It’s now three weeks since both Blinkedin and Biden held face-to-face meetings DEMANDING that China needs to immediately start sanctioning Russia and stop being their friend, or else immediate and severe consequences would occur.
China refused and said NO!
And as far as I can see, there are only two events that occured that could be considered as “immediate and severe” repercussions.
[1] Coronavirus outbreaks. Simultaneous COVID outbreaks hitting major cities throughout China. Resulting in lock-downs and quarantine measures.
[2] The crash of a Chinese domestic airliner. It was an American Boeing craft and it drove straight towards the ground with throttles set at full.
Let’s look at the big picture…
There are events going on that are CLEAR. The United States has provoked Russia, and is now engaging in war against Russia in all ways; including kinetic via proxy.
What is also CLEAR is that the clock is ticking, and the timetable is in place. First, one Asian nation and then the other. First it is Russia, then China. Everything is following towards the strategies mapped out by RAND. This is publically known as a “pivot to Asia” (once Russia is suppressed.)
The RAND plan specifies a 2025 conflict conclusion with China.
It will be initiated by a provocation (a “Red Line” crossing) with Taiwan. And America will benefit substantially while China will be a quivering wreck, and ripe for CIA sponsored “regime change” via “color revolution”.
RAND details a 1-2 year war with China aimed at [1] destroying its trade network, [2] destroying its resource access, [3] collapsing its economy, and of course, [4] regime change.
The United States still seems to be following this plan. I see no evidence otherwise.
The window of opportunity for realizing these 2016 plans was originally given as ending in 2025; that may be much sooner now. Perhaps moved up to just before the November midterm elections, for the added “rally around the President” domestic effect.
I am not at all saying the US is destined to succeed, but it would be foolish not to note their telegraphed plans, and foolish to dismiss either their destructive power or their desperation.
What we can note is that both China and Russia have taken these telegraphed plans to heart, and have substantially and systemically disassembled all their components.
Let’s take a look at what has transpired since Obama funded this plan, four years of Trump, and now into the second year of the Biden administration…
[1] Destroying China’s trade network.
- The Chinese BRI is continuing to plan.
- The interruptions in SE Asia have all failed.
- The “Color Revolutions” in Kazakhstan were prevented.
- The “Color Revolutions” in Belarus were prevented.
- The USD is substantially weakened and there are now other trade currencies.
- There ARE interruptions in American domestic trade.
[2] Destroying China’s resource access.
- Agreements between Russia for resources.
- Agreements with South America and Latin America for resources.
- Agreements with Africa for resources.
- They are interruptions for America, and the EU for resource access.
[3] Collapsing China’s economy.
- After attempts at inducing famine in China, China recovered.
- New rules and controls have been implemented.
- China is at DEFCON 2, and carefully monitoring everything.
- USD entry into China is tightly controlled.
- Both the American and EU economy is under collapse.
[4] Regime change inside of China.
- COVID bioweapon attack failed.
- Color revolutions in HK were suppressed.
- Color revolutions in Tibet were suppressed.
- Color revolutions in Xinjiang (Uighur) were suppressed.
- The Chinese are more patriotic than ever. With near 95% approval.
- Unrest in the United States is growing, with massive inflation.
Obviously, the plans to seize and destroy China have failed.
However, this fact appears to be ignored by the American “leadership”. In fact, President Biden has “doubled down” and is proceeding as if everything is still on track and to plan
So what is also CLEAR is that the United States is not adjusting its strategy in regard to it’s plans for global domination, given its failures. That is suggestive of many things. But most notably, that “no one is at the helm”. The leadership; the Captain is absent.
Instead of adjusting leadership strategies as events change (known as “structural leadership”), it appears that the actual “Leadership” are continuing to follow the previously approved script in every detail. They are doing so mindlessly, or (as we used to say in the United States) “on automatic pilot”.
This is unusual, disturbing, and problematic.
On one hand, it means that the actions of the United States are easily predicted. Russia and China can well anticipate, plan, and modify the events, in effect, tailoring the outcomes.
On the other hand, it means that the worst case scenarios as defined by the RAND study will manifest. Now, the RAND study assumed that political realities would limit nuclear MAD responses, what I see at this time is that the nuclear MAD reality is a real objective outcome.
Bummer.Ok, as is my preference, we will provide elements of Geo-political news, interspersed with other subjects. I have to tell you all, troll attacks, and ‘bot attacks have dropped to zero. It works like a charm.
Chinese Girl in a store
Yes. This is pretty much how girls in China are, and what stores in China look like. video 3.6MB
She’s really nice. Don’t you think?
A Polish general has an eye on Kaliningrad.
“Warsaw should seek to “claim” the Kaliningrad region from Russia, General Waldemar Skrzypczak has said.
The region has been “under Russian occupation since 1945,” the ex-commander of the Polish Land Forces claimed on the TV show ‘Super Express’ on Friday.
“It might be worth asking for it, as it used to be with the Regained Territories,” Skrzypczak said, referring to the Eastern German territories incorporated into Poland after the defeat of Nazi Germany. “It might be worth asking for this Kaliningrad region, which, in my opinion, is part of the territory of Poland.””
That would be pretty difficult, as the United States has sanctioned Russia and is waging war with them. Poland is one of the proxies involved in this effort.
Nice Chinese girl
And, yeah. She really is nice. video 3MB
The United States DEMANDS that China obey sanctions against Russia
I came across this excellent TASS article summarizing the 4 February 2022 Russia/China Joint Declaration. It’s a helpful reminder, on just how far-reaching the Declaration is and the principles it’s based upon. These are some the many, many key paragraphs, although there are more:
"This declaration formalizes the de facto established union of Russia and China. We have been talking a great deal about strategic interaction. This is a real embodiment of this interaction," Maslov said. He stressed that in their joint statement Russia and China described the principles they would rely on in developing global cooperation. "These principles are absolutely not new ones," he remarked. "In fact, the statement heralds a return to the original UN principles that were laid down back in the 1940s and 1950s." The expert believes that the document is a clear sign the countries "share common values, a common understanding of democracy and the idea of the national nature of this democracy, pool together many international projects, the EAEU and the One Belt-One Road and also discuss interaction in the Arctic." Maslov stressed that the security issues mentioned in the statement were the most important of all. "A whole list of new types of security was determined there, including cybersecurity, on which the countries will cooperate," he said.
Given the rejection by the West of everything Russian and Chinese, it actually seems probable that the Declaration went unread by American “high officials”, meaning Blinken, Austin and Sullivan, since they already had formalized their escalation plans.
They are still following their check-lists and scripts.
But the reality is something very different. Russia and China have unified. They are as one singular nation, and they coordinate as one singular nation.
It’s not just a treaty. It is the de facto union of Russia and China together.
It is the formation of a new POWER BLOCK.
It is equivalent to when the 13 American states formed the “United States” of America in 1776. It is equivalent to when the European Union was formed, and NATO was created. It is really, really BIG news.
- Sanction demands by the United States is an automatic NO!
- This new arrangement renders the RAND plans out-of-date and inert.
- The lack of strategy, reaction, or modification to this change is, as I have stated early, suggestive of brainless abeyance to decade-old obsolete plans, goals and strategies.
Zhuhai, China
This is where MM lives. Morning near my home. Zhuhai, China. video 6 MB
The world doesn’t understand.
The reality is that there is a massive block that has formed.

Now you can also include India to this block. This is substantive. As just about the entire Asian group is now unified.
Don’t allow the nation’s shown in white fool you. They are all aligned by one of the major powers in Asia on multiple levels.
President Biden told the 82nd airborne that they’re going to Ukraine
"... and you're going to see when you're there (Ukraine)...."
Imagine President Trump had inexplicably told U.S. troops they were deploying to fight Russia. Really imagine it! All we’d be hearing is that he’s mentally unfit and must be removed under the 25th Amendment.
Joe Biden did exactly that (same thing) today.
Are you being the best you can be?
Rufus is all about being the best that you can be to your own standards. You don’t blame others. You take control over your life. You adapt. You see things as they are, and not as you want them to be. Be the Rufus. Make your parents proud. video 10MB
China and Russia announcement
Rumor has it that Russia and China are going to make a ‘religious announcement’ for the markets, sometime around Monday 28-3, to the 1st of April.
This link to a ruble/gold/oil based currency system may explain why the Saudis, etc, have been so detached from the US of late, not taking phone calls, etc.
There is huge panic going on in the West, at the moment, this cannot be denied.
Stand by.
Another nice Chinese girl
This girl lives in my town. She’s nice and fun. Yeah, and this is what China is like. video 3MB
Cheese Ball
Do you remember seeing a cheese ball on your grandparents’ Thanksgiving table and wondering what it was? We have good news: Cheese balls are delicious, easy to make, and perfectly delicious all season long, not just at the holidays.

Here’s what you do; you by some crackers, make a cheese ball, and get a case of beer. Then you get on your phone and call folks over to chat, play cards, or a board game, or watch a movie. What’s not to love?
Chinese second grade military training
Cool video. Everyone in China participates. Everyone has a role, and many skills are learned early on. video 11MB
City Chicken
City Chicken (aka, Fake Chicken) is a traditional Polish-American dish that is beloved by many. The most curious thing about this dish is that it doesn’t actually contain any chicken. Rather, your featured protein here is actually pork and/or veal. So, why is it be called a “City Chicken” in the first place?

What is City Chicken?
City Chicken is a traditional dish of Polish-American heritage and it has a very interesting story of origin.
Apparently, during the time of the Great Depression, the chicken was scarce and way more expensive than other cuts of meat, like pork or veal.
It’s believed that this dish originated among Polish immigrants who decided to place pieces of pork and veal on skewers and then bread and fry them so it would resemble chicken legs (leave it to my people). This dish is also known as ‘fake chicken’ for obvious reasons, and it has been very popular in many states throughout the US.
In fact, a lot of Polish restaurants carry it on their menu. Being born and raised in Pittsburgh, I can assure you that this dish didn’t come from the old land. Actually, its a United States creation found in the Polish-AMerican communities in the Great Lakes region.
I beleive that it is now the time to embrace this tradition and on occasion serve fake chicken to your friends and family.
What Kind of Meat is Best for City Chicken
Traditionally City Chicken involves pork and veal. You can put 2 cubes of each on a skewer or two pork pieces and one veal in the middle or vice versa (get creative).
Nowadays the veal is more expensive than pork and chicken, and it can be difficult to find cut into cubes. So, if you choose to just use pork, rest assured that your city chicken will still be super delicious.
I highly recommend to use pork tenderloin and cut it into cubes. It’s very tender and cooks super quick. Any other cut of pork could become dry or chewy.
What else is needed to make this dish
This is a very simple dish. To make city chicken you’ll need:
- Pork and/or veal;
- Wooden skewers;
- Ingredients for breading:
- Flour,
- Egg,
- Bread Crumbs;
- Seasoning:
- Ideally seasoned salt (but if you don’t have it, just use regular kosher salt),
- Pepper; and
- Cooking (light) oil for frying.
How to Make “Fake Chicken”
To make the City Chicken you’ll need to follow a few simple steps. For exact measurements and instructions please scroll down to the printable recipe card.
- Assemble the skewers: cut your meat into 1.5-inch squares and add 2 or 3 pieces onto a wooden skewer (cut off the skewers to fit the meat); season the meat on each side and prepare for breading.
- Breading: prepare 3 prep-dishes: one for flour, one for beaten eggs and one for breadcrumbs. Starting with the flour, cover the meat on each side (shaking off the excess), then place it into the egg mixture and cover on each side. Then finish it up by rolling it in breadcrumbs, on each side. Continue with all the remaining skewers.
- Frying: heat up your cast iron (or another heavy pan) skillet. Add cooking oil. Once the oil is hot, add breaded skewers into the skillet (don’t overcrowd them, cook in batches if needed). Fry the skewers on each side until golden brown and then transfer to a 350 F hot oven to finish up cooking (covered for 20 minutes and uncovered for 5 minutes). Serve and enjoy!

What to serve with City Chicken
Some people prefer to eat City Chicken without any additions but some have their toppings preferences. Among the most popular is a homemade gravy. If this is you, check this recipe for a super easy gravy.
Here are some online suggestions for what to serve Fake Chicken with:
- Brown Butter Dill Mashed Potatoes
- Mizeria (Polish Cucumber Salad)
- Bigos (Polish Hunter Stew with Saurkraut)
- German Red Cabbage (Rothkol)
- Cabbage and Kielbasa
- Parsley Potatoes
A 1970s cat
It takes me back, don’t you know.

And here…

Look at the picture. The tablecloth, the purse on the credenza; the style of the credenza. Look at the jars of condiments. The solid panel door, the off white walls, with the white trim. Look at the kitchen. How many of these images and scenes can be found in a modern home.
A beautiful Chinese girl
Chinese people, men and women, tend to be slim due to the diet and living within an active society. Dancing, singing and social activities are normal, and encouraged. Thus, they treasure their bodies and they tream them well. Such as with this woman. video 4MB
Australia gives “cold shoulder” to China
Female 9th graders in military training
I have constantly stated that (by law) EVERYONE inside of China MUST take military training. There are NO exceptions.
It starts in Kindergarden, with marching and basic disipline taught in first and second grade. Weapon assembly and dissassembly and mortar training by third grade. Small arms and squad tactics perfected by sixth grade.
Fine and dandy. But I haven’t spent much time discussing Middle School.
While many operations are coed, there are “fast track” programs for exceptional students. These are usually “Pioneers”, but there are others as well. Here’s a group of 9th grade GIRLS undergoing training in small arms training in live-fire environments.The video is precious. video 7MB
Rise in Non-Covid-19 Deaths Hits Life Insurers – WSJ
Vaccine side effects? Maybe it’s only a coincidence. Rise in deaths
Here’s one groovy kitchen
It’s from Ebony. You can shake your “groove thang” right here.

This link is indian punchline from today… a quote
"The takeaway from the US President Joe Biden’s European tour on March 25-26 is measly. Dissenting voices are rising in Europe as western sanctions against Russia start backfiring with price hikes and shortages of fuel and electricity. And this is only the beginning, as Moscow is yet to announce any retaliatory measures as such.Punchline
An odd coincidence
The crash of the plan inside of China occurred on 3-21.
There were 123 passengers on the plane.
Total killed (including crew) was 132 people.
It’s all certainly odd, don’t you all think?An attractive Chinese woman
Very nice. Video 3MB
“National Security Adviser Sullivan (above) said: “The president will join our partners in imposing further sanctions on Russia and tightening the existing sanctions to crack down on evasion and ensure robust enforcement… This war will not end easily or rapidly…[Biden’s trip] will send a powerful message that we are prepared and committed to this for as long as it takes”.
The US declaration that “this war will not end easily or rapidly”, and that the US and its allies “are prepared and committed to this for as long as it takes” cancels whatever negotiations or terms Zelensky claims to have announced on Ukrainian television for an end to the war.”
therein lies the rub…
PrimerVery nice girl
Personally, I find this girl to be a fine looking woman, and would most certainly make a fine girlfriend. video 7MB
China says everyone knows who is to blame for the Ukraine war
The US and UK planned the Ukrainian war for years, while simultaneously trying to force a “quagmire” for Russia in Syria (another war deliberately created by NATO countries: the US, UK, and France). But it’s looking like NATO’s planned proxy war in Ukraine is backfiring on the West spectacularly, with the West, not Russia, becoming ostracized from the international community as a result.
Over the years leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the West pre-emptively applied wave after wave of sanctions on Russia, to make Russia as weak and vulnerable as possible in preparation for this eventuality. Western governments and media worked hard to pre-condition Western publics into assuming that any of the very-true reports of rampant Nazism in Ukraine, including in Ukraine’s government that’s led by a Jew, were “Russian disinformation”, when that narrative was actually the West’s disinformation against Russia to conceal the Nazi problem in Ukraine, while Western governments were training and arming Ukraine’s Nazis.
Western governments also planned 1,001 false stories to feed through our media, and ways to cynically frame Russia not accomplishing in 30 days in Ukraine what NATO collectively couldn’t after 20 years in Afghanistan, which was and is a far, far weaker, worse-equipped, worse-trained country than Ukraine (not to mention NATO is flooding advanced arms to Ukraine). The West even tried to frame war in Ukraine as unique atrocious on the basis that it was blonde-haired, blue-eyed white people who were being killed, instead of those apparently-lesser Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, and Palestinians, and Yemenis.
The West plotted ways to threaten and incentivise key international market players to pressure them to conform to Western demands of solidarity against Russia. They planned a mountain of the most extreme sanctions against Russia with the aim being to completely destroy its economy and topple Putin. The West also prepared how they would apply widespread collective punishment (which is illegal under international law) against Russians in sporting, music, video gaming, and in seizing their assets in Western countries.
But what they didn’t plan for was the world to see through the charade, lay significant blame for the war in Ukraine on NATO, and refuse to support the West’s measures against Russia but instead stick by Russia, resulting in the West itself becoming isolated from the international community in a way that hasn’t happened before, despite the West’s many previous much more destructive wars.
A lot can still change, and the West is going to become more desperate, apply more pressure, and become more aggressive as its goals behind creating the Ukraine war fail to materialize. But, at least so far, things have very much not been going according to NATO’s plan.
Best Tweet ever

The Narrative is that China is just an army of conscripts…
Untrained, poor, poorly motivated, starving and using cheap poor quality hand-me-down Russian weapon systems.
All bullshit.
China is a heavy and serious military force. video 2MB
Seven girls a dancing
Welcome to China. You see these kinds of things going on all the time. video 11MB
1983 Movie “The Day After” Shows How Fast a War with Russia can Escalate to ICBM Nukes – Watch it free in the story below
This two hour made-for-TV-movie was produced by the ABC Television Network and broadcast in 1983. I well remember when it came on. It scared the living daylights out of me.
To put the time period in perspective, in the early 1980’s Ronald Reagan had become President and he wasn’t taking any shit from the Soviets. He referred to them as “An Evil Empire” (Here) and joked publicly during a radio show “mic check” that “I have just signed Legislation outlawing the Soviet Union, We begin bombing in five minutes.”(Here)
The left-wing went absolutely nuts over Reagan dealing so forcefully with them and many feared the tough stance would result in actual nuclear war.
When ABC-TV made this movie, the special effects were not nearly what they have become nowadays. Frankly, the special effects wouldn’t even make it into a “b” horror movie nowadays. But back then, it was horrifying to the general public.
In the first 32 minutes, you get to see regular Americans living regular lives, while TV news broadcasts report escalating tensions between the US/NATO and the Soviet Union.
Large numbers of Soviet Troops began massing on the border of East Germany. The next half hour sees the borders of the Soviet Union sealed, aircraft strikes by the Soviets upon western targets, and then-within hours (in the show) invasion troops cross into NATO terrirtory.
Tactical nukes had to be used to try to slow down the Soviets. They failed.
As a result of tactical nukes being used, NATO HQ in Brussels takes a Soviet Nuke hit, and within a few more minutes, the ICBM’s are coming out of their silos. In movie time, the whole thing kicked off within 48 hours!
That’s the takeaway you should pay attention to — how fast it all escalated.
Because right now, the way things are going with Ukraine, NATO’s meddling is taking us in precisely the same direction and when it goes, it’s gonna go off FAST. People will be utterly blind-sided.
So watch and see the very real similarities between the movie version of events, and wht is actually taking place right now.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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