It’s a hard-fisted title, don’t ya think?
Well, just because your life seems to be frozen in time, doesn’t mean that the rest of the world has stopped as well. It hasn’t. It keeps on moving on.
On and on.
There seems to be a real push for robotic automation; actual robots to do things that humans cannot. This includes things such as fighting fires, exploring the deep oceans, or the surfaces of Mars or Venus, and perhaps providing police services.
The Massachusetts State Police is the first law enforcement agency in the country to utilize a robotic dog in its operations, named Spot. Robotic technology is not entirely a new concept in the ranks of law enforcement. Particularly, Spot is touted to be an addition to the line of robotics that can potentially help prevent casualties, and provide reliable and safe services to reduce risk in day-to-day police operations.
And in other ways as well, like “pack mules” or agile transport mediums. Mediums that can fight when needed.
Why Bother?
Well, a robot can be programmed. And you cannot blame it for racism, or favoritism. Or any other excuses that are being politicized right now in America. You can program it to follow distinct rules and not worry about paying it, over-working it, pensions, or personal opinions.
You tell it what to do and it carries out your orders ruthlessly and without remorse.
It is perfect for the PTB and the Oligarchy to control people, nationalistic movements and other things that rulers find distasteful.
You all realize that technology is moving forward at an incredible pace. You also know that China is leading the world in 5G technology. As well as robotics, IoT and AI (artificial Intelligence). Lately, the Trump administration has been doing everything in it’s power to stop the ability of China to procure, and develop AI chips. Have you ever stopped and wonder why?
Is it because America doesn’t want the Chinese to market better cell-phones, or is it something else?

Is it something else?
You know full darn well that machines and computers malfunction. No matter how well-made. There is not one reader out there out in internet-land that hasn’t see the “blue screen of death“, or have had a car that won’t start. Machines malfunction.
And even worse than that, what about “hackers”? Right now there is “ransom ware”, and software that hijacks your computer. Imagine if that occurs with police or military robots… yikes!
It’s a strange and dangerous new world out there. It is becoming stranger and stranger, and more and more threatening. And the sad thing about all of this, is that technology is advancing, but human nature is staying the same.

There is coming a time when the rise of technology crosses the threshold of human ignorance. And at that time, the dangers of technology can be such that the entire species can be eradicated and the earth rendered uninhabitable.
Therefore, it is of critical importance that human sentience be stabilized.
A world filled with technologically adept humans of wildly divergence sentience’s will absolutely result in danger and catastrophe. The human species MUST, absolutely must have a single unified majority sentience.
It needs to happen before the technology / sentience interface is breached.
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