The art of Emile Friant

This one is called “Political Discussion”.

Emile Friant was an artist who produced a known 75 artworks. He is considered to be a French Naturalist artist. He was born 1863 and died in 1932. He lived a good solid life. And he left behind some wondrous works of art.

Chagrin d’Enfant

Fantastic. Just fantastic.

It’s examples of paintings like this that convince me that the art medium has a degree of superiority over the digital camera. Accuracy is not always what we look for (unless you have a mental illness). Instead we are looking for a reflection of our feelings when we experience things. I think that this painting captures this moment wonderfully.

The Familiar Birds

Just lovely. I love how the colors in the outfit blend together. As an artist I cannot help but admire her foot, the way her hand rests on her hip, and her nice breast. The artist painted her beauty and her eyes all framed with her wonderful hair. I just love this work.

Homme et son chat près du poêle

Man and his cat. What man didn’t want to get warm to a cozy fire, and share his daily catch of fish with his beloved kitty? This picture has charm. It appeals to me.

Wood Nymph

The creatures of the woods. Often depicted as young girls au naturelle. I love the wood and the glade that it opens up towards. Charming, sensuous, and calming all at the same time.

Les Amoureux (Soir d’automne)

Romantic discussion over the water. It’s autumn.  The man is smoking a cigarette and discussing life and his view with the fine lady beside him. It is something that is both calming and tender. I love it.


The outline sketch. A well done painting. Quite small in size comparatively. Very nice. Nice picture frame. It’s a nice bedroom or hallway painting.

Mère et ses enfants dans un intérieur

Watching over the baby. I do love the color selection, and the over all layout of this work. The historical clothes are a nice touch, but the baby face is just charming.

Les Canotiers

The boatmen. Just a group of friends having dinner or lunch on a nice day outside. Lovely. This type of activity used to be very common. Not so much any longer. Sadly. There is so much that we have tossed aside in the name of progress and modernization.

Studio Visit

Don’t you love those outfits? When I see this work I love the colors and the shadings, as well as the particular attention to details. Like the artists’ hands, and the hair bonnet, and the oily rag, while other aspects of the painting are left blurry or unfinished. It’s true art.

The Tramp

The stonework is all impressionist style. I love it. It’s a hard life; a solitary life. A lonely life.

The Entrance of the Clowns

I love the uniqueness of the subject matter. This would be a nice living-room, kitchen or bedroom painting. I think and believe. It’s just curious and well done.


This work really appeals to me. I created a similar work. Alas it was discarded when I was fired on Christmas eve and they didn’t box it up. After the holiday, I came back to retrieve it and discovered that the custodians threw it in the trash. Such is life.

Le Repos des Artistes

And this idealistic idyllic life is certainly appealing. As we see a fine lass strolling along the path on a wonderful day. One can only hope that there is some wine, cheese and baguettes in that satchel. It would be a nice time to take and enjoy the day.


Art isn’t a singular painting that some wealthy patron buys and hoards inside his house. It is everything. It is the dew on the grass in the morning, to the sleek lines of your clothes iron. It is the smile on your pet’s face when it is napping after a meal, and the warmth of a pile of clothes out of the dryer on a cold, cold Winter day.

I just wanted to share these images with you all. I hope that you enjoyed them.

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at painting? It’s not hard. You watch a few Bob Ross videos and get started. It’s fun, and a great way to relax and pass the time. I recommend it wholeheartedly.

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I love these paintings. Never heard of this artist till today. Thank you.


Marvelous painter, Friant reminds me at times of Beauregeau, but with a wider repertoire of technique and subjects. Your taste is excellent, the pre-Raphaelite style paintings from earlier posts were also top-notch.
[It looks like the link addresses are getting mixed up, though – this page’s address is: ].

Though not up to those 19th century masterpiece levels, the Russians had some fair works, at least by 20th century standards. Here’s a private collection. (Apologies for the glare, photographing paintings is harder than it looks.)


My comment seems to have disappeared – anyway, excellent taste.
Not nearly as good as what’s in your art posts, but here‘s an interesting gallery of mostly 20th c. Russian art, presented in a much better order than I linked to in my first post.


Oh yes nice painting. I thought that they were hd photos. Who knew people can paint like that. Nice work.especially that second gal. Question: I would like to ask the domain. Will this young man make it?

Ohio Guy

I miss watching Bob Ross turn a blank canvas to life in a matter of minutes. Awe inspiring. Some of these greats have the ability to paint life into their works.