Throughout this blog and disclosure I utilize specific terms and conventions. This page helps to clarify what they mean. Therefore, there shouldn’t be any kind of misunderstandings. I fear of mine is that misunderstandings can readily occur if one is not careful. Therefore, it is important to make points clear. If I am not able to make things clear then it will become easy to misunderstand and misconstrue the points and issues being made throughout this effort. I hope it is helpful…
We, all of us exist within a reality. However, that reality is not the same for each of us. It only looks that way. We do not share the reality. Each of us lives in our own personal bubble. It is our own personal reality.
Each person is comprised of a consciousness that is trapped within a physical body.

Consciousness is the connection of the soul to the physical reality that surrounds the person.
The physical world that surrounds a person is the personal reality for that given person. The person thinks that they share that reality with others. However, they do not. They share it with “quantum shadows” of other consciousness’s. These other shadows are part of the “what if” realities that the consciousness encounters to obtain experiences from.
Wold-line travel is a science fiction staple. There are numerous movies written about this theme including the “Back to the Future” series, and the “Lathe of Heaven”.
We all live in our own personal reality, within our very own personal world-line.
We can change that reality, and thus change that world-line. Minor changes are easy. Larger changes require equipment.

In fact, a “world-line” is a variation of a reality with some characteristics changed. It is easy to alter world-lines.
A consciousness can alter a world-line on a personal level. There are techniques to do this, such as intention or prayer. To alter world-lines at a more expansive level, certain techniques are utilized and certain technologies are required.
The scientific term for this is MWI.

All MAJestic personnel / agents are implanted with probes. These are various devices that are placed within the brain. They come in various “kits” and groups. In general there are two specific types.
- MAJestic probes.
- Probes of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
The most basic probes are the “basic kit”. These probes control memory access. Thus, when any agent decides to go “off the reservation” so to speak, MAJestic is able to control their actions and behaviors through control of memory access.
There are many other kits with many other functions. These other kits have other features as well, depending on the role of the individual so implanted. Other abilities can include…
- Dimensional keys to unlock specific special physical coordinates.
- Interdimensional travel (world-line travel).
- Dimensional anchoring ability.
- Audio and Video monitoring of what the agent experiences.
- Communication.
- GPS tracking.
- Enhancement of cognitive ability.
- Additional (apparent) ESP abilities.
- Apparent time-travel ability.
Throughout the program, the access to memories are tightly controlled. During retirement, the memories are completely sealed off and shut down. In fact, there is a team of specially trained (and devoted) individuals that perform these tasks.
In my case, my memories were reactivated after retirement.
This is not an easy thing to do; it cannot happen randomly. It requires devices and technology to do so. Someone or something had access to the technology and personally and physically reactivated by memories selectively. They also provided me with instructions and direction. (Watch the movie “Dark City” if you want to know what I am talking about.)
The mere fact, that I as a retired agent, can access my memories selectively is proof positive that I have been given permission and authority behind this disclosure.
A fiducial is an indexing icon that is used to center the brain. This is an important action that an implanted agent must perform in order to “unlock” or enter any kind of dimensional portal.
This is an American organization that was set up to investigate and control all extraterrestrial encounters on American soil. It was set up under President Truman.

This program was expanded to include all extraterrestrial activity globally. During the 1980’s, under President Reagan, it was established what the true reasons were for the various extraterrestrial visits to the world.
Alliances were forged, agreements were made, and understandings were reached. The membership learned the real function of what our reality is. As such, numerous agents assisted our extraterrestrial benefactors in the monitoring and policing of this world of “ours”. The organization was active when I was retired in 2006.
My instructions are that…
…the [1] formal organization has since been disbanded. It [2] now functions as a loose collection of “carve outs” as [3] part of waived, unacknowledged special access program(s). [4] Most members have since been retired and [5] placed in monitoring programs in the United States.
The remaining [6] active projects are conducted at the behest of our extraterrestrial benefactors. They are working on [7] technology exchanges, [8] reverse engineering efforts and [9] special projects of a natural security focus. [10] None of which is of concern to anyone outside of natural security.
This disclosure [11] is my primary role. [12] I possess no information that would compromise operations or activities in any way.
A soul is the repository of who we are independent of our consciousness and out memories.
A garbon is an collection of quanta that have formed together and work together as a discrete unit. It is similar to how cells form together to make a heart or a liver, or a lung. A physical human needs a heart, a brain, and a set of lungs to function properly in a reality. In a like way, a human soul requires a set of garbons to be able to function properly.
A swale is a shared path for quanta to utilize as it moves from one garbon to another. These are set “highways” that enable garbons to work together.
All creatures have sentience. A dog knows it is a dog. A cat knows it is a cat. A snake is a snake. The sentience defines the behavior of the biological portion of a given consciousness.
Sentience’s are always associated with a specific soul archetype. A “Hive Soul” archetype has a specific sentience template. A “Layered Soul” archetype as a different, but yet specific, sentience template.
Humans suffer through a transitional soul configuration. The “Individual Soul” is not an approved archetype. Thus, there is no defined sentience. Currently, humans go through three different sentience configurations. They are;
- Service to Others.
- Service for Self.
- Service to Another.
- Disrupted.
There is no good or bad sentience.
When humans evolve, through reincarnation, the experiences that they endure over the ages will define the soul archetype that they will eventually evolve into. If the sentience is a “Service to Others” then their evolution of soul will migrate toward soul archetypes with this kind of sentience platform. Likewise, if the sentience is “Service for Self”, their soul evolution will migrate to a totally different direction. Eventually becoming something else with different kinds of experience paths that they will take on.
Disrupted sentience’s are worrisome. Large segments of American society are now comprised of disrupted sentience’s. A disrupted sentience is one where a given person believes that they are a “Service to Other’s” sentience, but actually are a “Service for Self” sentience.
A good example of this is a person who argues that we need to tax rich people so that poor people are fed. On the surface, it appears that they are helping poor people. Thus “Service to Other’s” sentience. But what they are actually being is “Service For Self”, because they benefit from their actions. They benefit from the feeling that they are doing good when they are actually doing nothing of the sort. A true “Service For Other’s” sentience would go out and physically reach into their own pocket and feed the poor people themselves. It is a Disrupted Sentience because the thoughts do not match the physical experience.
In life, souls grow through the experiences that we encounter in our day to day activities. The experiences create and generate thoughts. Both the experiences and thoughts (of all involved) alter trajectories of quanta. They help establish garbon and swale formulation.
If you have actions that do not match the thoughts of the instigator, then the formation of the garbons and swales are not clean. They do not form distinct garbons and swales. The quanta is confused. It is harmful to the soul.
That is one of the reasons why there are a finite limit to the number of approved sentience archetypes in our galaxy, and why non-approved souls (and their physical manifestations) are quarantined on a development nursery. (Like us.)
All agents and members of MAJestic are eventually retired. This is a point in time when their active participation in activities drop off to zero. There is a formal procedure that means that the probes are turned off and deactivated. To do this, the agent must go to a specially equipped facility and they need to be actually recalibrated and the memories or activities purged from access.

After this procedure they put into a monitoring program. there are two types of monitoring programs in the United States they are;
- Short Term – The Parole System.
- Long Term – The Sex Offender Registry.
Almost all MAJestic agents are retired as sex offenders. That is the only way to monitor, and if necessary, control their behavior when lock-outs have been applied.
As for hiring felons, it would really depend on the felony and even at that, the door wouldn't be open as wide. I wouldn't hire somebody with a fraud conviction to do bookkeeping. Or a pedophile to run a daycare. But if they've "paid their debt to society" and the felony isn't in obvious contradiction to the job responsibilities, I could be convinced to give them a chance. Again, wouldn't be my first choice and the probation period on that job would be a long one. Trust is not easily earned with me but it's not impossible to earn. -NoDebt
Retirement is mandatory.
The MAJestic core kit #1 probes must be shut off. There has to be a controlled isolation of memories, and a lockout of MAJestic abilities and understandings. By retiring through the Sex Offender registry, certain “evaluation” protocols can be utilized. Trained individuals from Washington (figuratively speaking) can supervise the procedure, and operate the necessary equipment.
Then, the agent is monitored passively through State Sex Offender registries and reporting protocols.
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