Yeah. I cannot deny it any longer. There is no question that America is ready to launch a war. Well, I tried. But you know, you all can’t stop a stampede of buffalo. Sigh. Let’s just document some of the evidence. Where even the most hopeful and optimistic must sigh resigned.
The evidence is everywhere. America is on a war-footing.
Well, Yahoo! disentangled. Not that it mattered to me that much. But, you know, it’s pretty fucking selective. No problem with Cameroon, Kenya, Zambia, or Bolivia. Of the entire world, ONLY China is excluded.
Here’s what you get when you try to access Yahoo inside of China…

Now, LinkedIN is another story all together. I use that platform to connect with industry and colleagues and look for business opportunities. Even though I am an American, accessing it from inside of China throws me into the most lame version I have ever seen.

And then what happens when I sign in?
Why I get a PDF version of my profile. That’s it. No connections. No access to services. No way for me to recruit for careers. Zilch. It’s just a big nothing.
Of course…
Let’s keep it real. Companies can do whatever they want to do, and it they want to disentangle from the Asian market, it is their choice.
China prevented Google, and Facebook; both mega-software internet companies for working inside of China because they routinely violated the Chinese privacy laws.
But this is different.
You see, let’s put it in simple terms; money and market.
The following is from the United States own government (and propaganda) outlets. Which means that it is biased towards making the USA look good. Even when trying to make America look better, it looks like shit compared to China.

Obviously, no matter how you spin it, Chinese economy is climbing and the Chinese consumer market is exploding!
So why turn your back on it?
What’s going on?
By every metric, China is superior and surpassing the West…
It’s not just readership. It’s not just technology. It’s not just manufacturing. It’s everything.
Education; best universities
Disposable income
America in 2021 is somewhere around tenth in global manufacturing.
America has Amazon. In China, everything is e-commerce.
Again, keeping it real…
America’s population is 330 million people. Of that, (at best) 40% are middle class = 132 million people, plus the 5% of the wealthy = market of 148.5 million people.
China’s population is 1.6 billion people. (1600 million). Of that, 85% are middle class with the wealthy being around 6% = market is 1456 million people.
- USA consumer market = 148 million people.
- China consumer market = 1460 million people.
The Chinese market is roughly TEN TIMES the market of America.
Anyone desirous of cutting off this market is NOT doing so because of opportunity, profits, industry, commerce or fiance. They are doing so because of politics. It’s obvious.
Know your history.
And history shows us that politically driven decisions end up being disastrous for the people, the companies, and the nations so involved. Don’t go down that dark and scary road.
Of Course… the situation is eroding fast
America is in a tail-spin. Not just collapsing, but collapsing in every which way possible, and the only way out is to throw themselves in front of the policeman and get shot to death.
The government funded media (and they ARE funded to the tune of $330 million dollars every year) are propping up the illusion that America is still great.
Like by using the GDP instead of PPP.
Which, as I have said before is just a big lie.
Sally has one dollar and can buy two apples with it. Joe has ten dollars but can only buy one apple with it.
- GDP says that “Joe” is doing better.
- PPP says that “Sally” is doing better.
In my mind, of course, Sally is doing better. She has a full stomach. While Joe is left wanting.
Yeah. Sigh.
And here is a typical propaganda piece being doled out to the clueless inside of America. I swear it looks more and more like George Orwell’s 1984 than anything else in history.
“She had become a physical necessity, something that he not only wanted but felt he had the right to,” ― George Orwell
Ah. Looks so professional, and clear. But that is the illusion. They are using a false metric. Using GDP is an economic “measurement”. What a big lie and what a big farce, and shame on all of you for believing it.

Heritage is a neocon operation inside of the USA.
It is purposeful distortions to keep Americans (the West) ignorant.
Here’s an interview with a VOA journalist. VOA is the US governments main propaganda arm that oversees most all “news”. It is funded by the NED, which is turn is funded out of the CIA. Listen and learn. video 60MB
A Sanity Check
Please do a sanity check.
If China’s unemployment is 27%, and America’s is a mere 14%, then where are all those Chinese tent cities, Chinese crime, and Chinese starvation that you can see all over the inside of the USA.
If America was really, REALLY, doing that well, then there wouldn’t be so much unemployment, tent cities, and crime.
GDP vs. PPP.
The next video is so typical of American life. It does NOT exist inside of China. America is a land with a million, million tiny hands in your wallet.
We all need to avoid echo chambers.
Yet they persist and are dangerous.
Here’s some examples…
This is from the “Financial Times” in an article titled “Healthy nutrition trends shake up Chinese consumer market”
Funny. All Chinese eat healthy. It’s part of their culture. There’s no “shake up”. Jeeze!
And check out the picture that they use…

Why do I say this is fake?
No one in China uses paper money any more. They haven’t for at least a decade. It is available. But usually, it is the poor and the elderly that use it. The vast number of transactions are done electronically. It’s call “QR scanning”. It’s the norm in China, and has been so for the last decade.
Here’s another example…
Can you spot what’s wrong with this picture?

No one in China eats “just plain” noodles.
They eat delicious dishes. Sometimes it’s noodles, but if it’s noodles, you can be guaranteed that there is a meat and a vegetable with it. Fast food noodles are popular as a snack only. And starving students, and hard workers (trying to save money) will resort to them. But it is NOT NOT NOT what the Chinese people eat for lunch.
This is what they really eat for lunch.

I’m surprised at the gullibility of Americans. Hasn’t anyone ever been to a Chinese-American restaurant? Sheech!
And this…

And this…

And this…

And yes, you can get noodles to eat.
It’s a quick SNACK.
A snack.
It’s NOT a lunch meal. Jeeze!
You all need to avoid echo chambers, and America is doubling down and latching the hatches turning the American echo chamber into an echo pressure cooker.
Already the Americans want war. They desire it. There’s raw hate there. It’s not as Biden says “a competition”, the American media machine and the funding efforts are all directed towards war. DO NOT WISH FOR THAT. YOU ALL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THAT WILL MEAN.
Now… good news and bad news
As I have stated previously, America has passed the point where there would be a position of military superiority. Amy war would be an absolute bloodbath fiasco on American soil, and so all the hate China bullshit can hate all you want. It’s just going to make the collapse and fall of “the great experiment” so much more painful.
Russia and China are watching the collapse in real-time.
Americans, and their “leadership”, are all in caged “echo chambers”. Delirious of their own notions of power and ability, and ignorant of the rest of the world. It’s a true shame. It really is. But that’s what’s going on.
I could show you about the Chinese military, and how they are nothing like what is being portrayed in the American media. But that’s all so 2019. Today, we are going to do something a little bit different.
We are going to talk about YOU, and what YOU can do while the rest of the world around you spins down the anus of madness.
We start with this funny little piece to lighten up the mood.
Chinese old movie with English voice over by an Urban Ethnic American
I get a big chuckle every time I watch this.
Yeah. The United States can do what ever it wants.
I can tell you that I am in the safest nation on the planet, and that’s a FACT.
And whatever caldron is brewing inside of America right now, know that it is not reality. It is a big illusion and soon its going to boil over and make a big mess in the kitchen. I am here to tell you that YOU NEED NOT WORRY about that. The fear is greater than the reality.
It is NOT going to happen like anyone thinks.
It will be quite different. Say! How John Boltons’ Bio-Warfare effort against China working out? Not what he planned, eh?
Instead concentrate on yourself.
Concentrate on your life. Concentrate on your family.
These are important skills.
Start NOW.
It’s the MM way; right here. Vocalized. video 3MB
Show care. Care.
It’s YOUR life. Participate. video 3.6MB
It’s not the goal. It’s the journey
Yah. You have heard that all before. But it is true. Start walking the steps of being a Rufus. Act a little bit nicer. smile more. Be the best that you can be. Do great things.
And… stop over thinking.
Stop over thinking every fucking thing. Start accepting things as they are. Not as you want them to be. Accept the situations that are in front of you.
In the movie “Bronco Billy”, Gunny Holiday had his squad adapt to the situation with the tee-shits. Every day they would have to adapt to the tee-shirts that the DI wore. Eventually they got it worked out. And they adapted.
And… treat others as you want to be treated.
This means everything. Especially in your relationships. You know, the biggest influence on your life is the person whom you spend the most time with. They will influence your life the most. Treat them properly, and they should treat you properly back. If they do not, then find someone else.
It’s called “life”.
And please… be patient.
Be patient. There is something that I have learned. Affirmations take time. Stop thinking in terms of the nonsense generated out of Hollywood. It’s not real. It’s a fiction. Things. Take. Time.
Remember… grit
It’s how much you know. Nor is it how much money you have. It’s not the grades you had in school, or the friends you have now. It’s not where you live or the kind of car that you drive. It’s all about how long you can take the hits and keep on going.
It’s all about your grit.
The world is changing.
If you are doing your prayer affirmations, you and your world will be changing. Do not be afraid of it.
It’s full of opportunities. Accept the change.
I know, I know…
Yeah. I get it. All this stuff is boring. You want something else, don’t you.
You are unique and untamed.
No one can and should tell you who you are or how you should act. You define what your life is. No one else does. But others can show you what worked for them, and then you can decide to copy it or ignore it.
Find your niche.
Is being the best boxer the one who can hit the hardest? Is it the one that can stay in the ring the longest? Is it the one who can endure hit after hit after hit. Or is it a combination of all three. Find your niche.
Be the “Tiger Mom”
As you work hard, inspire others to succeed. Play the role. Together we can all make the world a better place.
Realize that America has become a character; a joke
It’s not what America is, but the actions of it’s crazed government, and the behaviors of many of it’s citizenry clearly point towards humor. But you are not what other people(s) think. You are unique. Be the best that you can be and let the rest of the world howl.
Remember, everything concerning you is YOUR responsibility
It’s not the governments. It’s not your spouse. It’s not your parents. It’s not your school. It’s not your job, or your carrier. It’s your responsibility, and yours alone. It is all up to YOU.
The rest of the world is moving on
Stop looking in the rear view mirror. Realize that America is spending trillions of dollars on wars, public opinion to create wars, fears to control the citizenry and bribes to selected minority groups. It’s all a big black hole that sucks in the money and lays waste to those around it.
Meanwhile the rest of the world is moving on.
Be the best you can be. Inspires others, and have a great life together. You choose your life. You define what it will be, you plan to make that life happen and you direct ALL of your energies in that direction. Live the MM lifestyle.
Here’s where I live. Beautiful Zhuhai China.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 2.
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