No, I am not talking about Donald Trump. Though he might be a symptom. I am talking about everything. (Well, maybe I’ll mention him later on. HE is, after all, a very colorful figure.) But, yea. Everything in the USA today is either full-on idiocracy or on transition towards it.
Gosh, and by golly, look at the latest news for “Heaven’s sake”…
- American Life: More Comfortable, Less Happy?
- MACY’S lays off Santa Claus…
- Prominent pastor warns evangelicals of Trump’s ‘nation-corrupting’ sins…
- Televangelist Pat Robertson says God told him Trump will …
- Dog Boutique Designer Clothes : Luxury Dog Beds & …
- Many companies pay nothing in taxes. The public has a right to know how they pull it off…
- What Drinking Coffee Can Do for Your Sex Life
- Why Women Have So Many Clothes
But first…
Let’s start with what Idiocracy is…
It’s a movie.
But one that ended up reflecting what America has turned into.
This movie was supposed to be a comedy about a far future in XXVI Century. From the perspective of 2019, it is a documentary of contemporary society proving that the biggest damage has already been done. -a documentary that should win all the movie awards! aglowacka3 March 2019
“Idiocracy” is a film that came from Mike “Office Space” Judge, and it certainly follows a similar theme of that film in the fact that it is an observation of stupidity and how mediocrity can overcome adversity… relatively speaking.
You can read all kinds of references into the world of Idiocracy. A futuristic world populated by pampered, self-indulgent morons spoon-fed by the technology of a bygone era: this idea has its precedent in H.G. Wells’ “The Time Machine” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” amongst other satires.

Early in the film, a narrator explains the quick degradation of humanity over five hundred years, but does not fill in the gaps of where all the futuristic technology came from in the meanwhile. Most of the criticism of this very fun (and funny) film seems to surround this omission, and the resulting complaint that the world isn’t “realistic”. As if “realism” has ever been a necessary quality of satire. Is “Brazil” realistic? How about “Futurama” or “Transmetropolitan”? Hell, how about “Gulliver’s Travels”? I thought not. “Idiocracy”, while maybe not as pointed as the best of the genre, hits the same notes and generally does so successfully.
It is a story about Joe Bauer (Luke Wilson), who is, quite literally, the most average guy in existence. Joe, and a prostitute named Rita (Maya Rudolph), become the test subjects for a military project of a hibernation chamber. They were to remain suspended for only one year, but due to lack of oversight, Joe and Rita are forgotten about and accidentally wake up 500 years in the future.
Here’s the scary part: This film explains, in a very realistic and plausible way, how the entire population of 2505 became absolutely retarded.

With no natural predators, the evolution of the human species does not necessarily favor the quickest, smartest, and strongest people for progression of genes… just the people who breed the most.
Unfortunately, those people happen to be welfare-sucking, trailer trash idiots who breed like rabbits.
The r/K situation of survival.

In the movie, this abundant reproduction of the stupid people has caused an adverse effect on societal growth and now Joe and Rita are the two smartest human beings on the face of the planet.
As in “Brave New World”, the society in the film seems to have reached a point of automated self-sufficiency at some point in the past (apparently created by the now-extinct ‘smart people’ in order to placate an increasingly stupid populace), leaving the remainder of humanity free to indulge all the worst, most selfish impulses they can come up with, and grow even stupider. The film just happens to take place during the last gasp of humanity, as everything begins to fall apart for good. It may still be “unrealistic”, but if so, it’s a remarkably well-presented brand of unrealism.

This is a hilarious satire. It takes the “What if” situation to an extreme and it doesn’t pull any punches (or kicks to the groin).
A lot of the best jokes are word/sight gags in the background, so you really have to pay attention to get some of them.
Drink Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes!
I even had to pause and zoom in for a few of them (like when Joe got his government ID and for “hair” it said “yes” and for “eyes” it also said “yes”). Also, the prison has engraved on the front “House for Particular Individuals”, since the cops in the movie (much like real life cops) call everyone “individuals” instead of people, etc. Again, this was on the screen for just a moment…this is one of those movies you can watch again and again and dissect it to get through the layers of funny.
It makes you think… what is to become of this empire once we’ve gotten totally to lazy and stupid? Everyone gets hit in this one esp. a number of major corporations, and even Fox News takes a punch(which is probably why the movie never had a proper release – other than the marketing department over thinking the campaign and not knowing how to market it “so we’ll just give up!”) Some may find the movie sophomoric, due to the groin kicking, and farting, but the movie is much more than that. You either get what Mike Judge is saying, or you don’t.

The stupid people take up most of the screen time, of course, but they’re just the victims — they don’t know any better. Mike Judge saves his real hate for the intelligent people in power who are dead by the time the film begins, but who are very much alive right now, in the 21st century…
People like scientists who chase “hair growth and prolonged erections” for no other reason than the possibility that they’ll turn a profit on their snake-oil treatments.
People like politicians who let corporations simply purchase the FDA and FCC.
People like media executives and their yuppie stooges who promote stupidity — who enable the destruction of all culture, morality and health to make a quick buck.

If it helps, imagine the entire population as just a hybrid of rednecks, jocks, cholos and hoochies.
Seeing this nightmarish dystopia, Joe learns of and attempts to track down a time machine to see if he and Rita can get back to when they came from, and that’s basically the whole plot.
But despite how one-dimensional I may make it sound, this movie is higher brow than you can fathom.
Drink Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes!
Nuances are everywhere and anyone can see glimpses (warning signs, if you will) of modern day dumb-ciety permeating facets of everyday life and turning it into the train wreck on display in “Idiocracy.”

The film has some truly awesome showcases of realistic retardedness put on a pedestal. I don’t want to give anything away and ruin jokes for you, but let’s just say that it is pretty thorough.
I can see how some would say that it is just a lot of toilet humor, but it, odd as it may seem, has a purpose; to show how dumb and crass these people are.

After all, who is really to blame, the Morlocks or the Eloi? The Paris Hiltons of the world, or the brilliant executives and advertisers that put her on TV and lowered our cultural standards enough to leave her there?
This is all implicit in “Idiocracy”, though.
A line here, a hint there (witness the hilarious auto-doctor which literally does all the work in the health care system). It’s one of the few aspects of the movie that’s NOT pounded into the ground by the unnecessary narrator.
It’s just there for the viewer to pick up, or not, but it is one of the most interesting themes in a movie that’s much smarter than any other comedy of the year.

This film, unfortunately, is destined to see the same fate as its predecessor, “Office Space”; no one will see it in theaters, but everyone will brag about discovering this awesome/funny movie when it comes out on video.
Drink Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes!
My only complaint for the film would be that the flow of the narrative sometimes gets broken so they can do a Hitchhiker’s-Guide-to-the-Galaxy type exposition on how things got to be where they are, but it is a necessary evil and is implemented better here. Other than that, good characters, funny jokes, and better-than-average social commentary wrapped up in a funny bow.

I saw this film in 2006, after a friend recommended it to me. Back then, I considered it an interesting commentary on society, but one that was too exaggerated to really mean much. Fast forward 10 years and I'd completely forgotten about it, until seeing it on TV recently. In hindsight, it no longer seems all that exaggerated. The character flaws associated with the stupid people in the film are more prevalent than ever, so it does make you wonder how far we could evolve in the next 488 years. It's easy to associate this with younger generations and blame them for our devolution, but the truth is that they're just the manifestation of what the rest of us created. -And we have arrived... rogun-3575019 January 2018

Final Note: If seeing our youth becoming gang-banger wanna-be’s, acting like redneck/ ghetto trash and being proud of it… if you are educated and cultured in anyway and can see how our country is spiraling out of control into an abyss of stupidity, for god sakes, watch this movie.
In trying to make fun of a future USA, full of idiots and with a narcissistic celebrity president, this comedy is really a documentary. Now take a look at society today: reality TV, Donald Trump is president, ketchup is a vegetable, the “look at me” culture. And “turn in up to 11”. That’s this movie for you – a fucking scary dystopia which I would have laughed my ass off from in the early 90’s but today, Jesus…
… it’s just frightening.
Drink Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes!
You know how stupid the people in this movie looked to you? How dumb, trashy, shallow? That’s what America is looking like to a LOT of the rest of the world these days.
Think about it.
…or dare I show you about some of those Anti-Mask Americans justifying their “independence” and “freedom”.

What “got” to me.
Now, this morning I was not intending to write this post. Heck, I wasn’t intending to write anything. I have other issues on my platter. You know, important issues. And this was the last thing on my mind. But…
Well, life decided otherwise.
Darn! That pesky life thang!
I was scanning the news when I just got fed up of all the “pop ups”, Java-scripts, and inserts that were so evasively interrupting my browsing habits. It just seemed like every single American web site had some kind of ad or revenue generating blockade that I had to plow through to get to the “meat” of the article.
Notable exceptions are;
It was frustrating as all Hell. I mean it. Half the websites had these big advertisements that would park themselves in front of you and you had to search for the “X” (often hidden somewhere) to turn them off. Then, afterwards, other pop-ups would appear, and event hey would cover the other advertisements on the page. With jumping and jiggling things.
- Learn what Hot Chicks want in Zhuhai, China!
- Solve prostrate problems by eating celery every day.
- Yes, I can get a free Health Insurance quote in Zhuhai China.
- Good price for on-line Viagra no prescription necessary!
- Remove these ads for only $9.99 per year!
- Sign up for the VIP service, and get free access to editorial reviews and much more!
So I paused, and took a screen shot.
Here it is…

So, what about it?
Why did I take the time to obtain a screen shot? What caused me to do that, and why was I so irked? Can you tell?
Imagine that you were reading a newspaper, or a book, or a paperback. Imagine that it is right there in your hands. If it was a news paper, where would the advertisements be? How invasive would they be? Would they block the headline articles, would they be flashing around and distracting you? When you were mid-way in the sentence, would a big dialog box snap up in front of your line of vision and tell you that you had five seconds to pay three dollars of the newspaper would catch fire?
Look, at it from the eyes of your grandparents… those people who have not yet become accustomed to the reality that we so now take for granted…

Oh, boy.
What does it remind me of? Does it remind me of sitting under a tree and reading my favorite soft-back? Does it remind me of sitting in a diner and reading a newspaper while I sip on my cup of coffee? Does it remind me of the great freedom and liberty I have because of all this wonderful “democracy” that America represents for me?
Instead, it reminds me of this scene from the movie…

But, you know what?
Look closer, and compare it to what I experienced. When I took the screen capture of MSN, the reading area was only 30%. But here in the movie it was around 50%. What does that mean? It means that reality, reality here in America today, is WORSE than what was portrayed in this “off the wall” comedy produced in 2006.

But it is more than that.
Why does MSN need to have all these pop-ups and advertisements? Do they need the money? Are they financially strapped? Are they being overly taxed?
In fact the absolute opposite is occurring. They are not paying ANY TAXES at all.
- These 91 Fortune 500 companies didn’t pay federal taxes …
- 2019 taxes: 60 of America’s biggest companies paid no …
- Big Tech Companies Criticized for Low Tax Payments
- It’s not just Amazon: These profitable US corporations …
So, they run this business, don’t pay taxes on it. Pay their people enormous salaries, and provide products that you constantly need to pay for upgrades and advertisements.
- MICROSOFT CORP Executive Salaries & Other …
- Microsoft Leadership Development Salaries | Glassdoor
- Microsoft Board of Directors Compensation and Executive …
- 5 highest-paid executives at Microsoft globally in 2019 …
- MSFT | Microsoft Corp. Company Profile & Executives – WSJ
People! What’s wrong with this picture?
Drink Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes!
How can a healthy country allow such levels of inequality, corruption and just outright meanness in public? Why does EVERY Fucking Thing have to be about MONEY today? What happened to the days where restaurants gave out free books of matches and toothpicks, and glasses of water? What happened to work when you automatically had free coffee, free health pans, free uniforms, and other “perks” without co-payments and other fees?
Greed. One person started it, then everyone was forced to comply.
- Richest 1% of Americans Close to Surpassing Wealth of …
- These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The … – Business …
- Gen. Flynn Warns: ‘2% of the People are About to Control …
- Record inequality: The top 1% controls 38.6% of America’s …
- Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: If We Don’t Act, 2% of the …
- The 1% Owns Almost As Much Wealth As The Middle Class …
Now only a handful of people have most of the money and the rest of the country are destitute and PISSED!
Because America is neither healthy or good, and it is run by a corrupt idiocracy that has zero concerns for the welfare of the “common citizen”. That is why.
Who’s running this nightmare?
And it is a nightmare. Look at the news for goodness sakes…
- Sign ninjas busy at night…
- National Guard called to thwart ‘NKorean cyberattack’ in Louisiana…
- Inside campaign to ‘pizzagate’ Hunter…
- Deepfakes will create ‘every face we see’ online in AI Infocalypse…
- Thousands of Witches to cast ‘spell’ on Trump for Halloween…
- Prominent pastor warns evangelicals of ‘nation-corrupting’ sins…
- Americans Frantically Buying Military Gear Before Election…
Look at the modern American Administration…

of course, let’s not forget Donald Trump. Did you know that many people in Africa see him is a modern-day equivalent of a mad, crazy dictator?
Drink Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes!
It’s true…
Decrees with flourish Adi Amin’s numerous decrees were announced on radio and television and published in newspapers with a flourish. One such decree was the expulsion of the Asian/Indian community from Uganda. In front of international television cameras and newspaper journalists, Amin accused the Indians of being “smugglers who carried five passports”. He blamed Britain for bringing them to Uganda during the colonial rule. Amin claimed that the expulsion decision was taken in the national economic interests of Uganda: “I took this decision for the economy of Uganda and I must make sure that every Ugandan gets the fruit of independence. I want to see the whole Kampala street is not full of Indians.” Fast-forward 44 years. At a campaign rally, Trump promised to deport illegal immigrants from Mexico, some of whom he called “rapists”. Trump also announced that he was going to build a wall barring them from entry into the US, which Mexico was going to pay for. “Mark my words,” he said. Afterwards he proclaimed that he “loved Hispanics”. In similar style, Amin said: “It’s not my responsibility to offer them (expelled British Asians) transit camps! The British high commissioner is here and it is his responsibility." He remarked afterwards that the British “are my great friends”. For Amin’s Uganda it was a devastating decision. The expelled Asians/Indians were the entrepreneurs, bankers and professional class who had formed the country’s middle class since colonial times. Six months after their departure, the country’s hitherto promising African economy spiralled into recession. Trump’s America may not suffer the expulsion of unwanted foreigners, but its regional entrepreneurs such as potato and vegetable growers will suffer from the absence of cheap available labour from across the border in Mexico. -The chilling parallels between Amin, Trump

And other things…
Yada Yada Yada.
Their incompetence, and disdain for the most basic needs of society is bringing about the complete collapse of the American society. And where they did not start it, and they are only contributors, they are the de facto face of what a collapse looks like … moments before the fall.

“… I am confident that what makes a state strong, primarily, is the confidence it’s citizens have in it. That is the strength of a state. People are the source of power, we all know that.” -Putin speech excerpt on MoA
Is it?
1527 This was one of the most shocking and horrific assaults on Rome―and we know about it in great detail. For 10 months the city was occupied by the mutinous army of Emperor Charles V, killing, raping, kidnapping and torturing Romans. Thousands died. Matters were made worse because a large portion of the soldiers were Lutherans who felt a passionate hatred of Rome’s Churchmen. The altar of St. Peter’s was piled with corpses of those who had sought sanctuary there and for months the basilica was used as a stables by the Imperial cavalry. Scores of clerics were branded, tortured or castrated. Today visitors can see the Castel Sant’Angelo, where Pope Clement VII escaped to, safe from the horror below. Of the assault itself, signs are few. In the Vatican Palace one can still see, scratched into plaster of a fresco by Raphael, the name Luther, written by one of Charles V’s soldiers. And there is the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo’s ceiling paintings seem light and optimistic compared to disturbing, broody masterpiece, The Last Judgement. He painted the ceiling well before the sack but produced the Last Judgement after its terrors. One of the clearest signs of the 1527 sacking, though, is absence. Many European cities still have a few medieval timber houses but not Rome. Before the 1527 attack it had had thousands. Charles V’s soldiers ripped out timbers, doors and frames to burn as firewood, speeding Rome’s transformation to the city of fine stone homes.

Drink Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes!
And while I am at it…
You know, it’s not just that the United States is being run by idiots, and they have dumbed down the entire population so that they can feel superior to them.
It’s that they are off concocting wars and other misadventures for God only knows what reasons. And it is innocents and children, real flesh and blood folk, that are getting caught up in the cross fire.
And you can listen to my tiny voice out in the wilderness…

…but most people won’t hear anything.
All the last week, and leading into this week, I have been getting warnings from friends, and well-meaning family members that China is going to round up all us expats living here, and plop us down into re-education centers. You know, something like the concentration camps that Hitler set up. And that I must flee China now, or face the consequences!!!!
Oh, Lordy!
What a crock of horse manure.
China makes one singular statement that they MIGHT secure CERTAIN foreigners within China because they have been involved in seditious activity, and suddenly the entire American propaganda engine goes into hyper-drive. We must do something now! Our freedom and our democracy is at stake! If we don’t do something now about the “red menace” we will lose our Rights, our freedoms and our very future!
China is not going to do anything. And even if it did, I and about 99.99% of the rest of the expat community inside of China will be unaffected. You all have nothing to fear unless you are part of the NED / NID, CIA regime-change apparatus.
Well, if you are…
… bad for you.
I’d scram pronto!

But that doesn’t matter to the US government. The idiots running the place think that everyone else is far stupider than them, and they adjust their narratives accordingly. And look at the result. Listen to them all spout the same absolutely insane scripts.
China is a nation run by intelligent people who got to their positions of power through merit. They have wired the entire nation up and can monitor anyone, at any time. And they know exactly who is who, and what is what, and who is doing some bad and dangerous things. They know who is CIA, NED or NID. And if you think that they don’t you are a fucking idiot.
If you are in a nation run by idiots, who have been dumbed down to the point where most people around you are stupider than idiots and who spout off the mainstream and alt-right (or left) narratives then you can expect to see these exact kinds of responses.
“China is going to round up expats and put them in concentration camps!” is exactly the same thing as “Brawndo is what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes!”
In the movie, Brawndo was a highly favored beverage, and the electrolyte-rich drink was marketed as a healthy alternative for watering plants, resulting in a global food shortage. -How Fake Energy Drink Brawndo Came to Life | WIRED

I wonder if Rome was like this right before the city was sacked. I wonder what the people thought, or if they thought anything.
bibere vinum faciet te fortis et nibh!
My guess is that they just kept on living life normally. Eating their free bread, going to the public games and baths. And reading or hearing about wars in far away lands, while their corrupt leaders lived a life that was far beyond their comprehension.
I reckon that they had no idea of what was going on outside their national or city walls. What they thought of were, most probably, illusions based upon their misconceptions of reality. And as the national leadership become more and more idiotic and self-absorbed, the people also became less informed and unable to adapt to change. Any change. Not just sudden change.

I imagine that when the invasion or sacking happened it was sudden. There was probably a long build up, but that the citizens got numb to it. It probably just faded into the background as “noise”. And no one ever really gave a care or concern. They probably just drank their wine and stayed merry in the belief that Rome was never defeated (not true, but that’s not what the citizens thought) and that as long as the Senate was looking out for their interests, all was good.
Rome had much more to lose eight centuries later, in 410 AD. By then it had grown from a small town to a vast metropolis and its population was 10 or 20 times greater. The attack of 410 was a devastating psychological blow to the Romans, who had thought their city invulnerable, but things could have been far worse. In a three-day sacking only a few buildings appear to have been burned, mostly in the Forum area. Then again Alaric, the barbarian Visigoths’ leader, had no wish to destroy Rome. He wanted to use it as a bargaining chip to help him get a homeland within the Roman Empire for his people. One building that was attacked was Basilica Amelia―an ancient mall with many bankers’ stalls. All that remains now is its floor. This is fenced off but still visible are a number of small green discs. These are coins that melted into the paving as the building burned. If Rome was fairly lucky in 410, that would change. In 455 the city suffered a much more destructive attack by the Vandals, raiding from their kingdom in Tunisia. A century later Rome suffered extensive damage when it was caught in the middle of 20-year struggle between the Ostrogoths and the Byzantine Empire, when it changed hands several times and was briefly empty of any inhabitants.
I am also certain that the sacking was not nice or pleasant. No one wrote about the details of the sacking as everyone who could write were either killed off or sold into slavery (of one type or the other). And as I pine about the mess that America has become, I realize that this is not sustainable. There are only two outcomes possible at this stage…
- Further collapse to a level of stupidity and ignorance of the likes NEVER seen in human history.
- A war, and sacking, that will completely change the Geo-political landscape. America will NO LONGER exist.
Either way, America has long passed the point of no-return. That point was sometime in the 1990’s. Now, it’s all down hill from here. It’ll be a bumpy road for certain, and quite colorful. And I am greatly, deeply, and profoundly, saddened by it.
And no one is really aware just how horribly bad it actually is.
Just us.

Anyways, I’ll post this in my Movie Index here…
And if you want more, you can go check out my other posts…
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