaccine”.
mRNA translates instructions from the nucleus to make a protein – which is basically almost every thing in you.
And all of these miscarriages and sterilizations – yeah. Of course… it’s fucking FETAL TISSUE. Of course mon is going to react. It usually isn’t overt but when you have billions getting the shots – as you see in other articles elsewhere – deaths in the USA up 40 – 60 percent and all non Covid. This shit is designed to kill.
And don’t be fooled about the sinovax either – follow that money for yourself to see EXACTLY what this shit is.
I hope this helps! If not or any other questions – let me know.
The spike proteins get lodged in capillary beds – that’s probably the “get oxygenated” thing though.
Final MM comments
Everyone in China is taking the “dead-host” vaccine. MM myself have taken two injections and am scheduled for a booster late February.
I have altered my lifestyle to accommodate.
I have severely cut down on my super-processed foods. I am trying (not quite as successfully as I would like) for more outside fresh air and exercise. And taking a daily vitamin supplement. The impression that I have is that this would be enough to compensate for any ill-adaptations as a result of the injections.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
This is probably my worst article / post on MM. But it is something that I have to get off my system, and preserve. Thus I present it as is, all in it's own terrible ratty configuration.
If life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.
This post / article discusses what my deactivation procedure was like from my point of view. To an outside observer, I was either lying on the bed thrashing about, or just acting strangely. I will do my best to give the reader a full understanding and the full scope of the experience.
These fuckers had to be shut off. You just don’t deactivate a MAJestic operative without shutting them down. That’s a fact jack.
It’s a difficult thing to relate, and even harder to describe. It also tends to get rather strange at times. But this is what happened. And it is here, recorded for prosperity.
Time to change your switch to "off".
My deactivation absolutely required that my probes be mothballed.
This was not an easy task, and it required that I be placed in a secure facility, and treated in a special manner .
This section discusses this procedure in the only way that I know how; from the point of view of the person being deactivated. Because of that, it is confusing and can be misunderstood easily. The reader is reminded that everything that happened is as described from my point of view.
To an outside observer, I was bat-shit crazy.
“Some are born mad, some achieve madness, and some have madness thrust upon 'em.” ― Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls
From what I know now, this procedure is very straight forward from the point of view of an outside observer. As such, I will try my best to describe it as such. But in truth, it was anything but easy. This was my mind that they were dealing with. And my perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories were involved. Our experiences are colored by all these things, and thus when they are being tampered with, we have a tendency to become disoriented and confused.
Some basic clarification
I was implanted with three groups / clusters of probes.. As a reminder, I was injected with two (x2) “kits” of devices at NAS NASC Pensacola, Florida. And then afterwards I went through a dimensional portal to another place. It was another location and involved another species. That is where I obtained my EBP device.
In total;
EBP – Alien manufacture, and installation.
ELF Kit #1 – MAJestic “kit”. Basic.
ELF Kit #2 – MAJestic “kit”. Advanced with special functions.
Core Kit I probes activated
This process was akin to “waking me up from a long slumber”. Because while I was actively aware of my role during the operation of the Core Core Kit #2 probes, I had forgotten everything related to and concerning the Core Core Kit #1 probes.
I knew, but didn't know. My memories were all very remote and empty. It was like when you opened the door to your house two days before Easter ten years ago. You remember it, but it isn't an "active" memory
To shut me off, and deactivate me, the core Core Kit #1 probes had to be reactivated, and from there, shut down manually, once the Core #2 kit was reset.
There was no easy way to do it.
For over 30 years had passed since I was last active under the probes effects. The physical probes had naturally migrated out of their initial set locations, and I needed to be re-calibrated, and engaged for the new locations of the probes. (In other words, what was once located at the far left of the upper part of my brain, has now moved diagonally towards the back and a little bit to the mid-center.) How to do this was not clean or pleasant.
For me it was hell.
“She’ll be coming around the mountain when she comes…She’ll be coming around the mountain when she comes…She’ll be riding six white horses.She’ll be riding six white horses.When she comes…”-Old Susanna
It began at lights out.
It began with “lights out”.
The lights usually shut down at 11:00 pm, but for some reason, the lights out period started at 9:00 pm. And we all settled down to rest. I tried to rest. As I settled down, everything got still and quiet. I started to drift off to sleep. My brain waves went from Alpha waves, to beta waves. My mind started to quiet down. It was quiet, and peaceful. But just as I began to drift into sleep; into theta waves, I was suddenly jerked up wide awake.
Someone, another inmate perhaps, started singing. This singing was loud and garish. He sang one old song from the days of the California Gold Rush. He sang “Old Susanna”. He wouldn’t let up. After a full five minutes of this, I was wide awake. And, he mercifully stopped.
The California Gold Rush (1848–1855) began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California.
"Oh! Susanna" is a minstrel song by Stephen Foster (1826–1864), first published in 1848. It is among the most popular American songs ever written.
I began to rest again.
And again, as soon as I started to rest and drift off into theta brain wave activity, I was suddenly shaken wide awake. It was the other man singing “Old Susanna”. Again this singing continued for about ten more minutes and then stopped. I was now wide awake. Tired. Grouchy, and irritable. I tried to go back to sleep.
I began to rest again.
And again, no sooner as I started to rest and drift off into theta brain wave activity, I was suddenly shaken wide awake. Again, I listened to the crisp old tune of “Old Susanna”. Again this singing continued for about ten more minutes and then stopped. I stayed wide awake. I stayed tired. I continued to be grouchy, and irritable. Yet, still, I tried to go back to sleep.
The entire night continued like this.
Each time, as the night wore on, I got angrier and angrier.
Now, what one must understand is that I was chosen for the program for my ability to control my emotions. Though my wife might disagree with this appraisal, it was true that I could take a large amount of abuse before I would lash out. So even though I was terribly tired and exhausted, I didn’t do anything about it. I just took the abuse in silence.
Until about at around 4:00 am something snapped.
I snapped into a “state”
I cannot relate the exact mechanics of what transpired.
It reached a point of emotional turmoil, and mental confusion through the accumulation of pressure and the lack of sleep. In any event, at some point in time, my body and mind just snapped. That is the best way that I can describe it.
A feeling of warmth came over me, and I became lucid. I was no longer sleepy, but alert, calm, and entirely pissed.
Pissed, as in "pissed off" and absolutely furiously angry.
I was frosty calm and pissed off in a way that defies description.
I did not at all have a full recall of my Core Core Kit #1 memories. But I did have a recall of specialized training that I picked up somewhere (?).
And that came out in a flood of reactive autonomous movements and gestures. I found myself exercising and limbering up. I immediately went into some old martial arts training that I had taken years ago, and I started to organize all my gear. I made a mental count of everything I owned and this inventory was used for an automatic survival, evasion and escape routine that somehow I had access to.
(How and where did I get this training? I do not recall.)
Now, in case the reader gets confused, it needs to be clearly pointed out that I did not have any kind of formalized military combat training aside from what I experienced in the Navy at NAS NASC Pensacola.
Well, mostly that is…
Aside from one or two specialized para-military training camps in Louisiana. But I put this information here as a full disclosure of my apparent skill sets.I was there because of a"project" that I was involved in. <redacted>
Just because I had cursory training as a “Swamp Rat” did not make me a professional military fighter or combat soldier. I only had the most rudimentary training in these fields.
I was a technical nerd who’s experiences, for the most part, were devoid of any such experiences.
This was a meager amount.
When you watch television and movies, the heroes all have a great deal of skill and experience with knife fighting, martial arts, weaponry and high duration endurance. That is fine for the movies, but I was not trained as a navy SEAL, or a member of DELTA team.
I was more or less a highly technical individual, who through an array of events ended up in this program. I was not, am not, nor will I ever be a combat fighter. Yet, for some reason, this persona; a persona of just such a swarthy fellow, took hold of my very being.
I became that person.
How, and why, I have no idea.
I started to act… peculiarly.
All of this was not my personality.
At least nothing that I would associate with myself for the last three decades.
What was most astounding was that I started yelling in Chinese. Now, today, my Chinese linguistic skills are much better than then. But one must understand that, at that time, I couldn’t tell the difference from between a pair of shoes from a carrot in Chinese. I possessed absolutely zero Chinese linguistic skill.
But yet, I found myself shouting in Chinese. I started to implore the guards for information. I started to ask them what was going on. I did so in Mandarin Chinese!
Not that anyone else knew what I was saying. But, for some reason, my automatic reaction; one that I am loathe to recall here, kicked in. It involved a number of automatic behaviors that I automatically started to adopt.
These included a [1] calm composure, [2] the ability to think and reason in certain defined patterns, [3] the ability to speak in Chinese, and [4] the knowledge of what to do and how to handle the circumstances that came before me. It was almost like I was programmed to react in a certain manner under a certain series of events or circumstances.
This concluded until about 6:00 am.
When I finally was able to rest. At that time, the staff surrounding my cell and barracks also shut down and left for home. As they gathered their papers, books and possessions, they commented about the night. They complained about the costs, but also commented as to how unique the experience was.
They were curious about me, and they wanted to find out more as to what I was involved in. They joked about the event, saying to the effect that that was certainly strange and weird. That it was unexpected that I would know and speak Chinese, but that proved that something that they were told was correct. They stated that they would keep me under special care and evaluation until the team arrived from Washington to finish the work.
For me, however, everything was different.
I turned into someone different.
Now, I was someone else. I was like a robot. In truth, I was in-between activation’s. Neither my core Core Kit #1 nor my Core Core Kit #2 probes were apparently activated. But somehow, through stress and situations they were able to induce upon me some kind of repressed reactive persona.
This was unexpected by everyone.
It was certainly unexpected by me.
I had no idea that this stuff was locked away inside my head. It was surprising to the staff at the prison as well. While the doctor and the authorities were apparently told that I would have to be handled in a certain special way, they didn’t believe that anything would actually, really occur. They thought that it would be just nonsense. But sure as the day is bright, the manuals were correct and I snapped into a secondary persona. One that was not to be trifled with.
At this point in time, I was in a “survival” and “protective” persona. (I found myself walking with “direct registering” and operating in a most observant manner. )
Direct Registering
Walking like a feline in a specific prescribed manner designed for silence and readiness. Felines walk in a stalking silent mode where their hind paws fall inside the place of their forepaws, minimizing noise and visible tracks, while ensuring more stable footing.
A different personality.
This was something that I was unaware I possessed, and the only way and place that I could of obtained these skills was during the week-long absence through the dimensional portal on the base years ago. In hindsight, I actually now possessed a total of four modes of operation.
They were;
Normal human
“Survival” and “Protective” Persona
Core Core Kit #1 Activation
Core Core Kit #2 Entanglement with the drone
Lord only knows how many personas I have locked away in my brain.
What did the fucking government do to me? Are there still other personas that are lying dormant ready to be released under a series of aggressive external stimuli? I do not know.
I simply do NOT know.
At this time, I was still quite confused as to what was going on. While I understood where I was and what I was doing there. All my subsequent history related to the US Navy was still a complete blank.
I had no idea about the connection between my incarceration and that of my involvement in the MAJestic USAP program. At that point, I was convinced that it was due to an overly zealous DA, and an unfortunate series of personal events on my behalf.
Turning on the probes
“Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.”― Shannon L. Alder
I spent the entire day in the cell.
I spent the entire day in the cell.
A fore-taste of things to come. Eh?
When it came time for me to eat, I was lead out of my cell by following a special procedure. In this procedure, six guards came to my cell, they opened the door with an elaborate call out procedure, and each one took up a special role. One would call out “Prepare to blow the door”, while another would say “On my count, blow the door”, and another would count “3, 2, 1”. Then they would unlock the door while saying “Blowing the door”. I think all of this was completely unnecessary. But they weren’t taking any chances. When the door was opened, two guards got on both sides of me and grabbed my arms and back collar. Then they led / carried me out of the cell.
They would line up on both sides of the port and formalize the egress procedure so that I would be more easily controlled when they took me from my cell.
While I told them this wasn’t necessary, they told me that this procedure was necessary for everyone’s safety and I had just get along with the program. So I shrugged my shoulders and said OK. And thus, I was led to chow hall this way, and returned back to my cell in this matter for reasons of safety for myself and for other inmates.
For most of my evaluation I was brought to mess hall and from it in this manner. But that is not all that was done.
When I arrived in the mess hall, I was placed at a table along the wall, and there, standing along the wall was about fifteen guards. I couldn’t do anything without them subduing me.
But of course, I did nothing. I was not crazy, unwise or stupid. I knew the odds, and why should I do anything anyways? There was no benefit for me. The wisest thing for me to do was to follow the program and track that was established for me to its conclusion.
They also heavily sedated me.
I alone, of all the inmates, was given a glass of orange juice. And that liquid was severely laced with a medicine known as Chlorpromazine.
Thioridazine (Mellaril (DE, BD, ET, ID, BR), Melleril.
It is used in the treatment of schizophrenia.
But it is also used to control people with behavioral problems because of the way it causes the body to react to external stimuli.
It works on a variety of receptors in the central nervous system, producing potent anticholinergic, antidopaminergic, antihistaminic, and antiadrenergic effects. Both the clinical indications and side effect profile of CPZ are determined by the broadness of its action: its anticholinergic properties cause constipation, sedation, and hypotension but also help relieve nausea.
It also has anxiolytic (anxiety-relieving) properties.
Its antidopaminergic properties can cause extrapyramidal symptoms, such as akathisia (restlessness, aka the 'Thorazine shuffle' where the patient walks almost constantly, despite having nowhere to go due to mandatory confinement, and takes small, shuffling steps) and dystonia.
From the moment I drank this orange juice to all subsequent servings, I knew exactly what was going on.
My speech became slurred, and while my mind remained sharp and clear, the ability for me to move my body was severely retarded. For instance, I would want to stand up, but the ability for me to move my legs was severely repressed. Instead, I would just sit there trying to move, but unable to do so.
It was not at all a pleasant experience. But rather uncomfortable. I believe that they gave me a rather high dosage of this chemical, and they kept me sedated throughout my evaluation period.
Since I was under an ELF field, I could easily see the cavitation effects while laying on the bed in my cell.
This period of waiting while under the effects of the drug, and being sedated was short lived. After two days, the team of experts arrived from Washington, and my deactivation procedure began.
The truth is that I assumed that they were from Washington, D.C. They could have been from anywhere. What I did know was that they were not local to the state where I was, and thus they had to be flown in from out of state. Their names, and point of origin, as well as their backgrounds are all unknown to me.
Retirement Team flown in
"[UFOs are] considered top secret by intelligence officers of both the Army and the Air Forces." --From a declassified 1949 FBI document from the San Antonio FBI office, to J. Edgar Hoover.
I knew something was “afoot” when I was moved from my upper tier cell, to a (special) first floor cell.
This refers to the knowledge that something is occurring behind the observed scenery, which might directly affect someone or something.
This was cell number 7.
It was a “special” cell.
To an outside observer it was a cell like any other. But this one was quite different. For starters, the wall graffiti was different. In most cells, and wall graffiti involved curse words, stick figures showing genital areas and perhaps a statement about prison life. Like “I’ll be back!”, and “The food here blows”. However, this cell was different.
The graffiti in this cell was unique. Instead of curse words, there were words related to thoughts and actions. For instance, next to the rack was the phrase “Be careful what you say.” And, over the door, were the words that stated “Do nothing stupid.” And near the sink, and the air vent, and the foot of the bed were drawings of three triangles. The drawings showed the triangles lined up in a row.
Three triangles with a line drawn through them.
They had kept me heavily sedated on Chlorpromazine because I was apparently unpredictable and dangerous. It was a safety precaution, though I told them repeatedly that I wasn’t going to do anything. The purpose of this cell was to put me into a specially constructed cell that was functionally intended for the ELF decommissioning procedure.
The cell was on the first floor and it was a little different than the others.
One of the problems that I had while the ELF filed was turned on was the heat that was being generated by my body. So this cell had an extra high capacity fan that was used to exhaust the air quickly. It was also grounded as a kind of faraday cage. However, the sink was not properly grounded, and was disconnected from the metal supports due to corrosion. Therefore whenever I went near it I would get a most terrible shock.
Also in this cell were some graffiti and doodles that you would find in any cell. Except this cell had the three triangle nomenclature that I recognized so well. It also had graffiti specifically pointing the locations of the microphone and the closed circuit camera.
Though I didn’t need the graffiti to show me these items.
Perhaps the most notable thing about this particular cell was outside of it. Directly outside the cell was the three embedded triangular feducial markings. If I were to stand up straight at the door to the cell, I would be able to focus directly at the feducials.
When looking out of the door to my cell I could see two individuals discussing things with the Captain of the guards, and the head of the Prison System’s Psychiatric Unit. They were wearing suits and ties, which is quite different from that of most white color employees local to the region. Due to the heat, most local white collar employees tended to wear collared short sleeve polo shirts. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but they would occasionally look over my way and continue talking like I was a slab of beef or some other object of little importance.
I could talk directly to the ELF team
With my probes now fully engaged and my cell irradiated with ELF radiation everything that I would say was heard directly to the ELF control station (in Minnesota) I could talk and they would answer me. Not only that, but I could whisper and they would be able to talk back to me.
It’s all pretty odd. And no we did not get “chummy”.
For instance, I told the on-site staff at the prison facility to adjust the amplitude of the gain on the ELF waves, and I was able to tell them it’s “size” relative to my cell. They had the gain really high and I took it down about six steps and then one step up. (For personal comfort.)
The Deactivation Procedure
It was around 6:00pm when the deactivation procedure began. I had been given an extremely large dose of medication during dinner and it was just then beginning to affect me.
I was sitting on my rack, wanting to lie down, but being unable to do so easily. Eventually I was able to collapse onto the bed, but I did not lie down comfortably, but rather laid on my bed in a half-on, half-off manner. My legs were still in a sitting position, but my head was on the pillow. I laid on my side with my arm extended half off the bed.
I was in a near comatose state. The Thorazine was hitting me hard.
Cell #7 in the Evaluation Barracks.
I immediately knew that there was “something going on” whenever I felt an electric wave travel through my body and when I looked up at the ceiling, I “saw” cavitation effects.
Cavitation is the visual effect inside my visual cortex that indicates harmonics formed by the ELF waves in a confined space. In the test chamber at China Lake NWC I could see the effects though they were obscured by the confusing array of the grey triangles that dotted the walls.
But here in the white cinderblock cell, they were obvious. They appeared to me as waves and rows of grey worm like distortions.
While I still didn’t remember anything of my relevant past, it seemed quite familiar and strikingly disturbing. Losing control of one’s mind, and the observation of what could be hallucinations, is not something that you want to experience in prison.
That evening, as I relaxed on my rack, I suddenly saw the sudden bright flashes of light in my head. Just as quickly, in a short span of time, numbering in the milliseconds, a new vision flooded my visual cortex.
With it…
… came an awareness.
But it wasn’t long before I really and truly and completely knew what was truly going on.
For in a short period of time I lost all external vision and the ELF calibration screen flooded my visual cortex. And, while I am kind of ashamed to admit it, again I was intrigued by the red edges of the pastel landscape.
The ELF calibration screen filled my eyesight and consisted of "hills" and "valleys" upon an undulating terrain map that I would be able to navigate a reticle upon.
Without thinking too deeply about it, I started to look and peer intently into the imagery. Without thinking, I said out loud, “I wonder what those red cracks are”, and was equally surprised when a loud voice flooded my mind.
An unknown man sternly replied “Shut up! Concentrate on centering the reticle like you were trained to do!”
Ah, such reminders.
Unknown to my handler, this was an exact duplicate of the same event decades earlier. There, I also made inquiries of the reddish edges. And then, they also told me to ignore those colors and concentrate on the task before me.
All of this became evident. The true and actual awareness flooded my mind when the pastel map appeared. This is a map that I hadn’t seen for over 30 years. It was so long ago I forgot all about it. While the life with the interaction of the drone was known to me and understood, the life of the ELF core kit was forgotten.
The last time I had used it was for some minor tasks back in the 1990’s, when I was recalled for some domestic activities. At that time, I was temporarily tasked to <redacted>.
The reticle on the map was terribly out of place. It was way out to the left of where it should have been, and, I used the time to put it back where it belonged. As soon as the reticle went back in place, my normal eyesight returned. But, I could easily tell that I was in the presence of the ELF field. I knew, somewhat, what was going on. Indeed, I could see the cavitation effects in the cell all around me. And, to my amazement, but not without some concern, dolefully centered the reticle in the proper area. And the pastel map disappeared and I was back in my evaluation cell.
I looked up at the ceiling and saw the cavitation effects clearly. Now, the reader might think that I would have full and immediate recall of everything that I had ever experienced at this point. And that I would also understand what I was going through and why. But the truth was that I did not. I was confused, a bit scared, and completely in a quandary over this entire situation.
It truthfully took me at least two days to fully recall what was going on and why. In the meantime, I had a deactivation procedure to endure, and at this state, the hell was only just starting. As I recall, I was only finally to put all the pieces together when I looked outside the door to my cell. For there, directly opposite to my door, was the triangle shaped feducials embedded in the cinder-block wall of the intake facility!
What it sort of looked like.
Was I actually a Sex Offender?
“The greatest prison that people live in is the fear of what other people think.”—Unknown
Actually, the first task, once the deactivation team arrived, was to meet the qualifications and expectations of the facility itself. Those expectations were as I discussed earlier. It was, after all, why I signed the waiver of my Constitutional rights.
Our founders set up a brilliant system which has served the country well for over two centuries. What people seem to forget is our system of government wasn’t set up to create a new set of parental authority figures for the public.
The entire intent behind the Constitution was to create a series of checks and balances to restrain government from becoming too powerful and working against the interests of the public.
Government’s primary role in America is supposed to be to protect the Constitution and defend the cherished civil liberties defined within it.
Today, it does precisely opposite.
Our government isn’t just corrupt though. Indeed, the primary function of government at the moment is to protect status quo criminals from the public, not the other way around. This is why the rich and powerful are never held to account, which is in turn why it continues to get worse and worse.
Was a danger to the community as a Sexual Offender? Was I a [1] pedophile or a [2] predator that would prey on people or little children? Did I have a [3] secret history that others need to be told about? Have I [4] hurt someone in my deep, dark, remote past? They needed to know just how [5] licentious I actually was. These questions needed to be answered.
From the point of view of everyone there, with the exception of the two “experts” that were flowing in to supervise this procedure, no one knew the answer.
So they had to run the necessary tests to determine this. But, unlike many other inmates, this would be much easier for them to find out, because, here (in my case) they have a hard-wired conduit direct to my brain and they could actively monitor how my brain would react to thoughts, and images placed there.
Not to mention that the Navy, or the MAJestic arm of the Navy, had a complete record of everything that I did. From phone records for the last thirty years, candid photographs of me and my wife in hotel rooms (!) and in our house (!), a completely compiled dossier of my medical history and a listing of every (MAJestic) operation that I had ever participated in.
Though, I am sure that that dossier would not of been shared with anyone outside of the MAJestic organization.
MAJestic knew EVERYTHING about me.
But, the State where I was incarcerated did not.
The team had to follow the law, [1] determine how severe a “Sex Offender” I actually was, while at the same time [2] permitting MAJestic to “disable my lethalness” and render me “inoperable” as an agent.
Most people are not aware of this, but not all "sexual offenders" are the same. While everyone gets classified as a Sexual offender, they have a secondary rating that is used to determine their frequency of monitoring and their restrictions.
The scale goes from a 1, which is a minor level offender, up to a 3 / 4 (depending on the state where you live) as the worst of the worst.
While, I am sure, the State officials did not have the clearances to know everything that I was involved in, they did have the right to know my medical, mental and criminal histories as compiled by MAJestic. And that, it was certain, was enough to dispel any doubts about my threat level assessment. Though, since they did contact the MAJestic authorities (somehow, maybe they were notified by triggering an access query for my records), they realized that I was “somehow” connected to the US government in some high capacity level.
What they thought it was is anyone’s guess. However, they probably envisioned something that Hollywood would dream up.
CIA scene from one of the Jason Bourne movies.
That’s the way it works you know. We can only envision what we have been exposed to. For most unusual events, the exposure experience is “Hollywood”.
Again, while the procedure was complicated in actual implementation, the core basic theory behind it was quite simple. My visual cortex would be flooded with an image or series of images, or video movie routines. How my body reacted to those images would be noticed and recorded. If my penis would become erect that, for instance, would show the possible potential for interest in that picture or image.
Good luck with that. Once a man gets older, spontaneous erections are very rare. In fact, any kind of erection is a rare event.
Though in truth, they did not need to observe me get erections by. looking at pictures. All they needed to do is to monitor my brainwaves. The Thorazine reduced my body to “sluggish jello” while keeping my mind clear and focused. Yet at the same time, by emotions were all very calm. Thus, any reaction to images that I would see (and after all they had a complete pathway to my visual cortex through the ELF Kit #1 probes) could be observed by the monitoring of my brainwaves.
But since they now had the probes inside my head they could actually determine is the image was pleasurable or disgusting to me. And it was that by which they measured my interest.
There was no running away from it. They could tell, through the reactions in my brain, what interest that I had in sex, children, and images and whether or not I had any tendencies to harm, hurt or bother others in pursuit of said interests.
“If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.”-Robert Heinlein in The Door into Summer.
In hindsight, it is interesting that I was arrested for the unproven potential for having an image on a computer that I owned, but whether this was an indicator of my threat to society was another matter entirely.
Actually the mere presence of a file on a computer, by itself, does not mean that it was used or accessed by a person. That has to be determined by computer forensics. There, an IT professional can determine when the file was last accessed, what program accessed it, and for how long it was accessed. A longer period of forensic study can identify how the file got onto the computer, and when. But the mere presence of an illegal photo does not imply that the owner of the computer used, viewed or even knew that that file existed.
The same is true for a farmer who owns 1000 acres of land. The presence of two or three marijuana plants on this property does not imply that he was aware of them, cultivated them, or had any interest in growing them.
But it is easy for a Congressman to make a law saying that if a marijuana plant was on your property, you were De Facto a cultivator of that drug.
The criminal and legal systems must be specifically worded and carefully followed specifically with neutral intent towards obtainment of the truth, and whether true criminal intent was present.
But all that is meaningless.
A direct interpretation of the law simply states that if you possess an item that is illegal, you have broken the law. The old saying that “Intent is 9/10’s of the law” is an obsolete phrase that has no place in modern American law.
This entire theory is disgusting and disturbing to me. Does that mean that if I watched a movie about Hitler that I was a follower of his policies? Or that if someone flashed a picture to me in a mere fraction of a second that I would treasure that image and cultivate it in my mind over and over again, eventually becoming a dangerous maniac?
Most human brains operate at 4 Hz. Most computers operate at 3 GHz. Or in other words, flashing an image on the computer screen at 3Gz cannot be seen by the human brain.
The only way that it would be seen is if the picture froze in place for 4 x 1024,000,000 Hz. (1GHz = 1024 MHz). That is a real long time for a computer.
That is why computer forensics is so important. To watch and look at a picture, humans tend to look, or gawk at it for substantially longer than their brains work. Suppose it would take 30 seconds, or in this case 30x4x1024,000,000 computer cycles at least.
A true prosecutor should need to show that the image was OBSERVED rather than just a file on a computer. In any event, this is all academic. The law says one thing, and if you have a file on your computer, it doesn’t matter how it got there or whether you looked at it or not.
You become guilty.
Obviously the laws and the system behind them were more akin to a huge dragnet rather than a surgical investigative attack on dangerous community predators. But that is how the state dealt with these issues, and I was caught in the system. My place was not to wonder why, but rather to survive the ordeal as they “investigated” me.
This is an interesting subject, and one that I have spent many years considering. That is because the systems in place currently in the United States, on both the State and the Federal level seem to violate the core principles of common law.
In those principles, a law is something that protects the rights and privileges of another.
For instance, you can’t steal someone’s horse because it is a violation of another’s property ownership rights. Or you cannot kill someone because it is a violation of their God-given right of existence.
So, this being said, what property right, personal right, or sovereign right of a nation is being enforced by those laws related to possession of a banned substance or article?
As it stands, the law is contorted into something else entirely. In this convolution, it is the [1] premise of the potential for wrongdoing that is [2] evidenced by the suggestion of improper thought, through [3] possession of a banned object that is the driving force behind the laws as written.
Scene from “A Clockwork Orange”.
When a person is revolted, or shocked, or experiences emotion, the body chemistry changes. If you are in love, your body becomes filled with emotion. If you are in fear, your body is also filled with different chemicals. And dogs can sense this. With the proper equipment it can also be measured remotely.
In any event, a period of time was devoted to determining whether I was a threat to society based on my body’s reactions to injected visual imagery into my cerebral cortex.
Actually by measuring the activity in my anterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region that is involved in suppressing emotional responses, and the inferior frontal gyrus, an area responsible for evaluating social behavior and cooperation, the investigators could get a much better understanding of my individual motivations than only just relying on my more primitive cerebral functions. Luckily for me, I have over thirty years of ELF monitoring of this, but I don’t think that anyone told the medical staff at the diagnostic facility about that.
While I lay there on the rack, images started to flood my mind. Each image enveloped my entire visual cortex and paused there for five seconds. Apparently, it took from three to five seconds to determine how my body would react to these images.
It began easily enough with “soft” images. There were pictures of trees, plants, zoo animals, ocean scenes, fish, clouds and other nice and pleasant imagery. Then, they slowly started to insert pictures of girls. Some clothed, some in bathing suits, and some nude.
In short order the pictures started to diversify.
Some were pictures of thin girls, some were girls with large mammary breasts, and some were pictures of girls with long legs. Some pictures included children, while other pictures included animals.
Over a short period of time, the pictures became more diversified. There were pictures of piles of shit, urine and feces. There were pictures depicting torture, rotting things, and pictures of extreme violence.
There were totally repugnant pictures and pictures of absolute pleasantry. All of my reactions to each of these pictures were then assigned a series of values and were mapped out on a grid.
The grid was a graphical display of my overall sexual interests.
In it, various characteristics, regarding my heartbeat, electro-biological chemistry, and physical reactions were mapped and put down upon the display. For me, as I lay there listening in on the discussions surrounding me, was rather plain and boring. I had a sharp “drop off”, as most normal humans would, regarding death, violence, feces, and odd sexual acts.
I also had a normal transition of interest from beautiful, to cute, to attractive, to stimulating. This gradient needed to be present, for that defines discernment. This is a characteristic of a normal childhood, and thankfully I had a solid grounding in that area.
I had no sexual interest in children, but rather a kind of parental protectiveness seemed to emerge during the evaluation. I had no interest in pursuing anything or a desire to “still” or “hold” the image. This was indicative of a general apathy towards possession and possessiveness. That was certainly not a trait of a sexual predator.
I held strong emphatic reactions that clearly showed that I was not a sociopath, nor did I exhibit odd thinking or reasoning patterns in my brain that were indicative of mental instability in one form or the other. I was surprisingly normal, perhaps a little bit sexually conservative (maybe even embarrassingly puritan in some ways), but aside from that rather normal.
Anyways, that what they said, and I heard them say that. How would you like to be classified as “Puritan” in your sexual interests?
Furthermore, the graph most certainly showed areas in which I had a great deal of sexual attractiveness towards. Not every man is the same, and for me, it appeared, that I had a strong preference in curvy woman with large chests and long legs. I was also fond of wide shoulders (?) for some unknown reason.
My tests showed a predilection towards woman who would be able to have these physical features, which involved girls as young as in their early 20’s, and as old as I was. But there was a rather severe drop off as they approached the age that I would consider to be my daughter. At that point, a different series of emotions came into play with were of a parental protective nature.
All in all, my tests were normal.
In comparison with others who went through this evaluation with me, (apparently) my graph was smaller and more limiting. Others were not so disturbed by certain kinds of sexual positions, or actions. They also tended to be “more open minded” about same-sex fetishes than I was.
They said that I was “bland” and “boring”. How would you like to be considered to be “plan vanilla”, “bland and boring” regarding sex?
My graph was indicative of a rather defined line that separates repulsion, neutrality, and attraction. For me, my graph was indicative of “traditionally oriented sexual attractiveness”. In no way was there any hint of an interest in child porn, sex with a child, voyeurism, necrophilia, bondage, S &M, observing violent sexual fantasies, nor anything related to sex outside of a more or less male to female orientation. I was just conventional; plain and ordinary.
This test lasted approximately five hours. And the conclusions were final, and without question. I was [1] not a threat to society, nor was [2] I at all interested in any kind of sexual activity with a child. It also showed that [3] I was not violent or enjoyed violence in any way.
Upon conclusion of this part of the test, there was an apparent break, and I was able to lay back and relax. I just listen to them discuss my brain and interests. Apparently, somehow they were able to see the images that they placed in my visual cortex. And they commented on them. Some would say that the picture was funny, or disgusting, or really attractive. It was an interesting dialog, but I didn’t care. I was tired, as it took a lot of work to endure the test, and I was very tired, as well as very hot. During the test, the probes in my brain generate heat, and unless I am able to cool down, it could kill me. So I just laid back, and drifted off to sleep with my head buried into my soaking-wet pillow.
What did I recall?
Since it was now determined that I was not a danger to anyone, and thus the sole remaining procedure remaining was to retire my probes.
This should have been rather easy, you would think.
You would just turn the “on” switch to “off”. But that isn’t the way it worked, and for me, it was neither simple, nor easy.
In order to first shut down the probes, there had to be a [1] complete reawakening of brain, followed by a [2] downloading (of sorts) of what I knew and experienced, followed by a [3] re-compartmentalization of memories. This was to be conducted in a certain way, because if not done so properly, certain memories would persist, while others would be erased.
Thus a dangerous condition could inadvertently be created.
It could possibly create a person with patches of memories, and skill sets, all completely out of their proper context. And that is a dangerous precedent. Just like “Nomad” in the Star Trek series…
The Changeling (1968)
Ye Gods! I might relive the “The Changeling (1967)” episode from Star Trek. Where some memories that I should of forgotten be remembered, and others that I should of remembered be forgotten. The reality of a bastardized memory stack was a frightening possibility.
A malfunctioning space probe, Nomad, comes aboard the Enterprise, mistaking Kirk for its creator. The half-earth, half-alien probe thinks it has orders to sterilize imperfect life-forms, and the crew has to find a way to keep it under control before it kills them.
Its original orders were to find life-forms, but it had merged with another probe whose orders were to sterilize imperfect minerals.
When combined, and placed out of the proper context, a hybrid creature; Nomad, was created. Whose goal and objective was the perverted “Find life-forms, and sterilize all imperfect life-forms”.
The second task took all day, and began right after breakfast the next day. Again, like I had been all week, I was provided a large dose of medication to control me, and I just went to my rack and lay down.
This was an important exercise, as all my core Core Kit #1 interlocks were removed, and all my memories were made accessible to me.
From an observer in the barracks, nothing at all was going on, but that was completely illusionary. To everyone else, I was alone, lying down on my rack. But in my mind a pure cascade of thoughts and images flooded my mind.
Not only that, but the activation protocol was engaged. That meant a full power ELF field, and a constant and steady background cadence was present to my ears.
A steady and constant cadence was played in my head. It was constant and it lasted for the ten days or so that I was being evaluated.
While I understood the purpose of the pastel map and the movement of the reticle, I still did not have any recollection of my memories about the ELF Core Kit. That would only come about once my memories were unlocked.
To unlock my memories a sequence of commands must be issued from the control booth external to my body. I cannot do that myself.
The diagnostic screen appeared briefly. In a flash I could see the screen overlaid in my field of sight. I watched as the icons were clicked and activated in quick succession. Whomever was doing this was quite skilled in doing so. This overlay and the resultant operation passed away quickly, perhaps under three minutes, and then the screen disappeared. Then everything went calm again.
And then, slowly, one by one, (all the rest of) my memories returned.
Unlike the memory retrieval at NAS China Lake, this was a much more arduous process. The reasons for this, perhaps, were many. For one, a much larger period of time had elapsed. When I was at China Lake, a period of around three years had elapsed.
But at this time, a far larger period of time had elapsed and this period of time was over thirty years.
As time wears on, the memories become embedded deeper and deeper in the records of one’s past. As such, it becomes comparatively more difficult to retrieve them. Additionally, other memories, not repressed, crowd out the significance of the repressed memories. Thus, a sorting and prioritizing technique must be employed by the agent to figure out exactly what was transpiring, what had transpired, and why. This was not easy, and as the pieces to the huge puzzle of my life started to come together, I was at times amazed, shocked, and disgusted as to the kind of life that I had lived.
Pieces fell into place. Connections were made, and mysteries that I wondered about (Like “why did I do that?) all started to make sense.
As these memories flooded my consciousness, somehow the operators were able to observe the snatches that would flutter by in my visual cortex. I was being monitored, and as these memories arose others would view them, and at times comment on them.
From my perspective
At this time, the world that I was involved is was quite unique and unusual. What I was experiencing; what I was seeing and hearing was oblivious to the outside world. I was trapped inside a world of my own.
My brain saw and heard sounds and visions that only I could see and experience.
In my mind, I could [1] hear the chatter from the ELF control staff. I could [2] listen to my handlers, the [3] program managers and the [4] operators at their stations. It was like I was on speaker-phone and I could (judging from the volume and the echoes in the room) determine their relative positions within the ELF control room.
I could also [5] overhear the local medical staff in the diagnostic facility talking about me to the [6] “experts” flown in to evaluate me.
I could also [7] hear the rest of the barracks, which was now just beginning to be repopulated with other inmates. All of this confusion passed through my senses with an [8] underlying “awakening” cadence that was put in place by my handlers.
Reactions of the others
Of course, to everyone else in the barracks I was a raving loon. I was talking to myself, conducting focusing exercises to center upon the feducials. I looked like a complete nut. But something else was also happening. Others were listening to me. The doctors and the guards were listening in on the chatter with my handlers. Some of the inmates were also listening in.
It was because of these alert few that directed the attention of the other inmates to what was going on and to whom I really was. In a short period of time, almost the entire barracks knew who I really was, and why I was truly and actually there.
This was absolutely unexpected. No, not everyone knew. But there was a significant number of both guards, and inmates that knew that I was a “special” inmate and that I had a “special” background.
They also knew that I was there for reasons other than why I was there “officially”.
To show their respect for me they would honor me. To be honest, the method of showing honor to me was alien to my experiences. They were obvious respectful gestures, but I had never experienced them before.
Respect and other strange observances
All through the day, various inmates, and guards as well, would come near to my cell. They would stand next to the door.
Everyone (in the barracks) knew what was going on. They all knew that I was being “retired” or in prison for some kind of special government operation. As such, they all showed me respect.
They wouldn’t salute or anything like that, but they would stand tall with their back straight. They would hold a small torn piece of paper in their palm. In that paper were three letters. The initials of the person honoring me. They then folded the small ½ inch long sized scrap of paper into a butterfly shape and softly blow it towards my cell.
This went on all day. And when I returned back from dinner at the chow hall, I found that someone had taken all the tiny slips of paper, now numbering 60 or 70 and put them in the grill vent in my cell. I can tell you that while it was certainly an uncomfortable experience being in prison, and getting accused like I was, to have this level of respect and support was meaningful and import to me.
It touched me.
(I do not know the origins of this ritual. I have never seen it before, and it was not part of my training in the Navy. But the standardization of it was suggestive of some kind of military ritual, of which I knew nothing of. To this day it remains a mystery to me. How could dozens of strangers all act uniformly towards me in this way? I do not know.)
During this entire time period, as long as the cadence was on, and they were reviewing my experiences, I tended to act, talk, and walk differently. It was as if I was still in training in the Navy. It was like I was a drill instructor or some other kind of military automation. I couldn’t help it. I automatically took on that persona, and that is who I was and what I was during this period of time.
Scrolling through my memories
I am sure that there were a lot of interesting memories tucked away inside my brain. After all, I not only operated as a normal human, but I also shared my experiences with an entangled drone.
All of my memories for the over thirty years that I was entangled are now shared experiences and shared memories.
But, what they wanted to do was look for specific memory sets, isolate them, and sever my access to them.
When the command to unlock it was received, the memories came back in a flood. Apparently, the longer the memories lie dormant within the brain the more painful they are to extract them.
Correction. It is not necessarily a painful experience, than it is a jarring one.
For with each memories comes with its own associated emotions. The memories of what it was like in flight school, as well as the time of being a newlywed at China Lake all flooded my body.
To handle this flood of memories the beat tempo was broadcast to my auditory center. This helped me to handle the memories and emotions. There were different kinds of tempos. This was a military march beat with underlining references towards the song that I selected as my favorite song back when I first signed up into the program.
This tempo caused me to maintain a military bearing just like I maintained it at NAS NASC Pensacola, Florida. Of course, the rest of the inmates thought that I was a little bonkers. But the team who was deprogramming me knew exactly what was going on at the time.
Reviewing the “Discovery” paperwork
In Law, “discovery” is the exchange of legal information and known facts of a case. Think of discovery as obtaining and disclosing the evidence and position of each side of a case so that all parties involved can decide what their best options are – move forward toward trial or negotiate an early settlement.
-What Is Discovery? – Legal Meaning
Critical to the identification of whether I was a criminal or not, was a reviewing of the “Discovery” documentation that was used by the DA and prosecutor to convict me.
Correction. They did not use it to convict me. They threatened me with 80 years in Prison that would be determined by a panel of Jurists from rural Arkansas.
They offered me a plea bargain of 6-9 months in home detention and my record expunged if I agreed to possession of two images. I did so. And the DA used sign language to raise the sentence with the Judge.
The purpose of the prosecutor is to prosecute and to win a conviction. He has no motivation or concern about the real truth or the causes of any given crime event.
His job and the ability to rise within his career is based solely in his ability to convict others.
A “Discovery” is a document listing the findings by the detective on the case.
Like the prosecutor, the detective has no real stake in finding out the relative truth in a crime. Their purpose is only to support the conviction by the prosecutor. The detective generates a document called a “Discovery” that lists the findings. My “Discovery” was about 60 pages long. In it was a boiler plate background on how most Child Predators were loners and who had antisocial tendencies, but could adequately fit into society.
My “discovery” consisted of two cover pages directly concerning my findings, and 58 pages of “boiler plate” data regarding sexual predatory behaviors. There was nothing about my mental history, or background at all in it.
Only the first two pages in the 60 page document listed anything directly relating to me. In that there were [1] the references to the two pictures that a doctor, working for the Arkansas Police, claimed was a person that could be under the age of 18. It also discussed [2] that I had thousands of porn pictures on the CDROMS in the storage box. But they were not illegal. They also (curiously) made note that I had [3] pictures of German military tanks and weapons from World War II, and that this was indicative of the possibility that I had neo-Nazi leaning tendencies.
Compared my known histories
They compared my known histories and reviewed my training. To my surprise I also had memory blackout of various paramilitary course, and education.
This was certainly curious. As even while I was entangled I had completely forgot about all subsequent training.
One was involved in the “Louisiana Swamp Rats”. This was, at one time, a hard-core para-military training center.
Others discussed my advanced education, and still others related some of the various minor tasks that I was called upon to do, that weren’t so minor after all. My favorite quote was when one of the observers said that I was part mountain man, part bear, and part Einstein. That comment, well, it made my day.
They made many such statements; but I am afraid that I cannot remember all of them.
Because of the inadequacies in the Discovery, the team went inside my memories to extract what I had actually done. This was an interesting experience, where they probed the innermost workings of my mind.
They compared my physical reactions to ELF generated pulses. Trying to trigger any sort of aggressive or antisocial tendencies. Of course, since I was previously vetted, none could be found, so my case was closed.
And I was assigned a low threat level.
I was assigned a level #1 threat level.
Running the software routines
“I'm lonely, he thought.Distantly he heard soft, high voices.He turned his eyes in upon a vision. There was a group of hills from which flowed a clear river, and in the shallows of that river, sending up spray, their faces shimmering, were the beautiful women. They played like children on the shore. And it came to Forester to know about them and their life. They were nomads, roaming the face of this world as was their desire. There were no highways or cities, there were only hills and plains and winds to carry them like white feathers where they wished. As Forester shaped the questions, some invisible answerer whispered the answers. There were no men. These women, alone, produced their race. The men had vanished fifty thousand years ago. And where were these women now? A mile down from the green forest, a mile over on the wine stream by the six white stones, and a third mile to the large river. There, in the shallows, were the women who would make fine wives, and raise beautiful children.Forester opened his eyes. The other men were sitting up."I had a dream."They had all dreamed."A mile flown from the green forest a mile over on the wine stream . . . ."". . . by the six white stones," said Koestler.". . . and a third mile to the large river," said Driscoll, sitting there.Nobody spoke again for at moment. They looked at the silver rocket standing there in the starlight"Do we walk or fly, Captain?"
Things were very weird for me.
I cannot express how unusual this situation was for me. Not only from the environment surrounding me, but also from what my mind and emotions were experiencing. It is hard to describe, but when a person’s mind, memories and thoughts are being accessed what one experiences (at that time) becomes “outside the normal”.
What happens, is that the mind tries to piece together, in a logical fashion, what is occurring. It does this even if what is occurring is illogical. The end result becomes a confused jumble of events, sequences of events, emotions, sensory impressions and memories that are all entangled in a huge mess of confusion.
I had amazingly vivid dreams, and a convoluted mixture of past memories, shared drone experiences, current events, and embedded program “movies” or “subroutines” all flooded my mind.
Trying to piece them all together was rather impossible and difficult.
I will not relate here what I experienced. For, as far as I am concerned, they are nothing less than visual hallucinations. And, thus have no useful purpose in this extracted dialog. Because of this, I will refrain from relating the fantastical impressions that I experienced during this time.
They serve no benefit to the reader.
That being stated, there are other aspects of this period that are truly significant. These are themselves worthy of discussion. What is interesting are a number of events that are special “retirement” programs.
These routines ran in my mind with [1] audio, [2] visual, and [3] tactile impressions.
The senses of taste and smell were absent from these experiences.
That means that I was living or reliving these experiences as if they were actually happening. When, I knew that they were not real at all, but rather programs that ran inside my brain.
Once the “on” switch was set to “off”, a set number of closure routines rain inside my brain. These routines were amazing as it was as if I were experiencing them physically. Not that I was reliving a memory, or watching a television show.
I have speculated that these routines ran from a source outside of my human consciousness and that their operation was directed through the controllers at the ELF facility that was decommissioning me. But this is speculation only. I say this because I do not believe that the probes had any kind of software that met these stated capabilities.
There were a number of such programs.
I can recall about 12 in total. I will relate three of the most significant. One must keep in mind that these are the retirement events based upon what responses that I gave on the questionnaire before I entered the dimensional field. A person with different answers would of experienced different software programs.
Or, alternatively, the same program, but with different variables and emotional content. This is all speculation on my part.
The programs that I shall relate here are;
The gathering of the retirement programs
The promise of a new life awaits me upon retirement.
The retirement of the “spirit of a Marine” (within the hilt of a sword).
Needless to explain, all these experiences are extremely personal and private.
As such, it will be very difficult for me to relate the emotional impact running these confusing program events were to me. But I will do my best to relate them.
The names and titles that I provide here are my own.
Please understand that these programs are designed to evoke mental and emotional responses used to satiate the need for curiosity and to add full and complete closure to my experiences in a friendly and caring way.
Even though those Fuckers turned me into a sex offender and gave me five years at hard labor.
The closure subroutines are not meant to hurt, harm, or belittle me in any way. But rather, are intended to close out my role comfortably and with compassion, all the time meeting the overall goal of maintaining program secrecy.
The reader must keep in mind that someone had to write these programs that did these things. Someone had to conceive of them, and someone had to design and implement them. They did not just “pop up” out of nowhere.
Shutting off system access, memories, and communication links.
The gathering of the retirement programs
It was going to be a long night.
I knew it, you know. It was one of those feelings that one gets when they watch a darkness brewing out off in the ocean. It was eerie. It was a kind of gathering of clouds, metaphorically speaking. Soft but ultimately a foreboding of impending doom.
During this entire two week period the field was never turned off. It remained on, and I was under the constant onslaught of its effects. It affected me in various ways. But I could certainly tell when an individual program ran. This is because the implanted probes would switch on various parts of my brain and interact with them in clearly unnatural, and often uncomfortable, ways.
What is explained at this point might be a bit confusing. I describe what my visual cortex “saw” and how I felt during this period. To everyone else in the prison facility, I was lying alone on my rack in the tiny cell. (Mumbling, perhaps yelling… certainly trembling and sweating.) One needs to keep this in mind. As all the events that are now described happened only in my mind and were oblivious to everyone except those handlers who were monitoring my mind and watching the programs interact with my brain.
Thus, I knew that I was entering a program when suddenly my visual cortex switched on and my audio and tactile responses became noticeably different.
In this case, what would best be described as a lucid dream, with full auditory, tactile and visual stimulation flooded my mind.
It was, from my point of view, nearly indistinguishable from reality.
Nearly, does not mean totally, and to this end I want to convey to the reader that from my point of view it was like participating in a 6D movie. It was real enough, but easily distinguishable from reality.
The best way to describe this was as if I was inside a “holodeck” much like was in the Star-Trek series. It was just a large dark chamber that seemed real enough to me.
A holodeck, in the fictional Star Trek universe, is a simulated reality facility located on star-ships and star-bases. Most holodeck programs shown in the episodes run in first person "subjective mode", in which the user actively interacts with the program and its characters. The user may also employ third-person "objective mode", in which he or she is "apart" from the actual running of the program and does not interact with it.
A holodeck, in the fictional Star Trek universe, is a simulated reality facility located on star-ships and star-bases.
I found myself standing inside a large dark chamber.
I couldn’t see the extent of the chamber as everything was dark and black. Where I was standing was illuminated in some way and showed the presence of twelve individuals or life-size Figures.
These figures stood frozen without moving. Like large chess pieces.
Everything was in breath-taking full color and absolutely sparking clear and crisp. The twelve figures stood in two rows of six individuals. One row of six stood in mute silence facing the other row of six. I stood in the middle between both of the rows. I looked forward at them. The row to my right held six individuals and the row to my left held six individuals.
I was able to walk around them and look at them.
One was a Marine. He had my face, but stood taller than I did, and was stronger than I was. He had the wrinkles and scars of many a battle and of nights of restless vigilance. He reminded me a little bit of the gunnery sergeant (played by Clint Eastwood) from the movie “Heartbreak Ridge”.
Gunny Highway.
Across from him was a large Mantid. It was easily seven feet tall, and reminded me of the alien from the movie series Aliens. It was not (at all) representative of the Mantids that I worked with as a drone commander. This one was much larger and tended to be a bit more terrifying. It also had a larger caprice than what I was familiar with. It had a triangular head with two large eyes.
The Alien film franchise (also known as Aliens) is a science fiction horror film series consisting of four installments, focusing on Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver) and her battles with an extraterrestrial life form, commonly referred to as the "Alien". Produced by 20th Century Fox, the series started with the 1979 film Alien, which led to three movie sequels, as well as numerous books, comics and video game spin-offs.
There was a naval officer in dress whites. He had my face, was clean shaven, and held the rank of Commander. He had an impressive array of ribbons, and had signs of greying at the temples. He seemed to be calm and quiet with an easy smile and friendly demeanor.
This version of “me” was different than the Marine version of “me”. They indicated different lives that they lead. And how they both turned out after living those lives.
The Dress White uniform consists of a stand-collar white tunic, white trousers, and white dress shoes. Rank for officers is displayed on shoulder boards for males and on the sleeve cuffs for females, while CPO rank insignia is worn on the collar for both sexes. Service dress white includes ribbons, whereas full dress white includes ribbons and medals. This uniform is informally called "Chokers", due to the stand-collar.
"Greying at the temples" means; had white hair around the front near the ears.
Well, he looked something like this. Only with a different rank.
There was a scientist / intellectual version of “me”. He wore a tattered button-down sweater with elbow patches, and pockets. He had bifocal wire-rim glasses on, and was balding. He had a white beard and stood there petting a large beautiful Maine-coon cat. Strangely, he wore a pair of slippers and was smoking a pipe.
I wonder if these characters were all composed of images that I have collected in my subconscious (such as Albert Einstein) and then juxtaposed into my image stream.
Frayed. Comfortably worn and a little frayed; as what one would expect from a favorite item of clothing that has been worn extensively.
There was an archaeologist version of myself. He was quite stereotypical; attired in a pith helmet, dirty khaki shirt and riding britches with a pair or brown long (horse riding) boots. He was thin, and looked a little gaunt. He was well tanned, and had a week’s stubble of hair on his chin.
An archaeologist wearing a pith helmet on a “dig”.
There was a Type-II gray drone. It was slightly transparent. And it looked like it was composed of <redacted>. Which were somewhat similar to the lines of futuristic code shown on the movie “The Matrix”. It was taller than I remembered it to be. The color was also a <redacted> complexion that I was accustomed to. (Odd. I do not know why this was so.)
This was the strangest figurine in the line-up.
There was a beautiful Asian girl. She was deeply tanned, and looked like Polynesian mix of part Polynesian and part Japanese. She was, perhaps, Indonesian or Malaysian in racial makeup. She was short with an hourglass shape, shapely legs and dark liquid eyes set deep with a cute nose and deep black hair. She wore a simple sarong with bare feet, and holding a basket of fruit. The fruit was of a tropical bent, being mostly durian, dragon fruit, pineapples, bananas, guava, and coconuts. She had a red passion flower in her hair.
(So stereotypical, but also so lovely….)
Yeah. She sort of looked a little like this lass.
I won’t go into the full range of figures that stood there before me. Each one represented a different series of memories and had a special role in my life.
While most of what we were involved in was related to closure and suppression of the memories, other programs served different functions and purposes. (They were but the representations of various programs. As such they maintained a purposeful stereotypical significance that somehow “plugged into” or connected to my sub-consciousness.)
You all will see the various roles that they held in part 2. Each special subroutine had a role and it was used to “condition” me properly so that I can exist MAJestic in a healthy way, and not be scared for life due to an abrupt and improperly conducted ELF shut-down sequence.
In truth, I endured the entire software routines. But, for purposes of simplification, as well as to avoid reliving the entire strenuous event, I have decided to limit recalling this event. Instead I am just going to relate only two of the twelve programs.
The first [1] is the program concerning the Asian female. I call this subroutine promise, the “promise of a new life after retirement”.
The second [2] is the complete closure ceremony. I call this the “retirement of the spirit of a Marine”.
I will ignore the other ten programs, as they would probably devote an entire book in their own right to relate.Maybe I’ll write another post on them later on. But for now, it’s way too much.
This is the end of part one
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Throughout history, nations rise when there is righteous leadership that cared for its citizens' welfare and do the greater good. When they are corrupt and self-serving, those nations fall. Learn from history because we live in a world governed by cause and effect. History will repeat itself.
-Tom Tan
But no one is addressing this enormous “elephant in the room”. They are all off in some la-la-land of finger pointing outside of America. The Liberal Democrats point their fingers at Russia and blame them for the mess that America is today. The Conservative Republicans point their fingers to China, and blame them. Looked from the outside inwards, you all look like crazed maniacs.
Republicans have been gushing hatred over China, especially since Trump lost the election.
Yes, there are the obvious reasons this board has mentioned many times but it seems even more deep seated. It's as if people like Laura Ingraham are addicted to their hatred. She's obsessed w/China and uses China like a Club to try to discredit anyone to the left of Adolf Hitler. I love it when she then screams about the 'Cancel Culture'.
I look at her twitter feed and she's totally unhinged. She talks about China like a deprived drug addict who finally found their stash. I feel like I'm missing something.
-Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | Feb 11 2021 20:04 utc | 8
Oh, but you all know all of that, don’t you?
Why is “democracy” so valuable?
It’s heavily promoted (don’t you know) that one-person, one-vote system is the pinnacle of “freedom” and “liberty” in the world. Which is rather strange as the founders of the United States said the absolute opposite.
And people are looking at these various systems of governance with a keen eye. Maybe there needs to be some changes they wonder…
Daniel Bell has put forward his views in favor of China's political meritocracy... against the one person one vote (Western Democracy model) as a mode of selection for political leaders.
He has done this in two books.
The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy
Princeton University Press, 2015. ISBN 9781400865505.Dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration at Shandong University and professor at Tsinghua University (Schwarzman College and Department of Philosophy). He was born in Montreal, educated at McGill and Oxford, has taught in Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and has held research fellowships at Princeton's University Center for Human Values, Stanford's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences and Hebrew University's Department of Political Science.
Crazy, Crazy Government
The war machine is still at full throttle and has been for more than two decades. Do you realize there are now adults who have never lived during a time when the United States was not at war with a Middle Eastern nation? We are at war with Eurasia, or is it Eastasia?
It’s both, and it projects to continue for decades.
When Bill Kristol watches Star Wars movies, he roots for the Galactic Empire. The leading neocon recently caused a social media disturbance in the Force when he tweeted this predilection for the Dark Side following the debut of the final trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Kristol sees the Empire as basically a galaxy-wide extrapolation of what he has long wanted the US to have over the Earth: what he has termed "benevolent global hegemony."
Kristol, founder and editor of neocon flagship magazine The Weekly Standard, responded to scandalized critics by linking to a 2002 essay from the Standard's blog that justifies even the worst of Darth Vader's atrocities. In "The Case for the Empire," Jonathan V. Last made a Kristolian argument that you can't make a "benevolent hegemony" omelet without breaking a few eggs.
The elected elites love war at home, too. They are fomenting war among the American people, and it is breaking out. As surely as class warfare is behind the riots in the Netherlands, it is on the cusp of erupting here. It’s a strategy of divide the people into little groups. Then have the groups fight each other.
Americans are intentionally divided into groups to attack each other.
The elites play classes off one another. They denounce the rich as evil, and the media and the inured play along, hating all “billionaires,” as if Capitalism didn’t afford them the opportunity to have the very platforms upon which they complain.
The elites stealthily promote their lie in this way, lumping into a group both hard-working and innovative entrepreneurs who made it by the sweat of their brow and the crony capitalists they created themselves, and then call them all “rich” as if it’s an epithet.
Among the many misperceptions of the American Revolution and the resulting constitutional order is the belief that these admittedly monumental achievements created a self-sustaining system of governance. Even in times of chaos and upheaval such as those we are living through today, we have always at some level convinced ourselves that ours is a system that can withstand most any assault, foreign or domestic. We lean on a legend – that the bundle of constitutional rights guaranteed us and our revolutionary system of checks and balances will be enough by themselves to sustain liberty over the fullness of time.
It’s been said, regarding any memorable occurrence, that if there’s truth and legend, go with the legend because it’s always a better story. But the truth is, while we expect that our institutions will hold under duress, Thomas Jefferson himself – among others in the founding generation – was doubtful the great experiment in liberty attained through blood, sweat, and tears would last more than a generation. He was skeptical of the sustainability of a system in which 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%. Jefferson was expanding on the sentiments of fellow founder Benjamin Franklin, who when asked what form of government the framers of the Constitution had settled on, famously replied, “a republic – if you can keep it.”
-Liberty Nation
They take an arbitrary monetary figure, pulled out of thin air, and set it as the Rubicon. Cross it and somehow you were luckier than most, got a break someone else never got. Yachts and airplanes are demonized, while the elected elites vacation on yachts bought by others and are ferried about in private jets paid for by others.
They accept “campaign contributions” from Wall Street, then, with a wink and nod, demonize Wall Street. Then, they print billions of dollars to prop up Wall Street; rewarding it for bringing down the economy. This keeps the contributions flowing and themselves in power.
And when people get angry about it, and march on Washington, an example is made of them. As an effigy and as a warning to others…
America 2021.
It’s all a racket.
They demonize Big Oil, Big Medicine, Big Pharma and Big Tobacco (which deserve to be demonized, surely) yet they enrich those industries with special subsidies and tax breaks and laws passed to their benefit. Their puppets in office who create those privileges are rewarded with more campaign cash and, when their time on Capitol Hill is done, cushy jobs lobbying their replacements.
Their policies destroy the middle class.
The middle class no longer exists.
They preach fairness and set their pawns up as the arbiters of fairness. They create a parasite class with an entitlement mentality. Then they work to grow the parasite class to keep themselves in power by taking more and more from the wages of the middle class.
Let’s look at America, the nation of an “untouchable” oligarchy that treats the American citizenry as the sheep that serve them. Let’s remind ourselves just what we wave our “red, white, and blue” flags up high for…
Lace the air with LSD
This article was contributed by Mike Jay. It is reprinted as found. All credit to the author, and note that any editing involved went towards fitting this into the MM format.
It was during the fallout from Watergate that the American public first heard of MK-Ultra, the most notorious of the secret mind control programmes that the CIA ran through the 1950s and 1960s.
After Nixon’s men were caught breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in June 1972, Richard Helms, then director of the CIA, refused to help with the cover-up. In February 1973, after his re-election, Nixon fired Helms and replaced him with James Schlesinger. In an initiative to regain public trust as the crisis escalated, Schlesinger announced he was ‘determined that the law shall be respected’ and that anyone aware of illegal CIA activities was obliged to report them.
Nixon was finally forced to resign in August 1974. His successor, Gerald Ford, made Nelson Rockefeller, a reliable intelligence insider, his vice president, and asked him to produce a report on the CIA’s alleged historical abuses.
Rockefeller’s report was issued in June 1975. For the most part it was vague and non-incriminating, but it did conclude that the CIA had in the past conducted ‘plainly unlawful’ investigations, including the testing of ‘potentially dangerous drugs on unsuspecting United States citizens’.
There were references to secret sites and experiments on prison inmates, and some passages that begged explanation; in one incident, ‘an employee of the Department of the Army’ had crashed to his death through a 13th-storey hotel window after being dosed with LSD. But the commission had apparently reached a dead end. All records had been destroyed, and ‘all persons directly involved … were either out of the country and not available for interview or were deceased.’
Seymour Hersh, who had already written a front-page story for the New York Times about the CIA’s illegal domestic surveillance programme, determined that the man who had fallen from the window was Frank Olson, a chemist employed by the CIA. Hersh disclosed his findings to Olson’s family, who convened a press conference and announced that they would be suing the agency.
Ford’s chief of staff, Donald Rumsfeld, was alerted to the danger by his deputy, Dick Cheney. The Olsons received a settlement of $750,000 in exchange for dropping their legal action, and were invited to the White House, where Ford made them a public apology.
As the Rockefeller report foundered, a Senate commission under the Idaho member Frank Church dredged deeper in the CIA’s records. The files were heavily redacted but one name surfaced repeatedly: Sidney Gottlieb, who appeared to have been the director of a secret chemical division within the agency.
Gottlieb, it turned out, was now in India, where he and his wife were spending their retirement working as volunteers at a leprosy hospital. The Church Committee summoned him to testify, which he did in camera, under an alias and with a guarantee of legal immunity; the press was told that no photographs of him existed.
It was the Church Committee’s report in April 1976 that brought MK-Ultra to public attention. The programme, which ran from the early 1950s through to the mid-1960s, had investigated forms of mind control that might be deployed on civilian populations.
A particular interest had been taken in LSD, which was tested on such ‘expendable’ populations as prisoners and refugees, on the general public and, extensively, on the programme’s own agents.
Many of the subjects were dosed without their knowledge or consent – including Frank Olson, who had ‘leaped to his death’ in ‘what appeared to be a serious depression’ after his Cointreau was spiked with LSD at a CIA retreat. The Church Committee concluded that the full extent of MK-Ultra’s work, especially outside the US, would never be known, since records of it had been destroyed.
As it turned out, however, there was much more to come. In the late 1970s, John Marks, a journalist who specialised in intelligence matters, filed a Freedom of Information request that uncovered a trove of 16,000 documents, most of which hadn’t been sent for shredding because they were filed as financial records. In the course of examining thousands of invoices and bills of sale, Marks and his team of researchers unearthed some unexpected gems.
The diary of George Hunter White, a dead Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent, was particularly startling. White had worked as Gottlieb’s fixer in the underworlds of New York and San Francisco, conducting drug experiments on unknowing subjects in brothels or at parties he held in CIA safehouses.
In his diary, White wrote frankly about the corruption, drugs, sex and violence in which he happily participated: ‘Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, cheat, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All Highest?’
This was not the CIA as the American public was encouraged to imagine it: a dapper Ivy League fraternity coolly dedicated to safeguarding the nation. The picture that emerged was of a game without rules, played recklessly and with impunity by, as Stephen Kinzer characterises it, a ‘cast of obsessed chemists, cold-hearted spymasters, grim torturers, hypnotists, electr0-shockers and Nazi doctors’.
With the publication in 1978 of Marks’s The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, the story took up the position it has occupied ever since at the intersection of politics, conspiracy theory, psychology, drug culture, science fiction and espionage. Kinzer retells many of Marks’s stories, but organizes them around the fuller, though still partial, biographical picture of Gottlieb that has emerged since his death in 1999. The result is a bustling narrative that sets MK-Ultra in its institutional framework of federal government, the military and the intelligence services, swerving all the while between madcap farce and grim atrocity.
The story begins during the occupation of Germany at the end of the Second World War, when agents of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner to the CIA, discovered that the Nazis had been designing biological weapons such as anthrax bombs, and subjecting prisoners at Dachau and Buchenwald to experiments involving drugs, lethal pathogens, toxic gases and extremes of temperature. Some of this was exposed at the Nuremberg trials; OSS officers, meanwhile, were discreetly gathering research materials for their own purposes.
Nazi Party members were officially prohibited from entering the US, but arrangements were made under a secret programme codenamed Operation Paperclip to ‘bleach’ episodes involving slavery, torture and murder from the records of scientists who might be useful to US intelligence. More than seven hundred such scientists and engineers were quietly recruited to work at Camp Detrick, Maryland, headquarters of the US Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.
The OSS was abolished by Truman in 1945, the president having decided that the US didn’t need a secret intelligence agency in peacetime. But by 1947 he had changed his mind, and the CIA was formed.
The new agency began to undertake covert operations in Eastern Europe and paid close attention to the dramatic 1949 Soviet show trial of the Hungarian priest Cardinal József Mindszenty, in which Mindszenty confessed to absurd conspiracies such as attempting to steal the crown jewels and to re-establish the Austro-Hungarian empire, while swaying, staring blankly and reciting his testimony as if by rote. To those who knew him, it seemed as if Mindszenty had become a different person.
To the CIA, it was evidence that the Soviet Union had developed new techniques for personality modification and mind control. There were similar reports from China, where the Communist Party allegedly referred to such techniques as hsi nao, ‘washing the brain’.
In 1951, Allen Dulles, a former OSS officer, was appointed the CIA’s deputy director for plans. Dulles, who was convinced that the future would belong to the world power that could master the new ‘brainwashing’ technologies, was instrumental in shifting the agency’s research priorities from chemical and biological warfare to the inner battlefield of the mind. He had been one of the men responsible for drafting the National Security Act, the law that brought the CIA into being, permitting it to use ‘all appropriate methods’ in its operations. In 1950 the CIA had launched Project Bluebird to investigate the use of chemical and biological agents to control the minds of individuals.
When Dulles got hold of the programme, he renamed it Artichoke, and it was expanded to study the effects of exposure to gases, irradiation by infrared or ultraviolet light, high and low pressure environments, sonic torture, alteration of diet, electric shocks and a variety of psychological techniques, hypnosis chief among them.
The experiments were carried out on defectors, refugees and prisoners of war. These were the ‘expendables’ – people whose disappearance wouldn’t draw attention. The work was carried out at what would now be called ‘black sites’; it is in this period, as Kinzer points out, that the CIA began the habit of detaining people in other countries, beyond the reach of US law.
By early 1952 there were Artichoke teams in France, occupied Germany, Japan and South Korea; more were added later. Directives were issued specifying that interrogations be carried out in a ‘safe house or safe area’, with an adjoining room for recording equipment, and a bathroom, which might be found necessary thanks to the effects that ‘Artichoke techniques’ could have on subjects.
Kinzer tells the story of one site in particular, at Oberursel, a ‘sleepy German town’ north of Frankfurt. During the war the Nazis had used it as a transit camp for captured enemy pilots. The US army took it over in 1946, renamed it Camp King and used it for ‘special interrogations’, involving torture, beatings and drug injections, carried out by Counterintelligence Corps officers known as ‘rough boys’. The disposal of bodies was, one CIA officer recalled, ‘no problem’.
The ‘rough boys’ were too unrefined for Bluebird and Artichoke work. And the work was so secret that even Camp King wouldn’t do. In 1951 the CIA acquired a large house just a few miles away – Villa Schuster, named for the Jewish family that had lived there until the 1930s – and converted it for use by specialist teams flown over from the US to carry out their experiments without external supervision.
They did, however, benefit from the guidance of Camp King’s staff doctor, Walter Schreiber, the former surgeon general of the Nazi army, who had overseen research at concentration camps in which prisoners were frozen, injected with hallucinogens, and cut open to chart the progress of gangrene.
When he was given a contract to work in the US under Operation Paperclip (it didn’t work out, and after a scandal he ended up in Argentina), Schreiber was replaced at Camp King by another war criminal, Kurt Blome, the Nazis’ director of research into biological warfare, who had tested nerve gases and viruses on concentration camp inmates.
Sidney Gottlieb had been working for nearly ten years in government laboratories, and was a research chemist at Camp Detrick, when Dulles chose him to lead the CIA’s mind control research programme.
Gottlieb was born with a club foot, and had been rejected for war service; Kinzer writes that this had left him with a ‘store of pent-up patriotic fervour’. In other respects, he was a conspicuous outsider in the patrician ranks of the CIA: a Jewish immigrant from the Bronx who had made his way via City College, ‘the Harvard of the proletariat’, to a doctorate in biochemistry.
In private he was a nonconformist, living in a cabin in the Virginia backwoods with his wife, Margaret, who had grown up among Presbyterian missionaries.
As chief of the newly constituted Chemical Division of the Technical Services Staff, Gottlieb set about expanding and refining Dulles’s programme. The trials on ‘expendables’, in his estimation, had thus far produced nothing of value.
He set up new experiments to test the effects of electrical shocks, neurosurgery, sensory distortion and hypnosis, but his attention was increasingly taken up with mind-altering drugs.
His team tested cocaine on mental patients, heroin on students and cannabis on themselves; they also investigated amphetamines, mescaline, barbiturates and sodium pentothal, variously to disinhibit, disorientate, act as a ‘truth serum’, wipe memories or induce states of terror.
The experiments were carried out at Artichoke sites around the world. Kinzer quotes an earlier study which recorded Gottlieb’s trips to Tokyo, where four Japanese suspected of working for the Russians were injected with ‘a variety of depressants and stimulants’, then shot and dumped at sea; to Seoul, where 25 North Korean prisoners of war were given the same treatment; and to Munich, where ‘scores of “expendables”’ were given massive amounts of drugs in a series of failed experiments, after which they were ‘killed and their bodies burned’.
On becoming president in 1953, Eisenhower made Dulles director of the CIA. In a memo written at the time and since declassified, Dulles’s newly appointed chief of operations at the Directorate of Plans, Richard Helms, set out the terms of a new programme of research into ‘covert chemical and biological warfare’.
One aim in particular was singled out: ‘the development of a chemical material which causes a non-toxic aberrant mental state, the specific nature of which can be reasonably well predicted for each individual. This material could potentially aid in discrediting individuals, eliciting information, implanting suggestion and other forms of mental control.’ The programme was given a new codename: MK-Ultra.
Gottlieb’s budget was freed from the usual financial constraints, his research from external clearance or oversight. From time to time there were attempts to bring the CIA to heel. In 1953, for example, the US secretary of defence, Charles Wilson, issued a memo stating that all experiments involving volunteers required their consent, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code.
But this clearly wasn’t going to fly with the men in charge of finding ways to force individuals to provide information against their will, erase their memories or change their personalities.
In 1956 a proposal that Congress monitor CIA activities was firmly quashed by the White House. The assumption, as one CIA officer expressed it later, was: ‘We’re at war, so anything is justified. We’re smarter than most people, we operate in secret, we have access to intelligence, and we know what the real threats are. No one else does.’
From April 1953, when Dulles formally approved MK-Ultra, Gottlieb operated with impunity and on a much larger scale. Each of the programme’s many elements was called a ‘subproject’ and given a number.
Subproject 5 contracted a researcher at the University of Minnesota to test the use of hypnosis to induce anxiety, thwart lie detectors and increase cognitive capacity;
subproject 124 tested the use of carbon dioxide to induce trances;
subproject 63 studied the ‘use of alcohol as a social phenomenon’;
subproject 140, conducted at a hospital in San Francisco, tested the potential psychoactive effects of thyroid-related hormones. Scores of subprojects were devoted to investigating the use of drugs, alone or in combination with other techniques, to manipulate behaviour.
Kinzer has fun describing subproject 4: the use of a celebrity stage magician, John Mulholland, to teach CIA agents the techniques of misdirection and sleight of hand, the better to distract targets while drugging them. The manual Mulholland produced resurfaced in 2007, the ‘only full-length MK-Ultra document known to have survived intact’.
Artichoke work had been carried out in CIA safehouses abroad. Under MK-Ultra, the work was brought home. Two adjoining apartments were purchased at 81 Bedford Street in New York (subproject 3). George Hunter White was recruited by Gottlieb in June 1953 to trawl Greenwich Village posing ‘alternately as a merchant seaman or a bohemian artist’ and gathering up ‘drug users, petty criminals and others who could be relied on not to complain about what had happened to them’.
At one of the apartments in Bedford Street, White would serve his guests drinks surreptitiously laced with drugs, while in the other Gottlieb’s men filmed the effects through a mirror.
Two years later, in Operation Midnight Climax (subproject 42), White set up another safehouse in San Francisco, this time as a brothel, so that Gottlieb could gather evidence of ‘how people behave during and after sex’.
Gottlieb’s particular preoccupation was with a new psychoactive drug, LSD. (In 1951 he had asked Harold Abramson, a physician on his team, to supervise him in a self-experiment with the drug. Gottlieb reported ‘an out-of-bodyness … a sense of well-being and euphoria’.)
Some of his colleagues were interested in the potential effects of dispersing it on the battlefield, but Gottlieb believed LSD was the drug most likely, as Kinzer puts it, ‘to give initiates a way to control other human beings’ – a doomsday weapon in the new field of ‘brain warfare’. At first, there was a problem getting hold of it in sufficient quantities. A Swiss company, Sandoz, held the patent, and was said to be sitting on a stockpile of ten kilograms, a ‘fantastically large amount’.
In an attempt to corner the world’s supply of the drug, Dulles signed off on the $240,000 it would cost to buy everything Sandoz had, and sent two of his officers to Switzerland to bring it back. But when they arrived, it turned out the intelligence was wrong; the ten kilograms, they discovered, was actually ten grams. So Gottlieb still had a supply problem. He paid an American pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, to devise a way of synthesising LSD from scratch.
That was part of subproject 6.
It took longer than a year, but by the end of 1954 Eli Lilly was in a position to produce the drug in ‘tonnage quantities’. The CIA, Kinzer writes, ‘was its main customer’.
The research into the effects of LSD extended way beyond observations at 81 Bedford Street. Gottlieb found a willing partner in Harris Isbell, the director of research at the Addiction Research Centre in Lexington, Kentucky.
The hospital ‘functioned more like a prison’, Kinzer writes, with a cohort of mostly African American inmates – a new group of ‘expendables’ – on whom Isbell could experiment at will. Gottlieb was interested in how much LSD was needed to ‘shatter the mind …
…leaving a void into which new impulses or even a new personality could be implanted’.
Isbell’s patients were fed escalating doses, some of them for days and weeks on end. Another enthusiastic collaborator, Carl Pfeiffer at Emory University, as part of his work on subproject 47, administered LSD to twenty inmates of the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary nearly every day for 15 months. Robert Hyde at the Boston Psychopathic Hospital paid hundreds of students from Emerson, Harvard and MIT $15 each to drink a vial of liquid that might induce an ‘altered state’; in the aftermath, one of the subjects hanged herself in a clinic bathroom.
As well as these knowing allies – and thanks to sympathizers at the National Institute of Mental Health and a network of philanthropic foundations willing to act as fronts for the dispersal of agency money – Gottlieb was also able to recruit scientists who had no idea they were working for the CIA. Kinzer gives a list of more than thirty universities, institutes and hospitals, many of them among the most renowned in America, that received funding to carry out Gottlieb’s research programme.
In the late 1950s, MK-Ultra entered its most baroque phase, as Gottlieb was tasked with coming up with ways to dispose of foreign leaders. His Heath Robinson schemes included using an aerosol to lace the air with LSD in the Havana studio where Fidel Castro made his radio broadcasts, sprinkling Castro’s boots with thallium salts to make his beard fall out and contaminating his cigars with botulinum. At one point Gottlieb turned up in Congo with a poison kit, ready for use in a CIA plot to kill Patrice Lumumba. None of these plans came to fruition. They resembled the popular fiction with which they had always been in dialogue.
Kinzer points out that the CIA’s belief, in the late 1940s, that the communists had discovered the key to mind control, was conditioned by the ‘ubiquitous fantasy’ of this possibility in American popular culture, movies in particular, from film representations of Svengali, Dracula and Frankenstein, to George Cukor’s Gaslight (1944), the Sherlock Holmes movie The Woman in Green (1945) and Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1956). The border between fiction and reality in the early years of the Cold War was blurred further as novelists began to mine the seam of science and skulduggery.
A pulp thriller from 1955, The Splintered Man, featured a CIA agent subjected to a nightmarish interrogation under LSD in East Berlin; it ended with an exhortation to US intelligence not to be left playing catch-up in the battle for the mind. The Bond movies led CIA officers to investigate the real-life feasibility of Q’s gadgets.
Richard Condon’s book The Manchurian Candidate (1959), in which a brainwashed sleeper agent is triggered by post-hypnotic suggestion to make an attempt on the life of an American presidential candidate, caught the zeitgeist best of all.
John Frankenheimer’s film adaptation came out in 1962; a year later it was seen as an eerie prefiguring of the Kennedy assassination. In fiction, the reality of covert mind control was taken for granted: if it wasn’t real, where was the story? Yet even as mind control technologies became a staple of popular culture in the 1960s, the faith of Gottlieb and his team in their potential was fading.
As the CIA psychologist John Gittinger later recalled, by 1963 ‘it was at least proven to my satisfaction that “brainwashing” so-called – as some kind of esoteric device where drugs or mind-altering kinds of conditions and so forth were used – did not exist … The Manchurian Candidate, as a movie, really set us back a long time, because it made something impossible look plausible.’
Privately, Gottlieb was at last coming to the same conclusion. He had abundantly demonstrated something that nobody had ever seriously doubted: that drugs, electroshock and other mental tortures could shatter minds and wipe memories. But he had been unable to put new personalities or memories in their place.
As Kinzer says, when Gottlieb started out on MK-Ultra, there were only two possibilities: ‘Either there is no such thing as a mind control drug or there is indeed such a thing and it is waiting to be discovered.’ The first was unthinkable: Gottlieb ‘had been hired to explore, not to give up’. So he pressed on through the 1950s with seemingly unshakeable conviction.
But ‘as of 1960,’ he later admitted in a memo, ‘no effective knockout pill, truth serum, aphrodisiac or recruitment pill was known to exist.’ Gottlieb’s master weapon, LSD, made subjects highly suggestible, but their beliefs and behaviors had proved impossible to control.
Yet his operations continued to expand. By the late 1960s he was running more behavioral laboratories than ever and his experiments were just as ambitious, not to say horrifying. In Saigon in 1968 a CIA team implanted electrodes in the brains of three Vietcong prisoners.
They were given knives and locked together in a room for a week, while the agents tried to rouse them to violence with radio signals from their remote-control handsets. They didn’t succeed. The team returned to Washington and, just as in Project Artichoke twenty years earlier, the prisoners were shot and burned.
Then came Watergate, the loss of Richard Helms’s protection, and John Schlesinger’s initiatives to detoxify the CIA. Before his departure in 1973, Helms ordered that all MK-Ultra’s records be destroyed. Gottlieb retired quietly later that year, first to his cabin in Virginia, then to India with Margaret to take up voluntary work. By 1977 the tide had turned decisively against him. During the Church Committee hearings the new director of the CIA, Stansfield Turner, assured Senator Edward Kennedy that ‘it is totally abhorrent to me to think of using a human being as a guinea pig …
I am not here to pass judgment on any of my predecessors, but I can assure you that this is totally beyond the pale.’ Summoned back to give evidence to the committee, Gottlieb testified that MK-Ultra had been a project ‘of the utmost urgency … to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual’s behaviour by covert means’. Under cross-examination he displayed a vagueness that for some recalled Jozsef Mindszenty’s show trial, shot through with a streak of paranoia: ‘I feel victimised … My name is selectively left on released documents where all or most others are deleted.’
Gottlieb retreated to a large eco-home of his own design in the Blue Ridge mountains, where he died in 1999. He was harried by lawsuits to the end, and the cause of his death was never confirmed; many suspected suicide. There was no consensus about how, ultimately, he judged himself. To his neighbours, he seemed at peace: ‘an old hippie’, as one recalled, who rose early to meditate, wore sandals and cycled into town to collect his mail.
Others thought he must be in denial: it was as if he had ‘lost his former self’, the Washington Post reported, ‘walking backwards, sweeping his trail clean with a branch’. ‘Gottlieb was living as if he was in an ashram in India,’ wrote Seymour Hersh, who visited him in retirement. ‘He was trying to absolve himself, to expiate. If he’d been Catholic, he would have gone to a monastery.’ John Marks wasn’t so sure that Gottlieb was troubled by his conscience. ‘He was unquestionably a patriot,’ Marks told an obituarist. Gottlieb ‘never did what he did for inhumane reasons.
He thought he was doing exactly what was needed. And in the context of the time, who could argue?’ Kinzer wonders whether the contrast between his folksy lifestyle and his CIA work was as jarring as it seemed: both could be seen as expressions of a desire to live unconstrained by the usual rules and limits. Gottlieb, he concludes, ‘was not a sadist, but he might as well have been’.
Kinzer floats the argument, as others have before him, that MK-Ultra inadvertently gave rise to the psychedelic counterculture, as LSD ‘escaped from the CIA’s control’. The dots are there for all to join: Ken Kesey and Allen Ginsberg first took LSD in CIA-funded experiments; a covert CIA operative was present on the trip to Mexico in 1957 when Gordon Wasson encountered the ‘magic mushroom’; Gottlieb’s physician, Harold Abramson, became an early proponent of LSD psychotherapy. But there are other ways of telling the story that don’t involve the CIA at all. The most conspicuous influence on the emerging psychedelic culture was Aldous Huxley’s The Doors of Perception, published to great acclaim in 1954. Ginsberg, like many of his generation, had previously taken psychedelics on his own initiative.
From its base in Switzerland, Sandoz, as well as supplying the CIA with LSD, was at the same time giving it away free to interested psychiatrists; one such was the Hollywood therapist Oscar Janiger, whose celebrity clientele, including Cary Grant, Anaïs Nin and Jack Nicholson, spread the word enthusiastically in magazine interviews, essays and movie scripts. Timothy Leary was turned on to LSD by maverick enthusiasts who acquired the drug directly from Sandoz, as Leary himself did for his experiments at Harvard.
What seems remarkable today is not how much influence MK-Ultra had, but how little. The methods of coercive interrogation used more recently, such as those at Abu Ghraib or Bagram, haven’t owed much to the scientific techniques Gottlieb was investigating. Instead, they have more in common with what the ‘rough boys’ were up to at black sites in postwar Germany before Gottlieb’s men arrived.
MK-Ultra’s enduring influence is in popular fiction, where many of its ideas came from in the first place. Covert mind control programmes, usually run by the CIA, are a familiar plot device across the spectrum, from literary fiction (Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace) to mass-market movies (The Ipcress File, The Parallax View, Jacob’s Ladder, the Bourne franchise) and TV (The X-Files, Stranger Things).
The story is always the same: mind control is real, and those who know its secrets operate with impunity. The second assumption reflects historical truth, and resonates still in a post-Watergate world. The first was a chimera, and by the time the Cold War reached its apex, Gottlieb and his colleagues no longer believed it themselves.
Some thoughts
Aren’t you proud to be an American!
Look here, if this is how the government treats the citizenry, and it’s “not really bad“, then what happens when things get bad?
Lacing the citizens with LSD and other mind altering chemicals are only the things that we KNOW ABOUT. What about the things that we don’t know?
You know, America IS GOING to pick a fight…
Whether it is Russia or China, most Americans haven’t an idea. But here, I will tell you all the “secret” that the American “news” is hiding from you; it’s BOTH simultaneously.
Thursday, February 04, 2021, 22:52
China, Russia stress adherence to non-interference
By Xinhua
China and Russia said Thursday that the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, one of the basic norms governing international relations, should be upheld.
In a phone conversation between Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the two sides also pledged to jointly preserve global and regional strategic stability.
The two heads of state have also agreed to celebrate this year the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, pointing out the direction for deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries, Wang said.
Both sides should take this opportunity to add new dimensions to this important treaty and send a clear message to the world that the two countries will safeguard the security of themselves and along their peripheries, he added.
-Posted by: Mao | Feb 11 2021 21:38 utc | 20
It’s not gonna be “goat herders” and “mud huts” getting blown up. It’s not going to be some American marines or SEAL’s taking HELO jumps into Chinese territory or an amphibious landing on one of the atolls surrounding China. It’s not going to be “US Navy sitting off the coast of China and launching cruse missile and plinking at targets”.
It’s gonna be on a completely different level. And if you all think that China is all blue-clad bicycle-riding peasants, you are going to be in for a big shock.
Chinese J-20 fighter. It is roughly equivalent to the F-22 Rapor fielded by the USA.
And, let’s have another look. You all aren’t gonna see these images on Rush Limbaugh, Hal Turner, Drudge Report, CNN, or FOX news. You will not see them on the BBC, the ABC, or on “60 minutes”.
Americans need to believe that they are invincible. They need to believe that they are the strongest, the best, and that no one would dare fight back.
That is the only way that the American citizenry won’t revolt at the prospect of another global war. Especially one that involved biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
…don’t you know.
Chinese J-20 Jet Fighters.
Any nation that poisons it’s people with LSD or forces them to take chemical injections, while picking fights with very powerful, nuclear armed, nations is not a place where you want to live. And while the “news” make a lot of “noise” about all these people wanting to come to America for “freedom” and “democracy”, the ones that are actually coming are the illiterate, the destitute and the impoverished. In their minds, ANYTHING is better than the lives that they are leaving.
The illiterate arrive in America to help make it great.
I cannot predict the future.
However, the behaviors of the United States elite (the ruler class) are indicative of some severe faults. Faults, mind you, that are not easily corrected. And thus you all can expect some “fallout” to come your way from their failures in governance.
America is not a strong nation any longer. It is a “ripe” nation. It is a tree heavy with juicy fruit, and just waiting to be harvested.
This reminds me of the cities that thought that they could fight off Genghis Khan with their knights in shining armor. Nope. It’s did not work out good for them. And it worked out even worse for their families back in the cities. Women and children suffered a fate that no one should endure.
Rather than submit, the Abbasid caliph challenged the Mongols to attempt to storm his city, if they dared. The nomadic army from Asia—led by Hulagu Khan, one of Genghis Khan’s grandsons—did indeed dare.
Doing what they are most famous for, the Mongols thrashed Baghdad.
In 10 days of unremitting violence and destruction, Baghdad and its inhabitants were completely and utterly vanquished. Almost without exception, the population was either put to the sword or sold into slavery. The River Tigris ran red—to cite one of the most over-quoted, and overwrought phrases in history—with the blood of slaughtered men, women, and children.
After this, every building of note in Baghdad—including mosques, palaces, and markets—was utterly destroyed, among them the world-famous House of Wisdom. Hundreds of thousands of priceless manuscripts and books were tossed into the river, clogging the arterial waterway with so many texts, according to eyewitnesses, that soldiers could ride on horseback from one side to the other. Of course, the river turned from red to black with ink.
-Great courses daily
America and Americans have never suffered defeat. The closest was the Southern States during the “Reconstruction Period”. But even that, many still kept their language, were able to keep their records and heirlooms, and build up a life for themselves. They never suffered a complete SACK of their cities, their societies, their cultures and their identity. They do not realize what a real defeat looks like.
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One of the things that I truly appreciate is how we all somehow come up with solutions to problems. Some of those solutions are truly amazing and noteworthy. As (for example) what Eddie Van Halen did to his guitar when he couldn’t afford a wah-wah petal. And as a tinkerer, and inventor, I just cannot help but be attracted to DIY articles and stories of making… stuff and things.
Here’s an interesting article about narco-submarines. These are miniature submarines that are used to transport contraband (illegal to own objects) to a hungry clientele behind the United States grand wall of isolation. We read about these vehicles and objects from time to time, but this is the first article that I have come across that had some real depth to it.
The following article is titled “Ghost Gliders: Spanish Narco-Submarines” written by H I Sutton, on Mon, 08/31/2020 – 7:38pm. It came from the Small Wars Journal. All credit to the author. Please note that it was reproduced pretty much intact with only minor editing to fit this venue.
Ghost Gliders: Spanish Narco-Submarines
By H I Sutton
We tend to think of (so-called) narco-submarines as a Latin American phenomenon.
Properly speaking they are LPVs (Low Profile Vessels); alternatively SPSS (Self-Propelled Semi-Submersible—I do not use this term).
Locally in Latin America they are known as ‘narcosubmarinos’ or ‘semisumergibles.’ Now we have another Spanish name to add to the list, ‘planeadora fantasma,’ meaning ‘Ghost Glider.’
This is because narco-submarines are not confined to the Americas. Similar methods being used elsewhere, most noticeably in Spain.
The most widely reported Spanish narco-submarine (and I use this colloquial term unapologetically), was found on 24 November 2019 on the Galician coast. The 72 feet long craft was large and carried over 3 tons of narcotics, but it was otherwise like the ones found in the Pacific or Caribbean.
In contrast, the one found in the same area on 13 August 2006 was completely unique. And the same can be said of the latest ‘Ghost Glider,’ found on 27 August 2020. The basic difference is that the November 2019 boat was built in Latin America while the other two were built in Spain.
Different ideas, conditions and modus operandi have led to different approaches in design.
Ghost Glider designs.
Three ‘Types’ of Spanish Narco-Submaries: ‘Vigo’ FSV, ‘Transatlantic’ and LPV, ‘Ghost Glider’ LPV/GFV. Source: H I Sutton, 2020.
2006 Vigo Narco-submarine
An elaborate artisan submarine was found abandoned off Spain’s Galician coast near Vigo on 13 August 2006…
2006 Vigo Narco-submarine
This is about the time that narco-submarines, as we would recognize them today, were beginning to be interdicted in Latin America.
It was a FSV (fully submersible vessel), 36ft (11 meters) long and 6.5ft (2 meters) across. And unlike LPVs, was able to fully submerge, down to a depth of about 10ft (3 meters).
Underwater it was powered by batteries driving two electric motors.
And it had over 1,000 gallons of fuel for surface running. It was estimated to be capable to carrying about 1 ton of cargo. Other aspects were also relatively advanced, including a folding snorkel mast and radar antenna.
Despite its sophistication there is no suggestion that this tiny craft was suitable for transatlantic voyages. More likely it was intended to rendezvous with another ship offshore, pick up the drugs and transport them back to the Spanish shore.
2019 Narco-Submarine
A regular LPV of the style we see in Latin America.
There is compelling evidence that this was designed by the same master boat builder who is responsible for several others. Design details, such as a small splitter plate ahead of the cockpit windows and the V-shaped hull, create a ‘designer’s fingerprint’. This allows us to tie together multiple incidents.
2019 Narco-Submarine
The first LPV from this designer was interdicted by the Colombian Navy on 3 January 2019. Since then at least four more have been found, the most recent being found in its jungle boat yard on 6 August 2020. This last one was unusually large, being about 100 feet (30 meters) long. In fact all of the LPVs attributed to this unknown master boat builder stand out against their peers.
But we should not make too much of the particular designer. If the 2019 narco-submarine could cross the Atlantic, virtually any large LPV could. In overall terms it was not remarkable. This should be more alarming to Law Enforcement than if it was in some way special.
Current thinking, based on publicly available information, is that it was built in the Colombian jungle near the inland border with Brazil. It then sailed all the way down the Amazon to the coast before setting off across the Atlantic. It went via the Azores before heading towards Galicia.
planeadora fantasma
This latest craft sits between the go-fast vessel (GFV) category and LPVs.
Again, it is a unique design unlike those seen in Latin America. It takes a power boat hull, adds a hard RIB collar and then a built-up covered superstructure. It is not currently—based on public sources—possible to say how low it sat in the water. Possibly the collar was part of a ballast system. However we can say that it was intended to avoid detection, hence ‘ghost glider’. It was painted in a way that appears intended to deceive any observers.
Ghost Glider; planeadora fantasma.
The term ‘planeadora’ refers to a speed boat, and ‘planeadora fantasma’ has previously been used to describe the custom go-fast vessels also used off Spain. These craft are often RIBs and several have been specially modified for the task. Most famously the massive 59ft (18 m) seven engine ‘Monstruo’ stopped in 2009.
This latest vessel is about 39 ft (12 meters) long and could possibly carry a few tons of cocaine. The extensive grab rails and aft-sloping cargo hatch suggest that it is designed to be loaded at sea, which makes sense. So like the 2006 Vigo submarine, it is likely intended to meet other ships offshore and then bring the drugs ashore.
It could easy be put into the GFV category instead. But its elaborate construction and emphasis on deception (as opposed to raw speed) makes a strong case for it being a narco-submarine. It is certainly not just a typical GFV.
Going Transatlantic
The Spanish narco-submarine traffic appears to be centered, on Galician drug gangs. This may be skewed by reported incidents, but all three have been discovered in Galicia in the North of Spain. Portugal, Ireland, France and the United Kingdom also appear to be logical landing points.
Narco Sub.
My suggestion is that the Cape Verde Islands and Azores are stopping off points for transatlantic narco-submarines. They likely meet supply vessels in the area.
ACK 3, a Spanish company specializing in defense, intelligence and security consulting which advises European and Latin American military and law enforcement units suggests that language may be a factor. Brazilian crews can communicate with the local population on these islands using Portuguese.
Some of the transatlantic narco-subs may transship their cargo to other vessels along the way. Trawlers operating out of Spain seem the most obvious candidates. But I have not seen any information in the public domain to substantiate this theory. Another possibility is that the drugs are transferred to large cargo vessels heading to Northern Europe or even to North America.
These vessels may be coming from a low-risk port so not be tainted in the way that a cargo ship crossing from Latin America might be.
Interception of a smuggling vessel.
So we can speculate that a Latin American built LPV could set off from Brazil (or Venezuela, Suriname or Guyana) and rendezvouses with a cargo ship off Cape Verde or the Azores. The cargo would be transshipped and the cargo vessel (or fishing vessel) heads north towards Europe. Off the Portuguese or Spanish coast, while still out at sea, it is met by a ‘ghost glider’ like the one seized in August 2020. The transshipping can occur at night, and the drugs are landed in a remote beach in Galicia. Local drugs gangs may only be able to control access to the landing point for a few hours. So some of the drugs may be dropped in pre-determined lurks awaiting retrieval by scuba divers at a later time.
It seems that it is now a case of when, rather than if, another transatlantic narco- submarine appears. And even if none are interdicted, it seems a sure bet that they are out there. And together with ‘ghost gliders’ and less exotic means, drugs trafficking organizations are still able to land their products on European shores.
The narco-submarine model for cocaine trafficking presents European law enforcement with a number of challenges. Detection, tracking and interdiction may all be different compared to the Pacific and Caribbean. And the vast expanse of ocean, often in harsh weather, may stretch existing patrol forces; however, SIGINT, UAVs and new satellite technology such as the Hawkeye 360 constellation may prove powerful tools.
Nations and governments use “vices” to control the population. When they ban or tax, or regulate things, people find ways to engage in their vices without government interference. While dug abuse is a big problem in America, it’s not a problem in areas that don’t ban the drugs.
Mexico doesn’t have half the drug problem that America has, but it doesn’t have the same laws either. The same is true for China. Yes, smoking marijuana is seriously against the law, but that is pretty much the only thing that is. You can get just about any medication over the counter without a doctor’s prescription and there just isn’t a serious drug abuse problem there.
I am not advocating the use of drugs.
What I am saying is that governments use up a ton load of money, personnel and resources trying to ban things. While, instead they should be dealing with those individuals who have a physiological problem with drugs. You go after the problem. Not the symptoms.
The world needs to start looking at things in new ways with new “eyes”.
The old ways are failing left and right. The solution to the problems that ails the world isn’t more bans, regulations and restrictions, but rather a complete loss of control by the few at the PTB level.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
A lot of people didn’t receive this book as well, they felt it was lacking in comparison to Pihkal. I would disagree. There was less overall information but were also talking about a completely different class of drugs. The stories at the beginning were awesome, as they were in Pihkal. The chemistry and bioassays in the back were also awesome. Great book, if you like the Shulgins.
Most humans are unable to see the universe as it actually is. Our bodies have evolved to help us hunt, live and procreate. Not to probe the mysteries of the universe.
As such, our brains have evolved to take the sensory inputs from our five (6) senses and present to us a certain kind of reality.
This reality is not the true reality.
To see the true reality, you need to step out of the body and take a good hard look around.
That’s pretty difficult for most people.
There are other methods, many of which involve altering how the brain interprets the sensory stimulus to it. One of the most common methods is through the use of drugs.
Here we look at some tryptamines that can alter the way the brain functions, and thus might be able to present some kind of distortion of reality that could very well provide a glimpse into the way the universe actually works.
trypt-amine \ 'trip-ta-,men \ n. [tryptophan fr. tryptic, fr. trypsin, fr. Gk. tryein, to wear down (from its occurence in pancreatic juice as a proteolytic enzyme) + amine fr. NL ammonia] 1: A naturally occurring compound found in both the animal and plant kingdoms. It is an endogenous component of the human brain. 2: Any of a series of compounds containing the tryptamine skeleton, and modified by chemical constituents at appropriate positions in the molecule.
I do not advocate use of any kinds of drugs to explore the true reality that we inhabit. This information is provided for educational purposes only.
The Copyright for Part 1 of TiHKAL has been reserved in all forms and it may not be distributed.
Part 2 of TiHKAL may be distributed for non-commercial reproduction provided that the introductory material, copyright notice, cautionary notice and ordering information remain attached.
I would like to take a moment to reiterate that at the present time restrictive laws are in force in the United States and it is very difficult for researchers to abide by the regulations which govern efforts to obtain legal approval to do work with these compounds in human beings….. No one who is lacking legal authorization should attempt the synthesis of any of the compounds described in these files, with the intent to give them to man. To do so is to risk legal action which might lead to the tragic ruination of a life. It should also be noted that any person anywhere who experiments on himself, or on another human being, with any of the drugs described herein, without being familiar with that drug’s action and aware of the physical and/or mental disturbance or harm it might cause, is acting irresponsibly and immorally, whether or not he is doing so within the bounds of the law.
This HTML version of TiHKAL was created by Bo Lawler with the help of Erowid. The content was generously provided in electronic format by the Authors.
The 2D figures were created using IsisDraw and Adobe Photoshop. Additional molecule images suitable for use with the Chime browser plug-in were created by Liquis and are used with his permission. If you have any comments on this HTML version of the text, please contact Bo.
The first half of TiHKAL is an excellent commentary on the Shulgin’s personal experiences with tryptamines. It also contains a complete cross-index into the chemicals of the second half. Purchasing a copy is highly recommended. The book may be ordered through Transform Press, for $28.50 ($24.50 + $4 p&h). Box 13675, Berkeley, CA 94701. (510)934-4930 (voice), (510)934-5999 (fax). California residents please add $2.02 State sales tax.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
PIHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved) is a unique book written by renowned psychopharmacologist Alexander Shulgin and his wife Ann Shulgin. This book gives details of their research and investigations into the use of psychedelic drugs for the study of the human mind, and is also a love story.
phen-ethyl-amine \fen-'eth-al-a-,men\ n. [phenyl fr. F. phène, fr. Gk. phainein, to show (from its occurrence in illuminating gas)+ ethyl (+ yl) + amine fr. NL ammonia] 1: A naturally occurring compound found in both the animal and plant kingdoms. It is an endogenous component of the human brain. 2: Any of a series of compounds containing the phenethylamine skeleton, and modified by chemical constituents at appropriate positions in the molecule.
Our human bodies and our human brains have evolved in such a way that we cannot see the full scope of what our universe and our reality actually looks like. Instead, we see what we need to survive on the earth and what we need to procreate. That’s it.
Unfortunately, it hampers our development. Not only scientifically, but spiritually as well.
There are techniques on how to “expand” or alter the way our mind interprets the sensory inputs to our brain. Most of which involve various kinds of drugs. These drugs come at a risk, for while they are able to alter the way that the sensory inputs are interpreted, they might give a distorted view of the universe. One that is just as distorted as we normally see in our day to day life.
Alexander Shulgin spent his life as a researcher / scientist for the CIA developing, designing and creating all sorts of drugs that alter the way that the brain interprets senses and works. These drugs were considered a dangerous asset by the United States government, and for the longest time banned the publication of the information.
I do not advocate the use of any types of drugs in any way other than for medical and therapeutic purposes. This information is provided for study purposes only.
The Copyright for Part 1 of PiHKAL has been reserved in all forms and it may not be distributed.
Part 2 of PiHKAL may be distributed for non-commercial reproduction provided that the introductory information, copyright notice, cautionary notice and ordering information remain attached.
At the present time, restrictive laws are in force in the United States and it is very difficult for researchers to abide by the regulations which govern efforts to obtain legal approval to do work with these compounds in human beings….
No one who is lacking legal authorization should attempt the synthesis of any of the compounds described in these files, with the intent to give them to man.
To do so is to risk legal action which might lead to the tragic ruination of a life. It should also be noted that any person anywhere who experiments on himself, or on another human being, with any of the drugs described herin, without being familiar with that drug’s action and aware of the physical and/or mental disturbance or harm it might cause, is acting irresponsibly and immorally, whether or not he is doing so within the bounds of the law. — Alexander T. Shulgin
This is the online version of the second half of the book “PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story” by Alexander and Ann Shulgin.
It is presented with the express permission of the authors in order to spread the factual information as widely as possible and make it permanently available in the public domain.
It was originally transcribed into ASCII by Simson Garfinkle and was coverted into HTML by Lamont Granquist.
Any comments or corrections about the HTML version should be sent to Erowid. They can also forward serious and appropriate comments to the author if they are e-mailed.
Bolded entries indicate those substances that have been more popular or more available than others since 1991.
The first half of PiHKAL is an excellent commentary on the Shulgin’s personal experiences with phenethylamines. It is highly recommended and well worth purchasing the book.
Purchasing the book also gets you a far more complete cross-index into the chemicals described in the second half. If you are seriously interested in the chemistry contained in these files, you should order a copy.
The book may be ordered through Transform Press, for $22.95 ($18.95 + $4 p&h U.S., $8 p&h overseas). Box 13675, Berkeley, CA 94701. (510)934-4930 (voice), (510)934-5999 (fax). California residents please add $1.56 State sales tax.
Shulgin Rating Scale
PLUS / MINUS (+/-) The level of effectiveness of a drug that indicates a threshold action. If a higher dosage produces a greater response, then the plus/minus (+/-) was valid. If a higher dosage produces nothing, then this was a false positive.
PLUS ONE (+) The drug is quite certainly active. The chronology can be determined with some accuracy, but the nature of the drug’s effects are not yet apparent.
PLUS TWO (++) Both the chronology and the nature of the action of a drug are unmistakably apparent. But you still have some choice as to whether you will accept the adventure, or rather just continue with your ordinary day’s plans (if you are an experienced researcher, that is). The effects can be allowed a predominant role, or they may be repressed and made secondary to other chosen activities.
PLUS THREE (+++) Not only are the chronology and the nature of a drug’s action quite clear, but ignoring its action is no longer an option. The subject is totally engaged in the experience, for better or worse.
PLUS FOUR (++++) A rare and precious transcendental state, which has been called a ‘peak experience’, a ‘religious experience,’ ‘divine transformation,’ a ‘state of Samadhi’ and many other names in other cultures. It is not connected to the +1, +2, and +3 of the measuring of a drug’s intensity. It is a state of bliss, a participation mystique, a connectedness with both the interior and exterior universes, which has come about after the ingestion of a psychedelic drug, but which is not necessarily repeatable with a subsequent ingestion of that same drug. If a drug (or technique or process) were ever to be discovered which would consistently produce a plus four experience in all human beings, it is conceivable that it would signal the ultimate evolution, and perhaps the end of, the human experiment.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
As I have repeatedly stressed, our universe is one of many other universes. This universe houses our “reality”, which in all actuality means that our universe can well be called the “reality universe”.
It is a complex stew of all sorts of things, many, many of which we humans are unable to see and perceive with our senses.
This includes the “physical world-lines” that we inhabit and non-physical environments associated with those world-lines. Plus all that other “stuff” that is all part of the universe as a whole. It includes such things as “time”, and “the past”, and “the future”. It includes all sorts of things from spirits, to sprites, and ghosts to smelly feet and extraterrestrials.
Here we discuss some ways or techniques that you can use to alter the way you can see the reality that you are in. In this post we will look at some drugs that alter the way that the brain senses things and interprets them, as well as some “illnesses” or “ailments” that enable humans to observe the unseen worlds around us.
The techniques discussed are;
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
The Capgras Syndrome
The bicho de tacuara
DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine)
There are other techniques and means as well, but for now, we will concentrate on these three elements of concern.
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
"People afflicted with certain eye diseases give similar reports of beings from parallel universes."
People afflicted with Charles Bonnet Syndrome see beings from another world. Many scientists would call these beings hallucinations. Others call this syndrome a portal to a parallel reality.
I like to think of it as an alteration of the mind that permits a wider range of “vision” into the normally unobserved elements within our reality.
People with Charles Bonnet Syndrome (or “Bonnet-people”) are otherwise mentally sound.
The beings appear when the Bonnet-people’s vision deteriorates as a result of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration — or when patients have had both eyes removed. Charles Bonnet Syndrome is more common in older people with a high level of education.
When eyesight deteriorates, the brain compensates. It gathers information from a multitude of inputs from the other senses (touch, smell, feeling, etc.) and interpets the inputs visually as if the eyes were normal.
Bonnet-people report that they see apparitions resembling distorted faces, costumed figures, ghosts, and little people.
Most Bonnet-people see beings wearing hats.
For example, one very sane woman was sitting quietly at home when she suddenly saw several two-inch-high, stovepipe-hat-wearing chimney sweeps parading in front of her. (ref 2.) She tried to catch one, but could not. Her only medical problem was that she had poor sight due to macular degeneration.
One patient described how a friend working in front of a tall privacy hedge suddenly disappeared, as if he had suddenly put on a cloak of invisibility.
"There was an orange peaked cap bobbing around in front of the hedge and floating in space by its own devices." (ref. 1)
Fifty percent of Bonnet-people see a disembodied or distorted face of a stranger with staring eyes and prominent teeth. Sometimes the strangers are seen only in an outline or cartoon-type form, which reminds me of the images seen by people taking the psychedelic drug DMT. The faces are often described as…
"being grotesque, or like gargoyles". (ref. 1)
Some of the beings have blank eye sockets.
(This image is also reported by people using the hallucinogen Special K. One person stated that while under the influence, everything was normal except that people in the room had no eye sockets, just a black void, and he saw light being sucked into the void from around the periphery of the eyeballs.)
Bonnet-people also see serene landscapes and vortices.
Many Bonnet-people will see entire new worlds, such as landscapes or groups of people, which are either life size or tiny (ref 3.)
Other-worldy landscapes are often observed by people with this affliction.
Perhaps when vision deteriorates, the brain’s visual cortex is starved for information, and the brain is free to access parallel realities.
Sometimes the imagery can be complex, almost comical, like two miniature policemen guiding a midget villain to a tiny prison van, ghostly (translucent figures floating in the hallway), people wearing one big flower on their heads), as well as beautiful (a shining angel, wonderful group of flowers). (ref 4.)
A Swiss philosopher named Charles Bonnet first described this condition in the 1760 when he noticed his grandfather, who was blinded by cataracts, describing birds and buildings that Bonnet could not see. (ref. 3)
"People with Capgras Syndrome act as if they are in a parallel universe in which the people they know are "doubles" or "impostors."
- Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves.
When people with Capgras Syndrome see a friend, spouse, or themselves in a mirror, they believe they are seeing an exact double or an impostor.
Sometimes, people with Capgras Syndrome even believe that inanimate objects — like a chair, watch, book, or lamp — have been replaced by exact replicas. If people own a pet, the pet may be seen as an impostor, a strange animal roaming through their lives and homes.
Capgras patients are often so disturbed when they see a doppelganger in the mirror that they remove all mirrors from the home. The syndrome, named for French psychiatrist Jean Marie Joseph Capgras, afflicts thousands of people in the United States.
Some people with Capgras Syndrome have epilepsy or strange-looking temporal lobes in the brain.
The Capgras’ patient identifies his or her spouse as being an imposter – identical in every possible way, but an identical replica. The patient will accept living with these imposters but will secretly “know” that they are not the people they claim to be.
This reminds me of the movie “Invasion of The Body Snatchers”.
I view this syndrone as an interesting "pointer" to the idea that what the brain interperts the reality as can alter our perception of it. It can do so to the point where it no longer "feels" correct, even though all the other senses are telling it to believe what it sees.
This syndrome is important as it points to the mechanism that the brain uses to distinguish between actual consciousness-inhabited beings and "quantum shadows" of beings within a world-line event.
A Hallucinogen of Insect Origin
Submitted by E.B. Britton. Deakin, Canberra ACT 2600 (Australia)
Let’s take a moment to consider the existence of a hallucinogen, unique in that its source is an insect.
Augustin de Saint-Hilaire (1779-1853) traveled extensively in eastern Brazil between 1816 and 1823. After his return to France, published valuable observations on the geography, ethnology and natural history of the country.
In two of his unpublished works Saint-Hilaire (1824, republished Jenkins, 1946, p. 49; 1830, pp. 432-433) described the use of an insect as food and medicine by the Malalis. THe Malalis are natives in the Brazilian province of Minas Gerais in Brazil.
The relevant passage (1824) (translated) is as follows:
When I was among the Malalis, in the province of Mines, they spoke much of a grub which they regarded as a delicious food, and which is called bicho de tacuara (bamboo-worm), because it is found in the stems of bamboos, but only when these bear flowers.
Some Portugese who have lived among the Indians value these worms no less than the natives themselves; they melt them on the fire, forming them into an oily mass, and so preserve them for use in the preparation of food.
The Malalis consider the head of the bicho de tacuara as a dangerous poison; but all agree in saying that this creature, dried and reduced to powder constitutes a powerful vulnerary (for the healing of wounds).
If one is to believe these Indians and the Portugese themselves it is not only for this use that the former preserve the bicho de tacuara .
When strong emotion makes them sleepless, they swallow, they say, one of these worms dried, without the head but with the intestinal tube; and then they fall into a kind of ecstatic sleep, which often lasts more than a day, and similar to that experienced by the Orientals when they take opium in excess.
They tell, on awakening, of marvellous dreams; they saw splendid forests, they ate delicious fruits, they killed without difficulty the most choice game; but these Malalis add that they take care to indulge only rarely in this debilitating kind of pleasure.
I saw them only with the bicho de tacuara dried and without heads; but during a botanical trip that I made to Saint-Francois with my Botocudo, this
young man found a great many of these grubs in flowering bamboos, and set about eating them in my presence.
He broke open the creature and carefully removed the head and intestinal tube, and sucked out the soft whitish substance which remained in the skin.
In spite of my repugnance, I followed the example of the young savage, and found, in this strange food, an extremely agreeable flavour which recalled
that of the most delicate cream.
If then, as I can hardly doubt, the account of the Malalis is true, the narcotic property of the bicho de tacuara resides solely in the intestinal tube, since the surrounding fat produces no ill effect.
Be that as it may, I submitted to M. Latreille the description of the animal I had made, and this learned entomologist recognised it as a caterpillar probably belonging to the genus 'Cossus' or to the genus 'Hepiale'.
These observations are repeated in Saint-Hilaire (1839, pp. 432-433) with the addition of the information that the “bicho de taquara” are half as long as the index finger.
The intoxicating effect of the larvae from bamboo has apparently been forgotten in Brazil and the seven volume Handbook of South American Indians (Steward, 1946-1959) while referring briefly to the observation of Saint-Hilaire in Vol. 5 (p. 557) gives no additional references.
This is perhaps not surprising as the Malalis were a near-coastal tribe long ago overrun by the advance of civilization. The name “bicho de taquara” is, however, still in use and according to Ihering (1932, p. 236) and Costa Lima (1936, p. 266; 1967, p. 246) refers to the larva of the moth Myelobia (Morpheis) smerintha Huebner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae : Crambinae).
Costa Lima (1967, p. 246) states that the larvae feed in common bamboos including Nastes (=Nastus) barbatus Trin., “taquara lixa” (Merostachys Rideliana Rupr.), “taquara poca” (Merostachys Neesii Rupr.) and “taquaras- su” (Guadua sp.) (Hoehne, F.C. et al.).
The larvae feed inside the internodes of the bamboo and attain a maximum length of about 10 cm. The moth emerges in September and has frequently appeared in plague proportions.
There are 24 species of Myelobia in South America, one in Mexico and one in Guatemala.
A species of Myelobia.
The statement by Saint-Hilaire that the larvae are only found when the bamboo is in flower probably means that the host bamboos flower annually (as do a number of Brazilian species) and it is at that time that the larvae reach their maximum size. As the adult moth emerges in September this is probably in July or August.
It appears from the observations of Saint-Hilaire that the active substance is not destroyed by drying, and the need to remove the head and gut to avoid intoxication suggests that it is contained in the salivary glands. The active material could therefore be concentrated initially by removing the head plus salivary glands and part of the gut, discarding the rest of the body.
In view of the interest in the pharmacology of hallucinogens and the medicinal use of the dried and powdered larvae it would seem to be woth- while to investigate what appears to be a new source, and as the insect is large and common it would be well suited to biochemical study. It is of particular interest that this would be the first hallucinogen of insect origin.
Interesting, because…
"They tell, on awakening, of marvellous dreams; they saw splendid forests, they ate delicious fruits, they killed without difficulty the most choice game."
Costa Lima, A.M. da (1936) Terceir Catalogo do Insetos qui vivem nas plantas da Brasil, Directoria de Estatistica da Producao, Rio de Janeiro.
Costa Lima, A.M. da (1967) Quarto catalogo dos insetos qui vivem nas plantos de Brasil;seus parasitos e predatores. Rio de Janeiro, Ministerio de Agricultura, Departamento de Defesa e Inspecas Agropecuaria, Servico de Defesa Sanitaria Vegetal, Laboratorio Centralde Patolgia Vegetal.
Ihering, R. von (1917) Observacoes sobre a mariposa Myelobia smerintha Hubn. em S. Paulo. Physis (Buenos Aires) 3, 60-68.
Ihering, R. von (1968) Diccionario dos Animaes do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Editora Universidade Brasilia, pp. 147-148.
Jenkins, Anna (Ed.) (1946) Chronica Botanica 10, 24-61 (a reprint of Saint-Hilaire, 1824).
Saint-Hilaire, Augustin F.C.P. de (1824) Histoire du Plantes les plus remarquables duBresil et du Paraguay.
Saint-Hilaire, Augustin F.C.P. de (1830) Voyages dans l’interieur du Bresil – PremierePartie. Voyage dans les provinces de Rio de Janiero et de Minas Gerais, Paris.
Steward, Julian H. (Ed.) (1946-1959) Handbook of South American Indians, 7 Vols. Vol. 5. The Comparitive Ethnology of South American Indians Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of State as a project of the Interdepartmental Committe on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington.
There are many, many articles on the use of DMT to glimpse past the veil and observe the reality that surrounds us. For if properly ingested, you can actually observe the Mantids doing their things to assist in the development of the human species.
"DMT in the pineal glands of Biblical prophets gave God to humanity and let ordinary humans perceive parallel universes."
The molecule DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a psychoactive chemical that causes intense visions and can induce its users to quickly enter a completely different “environment” that some have likened to an alien or parallel universe.
The transition from “our” world to “theirs” occurs with no cessation of consciousness or quality of awareness.
What is actually going on is that the veil of what our actual reality is has been lifted and our senses and our brain can now, if only briefly, observe the universe and reality as it really is. And since it is so different from “our” day-to-day universe, many people consider it as entering a “new” universe.
In this environment, beings often appear who interact with the person who is using DMT. The beings appear to inhabit this parallel realm.
These beings are Mantids.
They are an old species that evoled upon the earth millions of years ago and advanced to become a multi-dimensional species. They work with humans to improve our sentience, assist in the evolution and growth of our soul, and manage the world-line transitions.
The DMT experience has the feel of reality in terms of detail and potential for exploration. The Mantids encountered are often identified as being alien-like or elf-like.
Some of the creatures appear to be three-dimensional. Others appear to lack depth.
Author Terence McKenna has used DMT and feels that…
"Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe." The aliens seen while using DMT present themselves "with information that is not drawn from the personal history of the individual."
DMT is also naturally produced in small quantities in the human brain, and it has been hypothesized that DMT is produced in the pineal gland in the brain.
Is it possible that the reality exposed to humans by injecting DMT is in some sense a valid reality, on par with our normal reality? -Reality Carnival
Our minds, which evolved to help us run from lions on the African savannas, is not engineered to see these other realities under normal circumstances.
What is the guarantee that our minds are naturally designed to sense the “true reality”?
Perhaps there is no guarantee.
Consider a far-fetched example. Imagine a creature or phenomena that has been lurking among us since the dawn of evolution. If our ancient ancestors died every time they perceived the phenomena, evolution would favor creatures who did not perceive the creatures or phenomena.
One might counter this argument by saying that our modern instruments, such as X-ray machines and cameras, should be able to make the creatures apparent to us, even if our unaided sensorium is not up to the task.
Reasoning further, because our instruments have not made these realms apparent to us, the realms must not be real.
However, perhaps our traditional instruments and theories are also not up to the task. Or perhaps our interpretation of the instruments' results is incomplete. Perhaps DMT is an instrument.
- Reality Carnival
As a metaphor, consider infrared goggles. A person leans on a tree. At night, we don’t see the person. Put the goggles on, and a new reality results — a truer reality — and we see the man.
Similarly, is it possible that our brain is a filter, and the use of DMT is like slipping on infrared goggles, allowing us to perceive a valid reality that is inches away and all around us?
Is it possible that that some of our human ancestors produced more DMT than we do today? For example, many of the ancient Bible stories describe prophets with DMT-like experiences.
These sorts of ecstatic singing and repetitive exaltations remind me of subjects who took DMT and heard:
"Now do you see? Now do you see?" along with singing voices.
-These cases are described in Rick Strassman's book DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
Maybe this is why the ancients seemed so in touch with God and with miracles and visions. Maybe Moses and Jesus had a greater rate of pineal DMT production than most.
One way to imagine how other realities could exist side by side with our own is to consider the forces that produced the diversity of senses and intelligences right here on Earth.
In a real way, there are already alien worlds right here among us.
Every Earthly creature perceives the world in an “alien” way. Dogs. Bees. Bats. Cats. They experience the world with different kinds of senses. They can smell what we cannot, they can see what we cannot, they can hear what we cannot.
If the organisms of the Earth were somehow able to describe their world to you, it would probably not be recognizable to you.
It would seem like the wildest world from any science-fiction story.
Moreover, if you were able to describe the world to another species, they would “see” no resemblance to their own. Our sense of reality would be different; our way of thinking would be different, and even the practical technology we would produce would be different.
We do not have to contemplate aliens or science fiction to imagine alien-like senses and bodies. The animal world of Earth is so diverse and full of different senses, that creatures are already walking among us possessing “alien” awareness beyond our understanding.
By studying the creatures of the Earth, we can hypothesize on the diversity of realities here on Earth.
Aliens would no doubt see a different world than we do.
To best understand this, consider the Indian luna moth, which has a wingspread of about 10 cm (4 inches). To our eyes, both the male and female moths are light green and indistinguishable from each other. But the luna moths themselves perceive in the ultraviolet range of light, and to them the female looks quite different from the male.
Other creatures have a hard time seeing the moths when they rest on green leaves, but luna moths are not camouflaged to one another since they see each other as brilliantly colored.
Please kindly keep in mind, I do not advocate or suggest that readers break any laws or try these drugs.
There is an entire subculture of people who use drugs and other means to “expand their consciousness”. In truth what they are doing is altering how their brain interprets the sensory inputs it receives.
Some do this for recreation. Some do this for spiritual awakening, and others do it for exploration purposes.
The truth is that our human biological bodies are not constructed to observe the universe as it actually is. It observes it as was determined by evolutionary factors.
We can observe the actual reality, and see all sorts of strange things, strange and unusual perceptions and odd “feelings” when we alter our brain through certain drugs, a change in our physical body, or through “enhancements” or alterations to our brain.
Rather than scoff at people who have had these “visions” outside of the normal, we should listen to them. Take notes, and move on in our own life. Well aware that perhaps, just perhaps, NOT being able to see the world as it actually is…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here we discuss you can experience what Hell is like. For those of you that are desirous of this, there is a drug that does precisely that.
There’s this movie, “Brainstorm” (1983), where scientists can literally jump into someone else’s head and play back recordings of what he or she was thinking, feeling, seeing, etc., at the time of the recording, the applications for the project quickly spiral out of control. The American military starts using the technology for “other purposes”. One of which was to create a psychotic Hellish prison in the mind from which they could torture people with.
Well, there is this drug, known as “spice”, that does the exact same thing.
It’s an instant trip to Hell, and you do NOT want to go there.
Spice – K2
A new drug has taken hold on streets across Europe and North America.
Tribes of strangers are staggering around, looking lost and mumbling to
passersby before passing out whenever their legs and minds can take no
more. The drug is most widely known as “spice,” and newspapers —
particularly right-wing tabloid newspapers — are having a field day.
“Zombie spice users are pushing Britain’s emergency services to the brink,” warns The Sun. A “spice nightmare” is turning city centers into “real-life horror movies,” says The Mirror.
Spice “turns users into the ‘living dead’ in minutes and is ruining lives across Britain,” says The Daily Mail.
Spice is like living the darkest scenes from the movie “Brainstorm”.
I think this movie was ahead of its time. I never saw Brainstorm when it was originally released, but decided that I just had to view it since I never saw it on any streaming services such as Netflix or Hulu. Amazon had it, so instead of renting I added to my Amazon library.
Since Natalie Wood's circumstances of death has become something of a current affair, it was more provocative watching the scenes with her and Christopher Walken.
Louise Fletcher gave an amazing performance tying the whole movie together.
This movie was about scientific research that actually allows the users to experience each other's feelings, memories and sensations. When you watch this you could imagine the many types of technologies that exist today, with those same goals, through virtual reality, video games, etc.
You also see the holistic side when Louise Fletcher's character is having a brain scan recording while she actually experiences a heart attack and then dies, raising the questions of what happens to the human consciousness after death.
There is also the further complication that the research is owned by a DoD contractor that wants to weaponize this device for their subjects to experiences their worst fears and traumas.
- Ahead of its time and really should be a classic.
Spice (AKA K2) is not just a single drug, but a wide range of
laboratory-made chemicals designed to mimic the effects of the
well-known psychoactive compound in marijuana called THC, or
tetrahydrocannabinol. The keyword here, though, is mimic.
Scene from the movie “Brainstorm”.
in marijuana works by latching onto cannabinoid receptors in the brain.
The chemicals in spice do the same thing, but can be over 100 times
more potent and produce wildly different effects compared to actual
weed. The only real similarities between spice and weed is the way it
works and the fact that you smoke it.
To make things more complicated, the combinations of chemicals in
spice are changing all the time, leading to slightly different effects
and levels of potency between each separate batch. There are potentially
hundreds or even thousands of variations being pushed out of dodgy labs
in Russia and China.
No matter what the combination is, though, the powdery substance
formed is carted off to Europe and North America and sprayed onto plant
matter like sage, damiana or even tea leaves. After that, the “spice” is
placed into eye-catching packaging and sold by small-time dealers and
certain “herbal” shops. Spice has been illegal in the U.S. since 2013,
and in the U.K. since May, 2016.
The effects of “Spice”…
“It’s like a scene out of a zombie movie, a horrible scene,” said
Brian Arthur, 38, who began live-streaming on his way to work in
Brooklyn, New York after seeing three people collapse. “This drug truly
paralyzes people.”
Scene from the movie “Brainstorm”.
you find spice, you’ll find witnesses saying the same thing. Users
appear to be on another planet, and that’s pretty much how they
themselves describe it, too. Matthew Nuttall, an ex-spice addict from
Manchester, told Britain’s Metro newspaper: “You just feel braindead half the time. They say people look like zombies, and that’s how it feels.
“The first time, I can’t even explain what it was like. It just blew
my head off. I thought ‘never again.’ It’s just such a heavy high. It’s
so intense,” he continued. “’The first high lasted about one hour, but
it really felt a lot longer. It’s like you’re there but you can’t
communicate. You’re alive in there, but you can’t see it on the outside.
You just feel braindead.”
The government tries to kick Michael and Lillian off the project once the vast military potential of the technology is discovered.
It soon becomes obvious that the government is interested in more than just missile guidance systems. The lab starts producing mind torture recordings and other psychosis inducing material.
When one of the researchers dies and tapes the experience of death, Michael is convinced that he must playback this tape to honor the memory of the researcher and to become enlightened. When another researcher dies during playback the tape is locked away and Michael has to fight against his former colleagues and the government lackeys that now run his lab in order to play back and confront the "scariest thing any of us will ever face" - death itself.
—Eric van bezooijen <eric@webmethods.com>
When you are young and full of “piss and vinegar”, you believe that the “world is your oyster”; that you can do anything and live forever. Then, when you get older, you have kids, you have friends that have died, been in car accidents and have friends paralyzed, you realize how precious and special life is.
Most of the people taking this drug are either young or destitute. They cannot see a future that is worth protecting.
So they make mistakes…
Experimenter One
I took 3 strong, albeit very smooth, hits from my water bong in my
dark room alone, and then it was only a matter of a few minutes before I
could feel the effects kicking in. I tried to surf the internet, as per
my usual activity while high, but suddenly, I felt a dramatic and
precipitous shift coming on. I could tell immediately that the stuff was
strong and I may have bitten off more than my head was ready to handle.
I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. Objects ceased to have
meaning or recognition. It was complete and utter boundary dissolution.
What happened next is incredibly hard to describe, for there really are
no words that can adequately define the parameters, if there were any,
of the domain I entered.
Scene from the movie “Brainstorm”.
Imagine if you will, perpetual drowning in a multidimensional lake of
fire, kaleidoscopically cascading through a roller-coaster ride of
pure, unabashed nauseating torment. Never in my entire life have I ever
wanted to die. It felt like I was experiencing every pain that has
happened, or will ever happen, to any and all lifeforms throughout the
multiverse. It seems possible to imagine, right? I swear to you, I am in
no way trying to embellish a bad trip.
The feeling of nausea was unbearable. It literally, and I do mean
literally, felt like eternity. It’s as if my ego was completely stripped
away; I looked down at my hands, which were barely recognizable, and
felt that my body was struggling to keep my soul inside and intact.
Movement felt like slow motion, and the room around me flickered and
spun around chaotically. Whatever was left of my ego was trying
desperately to grasp onto something familiar, anything that I could
focus on and stay grounded in the room. It was like gasping for air
while a demon tries to drown you in a lake of fire. I kid you not.
I felt lost, and abandoned. It was the experience of sheer
hopelessness. Never have I ever known the meaning of that word,
‘hopelessness’. I’m there in my bed, writhing in contorted position
after contorted position, trying to find a safe place in my head to rest
and root itself, but to no avail.
I’m there in my bed, writhing in contorted position after contorted
position, trying to find a safe place in my head to rest and root
itself, but to no avail.
I rode wave after wave of unbearable torment, and I all I could think was that if hell exists, this state of consciousness is it. Words and language ceased to have meaning or make sense. My thoughts become so scrambled that it became impossible to even try to rationally calm myself down and relax.
When I could feel my body again and jump back into reality, deep breathing helped slow the spinning and recalibrate my surroundings.
But then my soul got dragged right back down to the pits of hell and I was whipped, prodded, poked, skewered, hooked, burned, and beaten, all simultaneously.
There were no actual demons to speak of, or a devil-figure, or fire, or anything like that. It was more or less a blended hyperdimensional reality of my entire life’s history.
Every terrible thought I ever had, and even the ones I didn’t know I had, rush up to greet me. All the while, I continually felt like I was going to throw up, and it felt like I was constantly jolted, as if I was frightened in a nightmare.
I would wake up from the nightmare, but only to realize that I was still stuck in the nightmare again, and there was no hope of truly waking up to escape.
After 2 hours of real time, I began to calm down and things in the room became more solid and less fuzzy.
I began to take sanctuary in the ability to recognize objects, and I
began to relax a bit as I was assured a safe return to normalcy or
baseline. I then began stringing together cohesive thoughts and
expressions, and I began examining all of the private and unsettling
things the trip exposed to me about my ego, sexuality, and cultural
operating system.
I’ll never take for granted the simple majesty, and wonderment of
normal, everyday reality. It is a beautiful, loving, and peaceful state,
simply because it is understandable. The ability to comprehend
something, anything, is a luxury that was not afforded to me while
Exactly what hell would feel like, whether it really is a place that exists after death for some or not. Worst. trip. ever.
Experimenter Two
My ex-husband was a high-level IT Engineer/Exec. After doing
synthetic weed with a new girlfriend, he went into permanent psychosis
due to actual brain damage from Spice/K2/etc. (She did too, but I don’t
know whatever happened to her).
Over the course of a year he’d attacked the police, stolen his
children and told them bad people were trying to hurt them, ruined the
computer hardware and networks of an employer (he thought FBI was after
him), tried to kidnap his oldest daughter from her mom, and woke up with
a head wound 4 states away with no idea how he got there but tried to
blame it on me and the government.
He destroyed our kids’ lives financially and emotionally – between
therapy costs to deal with the trauma, complete lack of child support
from him, lack of health benefits, and one day he just left the country
and is now overseas in a mental hospital… I work but live in a high-cost
area. I make too much to qualify for any benefits of any kind. The
state can’t help because he’s overseas. Disability can’t help because
he’s too paranoid to apply for benefits.
All because he was stressed out and wanted to get high without it
showing up on a drug test. Please don’t do it. If one person reading
this is helped, then I’m grateful.
Experimenter Three
Me and a friend were outside catching up over winter break and we packed up a bowl between us. After about 10 minutes and only about 3 hits of the ‘Smiley Dog’ herbal incense we are so high we cannot stand or walk.
The idea of returning to the house and watching a movie is laughable in our state after about 15 minutes. I lose motor control and can no longer stand after 20 minutes. MY heart feels as if it is going to explode, I become convinced I could die at any moment. A tingling feeling starts at the tips of my fingers and slowly works its way up to my hands, then up my arm. It feels as if my bod is dyeing piece by piece before me.
At this point I lose it, and have my friend call an ambulance. Sounds like over reaching, but my body will not obey my commands, I’m vomiting and the tingling feeling has moved terrifyingly close to my heart.
When the ambulance arrives they cannot bring me under control and i cannot stop my body from convulsing, shaking, and screaming like the demon infested girl from ‘The Exorcist’.
They had to strap me to a gurney and put me in an ambulance. It took six people to hold me down so they could put the straps on and get an IV in me. They administered 10 milligrams of Ativan to try to calm me down but nothing really works until I’m at the emergency room and they put me down with Geodon.
I’m convinced JWH-018 triggered a full psychotic break in me. DO NOT FUCK WITH THIS STUFF! STICK WITH REAL WEED!
Experimenter Four
Smoked spice (was told it was just weed)… After two big hits, there was a high-pitched pinging sound going on in my head as my vision and thoughts began to fade away and I blacked out for around a minute.
I then wake up and feel as if I am detached from my body and floating on air. I had no thoughts, no vision, no memories, no sense of time, … But there was something.
My mind became trapped in this meaningless, timeless, and endless pattern of torture that just kept repeating over and over and over with no end in sight.
I had watched ‘Home Alone’ that day and the opening theme music which I always found a little scary was playing over and over while tripping.
That theme music and my friend saying, “is he alright man”?, was a continuous loop for the duration of the trip.
Heart felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest and I couldn’t move in the slightest or communicate with my friends. There was no way out. This pattern was my entire existence. The only feeling that existed in this world was extreme horror, pain, and mental torture.
When I finally got a glimpse of the real world again, I was really glad, but after a little moment it started again! And I was like “no, F*CK NO, not AGAIN!”.
It was unimaginably horrible. I don’t know how long this part actually lasted but it was somewhere between 5 and 20 minutes I believe.
Experimenter Five
The first and only time I smoked spice I was on the come down of a 3
tab acid trip, I couldn’t sleep and wanted some company. One of my
friends texted me saying he had some fresh hash and a surprise for me.
So I was like what the hell come over, I don’t know when I’ll sleep.
Fast forward to my friend coming through and he’s like I have this
super nice Spliff rolled up for you with 3 types of hash. You’re going
to get fucked up I promise. But you’re going to want to hold that in for
30seconds before exhaling to really get the effects.
So trusting this “friend”, I took 3 hits, as soon as I look at my friend and say this isn’t just hash, he smiles and is like nah it’s K2. Now at this point I start tripping again, everything was like 4D crystal clear HD, I was seeing around walls and corners while seeing what was infront of me.
So I was just perplexed…
Until I went inside my place and sat down. That’s when I noticed I was breathing shallow, inhaling and exhaling felt thin and overall just not right. I kept pacing and trying to get a proper breathing rhythm. The whole time my “friend” just kept smiling at me and was like you’ll be good bro, this high is amazing!
That was the closest I’ve ever had to a panic attack, the closest I’ve ever felt like I was dying and it scared me.
So fuck spice and fuck my so called friend for doing that to me. I’ve since cut all ties with him and when I sobered up from the 15 minutes of hell I almost beat the shit out of the kid, I was so pissed.
So FUCK spice!
Experimenter Six
And if you say “lol fuck you OP I’ll do what I want” then heed this
warning: Do NOT take huge hits and/or hold that shit in, especially if
you’re new to it and don’t know what to expect.
It’s like no other “drug” that shit doesn’t creep up on you. It busts
down your fucking door like a lightning bolt and the only words that
will go through your head is “Shit, what have I done?”
It’s terrifying if you take too much and you have no tolerance.
Imminent death is probably an accurate description of when you’re
peaking from a hit too many.
You will feel like you’re about to die. You will think of your family that’ll miss you. You will pray to God if you believe in one. You will bargain with him that if you make it out alive, that’ll you’ll NEVER do it again.
If you want to smoke spice, at least heed these warnings. It’s no little kid drug, it’s intense as it is detrimental to your psyche. If you want a taste of it, please. PLEASE PLEASE. Hit that shit about 1/8th of the way you would hit a joint, and immediately exhale. Wait 60 seconds, then determine if you’re in hell’s halls or not. If you’re not, congratulations, you’ve successfully and responsibly smoked spice.
If you find yourself making a final prayer, you did It very wrong and you will regret the decision. I hope this will save at least 1 person. Be safe
Buy a pizza, and a bottle or two of wine. You and a special friend, go to a nice glade, a shady spot, or fresh beach. Lay down a blanket and make it a day.
It’s much nicer than a trip to Hell, don’t ya think.
Pizza and wine with the one you love – pure Heaven.
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