A cloaking device is a hypothetical or fictional stealth technology that can cause objects, such as spaceships or individuals, to be partially or wholly invisible to parts of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Jul 2 2019 -Cloaking device - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Um. Sure, Wikipedia. What ever you say…
Invisibility on Demand.
“Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.“ -Robert A. Heinlein
Our extraterrestrial benefactors and most other (technologically advanced) non-human species possess the power of invisibility “cloaking” on demand. This invisibility was inclusive of widely varying methodology and could be all inclusive or selective for various radiative sources.
Indeed, depending on the method used, their activities were shielded most effectively from human observation.
The techniques that they used to do this, generally, tended to work by bending light.
There are all kinds of studies based on this technology foothold. For instance, scientists at the University of California, Irvine hope to fix that with what they call invisibility patches, based on a structural protein that common squid (the ones that end up as calamari) use to change the color and reflectivity of their skin. This protein, called reflectin, functions in the same wavelengths as night vision systems, and therein lies its promise.
In general, all extraterrestrial vehicles were capable of this ability, as it was (apparently) a very simple thing to do. Any time a person sees a extraterrestrial vehicle or “UFO” it is either because the field was intentionally turned off, or that it was simply malfunctioning.
The way these vehicles work is how the light is received by the cones inside our eyes. The device(s) that they used altered or “bent” the light so that our (human) eye cones could not perceive them.

However, some animals, with different kinds of eye cones could still see the objects. Like dogs, and cats, and horses, and pigs.
The ability to “cloak” ones actions is actually structurally simple. It is characteristic of advanced species and technologically advanced civilizations to alter the physical world surrounding them.
By copying and duplicating their technologies, we too are able to accomplish this feat.

In regards to MAJestic, no matter how diligently we tried, our solutions were never as elegant or inclusive as those with whom we emulated. That is because we tried to copy them directly. We did not try to fully understand them.
I like to hope that today, those studying these objects and technologies would like to spend some time studying how they worked and the basic underlying principles of their operation. As opposed to just simply mimicking their performance.
Human attempts…
Retro-reflective Projection Technology (RPT)
Optical Camouflage using Retro-reflective Projection Technology (RPT) was developed in 1998 at the University of Tokyo.

It is essentially a kind of projection technology that projects the background image in front of the object in question. Like most new product and R&D efforts, it is often fraught with “dead ends” and “black holes”. Eventually resulting on the “shelving” of the technology.
As far as I know, this technology pretty much died in Asia.
Or did it?
Human attempts at invisibility cloaking
Where would you develop such technologies? Where would you go? Where you you find the necessary funding, and the necessary people that would desire to play around” with such “science fiction”, “tin foil hat” technologies?
Follow the money?
Well, if money were the core driver, then you might want to discuss this technology with financiers, bankers, wall street traders, and attorneys. If so, then where would you find them? Where is the financial capitals in the world? Oh, that’s easy. London, Hong Kong, Dubai, New York, Shanghai.
You know, they might help fund such “tin foil hat” technologies, but they wouldn’t get too close to them. They are not the kind of people that like to “get their hands dirty”. You need to go where the inventors, the innovators, the engineers, and the designers live…
So, where are the technology centers in the world?
Where are they? Where would you find contemporaneous inventors? Inventors not hampered by government regulation and oversight? Where are places where innovation thrives, and “money seems to grow on trees” for the inventor class? Is it Silicon valley? Is it in Japan? Is it in Korea?
Nope. Shenzhen, China and the entire Guangzhou corridor. That’s where.
- Explainer: the GBA’s Science and Technology Corridor …
- GZ-SZ Science & Technology Innovation Corridor to be built …
- Welcome to Dongguan, seeing a hi-tech and innovative …
- Guangzhou to be more competitive in scientific and …
- Innovation corridor to boost regional development …
Never heard of this place, eh?
Well of course you haven’t. What goes for American “news” today is just fear-mongering half-truths designed to manipulate Americans to become the most productive serfs possible. And if the news does not promote this narrative it is censored from the American public.
Contemporaneous high tech development happens in unique clusters all over the world. However, the largest, in geographic region, the largest in number of people, the largest in infrastructure, and the largest with pro-science government support is located in one place, and only one place…
All those drones that you see in the sky. Do you know where they were developed, and manufactured?
Hum, what about those fine cameras in your cell phones, oh, heck the electronics and screens in the phones? The Wifi systems, and the fiber-optics and memory. Do you know where they are being developed and manufactured?
Sure there is some software development in the United States, in Japan, in Korea. Just like there are development hubs in Germany, France and Mexico. And Finland. Software development is all over the world. And there are factories all over the world, but where are the greatest concentrations of development?
Indeed, where is the largest, the greatest and the most enormous clusters of inventors, innovators and designers?
Technology is advancing. We all know about 5G and the latest in video games. But what of other technologies? You know, just because FOX and CNN is not reporting on other things doesn’t mean that they are not happening. They are. As such, it is both comforting and alarming at the same time.
Here we look at invisibility cloaking. And how it is being developed.
Duke University Stealth System
A device that can bestow invisibility to an object by “cloaking” it from visual light was developed almost fifteen years ago in Duke University by Chinese researchers.
After being the first to demonstrate the feasibility of such a device by constructing a prototype in 2006, a team of Duke University engineers produced a unique type of cloaking device, which is significantly more sophisticated at cloaking in a broad range of frequencies.

The latest advance was made possible by the development of a new series of complex mathematical commands, known as algorithms, to guide the design and fabrication of exotic composite materials known as metamaterials.
A metamaterial (from the Greek word μετά meta, meaning "beyond" and the Latin word materia, meaning "matter" or "material") is any material engineered to have a property that is not found in naturally occurring materials. They are made from assemblies of multiple elements fashioned from composite materials such as metals and plastics. The materials are usually arranged in repeating patterns, at scales that are smaller than the wavelengths of the phenomena they influence. Metamaterials derive their properties not from the properties of the base materials, but from their newly designed structures. Their precise shape, geometry, size, orientation and arrangement gives them their smart properties capable of manipulating electromagnetic waves: by blocking, absorbing, enhancing, or bending waves, to achieve benefits that go beyond what is possible with conventional materials. -Wikipedia
These materials can be engineered to have properties not easily found in natural materials, and can be used to form a variety of “cloaking” structures. These structures can guide electromagnetic waves around an object, only to have them emerge on the other side as if they had passed through an empty volume of space.
The first authors of the paper were Duke’s Ruopeng Liu, who developed the algorithm, and Chunlin Li. Both Chinese nationals. After publishing their results, they left the program and returned to China.
They were replaced with other leaders. This was David R. Smith, William Bevan Professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke, as the senior member of the research team.
Once the algorithm was developed, the cloaking device was completed from conception to fabrication in nine days, compared to the four months required to create the original, and more rudimentary, device.
This powerful algorithm will make it possible to custom-design unique metamaterials with specific cloaking characteristics, the researchers said.
”The difference between the original device and the latest model is like night and day. The new device can cloak a much wider spectrum of waves — nearly limitless — and will scale far more easily to infrared and visible light. The approach we used should help us expand and improve our abilities to cloak different types of waves.”
Cloaking devices bend electromagnetic waves, such as light, in such a way that it appears as if the cloaked object is not there. In the latest laboratory experiments, a beam of microwaves aimed through the cloaking device at a “bump” on a flat mirror surface bounced off the surface at the same angle as if the bump were not present. Additionally, the device prevented the formation of scattered beams that would normally be expected from such a perturbation.
The results of the Duke experiments were published Jan. 16, 2009 in the journal Science.
“Broadband” Invisibility Cloak
Eventually, the work that we uncovered two to three decades ago crawls its way to mainstream science. I am quite confident that it goes through various distillation procedures until a physical law or principle that parallels one that is acceptable to mainstream science is embraced.
That is certainly the case with the “Broadband” Invisibility cloak.
This “broadband” invisibility cloak which hides objects over a wide range of frequencies has been devised. The first working model – which concealed a small copper cylinder by bending microwaves around it – was first demonstrated in 2006.
It was built with a thin shell of metamaterials.
It was not perfect, but further experiments were being conducted to improve upon the design. ( While the media interest in this technology has been silent, I can assure the reader that the NSA and Darpa have taken an interest in this technology. Thus one should expect that fully available, mass produced versions are now available to qualified alphabet organizations.)
In lab tests, scientists at the University of Texas, Austin, wrapped an 18-centimeter long cylindrical rod under their cloak and successfully made it disappear when they beamed microwaves at the object. The researchers made the garment from a meta-screen, a super-thin material created from strips of copper attached to a flexible polycarbonate film. The copper strips are only 66-micrometers thick, while the polycarbonate film is 100-micrometers thick.
The trouble is that when you add material around an object to cloak it, you can’t avoid the fact that you are adding matter. Thus, when you add matter, it still responds to electromagnetic waves.
Thus… we have the current investigative direction is toward more active cloaking technology, designs which rely on electrical power to make objects “vanish”. Like what they are doing in China.
Chinese Applications
Well, it seems that if you kick the Chinese researchers off the development programs, and then pull their visas, they have no choice but to go home and find work there.
And that is exactly what they did.
China is mass producing metamaterials in state-run labs, since the mid 2015’s. These materials reportedly functions as ‘invisibility cloaks’ and are believed that they make fighter jets impossible to detect.
- Thermally
- Via Radar
- Visually and optically.
A broadcast by China Central Television Station (CCTV), revealed that a laboratory in Shenzhen, in in the high-tech Guangzhou corridor, is manufacturing various types of highly technological materials—including invisibility, anti-burning and anti-icing cloaks.
The functions of these materials have not been disclosed to the public. Chinese news platform Sina reported that the assembly line is directly related to the military and the materials are likely to be used to camouflage J-20 fighter jets.

Scientists are reportedly producing the materials at the State Key Laboratory of Metamaterial Electromagnet Modulation Technology, which was established in 2011 and is based in the Guangqi Advanced Institute of Technology. According to its website, the lab has an annual production capacity of more than 107,600 square feet of metamaterial plates.
"State key" indicates the organization is state-funded or run by the Chinese government. The United States does not make this distinction. Most American universities are funded through the US government in the form of programs, grants or loans.
The Sina report also confirmed that the materials will likely be used by the military, specifically for camouflaging the J-20 fighter jets as its chief engineer Yang Wei is also on the laboratory’s academic board.
In December 2015, a video of a man demonstrating the abilities of a quantum invisibility cloak went viral worldwide after it was shared to Weibo, a Chinese social media platform. The footage was posted by Chen Shiqu, the deputy director of Criminal Investigations Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.
The Chinese adaptive camfouflage/cloaking technology is apparently also multispectral, as a team has developed a device that can cloak an object in the thermal/IR (InfraRed) light spectrum (thus the anti-heat-seeking-missile protective aspect) and prevent it from being picked up by metal detectors. DR assumes it's thermal/IR camo aspect would also prevent the cloaked object from being seen in the near-IR (night vision) light spectrum, but this hasn't been confirmed/verified, yet. Professor Ma Yungui, an optical engineering specialist at Zhejiang University recently spoke about this device, which is roughly the size of matchbox, but can be enlarged as necessary to allow weapons to be secreted passed security checkpoints. The fly in the ointment is that a ... "useable and practical invisibility cloak might still be decades away as it needed super-materials that could not be produced with current technology", ...but the Chinese government and military are pressing ahead with it anyway to gleen theoretical knowledge that can potentially produce many tech spin-offs. "I went to an international forum on invisibility studies in Paris last year and found that at least a third of the researchers came from mainland China. It is challenging to get a research grant no matter what the subject is, but the Chinese government’s support on fundamental frontier research such as invisibility study is strong and increasing." -Defense Review
Of course, those in the United States, believe that this is impossible. There is no way, none what so ever, that the Chinese would be able to surpass the United States in any kind of technology. It’s frankly inconceivable!

"Softwares such as Adobe's After Effects, Nuke or Blackmagic Fusion can edit the background and blend the object into it. The effect has previously seen in a lot of action movies," -Newsweek
Well, since it’s inconceivable that a Chinese company would develop “cloaking” technology, how about a Canadian company? I mean, if it is “preposterous” and “inconceivable” for the Chinese to develop such technology, perhaps the Canadians can do so…
A Canadian company called Hyperstealth® is reporting that it has developed Quantum Stealth®, a material that renders the target…
“completely invisible by bending light waves around the target.”
If the photos are to be believed, Quantum Stealth® basically works like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak.
Since 2002, Hyperstealth® has been in the business of designing camouflage patterns for military uniforms, vehicles, and installations.
In 2010, at the International Camouflage Symposium, Hyperstealth®’s CEO Guy Cramer demonstrated SmartCamo® — a material that could adjust its camouflage markings to match its surroundings.
The first recent public presentation of this technology was released by DefenseReview in May 2011. There, they had an interview with Guy Cramer about Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp.’s Quantum Stealth light-bending multi-spectral “invisibility cloaking” technology.
This release resulted in numerous major mainstream science and technology publications picking up the story.

Patent Pending
The reason Cramer/Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. finally released videos and (initial) technical information on the Hyperstealth Quantum Stealth multi-spectral adaptive camo/visual cloaking tech is because they’ve now filed for patent (multiple patents, actually), so they’re now protected from intellectual property theft.
The operation
The primary patentable aspect of Quantum Stealth is configuring of positioning lenticular lenses back to back. In the process they end up creating an entirely new type of lens.
Current density. Hyperstealth can fit about 100 lenses per square inch. It is, from a functional and development point of view, much easier to work with this amount. However, that is not the target. Right now, they are currently working on getting up to about 200 lenses per square inch.
Current weight is approximately one (1) pound per square foot, but the goal is to get the weight down to a small fraction of that.
Current thickness is roughly that of two pieces of cardboard stacked back to back. So, now, hiding aircraft (on the ground), tanks, ground vehicles, tents, buildings and entire military bases becomes possible, and will negate the need for building hardened protective structures in many cases.

Functional limitations
Quantum Stealth’s current weight and standoff requirement (and we’re guessing, durability) means it can’t be applied to standard/winged military aircraft skin. This includes fighter jet aircraft. However, it CAN be applied to rotary aircraft like helicopters and UAS/UAVs (Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).
Multi-Spectral Camouflage
Quantum Stealth is true multi-spectral (adaptive) camouflage, in that it It bends near-infrared (night vision) and shortwave infrared, ultraviolet light, and visible light, and even blocks thermal/IR (Infrared).

The goal for U.S. Military BDU’s (Battle Dress Uniforms) is to be able to cover them with a lightweight Quantum Stealth parachute-type material. This would be like a flight suit or jumpsuit.

Of course, the face/head and helmet will also have to be covered with the material, and the primary challenge will be allowing the soldier / warfighter to be able to breathe, see and hear, without the enemy seeing him/her.
Projection of images
You can also project video and still images onto the Quantum Stealth material. This opens up all sorts of advanced types of camouflage. It means you can create decoys and diversions. So instead of using the technology to hide existing troops and weapons, it can be used to create the impression of military forces in other areas, or civilians, or vehicles that do not exist.

And, here’s the kicker, Quantum Stealth lenticular lens arrays can be utilized to quantumly improve LIDAR (Laser Radar) systems, which Cramer says can essentially render low-observable “stealth” aircraft technology obsolete.

The following videos were recommended from the Defense Review website.
Company Contact Info:
Guy Cramer, President/Owner HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp. P.O. Box 21134 Maple Ridge Sq. Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 1P7 Office Phone: 604-961-7046 Email: info@hyperstealth.com Website: http://www.hyperstealth.com
Related Links:
The following links were recommended from the Defense Review website.
- DR Exclusive Interview!: HyperStealth Quantum Stealth (QS) Light-Bending Passive Adaptive Camouflage (Camo)/Visual Cloaking Technology for the 21st Century Future Soldier/Warfighter: Beyond SMARTCAMO Color-Changing Hybrid Camouflage, Beyond Fictional Alien Predator’s Active Electro-Optical Camouflage/Invisibility Cloaking Tech!
- Rostec Russian Ratnik-3 Future Soldier Military ‘Stealth Camouflage’ with ‘Chameleon Helmet’ Adaptive Camo (Camouflage)/Visual Cloaking Technology to be Demonstrated for Soldier Suits and Vehicles Soon: Does it also Cloak Thermal/IR and SWIR Signatures?
- BAE Systems ADAPTIV Hexagonal Pixelated Thermal/IR (Infared)/Multispectral Adaptive Camouflage/Invisibility Cloaking System/Vehicle Armor System for Infantry Ground Vehicles (Armored Vehicles, APCs and Main Battle Tanks), Aircraft (Helicopters and Fixe-Wing), Ships and Structures/Buildings: Active Camouflage for Vehicles Gets Real
- ELTICS Black Fox Active, Adaptive IR Stealth System / Electronic Thermal Infrared Countermeasure System: Multi-Spectral Thermal/IR (Infrared) Adaptive Camouflage/Cloaking System for Combat Vehicles, Helicopters, and Warships Coming soon to a Battlespace/Theator of Operations Near You!
- Blucher Systems Ghost Soldier Camouflage and Spectralflage Vehicle Camo: Multispectral Combat Camouflage Fabric Technology that Provides Anti-Thermal/IR (Infrared) Camo for 21st Century Special Warfare (SPECWAR)
- Chinese Military Developing ‘Invisibility Cloak’: Multispectral Adaptive Camouflage/Visual Cloaking Technology for Future Chinese Fighter Aircraft and Vehicles and Future Warfare?
- Metaflex Flexible Metamaterial (Flexible MM): The Future of Adaptive Camouflage / Visual Cloaking Technology? The quest for invisible infantry soldiers continues.
- Cloaking Tech Continued: STS Optical AND Thermal/IR Camouflage for Warfighters
- Update: AAE IR/NV-Stealth and Visibility-Stealth Cloaking Technology
- Company claims optical camouflage could have protected Israeli warfighters.
- Fibrotex USA Multi-Purpose Camouflage Net Flexible, Reversible and Versatile Multi-Spectral Concealment Combat Camouflage System Wins Ultra-Light Camouflage Netting System (ULCANS)!
- VATEC Concealment Solutions (VCS) Flexible Multispectral 3D Combat Camouflage System: Texturized Individual and Vehicle Camouflage by Polaris Solutions (Israel) and ReadyOne Industries Conceals Your Visible-Light and Thermal/IR (Infrared) Signatures from the Enemy! (Video!)
- Hyde Definition PenCott Multi-Environment Camouflage Patterns (PenCott-GreenZone, PenCott-Badlands, and PenCott-Standstorm) Go into Production: Digital Combat Camo for the 21st Century!
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- Tiger Stripe Products (TSP) Develops and Introduces All Terrain Tiger (ATT) Multi-Environment/Multi-Terrain Combat Camouflage Pattern for Tactical Operations
- Sikorsky X2 Coaxial Compound Helicopter Technology Demonstrator Aircraft Achieves 287.69 MPH: Is the Sikorsky S-97 Raider Compound Helicopter the U.S. Army’s Future Light Tactical Helicopter?
- ELTICS Black Fox Active, Adaptive IR Stealth System / Electronic Thermal Infrared Countermeasure System: Multi-Spectral Thermal/IR (Infrared) Adaptive Camouflage/Cloaking System for Combat Vehicles, Helicopters, and Warships Coming soon to a Battlespace/Theator of Operations Near You!
- Blucher Systems Ghost Soldier Camouflage and Spectralflage Vehicle Camo: Multispectral Combat Camouflage Fabric Technology that Provides Anti-Thermal/IR (Infrared) Camo for 21st Century Special Warfare (SPECWAR)
- SSFN ExtremePro LandCamo Terrain-Specific/Mission-Specific Digital Combat Camouflage Patterns
- STS Arms Advanced Ceramic Coatings for Tactical Firearms: Tactical AR Rifle/Carbines Go Super-Slick and Anti-Night Vision (NV)/Near Infrared (IR) Detection
- Centurion Armor Tactical Armor Carriers by Personal Protective Systems (P2 Systems): Best Tactical Body Armor on the Planet? DR Looks at the Latest Centurion Armour Hard Armor Plate Carriers, Battle Belt, MOLLE Backpack System, and Passive Ventilation Channels/Removable Padding System at SHOT Show 2011 (Photos and Video!)
- Is Numa Tactical Protective Eyewear the Baddest Ballistic Eyepro on the Planet?: DR’s SHOT Show 2011 Video Report Shows just how Tough these Sunglasses are. (Photos and Video!)
- U.S. Army “Family of Camo Patterns” (FOP) Program Phase IV Next-Generation Combat Camouflage Competition Update: Army Camouflage Improvement Industry Day
- Metaflex Flexible Metamaterial (Flexible MM): The Future of Adaptive Camouflage / Visual Cloaking Technology? The quest for invisible infantry soldiers continues.
- Will Future U.S. Military Submarines Be Invisible to Enemy Sonar Detection?: Enter Acoustic Metamaterial Cloaking Tech
- Update: AAE IR/NV-Stealth and Visibility-Stealth Cloaking Technology
- Are Anti-Tank Guided Missiles the New Primary Threat in Urban Warfare/MOUT?
- Is ‘Invisibility Cloak’ for Combat Uniforms/BDUs Here Right Now?
- Is Cloaking Technology for U.S. Infantry Warfighters Finally Possible?
- Robo-Soldier Ready for Combat Deployment to Iraq for Urban Warfare/CI Ops
- Crye Precision MultiCam Multi-Environment Camo Coating for Tactical Small Arms
- Jordanian SPECOPS Adopt New High-Tech Night and Woodland Digital Camo
- DefRev Scoop: Jordan Adopts Hyperstealth Advanced-Tech PSD Urban Digital Camo
- Tactical Assault Camouflage (TACAM): Multi-Environment Counterterrorism Camo
Pretty interesting, eh?
It’s always a matter of time before the “tin foil hat” crowd is vindicated. It too 70 years for the news to get out about how the “deep state” killed President Kennedy and turned the United States into a military empire, and now it looks like it took fifty years to make invisibility cloaks.
Yeah, all that “tin foil hat” nonsense about “cloaking” and “invisibility” is actually real. And MAJestic has been involved in the reverse engineering of it for decades. It’s nice to see that some of the technology is coming out of the black and being used.
Even if it’s only for warfare.
It’s being developed all over the world and being mass produced in technology centers in China, and under development in Canada (for the United States) today. Who knows what will come of all this technology?
We don’t know, but it sure is exciting.
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