The art of Myeong-Minho and his portraits of love and relationships

All of these Earth-shattering events have really eaten up my time and had to; and forced me, to put important articles / posts on the “back-burner”. Here, in this article, we are going to explore the beauty of art. Oh, don’t give me that look. Art is wonderful and stupendous. And I happen to treasure it.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

South Korea is full of talented artists, and Myeong-Minho is one of them. This man is slowly but surely taking over the hearts of people all over the internet with his beautiful drawings. And after looking at them, you might feel the beauty of falling in love yourself.

Myeong-Minho draws cozy, intimate daily moments of a cute couple’s lives – from cooking, napping together, to travel.

The cat that can be seen in most of Myeong drawing ideas is inspired by his real-life cat Dorim.

But the art is about family.

And it is about relationships.

It is about feelings.

And it is about community.

“Dorim has a lot of charm and playfulness like a puppy,” illustrator wrote on his Instagram.

“He is really cute and pretty, except for his hand and claws.”

Myeong-Minho adopted the kitten when in the early fall of 2016, a woman came to him when he was drawing near The Dorimcheon river and asked him to hold the cat for a few minutes but then disappeared.

And so the kitten left in the artist’s hands.

Myeong-Minho is an amazing illustrator whose warm and cute drawings are worth the praise and recognition, so take a look at some of his creations below.

And so let me present this…

And this…

And so let me present this…

And this…

And so let me present this…

This too…

And so let me present this…

And this…

Yes. So many beautiful prints.

Ah, it’s only the “tip of the iceberg”.

Here’s one about COVID…

So many drawings to select from.

This is only a small sampling.

Imagine these prints all over your home…

Looks like paradise? It’s reality. If you allow it.

If you allow these images in your life, they will manifest for you.

Understand the power of thought.

It bends your reality and changes it.

It’s quantum physics 101.

To understand how to control your life, you have to realize this basic principle.

Thought is everything.

Control your thoughts and you control your life.

How do you feel after looking at all these drawings?

Do you feel sad? Gloomy? Or, do you feel positive and hopeful?

Whatever your age, and whatever your situation, I promise you that there is a GREAT life waiting for you.

Whether alone with a sunshine monkey daughter…

Or getting old and grouchy…

We all have some traits that define us in a good way. Embrace them.

You deserve it. You really, really do.

The art is about a boy and a girl falling in love.

Then, they get married and set up a home.

Then, they have a child.

And a kitty cat.

And another child.

And then they grow old together.

The art carries me away to happy times.

And I hope, that it carries you also to good places and happy times.

Have a wonderful day!

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my (underutilized, and rarely visited) Art Index. Please go there to see some more beauty…



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Heartwarming. I really needed this.

Thank you.


Reminds me of a more colourful version of the old Love Is.. cartoon strips. Delightful.


Just Beautiful, Thank You for this…


Dearest ALL, MM (and OTHERS) is helping save HUMANITY. Remember the MM legacy. Be a RUFUS (TM).

The Philosopher-Warrior-King is the ONE we wait for. And I think he’d probably like Myeong-Minho’s message in his art.

Moderate conservatism, and the importance of a traditional family and family relationships.

Hmm, I hear two of the largest countries (powerhouses) from Zone B are recently very much favoring this and the countries from Zone A are crying “authoritarian monsters who are committing violence against the intersectional WAGABAGA LGBTFREAKPLUS communities.”

Well, ya know what I mean…

May the Supreme Commander VERY QUICKLY save us from the next few excruciatingly painful steps and MAKE IT SO – a world where Myeong-Minho’s visions become everyday reality – for EVERYONE.

Thank you, MM and others.


Simply beautiful. Touched my heart. Thanks for sharing with us all.


China’s Norman Rockwell?


Love is most powerful

Ohio Guy

Thank you for this. I really needed this.