The bottom just dropped out from the neocon pro-war faction that want a war over Taiwan

For those of you who are unaware, the k-street neocons (in Washington DC) have been promoting a war with China for over four years now. They started with [1] a war over “democracy” in Hong Kong, and when that failed, they started [2] with a war over Tibet with India, and when that failed, they started [3] with a war over the Uighur Muslims though Afghanistan, and that failed as well. The last group of beating drums has been [4] a war over Taiwan.

“Leaked” nonsense articles discussing Chinese plans to invade Taiwan are all over the Western press. Of course, if you go to the source of this Intel, you will see a glossy supermarket tabloid devoid of facts. Never the less, the drum beats have been a booming. And the neocons in Washington has even started laying out “tweets” using official Whitehouse websites…

…and Biden put a complete end to all this immediately.

Have you noticed how all the “fire hose” of media against China regarding Taiwan has ended? When was the last time you saw an article promoting American involvement in a war over Taiwan?

Why is this?

This is why…

Yup. This goes 100% against everything that Mike Pompeo and the rest of that ghoulish neocon cabal are saying.

What’s Next?

Well, the Morrison regime is still pushing for a war with China. Maybe they will try to perform amphibious landings on the coast of Shenzhen. Who knows? These people are that “bat shit crazy”!

This is a short article, but the content is significant.

America will stand down, and not get involved with any conflict over Taiwan. All those folk who are promoting war, more military spending and all other factors regarding a war with China over Taiwan has got their “wings clipped”.

Notice how none of this is being reported in any American “news”. The only way that you can tell that anything is going on is the lack of coverage regarding Taiwan.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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It seems Morrison has taken a big step backwards in the recent days. Compare these two articles from the same news source. One is dated 4 months ago, whilst the other is very recent. Note that the “Australian” newspaper mentioned in the first article is (I believe) one of Murdoch’s main papers over here, and how Molan – clearly in their pocket – is touting the China threat; we were treated to all news stations dishing out a similar message; China is a threat, and one day soon it will be necessary to go to war with them, we better start preparing for it. The man named Angus Campbell mentioned in the article is in charge of our special forces; he has pissed off a lot of ex servicemen after recently disbanding the 2SAS squadron after it became the centre of a scandal involving illegal “ritual” killings when it was on tour in Afghanistan – I believe China had something to say about this. There was a recent naval ship commemoration where Campbell was made to look like a complete fool when the entertainment organisers for the event decided to bring out some Asian women shaking their booties in front of the camera; it was chalked down to a mistake, but those who looked closer could tell it had clearly been arranged by Stokes’s friends within the military (Stokes owns the national memorial) for 2 reasons; to say a big Fuck you to China and a big Fuck you to Campbell for disbanding the 2SAS unit. the look on Campbell’s face told us all he wasn’t very impressed.

Aussie troops warned that ​war with China highly likely, prepare for conflict (

PM Morrison says Australia ‘working hard’ to avoid war with China (

and here is another from last month making China out to be the bad guy once again:

Scott Morrison warns China ‘conflict’ risk is growing ahead of G7 summit (

Ultan McG

Fascinating, and have you noticed shit’s starting to happen in Cuba, now? Same playbook. A blogger I read frequently has opined that the plan is for the US to completely withdraw from Asia and the Middle East and focus entirely on the Americas– with Canada– moving toward the future. (Part of China’s conditions post bio-attack in order not to retaliate, I wonder? Maybe Biden has been making amends, or is trying to?)
Although, given the current state of things I don’t know how that would be possible. And what about the citizens in South America, generally? What would they have to say about that.

Ultan McG

Unlikely, but invade Cuba or Venezuela? Or Colombia? Very possible. But there are Russian assets and missile silos in place, there. I know that, too. Have been for decades. And British Guiana (Dutch, too) are practically intelligence agency outposts keeping an eye of those Russians (and Chinese probably).
As for Afghanistan, I don’t accept the US has moved out because it’s all over the mainstream media– and give up all that heroin? Hundreds of billions annually smuggled mostly through Camp Bondsteel– entirely set up for that purpose?


Let’s face it – with OUR neocons – any of the above I can see happening.
Whoever is pulling the strings – bra-vo isolating America. Now rather than being a homicidal maniac hell bent on killing anyone- we NOW are- a suicidal maniac hell bent on killing ourselves. Trying to pin that down in the human psyche is impossible enough – doing it en masse – damn.

Right now the American arm of war is being turned on its own citizens.
If China isn’t courting the REAL white supremacist faction in America, they really would not be playing by their own military leaders thesis’. Those fuckers must be REAL angry.

And for all those outside of the USA – not all of us are racists. Most of us can care less. Some stereotypes are real and we have our biases, but I don’t know anyone that is comfortable saying the N-word around each other. But that small faction, the KKK… they gotta be MAD pissed.


I started then couldn’t stop. I hope you find it suitable for publishing.
From Global times, July 12th :”The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) forces expelled a US Navy destroyer that trespassed into Chinese territorial waters in the South China Sea on Monday, the day that coincided with the fifth anniversary of the so-called South China Sea Arbitration ruling.
..Without authorization from the Chinese government, the US guided missile destroyer USS Benfold illegally trespassed into China’s territorial waters of Xisha on Monday, and the PLA Southern Theater Command organized maritime and aerial forces to track and monitor it and warned it away, Senior Colonel Tian Junli, spokesperson of the command, said in a statement released on the same day..
The Xisha Islands are inherent territory of China, and the US military’s move seriously violated China’s sovereignty and security, damaged peace and stability in the South China Sea, and violated international law and international relations norm, Tian said, noting that this marks another irrefutable evidence of US’ militarization in the region with navigational hegemony.”
The name of the ship ringed a bell, USS Benfold, It is named after a war hero, I think they even made a movie about him ,that was during the, drums please … the Korean War. Maybe it has a significance, maybe not.
Reading some articles about it in the media, it was interesting to find this in the MSM:
“We urge the United States to immediately stop such provocative actions,” the Southern Theatre Command said in a statement. The US Navy did not immediately comment.
The incident came as the US repeated a warning to China that an attack on Philippine armed forces in the South China Sea would trigger a 1951 defense treaty between the US and the Philippines. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the comment in a written statement exactly five years after the ruling by an arbitration tribunal repudiating China’s vast territorial claims in the South China Sea.”

So on July 11th, on Sunday, as this was utterly most important stuff to do, just a day before they send a destroyer named after an American war hero that fell during the last war US and China forces fought one against the other, the good all rule based empire had to repeat its warning, as it seems many countries has some earing problems lately.

“WASHINGTON (REUTERS) – The United States on Sunday (July 11) repeated a warning to China that an attack on Philippine armed forces in the South China Sea would trigger a 1951 US-Philippines mutual defense treaty. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the comment in a written statement marking the fifth anniversary of a ruling by an arbitration tribunal, repudiating China’s vast territorial claims in the South China Sea“.

Well, neocons are neocons, cone heads, Flintstones, which you use, lethal of course but lack the charm and flexibility of their mirror image, the Clintons or the Obama brand.

I am not sure which is worse, or better. For me this is but a camouflage. You use the people according to their needs, abilities and character.
This is the brilliant way, the British Empire, sitting on a cold island with a small to medium population succeeded in maintaining and controlling an empire large as so the sun never set upon. My argument is, that they did it not because of their military might but by using Machiavellian philosophy in their actions.

Israel is a small example for a divide and conquer, and I am quite sure it happened by mistake ( and very sure that without the holocaust it was not to happen at all) or maybe intended, who knows, as the British left it as they left India and Pakistan trapped to die in millions in wars based on British decisions.

Israel is not the point, because it is not important for itself, it serves as a good clashing point or conflict point which Machiavellian philosophy uses to control the people and nations in this area. Divide and rule, or lately divide and control.
Real Zionists like my grandfather came to Israel in the beginning of the 20th century, much before the holocaust. Palestine was a shitty place, a hole in the ground and they built it stone by stone. It was for centuries part of the Ottoman Empire, as most of the Middle East and it was striped and divided between Europeans for their use.
My grandfather as others left Europe to build his beloved and ancient homeland as he was influenced by the national uprising of people and nations mainly in Europe in that time. He was religious yet a scholar who was fluent in seven languages and he left university to go work the land in a harsh shit hole full of diseases, desert kind of place.
This people were crazy. But they made a difference. My grandfather kept visiting the place he was born and raised up in, Hungary. And he did it every year for a full month until a year before he died. He was a proud Hungarian, yet he was first and most a Zionist Jew. And he kept working until the day he died. In the Age of 93.

Look, I have no issues with you guys. My grandfather was a good man, as he worked the land, he worked mostly with Arabs, he spoke Arabic fluently and he had no illusions of what would happen if this empire or that empire will leave the place. Maybe He was racist, as most of European where regarding Arabs or other not European people, but I like to think he was more of a realist.
Europe and European culture used Jews as scapegoats for centuries. This is not going to disappear like that. It is in the blood, and only special people can rise upon it, as it is like pre condition or Meta software.
Switching the scapegoat and centering the hate beam from Jewish to Zionists or Zionist Jews make no difference. Wealthy or powerful Jewish people who happened to live with their families for centuries in Europe, in England or the US are often portrayed as Zionists. Unfortunately, by definition they are not. And I assume their connection to Judaism is the same as the house of Borgia had with Jesus Christ. Although they were the most powerful catholic family at that time. How strange, they do no not represent the Christian catholic people or the Christian spirit.
I wanted to write about Gordon Duff, but I will not. Like him there are many. My enemy is the one which define me and my people as enemies. I have no issues with Arabs, Muslims, Christian or Asians people. All people are brothers, but some ask to have a sole control on others. These psychopaths dwell more in some cultures more than others. Mostly it is a question of power which makes people crazy, so why we see them more in the western hemisphere, which rule the world ( a vast part of it) from the 15th century till today. Liberal Democracy and capitalism made it even easier for the new breed, a herd of psychopaths, this time determined not by royal affiliations but by pure power (wealth, capital etc) to rise into power, to the head of the pyramid.
So here we are, year 2021, waiting for the psychopaths to make their move.   
Being rational, and of course wanting to believe in the less catastrophic outcome of events (that we perceive as better, not necessarily it is the case).
We opt that the psychopaths will do the logical step as for the military and geo political arena are not in their favor. Stop this nonsense, make the US and some vassal countries which are completely under your control a tech tyrant kingdom which you will be the only kings and queens to rule. A plan that is already had been put in place. Not a bright future for the people of those countries but it is what it is.
The only problem is that they are psychopaths, not as a word you through to insult, but by the psychiatric and scientific definition. So their actions would be accordingly to that, and not accordingly to what sane, normal and boring people like us will do.
I just hope the leaders in China and Russia understands the nature of things, that they do not fall for what their heart (as ours) wish for, that they prepare and are willing to act without any remorse and for the best interests of their nation, their culture and their people.    

Bo Chen

More and more I see geopolitics through the thermodynamic lens of energy flows. Global peak energy is what is reshaping the structure of societies and civilizations with one broad categorical stroke… After China said NO to signing Plaza Accord 2.0, the US released the CIA biovirus as artificial demand destruction and a pretext to do the great harvesting of the world by printing to infinity and exporting that inflation to squeeze its allies and vassals abroad that much more harder…. For US to survive it now has to resort to cannalbalizing not only the other nations of the world but also turn inwards, internal canabalization of its bottom 90% of its population… the nonnegotiable America way of life is being renegotiated and by the end of the decade you will own nothing, have no privacy, be able to go nowhere, and be happy