This is part of my SHTF – Practical skills posts. Most of what I post (in this section) are lost skills; skills that Americans have forgotten though the centuries of disuse. So, now, as the fourth turning is rapidly approaching, these skills need to be dusted off and updated to fit the modern American lifestyle. Here we discuss the practical methods of “tar and feathering” corrupt officials, progressive Marxists, aggressive social justice warriors, Wall street bankers and members of the elite oligarchy.
It’s a discussion that’s long overdue.
Other posts in this series include;
- How to create a gallows.
- How to ride a person out on a rail.
- How to make your computer absolutely secure.
- Home made bio-weapons.
- Use of technicals for population control.
- Alternative secure search engines.
- Poe on Immurement.
- Going MacGyver after a corrupt government.
Important note
This is not written for historical interest, or in some kind of jest.
These are serious issues and should not be taken trivially. We can only hope that things do not ever get to the point where humans are seriously contemplating these kinds of actions. Let’s hope and pray that we all never have to deal with these matters.
We, as Americans have been (for the most part) isolated from them. America has lived a life of relative calmness and tranquility for the vast bulk of population. We erroneously believe that it will always stay that way and never change.
At worst, we somehow imagine climbing up on a hilltop near our home and shooting police as they approach our “stomping grounds”. Those thoughts are all fantasies. We are not talking about those childish dreams. We are talking about real issues that mean death and destruction. We imagine something out of a television series, or a movie. We cannot imagine what really happens during periods of societal reset.
We’ve been isolated and insulated from that harshness.
Meanwhile the rest of the world confronts these kinds of issues with far greater frequency than we are aware of…

I argue that the United States is going to go through a barbaric time, and it will be on par with the rest of the world. This reality is something that Americans have no concept of. We just cannot imagine it.
It’s a horror.
So buckle up and get ready. If you find yourself trapped within an area of conflict, such as Virginia, then be advised. Wars do not play by the Geneva Conventions, or Papal Decree. They are nasty, nasty affairs.
There are events where you would have a high 70% probability of one member of your family being killed or maimed in the process. War is very ugly. Loved ones, family die.

Cliff Notes
Note, if the worst does indeed come to past, keep these points in mind…
- You can never win a Defensive war. Do not “fortify” your territory to try to defend it.
- You fight on the turf and territory of the enemy, on your terms.
- You always spend most of your resources going after the enemy leadership, their confederate instigators and enablers. You hunt them out, you target their friends and family. You flush them out of hiding, you capture them and you apply horrors to them Genghis Khan style.
- To be fully effective in war, you need to create horror. Real wars are not tea and biscuits. It’s an ugly, ugly business where objectives must be realized with finality and horror.
At a Dec. 3 2019 meeting of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, U.S. Marine Corps Reservist Maj. Ben Joseph Woods addressed the board and admonished Commonwealth of Virginia lawmakers for their plans to pass sweeping gun laws after they gained the majority in 2020.
The Democrats in the Virginia House are poised to impose controversial, and likely unconstitutional, gun laws in that state, including a program to register firearms. Gun registration has historically been the first step in confiscation by extremis regimes worldwide. It also is a prelude to wide scale genocide.
As Maj. Woods addressed the meeting, he spoke of his time in the military and federal law enforcement and what he feared politicians were doing to the state:
“I’m not going to address the bills themselves. What I would like to address is the fact that at this point, so many people believe that these are unconstitutional or draconian that as of last night, 30 counties in this state which have voted themselves…to be Second Amendment sanctuary counties. The ugly truth of our situation is that is just scratching the surface of what is happening…I work plainclothes law enforcement…I walk around without a uniform, people don’t see my badge, people don’t see my gun, and I can tell you: People are angry. And I am frightened to the point that I am looking at moving my wife and child…out of this state if these bills pass. The reason is because my fellow law enforcement officers… Tell me that they would not enforce these bills regardless of whether they believe in them ideologically because they believe that there are so many people angry in gun shops, gun shows, at bars, we have heard it now, people talking about tar and feathering politicians in a less than joking manner… That is a terrifying prospect and I have never seen people willing to speak about something like that publicly…As a law enforcement officer, I empathize with concerns people have over gun violence.” ... “The legal precedent we would set by allowing the legislature to selectively ignore enumerated rights at will is the same mindset that 150 years ago let this country into a civil war.”
The progressive Marxists don’t even bother trying to follow the Constitution. They no longer try, nor do they even bother to pretend. They know, after decades of getting away with crimes, that they can continue to do so without consequence. Thus, they are going to pass unconstitutional laws and expect everyone to obey them. No matter what.
They write the laws and you obey. This is classic tyranny.
This is not acceptable to the vast majority of law-abiding citizens in the state of Virginia. And as such, they are openly considering invoking the anti-tyranny measures inherent in the second amendment to the Bill of Rights.
So, with the understanding that large numbers of extremely pissed-off conservatives are openly discussing [1] capturing, [2] torturing, [3] tar and feathering, and [4] lynching the politicians in Virginia, it might be a good time to discuss the practical fundamentals of a punishment method known as “tar and feathering”.
Discussion of the “ugly side” of things.
This is a truly distasteful post.
It discusses torture as a form of punishment. This is Genghis Khan type of stuff, and not for the uninitiated. For the record… I do not like writing about this.
No Such Thing as Limited War Shall we go one step further? We're now watching the smoke rising over what amounts to a small-scale battlefield between the Virginia National Guard and the sheriffs and deputies of one or more counties along with however many gun rights advocates stream in from adjacent states to augment the flash mob. Unlike the slaughter of 1861, this will be broadcast live and in living color. Of course, the National Guard has tanks and most sheriffs don't. Odds are, they'll win, but only by slaughtering large numbers of Trump voters - and yes, obviously, it will be Trump voters lying dead at the hands of, ultimately, Mr. Trump's political enemies. What would the President do? Well, what could and should the President do? Legally, he can nationalize the National Guard and order them to stand down, but by that time the Guard officers who might have obeyed his orders to stand down would have long since resigned. He could order in the regular army. Now we have a battle between two trained, equipped armies - yes, literally, that is a Civil War by definition, assuming the regular army was willing to obey such an order and fire on their colleagues. Would other governors stand idly by? Dare we imagine what Congress would do? Might there be a 25th Amendment coup, as the media and the bureaucracy have been agitating for since before Mr. Trump took office? How would the half of the country that voted for Mr. Trump respond to that? Don't forget that Trump would either be in the midst of running for re-election, or recently re-elected to office. Or, he could just suck it up and let the Democrat National Guard destroy "his" people and the Constitution by force. This, too, has happened before. Paul Hindenburg, while President of Germany, let Nazi stormtroopers effectively take control of the country and suppress opposing voters and politicians until, in short order, Germany was a Nazi one-party state. Does this sort of passive compliance seem characteristic of what we've seen of Donald J. Trump thus far? Let's just say it doesn't seem yuuuuugely likely that he'd let his supporters be gunned down without doing something about it. Beyond this point, there are far too many unknowns to make any sort of solid predictions. Wars never go the way people who start them intend, and the end result is almost always something nobody predicted and few wanted at the beginning. Novelists could write any number of vaguely plausible scenarios, and we'll leave that job to them. - Virginia's Rampup to Civil War
I argue that it’s going to get ugly. Very, very ugly. It will be a horror of unimaginable magnitude, and most people will have a difficult time coming to terms with it.
You all shouldn’t.
Instead, you should read a history book or two. This is what always happens. It’s never pretty.

Tarring and feathering is a form of punishment which was developed in 12th century England. It spread across feudal Europe, and was also practiced in many European colonies, once Europeans began exploring and colonizing the globe. In this punishment, the victim was stripped, painted with hot tar, and then covered in feathers which stuck to the tar.
They were then released running about and flailing their arms in pain. They would look like some kind of demented crazed bird, running around all over the streets in circles.
The primarily goal of this was physical intimidation and humiliation, with people being tarred and feathered in an attempt to run them out of town. The term “tarred with the same brush” in reference to guilt by association appears to be derived from this practice.
This practice appears to have been practiced primarily among mobs and vigilantes, rather than being an officially sanctioned form of punishment.
Depending on the temperature of the tar and the attitude of the crowd, it could sometimes become quite violent and rather dangerous. Hot tar could cause significant burns, and removing the tar would pull out hair and pieces of skin, potentially putting the victim at risk of infection. Theoretically, covering the skin in tar would also prevent it from breathing, potentially causing death.
However, the goal of tarring and feathering was humiliation, not death, and not many deaths as a result of this practice have been recorded.
More commonly, people were scarred for life by the hot tar and resulting injuries from removal, marking them to other members of the community as victims.
People also died as a result of lynchings, in which they were tarred and feathered, marched around town, and then hung.
Tar and feathering is often used as humiliation prior to being lynched in the town square.
Several variations on tarring and feathering have been recorded. In the British military, for example, people once practiced pitchcapping, in which a soldier’s head would be covered with hot tar.
Removing the tar involved being willing to lose much of your hair and scalp along with the tar, leaving ugly scars. Sometimes the bodies of people who had been hung or beheaded were also tarred and feathered, to add humiliation, and to hold the bodies together when they were hung on the gibbet as a warning for other citizens.
Many people associate tarring and feathering with the American West, where the practice endured until a surprisingly late date, with recorded instances dating to the 1900s.
In fact, people were tarred and feathered recently enough for there to be photographic examples of tarring and feathering, in which streaks of tar and feathers can be clearly seen, suggesting that the practice involved less of a careful painting of the body, and more of a streaking with lines of hot tar.

To conduct a “tar and feathering” punishment, the two (primary) ingredients are [1] Tar and [2] feathers. These used to be quite common back in the day, as all bedding, pillows and insulation used feathers. Today, feathers are relatively difficult to obtain and you need to procure them in advance. Additionally, you need to produce a container, or caldron to cook the tar to boiling, and a heat source.
You need a rack or device to securely bind the victim to. Do not expect to hold him / her steady while applying the tar. They will be very difficult to manage.
You need to strip, and bind the victim on a metal or wooden frame.
You can substitute other materials in the event that you are unable to produce tar or feathers. For instance, maple syrup, glue, water proof sealants for mobile homes, coal-tar epoxy and Lacquer might be considered suitable materials. Just make sure that the tar substitute is well heated to a temperature that would generate painful first-degree burns.
Ordinary roofing tar can be procured at any hardware store and DIY chain. Make sure that you follow the heating instructions and make sure that you do not detonate the tar over a fire.
Expert tip; Watch for the flash point.
Typically, you can pour the tar into a large 55 gallon drum that is sitting over an open fire. Then, using ladles, you can pour the tar over the victim.

Other techniques with the tar include simply heating the metal bucket that the tar comes in over a fire, or a propane stove.
When applying the tar, you can either pour it over the victim or brush it on. Make sure that the victim is nude. They must be fully nude for a proper tar and feathering. Also, they must be bound securely. You can use handcuffs or wire ties. Just make sure that they are securely bound. A well welded frame with attachment points for the wore ties works best.
The idea is to fully cover the victim from head to toe with hot scalding tar. The victim must be fully bound for this to happen, and you must be very thorough in the application. No area of skin can be ignored.
Then you can apply the “feathers”.

Feathers are rather difficult to come by in the quantities necessary for a decent tar and feathering. Sources of feathers are down coats and jackets, and bedding. You can also go to poultry farms such as chicken and geese and collect the dander and feathers there.
If gathering feathers are problematic, you can certainly use commonly available substitutes. Here are some suggestions…
- Used cat litter.
- Styrofoam peanuts.
- Dryer lint (you need to collect enough of it).
- Broken glass bottle fragments.
- Cut hair (from a barbershop).
Let’s see what the Marxists do when they take power…

In South Africa, the Marxists implement a similar kind of punishment. They only problem is that the victim tends to die, instead of being maimed for life. It’s known as “necklacing” and the survivors are scarred for life. It’s really nasty.

They would take a tire and put it around the neck of a victim. Then they would chain it in place, place a highly flammable liquid in the tire well, and set it on fire. It’s a horrible way to die.

It’s more work, but far easier to procure and implement.
It’s coming. That’s for certain.
Here’s a quote from one of my “must see” blogs called Busted Knuckles. He’s a word-smith that can say things far better than I can. Listen up!
Here’s just a highlight of a most excellent commentary…
Who the hell knows what is going on for sure? Being the Realist I am, Rose scented Unicorn farts and Magic Rainbows don’t enter my world view. Then we have Virginia. Every truly patriotic American is watching that like a hawk. The very real possibility of another Shot Heard Around The World is but one stupid mistake away from becoming a reality. A lot of people have decisions to make. On both sides of that whole scenario. Everyone has their own personal convictions and I most certainly have mine. I am hoping against hope that we have turned a corner at this point in time. We as in the kind of people who think like I do. There are a lot more of us than the media would lead you to believe. A vast majority as a matter of fact. It’s time we started acting like one. Push back. Come together as a united front against these Socialists. Spicy Time is coming, get ready for it, the party is about to start.
The images are horrible, right?
You want to avoid all this, right?
You want to live a calm and peaceful life where your families can live in peace and harmony… right?
This horror is what happens when bad, evil and dangerous people are permitted to come to power, change the world around them, subvert the law, and rule over others. Once they gain control of your weapons of defense, it’s all over.
Climb into the boxcars.
Game over!

Human nature is predictable.
Those progressive Marxists believe in a stable life where they are always in control and that the systems that they have put in place can overwhelm the most basic of human emotions. They believe that through incremental steps, over a long time, their (long desired) changes to the American State and Federal Constitutions would be accepted without incident.
They believe that change is gradual. Conservatives believe that change in an on/off switch from acceptable to unacceptable.
Can you blame them? It’s been this way for at least 100 years if not longer.
But, they are wrong.
If the National Guard gets involved, it is not merely imaginable but inevitable that a televised bloodbath would ensue. What will happen when National Guard units encounter the county sheriff in uniform, backed up by a throng of deputized, armed citizens, many of whom are former military who took a solemn oath to defend the Constitution with their lives, their liberty, and their sacred honor? What would happen when they start breaking down doors and confiscating guns? It is inconceivable that the defenders of the Second Amendment would peacefully back down - that's the whole point of the Second Amendment, after all - and thus far, Democratic rhetoric doesn't seem to leave much room for backing down either. - Virginia's Rampup to Civil War
Rage, anger, disgust, fury and horror are real emotions that no amount of Prozac can suppress. It’s been pent up for decades, and it’s gonna blow.

The objects of this anger should consider themselves lucky to be killed off humanely. A shot to the head, a lynching, burning down a union hall with the radicalized members all trapped inside…
Quick, easy death.
More often than not, however, it looks like extreme forms of torture are going to be the norm. It’s gonna be truly horrific. And if you are on the side “balancing the equation” back to Constitutional law as opposed to progressive Marxism, you had best know how to torture properly.
Let’s pray that the Marxists stand down and give up their assault on America. Because “Sunset” is coming and it’s going to be spectacular in it’s ferocity.
How do we know?
Read your history.

I so pray that we all can avoid this fate.
Final comment
Where are all those activist judges? You know the ones that are putting everything that President Trump does on hold. Why aren’t they issuing injunctions on these blatant anti-Constitutional actions?
Maybe its’ because the country is too far gone to matter.
I have other posts on this subject matter. You can check out my SHTF index here…
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