Many people want to know about their previous lives. They search for answers and insight into why they are living their current life now, and they believe that their past must contain clues to their present. So they embark on a technique or avenue known as “Past Life Regression”.
This article came into being when I posted a comment on the MM Forum…
I can tell you about my previous life prior to being MM. I was a rather slow, boorish, lonely man who wore a bowler hat, a thick wool coat and performed maintenance and janitorial work on Coney Island in the 1920's and 1930's. I died in 1933/1934 . I was alone. I lived a single life and I drank and played with dice and did my job. I did not think too much about my social position. There was nothing great about that life. I had a girlfriend. She died. We were close but never really did anything more than kissing. She was killed when a carriage ran into her. She was my one and only love in that life. I well remember that funny strange and disgusting face at the gate at the Coney Island entrance. I well remember the big enormous seat cars that were on the Ferris wheel. I also remember the senses and feelings of excitement as the pretty girls in lace and white dresses with their galoshes flapping as they walked charmed about on the boardwalk. I died while performing maintenance work on a pier, and a rather large wave knocked me off the boat and I fell under the pier. I was banged around a bit and died by impact / drowning. They recovered my body and buried me quickly. Few people attended the "funeral". I was forgotten and then moved on. Now you know the rest of the story.
And “Memory Loss” commented…
MM that post of yours really touched me on multiple levels. And that is saying something., because most of your articles really are thought provoking. Can you please expand somewhat on it. On the fundamental aspects of how, when etc. You made me sense the hope and futility of being a human being. And the importance of being a Rufus. Because nothing else really matters. Because we brutalise ourselves when we are not able to remember. And I thought not being able to remember stuff for a few years was bad lol. There must be a reason to do this to human and other sentient beings in the prison complexes. Cui Bono?
So here, I am going to discuss a little bit about Past Life Regression and various aspects regarding it.
What is Past Life Regression
Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of past lives or incarnations.
The technique used during past-life regression involves the subject answering a series of questions while hypnotized. These are used to reveal identity and events of past lives. It is a method similar to that used in recovered memory therapy.
There are those that believe that you can conduct a past life regression session through self-hypnosis, but I disagree with that. The person needs to be walked through the experience and ask intelligent questions to the events as they unfold. You simply cannot do that with self-hypnosis.
Questions and Answers regarding this therapy
Will I remember the regression? Yes, you will remember everything as you undergo the therapy. Most hypnotists use a tape recorder to record the session. Past Life Regression is not like stage hypnosis – you won’t be doing anything you don’t remember. You will be aware throughout and in a deeply relaxed state. You’ll be answering the questions posted by the hypnotist.
Do I need anything special for the session? You will need to ensure that you can be completely undisturbed for the duration of the session (2 to 4 hours typically) and also wear comfortable clothes so you can relax fully.
What will I encounter during the sessions? Generally, most sessions involve visits to multiple past lives. The number and duration of the past lives is up to the person being questioned. Many discover lives that they have shared with people that they have a close bond with in their present life – their soulmate family in a previous life and in a different incarnations. Others are drawn to certain places or countries that they immediately feel comfortable and familiar with. Each life explored is a journey and an adventure. Most clients have ‘Ahha!’ moments for many days afterwards as pieces of their picture begin falling into place.
Will I receive a record of my session? Yes. Some therapists use written notes, while others record the session with a tape recorder.
Am I guaranteed to go back in time? Not everyone is guaranteed to, though it’s fairly rare that someone doesn’t go backward in time. Sometimes when an individual has a firm belief that past lives don’t exist, or try to critique everything that they are seeing from their subconscious, then it can create a block which doesn’t allow their mind to surrender to the experience. You can also go forward in time as well. This is a unique aspect of this process.
Can I choose what past life to remember? No. Your subconscious mind will make that decision for you. You will only remember various past life memories when you are ready to receive that information. I believe we have all had many past lives, but it’s your subconscious mind that will choose which ones to visit during your regression.
Can I be told who I was in a past life? No definitely not. Only you have access to your subconscious.
Will I go to the time I passed away during a regression? Yes, but will only do so with your consent. Most therapists take clients to the time of, and the time immediately after, their passing. They are not harmed or traumatized by this. Instead it opens up a new understanding of self and certain behaviors brought into this lifetime. This tends to also take clients to the time between lives, again only with their consent.
Is the process safe? Yes, you will be safe throughout the process.
The backstory
Here is the “backstory” on how MM ended up knowing about some of his past lives and what they were like.
Conducting a past life regression is not something that you can do yourself. It is a paired effort. You need to be in a state of relaxation, and while in that state, you listed to questions that you yourself ask, and you then answer them yourself.
After the divorce from my first wife, a layoff on Christmas eve, and the death of my beloved cat, I was in emotional shambles. And while reading Dr Newtons books I came up with the idea to see if he had trained anyone to continue his work. And to my great surprise he did. In fact, one lived outside of Boston, and was relatively nearby being only a three hour drive away.
I made an appointment, paid $300 in cash (today it would probably be ten times that amount), and had my Past Life Regression Therapy.
What happened
After some brief chit-chat, and a drink of water, I went into her study / den and got on a “Lazy Boy” recliner chair. She attached a microphone to the collar of my tee shirt. She put a light blanket over me as the body temperature tends to drop during these sessions.
She made sure that it was quiet and that there were no distractions. She closed the blinds, and turned on a single lamp. And played some light relaxing music for me to listen to.
Then we began the calming exercises, much like the self hypnosis techniques that I have discussed elsewhere.
During this entire procedure, she measured how “deep” I was in trance by me telling her to read off a gauge that I visualized in my hand (in my mind).
When the gauge was pretty low (100 was fully awake, and 0 is dead, I guess), it read around 30. And she started the regression.
She regressed me back to my childhood…
First at 22 years old.
Then, at 13 years old.
At 7 years old.
At 4 years old…
Each time, she had me describe in great detail my bedroom at that age during my birthday.
At 2 years old…
Then at birth. I relived my birth.
And then right before I was born.
And then, in that deep trance, she commanded me to go to the point of death of my last life leading up to being born.
I was on a boat. I could see my ugly black clodhopper boots, and the little dinghy was really moving about pretty crazily. It smelled like a fishy ocean. It was a cool day. Overcast. I felt the wind on my rough hands, and I was doing something on the boardwalk. Scrubbing off barnacles, hammering something, I’m not quite sure, and then…
I’m in the greenish brown water and I am getting thrown about wildly. I am banging against the encrusted pier moorings, and hitting the boards. I can see the nails jutting out from the bottom of the walkway about, and then a wave throws me up.
Then down into the green water.
Then up.
Then down.
Then up again and I hit something. Ouch.
Then down again, I’m gasping for air. Up again, and all is black…
I walk through the death sequence and all that.
Apparently I am pretty experienced with all this death and dying stuff, so no one came to get me. I knew exactly what to do and where to go. So I went to a sort of flat space like a terminal of some type and there were all these transport tubes to go here and there, and I picked out a specific one and took it.
I did not enter a tunnel of light. Instead I went though a thick fog and found myself at that flat and level place. Whether I actually went through a light and did not recall it, or whether I bypassed it completely is unknown.
Now before I chat about what happened after that “station”, I would like to talk about this last life. As during this event, the Regressionist intelligently asked me questions about my life and the situation, and I dutifully answered.
About my last incarnation
My name was XXXXX Klingsmith. (I forgot the first name over the last few decades and my audio tape of the session is long gone). I died at 34 years of age.
I wasn’t smart, or that was my impression anyways. Nor was I well educated. I get the impression of a person of very little education, no up bringing, and no family or relatives. I was a thick, lonely, worker of little intelligence, and no ambition.
I was a crude man. I was a hard worker who had a job and didn’t have any ambitions towards anything else. I lived a lonely life.
I once had a girl friend. We were young and in love. But she died in a carriage / bicycle / horse accident (I forgot the details.) She was my love and I had no other interests in any other women afterwards, that I know of. My image of her was of a thin pale girl in light colors with these funny thick heel, black high heels. She had embroidered flowers on her dress. Her hair was blonde or light tan and cut (or made up) short. It was the fashion in those days.
I lived in a flophouse, or singular room. There was a wash basin in my room, and a pan to go to the bathroom in. I think it is called a bed pan, and it was enameled porcelain over steel. It was chunky and you could hurt someone if you hit them over the head with it. One of two small old dusty pictures hung on the wall with the string holding them arching up high above the picture making a triangle shape.But I had pinned up a few other pictures from magazines on the wall. They looked like boxing illustrations, or advertisements / promotions.
I had one window in my room. I had Venetian blinds.
As you walk into the small room, my bed was to the left as was the window. I had a small bed side table. There was no phone, but there was an ashtray on the bedside table with a packet of matches, and a clear plain glass (for water).
Across from the baseboard of the bed was my chest of drawers. It was tall and there was a basin on it to wash my face with and some other things that resembled a big ceramic pitcher.
I hung my heavy wool black coat on a hook. It was getting a bit thread bare and frayed in areas, and it had grease spots on it, dust and some wear and tear. I get the impression that I wore it all the time. I had rough, rough thick workers hands.
I think that I looked a little like the Captain Haddock from Tintin.

I drank beer. I get the impression that there was a bar that I would “hang out” at. But I did not visit that place in my session. My impression was that it was a long room where people would stand at the counter, and some small tables on the other side and everyone was a local there.
I played cards.
I “played with dice”, but I really don’t know what that means. I get the impression that I would play with it on the streets and then gamble money with it.
I lived a basic life of reacting, no hope, no dreams, no relationships. And then I died.
This story is a narrative of my Past Life Regression that I had back in the late 1990’s / 2000. During that regression many issues, secrets and events were uncovered in my past lives. Many answers were found as well. All these things that come up during the regression were of a personal nature. However, I will have other posts and articles to cover the various questions that I asked, and the information that I obtained.
I hope that this little narrative helps you all in one way or the other.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Past Life Regression Index here…
Past Life.
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