This is just a very simple article. I just want to throw out some areas and places where (I believe) cats would enjoy to romp and play at. You know, often I would walk by a scene, a glade, a tree line, or a place and think to myself “My. This would be a nice area to explore were I to be a cat.” And this is what this article is all about.
Cats love nature.

Places to practice the art of catting
Cats love to cat around. They like to play and practice, and when I go look at these fine woodland places I imagine them playing and being a cat. Like in the “first blood” GIF below…

And they do love to play…

Shady Glade
You come across these glades from time to time. Often it’s simply an open area in a wood or in a forest. They are often filled with shrubbery, and grasses and maybe a boulder or two, and surrounded by deep dark, lush woods all around.
A shady glade is the perfect spot to pause and get your bearings on the world around you.

Maybe you should go there, or a place like it. A quiet and secluded place. Take a friend with you and just be…

Deep woods
I love deep woods. And so did my cats.

The deep dark and cool forests are often clear of substantive under-growth, but very shady and nice. Fine tromping space, and scatter about areas for the cats to play in.

The woods are filled with wildlife to listen for, scent trails to follow, and the music of nature. The cat’s paws walk on soft deep lush carpeting underfoot, nice mosses, and the songs of birds that inhabit the tops of the trees.

Cats love to play
They do as this example clearly indicates…

Bubbling brook
Where there were hills, there would be rocks and brooks. These were always filled with life (and insects) but my cats enjoyed exploring the area immensely.

And a creek that the little guys would need to navigate, jump over or test their footing with…

Cats love nature.

A place to play and to hunt
As this cat clearly demonstrates.

A large fallen tree
My little guys would love to climb on these things and trim their claws and race about it up and down. Sometimes I would play with them and we would bat at each other, swipe at each other and just play around.

Fallen trees were always a top priority in cat exploration and adventure. As this following picture plainly indicates…

Cats do love to play
They really do.

A rural village road
You do not need to live in a cottage in a forest to make your kitty happy. The most exciting places for them to romp and play could be right there in your own backyard.

And here…

Rabbit lair
A lair is filled with tunnels in the brambles and briars. Humans cannot enter, unless you are a five or six years old, but they are perfect size for a fine adventuresome cat to prowl.

Places to hunt
Cats love to hunt. Whether it is cockroaches, mice or birds, they stalk and stalk and then pounce. Sometimes it doesn’t work out quite like they planned. Sigh.

And other times, it’s payback time…

A light birch wood
A birch wood isn’t so deep and dark as old growth hardwood forests. they are light, and airy. As such they create a unique environment for cat exploration and meanderings.

Massachusetts boulders
When I lived in Massachusetts, the near perfect temperatures in the Summer, and the lovely natural surroundings were like a balm of calmness for my cats. They would hang out on these boulders and just chill out while the world around them scampered.

Typical places for a cat who was busy “catting around” to lick his / her paws, feel the sun on their skin and take a much needed nap. As you well know; life is hard. Then you nap.

Cats love to play
They most certainly do.

Old fence line
An old fence line offers lots of fine cat resting places, and spaces to observe, hunt, track and just play about in. It’s like a cat fairground.

A nice woodland trail
I would often think of my furry friends when I would go on walks or hikes in the various State Forests or parks.

Old barn
An old barn is often a great place for cats to hunt the local rodents that inhabit the farms. There’s a lot to do, a lot of climbing and jumping, and often many aged bales of hay that make fore great rest areas.
No matter what the weather is…
Cats love equal parts of cuddling and romping outside with you. Sort of like this image here…

A fine time for kitty cuddles…

You can tuck your loved ones in bed, nice and safe…

And my political statement
Up until the 1970’s zoo’s were horrible bare cement and cinder block places where the caged and trapped animals would waste away until they died of loneliness and boredom. Such as this lion…

But that has changed. Well managed zoo’s now take the time to provide better care and more “natural” habitats for our friends to live in and exist in. I for one welcome this change.

When I had my little guys I would sometimes take them out to the forests with me, or barring that, I would have a house that was next door to a forest. They would love those excursions. All of their senses would perk up and they would be ALIVE.
I hope that you enjoyed this article.

This is my tribute to all the cat and cat lovers in the world. Maybe I’m weird for thinking these things, but we shared many a great time together. It is my hope that the cat lovers in the audience will love and appreciate this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The big cat seal of approval
Big kitty approves of this article.

Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my Cat Section within my Happiness Index. Here…
Life & Happiness.
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