Ten Truths That Can’t Be Published in the United States

I am forced to have a small post for today. But it’s a good one. All credit to Eric. Brilliant write up…


Ten Truths That Can’t Be Published Under The U.S. Regime

1. The overthrow of Yanukovych in Ukraine in February 2014 was a U.S. coup, and definitely not a democratic revolution there.

2. The U.S. Government and its ‘news’-media lied — didn’t merely “err” — to deceive the U.S. public to believe the “Saddam’s WMD” falsehoods that were used to ‘justify’ criminally invading Iraq on 20 March 2003.

3. The U.S. Government and its OPCW lied — didn’t merely “err” — to say that Assad was using chemical weapons, so as to ‘justify’ America’s criminal invasion and occupation of Syria.

4. The war between Russia and Ukraine is actually the war by America against Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine and started not on 24 February 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine but even well before America’s criminal February 2014 coup in Ukraine and was already secretly in the planning stages in the Obama Administration by no later than June 2011.

5. The claim that Taiwan isn’t and hasn’t even been a part of China is a blatant lie about history, to deceive U.S.-and-allied publics and aiming to enable the U.S. regime to grab China too.

6. U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media lie constantly so as to deceive their publics to support their criminal invasions, coups, and sanctions, against countries that the U.S. regime is aiming ultimately to conquer, even countries (such as Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine) that never threatened, nor posed any threat to, U.S. national security.

7. The U.S. repeatedly shows up in international polls as being overwhelmingly a bigger threat to peace in the world than is any other nation. Whereas Americans don’t know it, foreigners certainly do.

8. The termination of American democracy, and the decision by the U.S. Government to ultimately conquer the entire world, occurred on 25 July 1945, and the Cold War excuse — that it was about communism, instead of about ultimate global conquest by the U.S. — was, and remains, a lie.

9. The U.S. regime’s statements that it had not in 1990 promised to Russia that its ending its communism and its Warsaw Pact military alliance would mean that NATO itself would not expand “one inch to the east [toward Russia’s border]” is a historical lie, and the U.S. regime started on 24 February 1990 secretly to inform its ‘allies’ (vassal nations) that it was a lie and that on America’s side the Cold War would continue until Russia itself becomes under its control.

10. The U.S. regime’s being a regime — a dictatorship instead of a democracy — has been repeatedly proven, and is an established fact, to the contrary of all the lies and liars. Calling it “the U.S. regime” is effectively prohibited, though it is certainly true. In fact, a good case can be made that the U.S. is the world’s #1 police-state.

On August 2nd, U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s speech upon landing in Taipei, Taiwan, said “Our congressional delegation’s visit to Taiwan honors America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.”

An earlier retort

NOTE: A reader of this article commented on it by saying: “Actually US democracy did not end in 1945, as it never existed in the first place. The authors of the Constitution deliberately made it a republic, not a democracy.” To this, I replied:

A “republic” IS a “democracy”: they are synonyms for a nation in which the government REPRESENTS the public, instead of being some dictator or (more commonly) dictatorial class of people who DON’T represent the public.

You got balled-up in words instead of thinking about WHAT THE WORDS REPRESENT. “Democracy” and “republic” represent the SAME THING.

(There supposedly are also nations that are ‘direct democracies’ in which the government is ‘direct’ from the voters instead of entailing any voting for representatives; but none such actually exists today, because a direct democracy is possible only for tiny nations, “city-states,” and even most of those do and have had representatives. In the real world, “democracy” and “republic” are the same thing.)

It is because of such confusions by, and gullibility OF, the public, that politicians such as Pelosi, Biden, and Obama, and such as Trump, Bush, and Reagan, can so easily fool the public to accept them as BEING representatives of the public, INSTEAD OF as being representatives of the billionaires who funded their political careers — which they actually are and have been.

Oh, by the way…

Here is how You-Tube automatically selects the title splash images for my you-tube videos. No wonder I am forced to generate my own…

You-Tube suggestions.

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New Beginnings 4


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Not bad, not bad. But you leave out how many Americans (now) are waking to the Uniparty system, to the absolute FACT that what they have been ‘told’ (MSM Mockingbird) is NOT TRUE and NEVER WAS TRUE. I suspect as a child of the 70s and 80s my trust was in the government. I KNOW that when I began working as a temp in DC in my 20s that’s when my confidence in my gov’t was SHATTERED. I watched as a former admiral lobbied for Maersk to get the ROR (roll on roll off) military contract (us having no merchant marines anymore)… I watched as lobbies for the Cranberry growers and others tried to gut the Clean Water act ( *use of pesticides on bogs being a problem, LOL*) while the votes behind closed doors were DIFFERENT from the votes on the floor as bills were reconciled. I realized they ALL LIED about whose side they were on, and why the voted as they did. BRIBES in the form of campaign contributions etc. It was ALL about the money, not what was best for the country, the environment etc. I worked for the Commerce Department when Sec. Ron Brown mysteriously died… My trust in gov’t was shattered then. I shrugged moved on.. but never forgot that trusting my gov’t and the ‘official’ narrative was naïve at best, stupid at worst. And flash forward to Covid, the mRNA shots, the ‘mandates’ (illegal as hell) the pressures etc etc. The ‘war’ in Ukraine (following a putsch we sponsored, thanks Clintons)… the Russia Russia campaign and as it un-folds now, I say… if you trust anything you are told by Media, by Gov’t by Healthcare, by anyone!!! without verifying first.. you get what you deserve. China? Controlled by the same people who want mass death of West and oh, if they did unleash bio weapons? Well, were they not being targeted too? All those pigs with swine flu dying? I remember something about that…


Once you realize, it is that simple.
They steal and lie!

There are some fine runes to that, too.
Search “Lukas lion” and “1984” on odysee
or other alternatives, it has been locked from the tube…
But you can find newer tunes from him there which are a bit more subtle but equally subtle.

Have a nice weekend all’y’all !


In no other place on the internet have I found an article that succinctly yet poignantly dismantles all of the Bullshit that the Westerners/Americans have been indoctrinated into believing by their MSM/Aristocratic/Puppethead-Political Overlords.

For years I have been able to smell something fishy about all of the narratives that have been pushed down our throats, even though I did not have any intelligible idea as to what exactly it all was. The way people around me parroted and policed all of these fantasies backed by the Media/Government-Propaganda Machine scared me and forewarned me to be scrutinous about everything that they were trying to purvey to be.

Thank you for all of this. This is an article that I am going to bookmark and look back on so long as I am allowed accesses to this page/as long as my NYC apartment still has a functioning internet/infrastructure.