I am appalled at the anti-China rhetoric that is spewing out from the United States these days. It is horrific and truly frightening.
This level of propaganda historically precedes a hot war with a major power.
And somehow, the American leadership thinks that they can use “small” nuclear weapons, germ-warfare, and start putting “boots on the ground” inside of China without having Chicago, Los Angles, San Francisco, and New York City vaporized within a nuclear fireball. They point out that America outnumbers the number of Chinese nuclear weapons by a huge margin, and that no one would ever risk using them against the USA.
Yes, the actually do believe that.

Given the fact that geographically China is much larger than the United States, has a population four times of America, and over 40-times the number of factories, were there to be a devastating nuclear Armageddon between the United States and China…
… it would be China that would survive.
The United States would end up being transformed to pre-medeaval England. America without electricity, gasoline, water, or medicine is Somalia.
Even though much of China would be in ruin, the enormous number of factories, all spread out everywhere, and the insane level of “get back on your feet” attitude that the Chinese possess, would be formidable. The Chinese would pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and get right to work.
And it’s not just that.
China and Russia are military partners.
If you attack one, the other would chime in. Combined, any attack on either Russia or China would result in both coming for the American jugular vein. And there would be no mercy. Both would conduct “double taps”, and America would become a radioactive agrarian society… without electricity or running fresh water.
It’s not just myself that understand this. This has been the continuous, steady state response to all the simulations conducted by the RAND group, the pentagon, and other NGO’s.
- WW3 simulations ‘leave America destroyed by Russia and …
- US defeated by Russia and China across most scenarios in …
- War Games Simulation Shows U.S. Forces “Crushed” By China …
- The US apparently ‘gets its ass handed to it’ in war games …
- The US military ‘gets its ass handed to it’ in World War 3 …
- us loses simulated air war china – WhiteOut Press
- Chilling World War III ‘wargames’ show US forces crushed …
Yet, the anti-China narrative has ramped up. It’s fucking insanity.
Here we talk about this…
The following article is from Caitlin Johnstone. com It’s titled “Liberal NPCs Hate Russia, Conservative NPCs Hate China“, and a really good read. It has been edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author. And please take a moment to visit the website when you get a chance. It’s pretty good, eh?
Liberal NPCs Hate Russia, Conservative NPCs Hate China

The hashtag #ChinaLiedPeopleDied was recently sent trending on Twitter by “new right” pundit Michael Courdrey.
With the amplification of all the usual Trump bootlickers and their sheep-like followers.
Further feeding into the anti-China cold war hysteria conservatives have been aggressively pushing with increasingly frenetic urgency lately.
Which is hilarious, since these are the same people who’ve spent the last three years making fun of liberals and calling them NPCs for doing the exact same thing with Russia.
The Same Propaganda Technique.
And when I say the exact same thing, I mean literally the exact same thing.
The frenzied, shrieking hysteria I’m witnessing right now among Trump’s base regarding China looks and moves in the exact same way…
… the mental zombification of Russia hysteria looked and moved…
… when it began tearing through rank-and-file Democrats in late 2016 and early 2017.
The seething, screaming vitriol I get from the MAGA crowd on social media when I talk about this…
… is identical to what I got during that period from Democrats: just as irrational, just as vituperative, and just as emotion-driven.
The 2020 outbreak of China hysteria is so identical to the 2016/2017 outbreak of Russia hysteria…
…. that as of this writing if you do a Twitter live search right now for the word “wumao” or “CCP paying you”…
… you’ll see an endless stream of Trump supporters running around bleating accusations of being a paid troll for the Chinese Communist Party at anyone who disputes their hysterical China narratives.
Same with the word "wumao". Trump bootlickers are bleating accusations of being a Chinese propagandist in exactly the same way liberals have been bleating "How's the weather in St Petersburg, Ivan?" at anyone who questions establishment narratives.https://t.co/UCVrVV9I63 — Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) March 19, 2020
It’s Obvious.
Anyone who’s ever shared anti-establishment ideas on social media will immediately recognize this.
It is identical to accusations which come from the pussyhatted #Resistance crowd of brainwashed MSNBC liberals.
Liberals who accuse anyone who questions establishment narratives of being a paid troll conducting propaganda for the Russian government.
These “How much is the CCP paying you for this?” accusations which have been cluttering up my social media notifications for the last 24 hours are indistinguishable…
… from the “How’s the weather in St Petersburg, Ivan?”
McCarthyite accusations I’ve been receiving from rank-and-file Democrats for the last three years.
It’s just like the froth-mouthed victims of media-induced Russia hysteria.
The victims of media-induced China hysteria are always unable to justify their sudden Beijing anxiety in a way that makes any coherent sense.
I’ve spent the last few days debating these poor wretches online.
It’s what I do whenever a new sociopathic establishment narrative surfaces.
I do it to gain an understanding of how it works.
And I have yet to encounter a single one which can coherently reconcile the sudden uptick in shrieking China hysteria with the thing that China has always been throughout its historical existence.
Excuses and Justifications
They’ll tell me it’s because China lied about the virus and made errors in the early days of the outbreak.
But can’t lucidly explain how screaming about this helps fix any problem.
They can’t justify the fact that lying about the virus and making errors is exactly what president Trump just spent weeks doing.
They’ll tell me it’s because China is authoritarian.
Yet, they can’t explain the sudden uptick in outrage over this.
For after all, China has always had an authoritarian government and that has nothing to do with the virus.
They’ll parrot establishment narratives about Uighurs and organ harvesting, but, again, can’t explain how this has any connection to the virus.
Manipulation of American Citizenry.
When I point out that there are extremely powerful government agencies which stand much to gain from all this.
That they tend to gain from manufacturing consent for new escalations against America’s primary geostrategic rival.
I mostly get more outraged, incoherent sputtering.
But you know, once in a while a more thoughtful China Derangement Syndrome victim will say they don’t want any escalations against China.
The truth is that they just want to end an economic relationship between China and the US which they perceive as unfair.
But, again, this has nothing to do with the virus, and also it’s a mighty interesting coincidence that they’ve formed this opinion about the one nation who just so happens to be America’s primary geopolitical foe.
Emotionally driven, not rational.
This inability to draw a rational straight line from the facts in evidence to their hysterical anti-China bleating tells you everything you need to know.
They are not rending their garments over China because of facts in evidence. Instead, they’re reacting emotionally to recent propaganda narratives. Narratives that they’ve been spoon fed. Then, they begin listing off the things they’ve heard about China in an attempt to justify their irrational behavior.
In reality these people are rallying behind the campaign to blame China for the health crisis they’re now facing. This is simply because they understand that otherwise the blame will land squarely on the shoulders of their president, who’s running for re-election this year.
Deep down they know full well that this isn’t really about China, but about protecting their president.
But what they are actually doing, unwittingly, is manufacturing consent for an agenda which is far bigger and far more consequential than who wins the election in November.
And it’s no accident that they’re being shepherded in this direction with the help of right-wing establishment narrative managers.
Russiagate Isn't About Trump, And It Isn't Even Ultimately About Russia #China #Russiagate #TrumpRussiahttps://t.co/6QhzZGNPfX — Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) January 28, 2018
Russia! Russia! Russia!
More than two years ago I wrote an article titled “Russiagate Isn’t About Trump, And It Isn’t Even Ultimately About Russia“, about how all these Russia escalations (and the propaganda used to justify them) are ultimately not really about Russia at all, but China.
Here’s an excerpt:
This is what Russiagate is ultimately about. Democrats think it’s about impeaching Trump and protecting the world from a nigh-omnipotent supervillain in Vladimir Putin, Trump’s supporters think it’s a “deep state coup” to try and oust their president, but in reality this has nothing to do with Trump, and ultimately not a whole lot to do with Russia either. When all is said and done, Russiagate is about China. In an essay titled “Russia-China Tandem Changes the World”, US-Russia relations analyst Gilbert Doctorow explains how the surging economic power China depends upon Russia’s willingness to go head-to-head with America and its extensive experience with US attempts to undermine the USSR during the Cold War. Alone both nations are very vulnerable, but together their strengths are complementary in a way that poses a direct threat to America’s self-appointed role as world leader.
And now we’re seeing one of America’s two mainstream factions cheerleading for increased hostility toward America’s primary rival.
While the other faction cheerleads for increased hostility against that rival’s right arm.
This two-pronged propaganda campaign has enabled the establishment via the Trump administration to escalate tensions not just with China but with Russia as well.
America is a nation of manipulated sheep.
This tracks with something I’ve been pointing to for a while now, which I described in an article from last year titled “37 Tips For Navigating A Society That Is Full Of Propaganda And Manipulation“:
Notice how the manipulators like to split the population in two and then get them arguing over how they should serve the establishment. Arguing over whether it’s better to vote Democrat or Republican, arguing over whether it’s better to increase hostilities with Iran and Venezuela or with Syria and Russia, over whether you should support the US president or the FBI, arguing over how internet censorship should happen and whom should be censored rather than if censorship should happen in the first place. The longer they can keep us arguing over the best way to lick the imperial boot, the longer they keep us from talking about whether we want to lick it at all. 37 Tips For Navigating A Society That Is Full Of Propaganda And Manipulation Added some more tips to this article from last year in order to help navigate through the haze of narrative manipulation in these confusing times. https://t.co/Z05RH16IlB — Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) March 18, 2020
I wrote more about the way the establishment manipulators get the mainstream factions arguing over which nation should be targeted with aggression, rather than if any nations should be targeted at all, in a January 2020 article titled “On The Idiotic Partisan Debate Over Regime Change In Iran Or Syria“:
It is truly, deeply and profoundly stupid because the agenda to topple Iran’s government and the agenda to topple Syria’s government are not two separate agendas. They are the same. Supporting one while opposing the other is like wanting to shoot someone in the head but being morally opposed to shooting them in the heart.Syria and Iran are allies. Eliminating one government necessarily hurts the other. Iran has been helping Syria to win the war against foreign-backed extremist proxy fighters who nearly succeeded in toppling Damascus before its allies stepped in, and should Syria succeed in rebuilding itself (something the Trump administration is actively preventing it from doing) we can be sure it would return the favor when called upon.
We are now seeing this exact same two-pronged approach used with Russia and China.
We’ve actually been seeing it for years, like in this affectionate debate between former CIA Director James Woolsey and Fox News’ Laura Ingraham over which of the two nations America should be more aggressive toward, but it’s kicked into high gear now.
The End Result
The end result being that you have America’s two mainstream parties arguing over which establishment agenda should be advanced.
- War with Russia.
- War with China.
As well as how establishment interests should be served.
- More money for the military-establishment.
- More money for studies.
- More money and more regulations.
Hardly anyone in mainstream circles ever questioning if the establishment should be served at all.
Which is just how the establishment likes it.
America has two war parties.
- Anti-Russia
- Anti-China
The Overton window of acceptable mainstream debate has been ripped away from those who simply want peace and a healthy planet altogether, and now the only permitted arguments are about which wars should occur first.
This is gravely disordered, and it cannot continue.
The war will not play out like anyone expects. Both Russia and China are serious, serious nations that do not fuck around. It’s not gonna be another Yemen. It’s not gonna be another “police action”. It’s going to be lethal and on YOUR front door.

War clouds are brewing. Perhaps it would be be best to start reading some of my posts on SHTF events. The Washington establishment wants war and no… it will not be televised.
If things continue along this path…
If people don’t start to put their “foot down” and demand this neocon nonsense stop…
…most Americans will notice that they suddenly have no electricity and no internet.
No phones.
No gas.
No food.
And the skies over the hills will glow red all night.
Then, and then, things will start to get really strange…
Go ahead and check out my SHTF Index.
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