America is devolving into a third world nation, and what this means to you and your family

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America a third world nation?

America is collapsing and crumbling. All the indicators are there. And I have covered this subject in many other posts. However, this time we are going to look at things from a different point of view. We are going to look at what the United States is turning into if there isn’t any radical changes made to governance or society.

What then?

What if all these changes, turmoil, upsets, worry, upheavals, discomfort, riots, protests, police crack-downs, increases in taxes, don’t result in any substantive changes?

What then?

Indeed, many articles about prepping, SHTF, and the Fourth Turning are about surviving the radical changes that might happen in your neighborhood. These articles use historical precedent to describe actions to take, how to prepare, and what to do. And they are good. Do not misunderstand. They are good and necessary.



But what happens if the radical changes happen, and people get hurt, businesses collapse, wars are fought, food supplies dwindle … yet the corrupt government stays in power?

What happens if elections are still held, and the choice is still two pre-selected candidates from the pool of “approved” oligarchy minions? What happens if the military budget keeps on getting larger and larger, and the quality of life for Americans gets worse and worse? What happens if inflation keeps rising up, and the stock market is only getting better and better?

What happens if the entire foundation of American society collapses, but the government, and the wealthy oligarchy stays intact?

What happens if the United States government, the wealthy oligarchy, the “blue bloods”, the rich and wealthy Powers That Be, and their army of minions still manage to retain power and control behind the safety of their gated communities? What then?

What if your children will still loudly proclaim to be “free” when every Right is functionally gone? What if people will still claim to live “in a democracy”, when in reality voting would make zero difference? What if the instituted changes are cosmetic only, and the serious problems never addressed?

What will America be like then?


What will America be like?

The following is an article titled “America Is About To Feel Like A 3rd World Nation” by Ian Welsh written on 7 August 2020. It’s a pretty good article. It is presented here with editing only to fit within this venue. All credit to the author.

America Is About To Feel Like A 3rd World Nation

I spent a good chunk of my childhood in third world countries. Most of it was in Bangladesh, then arguably the poorest country in the world, but I visited or lived in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Nepal and India, among others.

There’s a feel to the third world one becomes familiar with: beggars, infrastructure that doesn’t really work, people doing terrible menial jobs. There’s the huge disparity between the wealthy and everyone else, or even those who have managed to attach themselves in a semi-dignified way to the wealthy.

Cruelty is routine and unremarked. Indian police officers routinely beat people as punishment (similar to American ones). Servants are treated terribly, and in fact the locals routinely treated the servants far worse than foreigners. This has hardly changed, Vivekenanda, in the 19th century, noted that Americans treated their servants far better than Indians did.

America’s about to make a double digit percentage of its population homeless. Something like 20 to 30%, or more of American small businesses have or will shut down by the end of the pandemic. The jobs won’t all come back and those that do will pay worse and feature worse treatment than the ones before (which were mostly not well paid and featured routine meanness.)

We’re talking about 30 million to 60 million homeless.

These are staggering numbers.

The United States will feel third world. Oh, parts already did, when I landed in Miami airport the first time I immediately thought “third world”. Relatively prosperous third world, but third world.

Those places will be worse ((and Florida, as I predicted near the beginning of the crisis) has handled the pandemic noticeably badly.)

Of course, for many, little will change. They’ll keep their jobs, they’ll be fine. I recently witnessed a discussion of infosec jobs, talking about how for a person with a degree and a couple certification $120,000 was a lowball. There will still be good jobs, and you’ll still be able to lose everything in a few months if you become seriously ill.

But when those people who are hanging on go out in the streets, they’ll see, even more than now, the fate that awaits them if they slip.

So much of American meanness, and the culture is mean in the details of its daily life, comes from this fear. Because it is so easy to slip into the underclass, even if one “does everything right”, Americans are scared, even terrified, all the time. They suppress it with massive amounts of drugs (most of them legal), and most deny it, but the fear drives the cruelty.

In the Great Depression people became less cruel, not more. They say that the idea of meritocracy was absolute bullshit: the richest people in society had fucked up, good people wound up in poverty, and merit had nothing to do with who had how much.

I hope this is what will happen in America this time. I fear, instead, it will lead to even more cruelty. Instead of saying “we should make sure everyone is taken care of” and instituting universal health care and good wages and a non-punitive welfare system (whether a universal income or some other way), Americans will instead become even more cruel out of fear of losing their place.

America is “undeveloping.” It is moving from being a developed nation to being an undeveloped nation.

This process has been going on for a loooooong time. At least 40 years (1980), arguably since about 68 or so. The frustration as an analyst was that the trend was obvious but it took so long. There is, as Keynes said, a lot of ruin in a nation.

Change is slow, very slow, until it is fast. People who live in the slow period, of long decline, don’t really believe in collapse, they assume that things will get worse in a steady line.

But, in fact, there are long periods where everything changes slowly, then periods like earthquakes. 2008 was an earthquake (and collapse nearly inevitable by bailing out the rich.) This is an earthquake. America will FEEL different afterwards, even if Covid goes away 100%, which it may not, since America refuses to do what is necessary. American media keeps having articles about how Covid will never go away. Well, except for qurantining visitors, it will for many countries. But not for America, or Brazil, or India. Third world countries all.

Nor should we get too down on third world countries. America is third world and experiencing the complete corruption of its ruling and governing classes, with the collapse of its administrative ability. When your post office can’t even deliver mail, you’re a failing state: this is such a basic part of being a government that it’s part of the Constitution, written in the 18th century, but since the post office isn’t a kleptocratic institution, the American political class is destryong it.

Most third world nations, indeed, are handling Covid better than America.

Nonetheless the process is underway. The US is already governed like a third world nation, it just has a lot of legacy infrastructure and institutions to destroy to get the full experience.

So, expect that this is one of the times that matters. Expect that America will be different after this. Expect that it will feel different. Understand that your personal position has become much more perilous. You must reduce your vulnerability and/or attach yourself to a corrupt money stream in a way which makes you indispensable. Valuable is not enough, it needs to hurt important people if you you go down. If it doesn’t, the second the numbers say you go, you’re off, and any individual who can be replaced can be if you get on the wrong side of someone more powerful.

There’s lots of good paying jobs, yes, but almost all of them can be done by someone else. It doesn’t have to be you.

Bear all this in mind as you plan your future in 3rd world America.


Most of the people reading this do indeed realize that America is collapsing and crumbling. Depending on the person, we have different stories, reasoning, and ideas concerning it’s collapse.

  • Some strongly claim, that “next election” will turn everything around. “You’ll see” they say.
  • Some others differ. They say that as long as the United States destroys China (or Russia depending on the person) that the United States can remain strong and vibrant. We just need to rid the world of that Gosh-darn communism!
  • Still others say that the entire nation needs to burn down to the ground and we all need to collectively start over.
  • While others thing that “if only” the USA would adopt a more progressive government like Sweden, that everything would work out fine.
  • While others just say that everything is perfect, just as it is.

Now, here’s a frightening thought for you all.

What if all this happens and NOTHING changes? What then?

Well, the answer is simple.

America will become stratified as a third-world nation with a caste system along the lines of India. And once you and your family live inside this stratified environment, you will never ever be able to leave it.

And while everyone will still wave their American flags and claim that America stand for “equality” and “Freedom”, they will do so at the back of the bus while wearing the clothes and attire of the common caste and eating and shopping in their caste restricted zones. They will pay for the priviledge to drink water, rent their abodes, and perform menial labor for their “betters” who will, over time, further distance themselves from the lower castes.

Get ready. Because it looks like this is what you have to look forward to.

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