The dragon starts to move

You need a stiff drink to watch the apocalypse unfold. 

-Gonzalo Lira

I can tell you that many Chinese are upset that the PLA did not blow the plane carrying Nancy Poliski out of the sky. There’s all sorts of thoughts on this. In general, the mood in China is one of great seismic shift.

Things are forever changed.

That being said, the USA and the Western press is having a field day proclaiming the “victory dance” for “democracy” and all the rest. Mainstream “news” coverage is announcing how the USA “showed who’s boss”.

Do not be so sure.

I think that the Chinese strategy is to move (geopolitical) pieces in place. Whether it involves this particular person or not, is of no consequence. What has occurred is that NOW China has the pieces lined up to solve the “Taiwan Issue” once and for all.

Let me explain.

What has occurred (with Nancy Poliski) is a MAJOR violation of Chinese national sovereignty. China knows who the aggressors are. China knows the systems used. China knows the operational situation, and China understands what will come next.

Thus, you can expect the following to be truisms that the Chinese realize;

  • America is not only poking China, but it is goading it towards war.
  • The attacks will only get worse.
  • The main “pressure point” is Taiwan.

Now, China has the excuse to lock Taiwan down.

Now, China has the excuse to get rid of the American-sponsored Taipei government.

Now, China can argue “we did not attack American forces”.

And now China can seize Taiwan once and for all. Let America howl. But you know, it will do nothing. It will stand by and watch. Of course, it will then impose “sanctions from Hell.” Which, or course, China is fully ready to rub the American face in the shit it created.

We begin with how this affects Taiwan…

China Halts Exports of . . . SAND . . . to Taiwan

China has ordered a complete halt to the export of natural sand to Taiwan.   At first glance, most folks would say “Sand? So what!”  But Taiwan makes computer chips and the silicone to make those chips comes from . . .  Oh, yea . . .  sand.

Moreover, Chinese Battery Manufacturer CATL has announced they are “freezing” the opening of a $5 Billion battery plant in the USA.  The plant was supposed to supply batteries for Tesla and Ford.

We have also received reports CLAIMING (but not yet verified) that Chinese suppliers to APPLE have suspended all product and parts deliveries; allegedly crippling APPLE.

These changes took place within hours of Nancy Pelosi violating China’s demand that she not visit Taiwan.

Things will likely get much worse from this point as China retaliates for violation of its Diplomatic demands.

I am not alone in believing the consequences of this action…

From FOX “news”.

Tucker Carlson. He’s actually in agreement with me.

Errol Flynn

Legendary swashbuckler Errol Flynn would never have survived #MeToo had he been born sixty years later. The man was wild. And wildly immoral. He was like Charlie Sheen times a million. Orgies, everywhere. Underaged lovers. Drunk parties with multiple nude starlets and Erol, playing piano butt naked with his erect penis hitting all the right keys…


No, this man was something else. And even in the era he lived, full of fixers and more forgiving of scandals when involving a man and his various sexual conquests… Flynn was still ‘a bridge too far’ for many people. He was scandal and intrige personified.

Drugs. Alcohol. Copious amounts of all sorts of pills, potions and powders known to man, many of it no longer in production. Fights, everywhere. With everyone. Sex with everyone. And with everyone’s wife, everyone’s daughter… Flynn was a tireless beast of seductive burden.


See that lovely lady above? Her name is Beverly Aadland. They started ‘seeing each other’ when she was fifteen. And when I say ‘seeing each other’, I mean ‘banging the everlasting daylights out of each other’. As I said, the man was wild. And he didn’t care about age. Or legality.

It was in the presence of Aadland that Errol Flynn died on October 14, 1959… Flynn was fifty, Beverly just 17. He still got a heroes burial and a funeral worthy of a king. He was never cancelled and lived his depraved life full of debauchery free as a bird without a care in the world.

Quick Pepper Steak

When I need a speedy skillet supper, this pepper steak comes to my rescue. The tender meat is slightly sweet, with a hint of brown sugar and molasses. —Monica Williams, Burleson, Texas



  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh gingerroot
  • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 can (14-1/2 ounces) beef broth
  • 3 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • 1-1/2 pounds beef top sirloin steak, cut into 1/4-inch strips
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 2 large green peppers, cut into 1/2-inch strips
  • 1-1/2 cups sliced celery
  • 3 green onions, chopped
  • 4 teaspoons lemon juice
  • Hot cooked noodles, optional


  1. In a bowl, combine the cornstarch, brown sugar, ginger and garlic powder. Stir in broth until smooth. Add soy sauce and molasses; set aside.
  2. In a nonstick skillet or wok, stir-fry steak in oil for 4-5 minutes; remove and keep warm. Stir-fry peppers, celery and onions until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Stir broth mixture and add to the vegetables. Return meat to the pan. Bring to a boil; cook and stir until thickened, about 2 minutes. Stir in lemon juice. Serve over noodles if desired.

The Clacton Spear


The oldest man made object on earth, sits in a display in the Natural History Museum, London.

This stunningly well preserved spear point is by far the oldest known wooden tool ever found, it was made over a hundred thousand years before anatomically modern humans first appeared on the scene, by some early ancestor of our species, a clever Hominin with a penchant wood carving.

Made from Yew wood, skilfully carved by razor sharp worked flints and shaped into a stout spear, a tool made for hunting the large prey of the land bridge between Britain and Europe.


Perhaps this stout spear was made for hunting Giant Irish Elk, which roamed the area this spear was found, or maybe Mammoths or wild boar.

As someone who actively uses the wood of Yew trees to make Longbows, I’m acutely aware that this incredible unique wood has been used by ancient humans since the beginning of time, for making the finest heavy draw weight bows, strong staves, clubs, handshafts and spears.

Anyway, in 1911, an amateur prehistorian named Samuel H. Warren, was busy searching for prehistoric artefacts at low tide on the shoreline near his home, he had previously found worked stones and all manner of Neolithic trinkets, but then one day he spotted what looked like a muddy stick peeking out from just beneath the surface of the Palaeolithic sediment, he pulled it out and quickly realised it was something special and took it home to clean and preserved it. A few years later, Samuel Warren casually walked into a stuffy society of scientific research and upended their long held academic beliefs regarding the inability of premodern humans to manufacture such well made tools.

The 420,000 year old Yew spear that lay resting beneath the waves for almost half a million years.

  1. When you sign up for anything online, put the website’s name as your middle name. That way when you receive spam/advert email, you will know who sold your information.
  2. If you’re on a first date and aren’t connecting with the other person or feel they’re dull, ask them what job they’d choose if money wasn’t an issue. It initiates a talk about one’s passions, which are rarely dull and are simple to connect.
  3. If you want to be an effective communicators, let others talking about themselves and their interests – it’s as rewarding as sex.
  4. Do not try to be the man your father would want you to be. Be the man you would like your son to be be. It more clearly defines your own convictions, desires, goals, and motivates you to be your best.
  5. Pay Attention to the smell of your home when you come back from a trip – that’s what it smells like to guests all the time, you just get used to it.
  6. When a friend is upset, ask them one simple question before saying anything else: ‘Do you want to talk about it or do you want to be distracted from it?’
  7. No matter how much your workplace pushes “team building” and “family culture” – remember, they’re not your friends and it’s still a workplace.
  8. If you’re stuck on an annoying call, put your phone on airplane mode instead of just hanging up. The other person will see “call failed” instead of “call ended”.
  9. If you want to learn a new language, figure out the 100 most frequently used words and start with them. Those words make up about 50% of everyday speech, and should be a very solid basis.

King Louis XV

Louis XV had several lovers, some very young like those he kept in his “parc aux cerfs”, the place where his younger lovers stayed because they had not yet been officially introduced as official lovers.

Louis XV was always a very sensual person, and that is why he sent Mariana Victoria, his fiancée, back to Spain because she was too young to marry and consummate the marriage.

Mariana Victoria of Spain.

At the age of 15, he married a Polish noblewoman who did not have a very prestigious lineage, but who was older and more experienced than him, as well as being relatively attractive: Marie Leszczynska. During their wedding night, it is rumored that he consummated her marriage “seven times”.

Queen Maria van Loo.

And as for their sexual habits, it is unlikely that they were extraordinary. With the exception of Du Barry, her mistresses had little experience of the subject, as they were generally married women, often to other aristocrats (they only had experience with their husbands), or young virgins.

The King revealed to the Duke d’Ayen that Jean du Barry, his last lover and former prostitute, “had helped him discover things that he thought did not exist”, to which the nobleman replied that it was because “he had never been in a brothel ”.

The Duran Agrees with MM

Well, sort of. Mr. Barnes feels that China will not make a military move on Taiwan. I disagree. The entire nation of China, all 1.6 billion people are all ready to flood into Taiwan right now. The overall feeling is “enough is enough. It’s time to stop this nonsense!”.


Check this out.



The Queen of Purza

My father did not really like cats.

I moved back home in 2013 to care for him, he was 93 at the time, and adopted a kitten 3 years later.

Dad was bedridden the last 3 months of his life so I made sure his door was securely closed to keep Purza out.

One day I heard Dad moaning in pain over the intercom, so I hurried to get his meds.

While I was getting them, Dad stopped moaning, which scared me because it was usually 30 minutes or more after his meds before he would quiet down.

I ran to his room and noticed his door was open.

What I saw in his room makes me cry even though it’s 4 years later.

Dad was in his bed with the head of it slightly raised, and laying beside him with her head right by his ear, was Purza and she was purring away.

She has a very loud purr.

Dad had his hand on her, a look of peace on his face, and he was sound asleep.

That was the first time he’d fallen asleep without pain meds in over 6 months.

I had named my kitten The Queen of Purza but right then I seriously thought of changing it to The Angel Purza, because that’s what she was.

The Queen of Purza

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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And where was Errol born why Tasmania of course.