I’ve been posting too many serious articles as of late. This has pretty much skewed the content. Just like it was skewed during the President Trump’s administration. This article and others, are my attempt at trying to reestablish balance in MM. Let’s put a big happy smile on our faces. And I hope this article helps facilitate that.
Now, that being said, let’s face the facts. Most people work in front of a computer, or use a cellphone. Or else how do you read MM, eh? And if you are one such person, then this article is for you…
Whether your desk is messy or tidy, your walls adorned with pop culture posters or neatly framed art pieces, you could see yourself in one of these delightfully stereotypical character illustrations.
The project was started by Serbian artist Dmitry Narozhny, who drew a new character each month for Devexperts’ company calendar, with designs ranging from the hipster to the hippy, goth to the geek.
So, can you spot someone resembling you among these geeky stereotypes?
More info: Behance (h/t: creativebloq)
Who are you?
The [1] artist / poet compared to the [2] wholly-organized creator.

Or, perhaps, you are the [3] Travel dreamer / adventurer, or the [4] fastidious organized worker…

Consider the [5] cellphone as the primary medium of communication, or the [6] busy and disorganized MM. (Yup! That’s me.)

Not found yourself yet? How about the [7] hedonistic or the [8] comfortable gamer.

Then there’s the [9] urban hipster, or perhaps the [10] hard-core designer type.

What ever you may be, I am sure that you have found comfort in your life. What ever it might be.
I will tell you that I would like to hear what kind of person you all are, and what archetype that you fill. It’s my curiosity, only. I’m not going to collect the information and sell it to some data-collection agency. LOL.
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this one in my Art Index here…
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