The mechanism of how your thoughts are able to navigate the MWI and select appropriate world-lines. What you need to do and how to accomplish it.

This article is part of my prayer / intention campaign sub-index. In it we discuss how you can change your life by your thoughts. And, in this particular article, we look at the mechanism(s) involved. We look at just how a consciousness is able to navigate. This is a rather deep conversation, and certainly more involved than what I have been saying in the past. That “thoughts create reality“. Here we talk about how and why it works that way.

It all began with a simple question;

...Another thing I noticed and perhaps this is of value to my fellow MM.

Six months ago when starting my first prayer campaign MM style I started to feel tired of praying after about 3 weeks already. And my former prayer style was just as long So it wasn't the change in style. Just tired after years of relentless prayer I guess. As a result my other 2 campaigns I still go through all my rituals and prayers but as a robot So to speak. So much less intensity in the words.

Yet I have seen lots of things manifesting.

It seems one can go through prayers by just saying them out loud even when you don't feel like it much sometimes.

Is that the case? And if so, how come just talking to other people when saying you are gonna do things doesn't cause that to happen. Whats the technical difference.

Or has my brain been primed by my previous years of prayer?

Would love your take on it MM and some readers too I think.

The point here is the basic question;

If thoughts change the reality, why does vocalizing them out loud appear to have an effect, when thinking about them in silence doesn't?

And we will answer it here.

To understand how affirmation prayers work, you need to look at the way things work. Forget about Newtonian science. You need to look at Quantum science for answers.

You Must vocalize or write down your thoughts.

You just cannot think things and expect them to happen.

Yes. I know. I know. I have repeatedly stated that what you think causes your desires to manifest. And yes, that is the general outline of how it works, but that is not the “operation manual”. You need to perform a physical action regarding those thoughts to use them to navigate.

You must either [1] vocalize or [2] write the thoughts down. You must do something physically to connect the thoughts to your reality. Other techniques might include the display of pictures that you can view while you are thinking about things. You need a physical connection.

You need to physically write and vocalize your navigation direction for it to work.

Otherwise NOTHING will happen.

Thoughts alone will not cause things to happen. Wishing for things to happen will not make them happen. Worrying about things will not cause them to manifest. You MUST do something physically.

You must do something physically

It has been my experience that if you write things down in a list, and then read them out verbally (not silently), the system will work.

You can also use rituals, create talismans, generate electronic mechanisms that operate in the physical to generate physical navigation movements.

You can create a “vision board”. The creation of the vision board will have the same effect as reading a verbal affirmation. And the viewing of the board, will contribute to that effect. (The contribution magnitude will be lesser than the actual creation of the board.) So viewing a vision board isn’t as effective as creating one.

Recommendation for best results

I recommend that [1] you generate a list of affirmations, and [2] that you read them out loud in a campaign, that [3] consists of an on/off cycle for the best effects.

The pre-birth world-line template

The most important thing that you must understand is that our consciousness is foreign to this universe.

Our consciousness did not evolve in THIS universe. It evolved in a different universe. 

Thus it is alien. It doesn't fit here.

This universe is something that the consciousness USES for it's own purposes.

I know that that opens up a ton-load of questions. Answers to that and their implications are “above my pay grade”, but I do have some thoughts. I can cover them later on if you wish.

Our consciousness comes from soul.

Soul creates a smaller part of itself. This part is known as "consciousness" and it is used to travel outside of the "Heaven" universe.

Again. The “soul” does not exist here; in this (apparent) universe. The soul occupies an entirely separate universe. One which I refer to as “The Heaven Universe”.

The Soul creates a consciousness.

It ejects that consciousness into a “transport tube”; a kind of tunnel.

This tunnel is a mechanism for the consciousness to move from one universe to another.

Then the consciousness arrives in the “reality” universe.

Being foreign, there is really nothing that our consciousness is able to do in this “reality” universe. It is like water and oil. They just do not interact together well.

The only thing that our consciousness is able to do is generate thoughts. That is it.

Like a sun generates light, or how a flame creates sparks. The consciousness is able to create the same kinds of "stuff" that it is comprised of. This is what thoughts are.

Thoughts are a form of the same kind of constructions as one's consciousness is.

And this reality universe (as I like to call it), consists of a near infinite number of fixed world-lines.

The "Heaven" universe is completely different from the "reality" universe.

In fact, it is almost like the "reality" universe is an "artificial"  construct of some type.

The "reality" universe consists of an infinite number of static moments in time, or what I call "world-lines".

All that our soul can do, is inject our consciousness into a body. Then, once the consciousness is there, the thoughts that the consciousness has navigates to the next world-line based on the highest-probability occurrence. This highest-probability of occurrence is a pre-established vector that the consciousness follows independent of thought.

We call this the “world-line pre-birth template”.

It is the fated direction that your life will unfold towards as your consciousness rides the physical body life-time. It is critically important in what your life will present to you to experience. (At least that is what your very own soul expects.)

You could be an infant, brain-dead in a vegetative state, or mind dulled by drugs and abuse, but the vector path of the life that you will live will be following the pre-mapped out “pre-birth world-line template”. It is the system that your soul establishes for your consciousness. It is the way for your consciousness to obtain experiences.

How to navigate the world-lines

Well, thoughts are the ONLY thing that the consciousness can create.

And thoughts act like a magnet to the most similar world-lines. The thoughts form a “shape” or better yet, a “profile” that surrounds the consciousness. And the consciousness automatically moves towards the world-lines that match that profile.

This is a basic activity that describes MOVEMENT UPON the pre-birth world-line template.

But it does not describe movement off the pre-birth world-line template. That requires a different mechanism for movement. (A similar mechanism, but fundamentally different.)

So thoughts alone, without any further actions, can navigate upon the pre-birth world-line template. It is what is known as a “fated life”.

So if you rely on your thoughts alone to navigate, you will find that your life seems to be “fated”. That you might wish and yearn for things, but they never materialize. You might think about that nice guy or gal at the coffeehouse, but nothing will really manifest. Your life will just follow your pre-mapped out life.

Your thoughts might move you close to certain areas, but it won’t take you to where you want to go.

Movement off the Pre-Birth World-line Template

If this situation describes you…

That you think, wish and dream for things, but they never materialize. It seems that your life is fated to some degree.

Then, you are “trapped” following the pre-birth world-line template.

If you do not want to follow the fated life that has been provided to you, then you will need to incorporate additional measures to navigate the MWI. You will need to navigate off the pre-birth world-line template.

There are two main techniques to do so.

  • Verbal Affirmations
  • Slides

Quick recap

There are three techniques in total.

  • Thoughts alone (dreams, wishes, desires, plans and obsessions).
  • Verbal affirmations (Written goals, and verbalizing them aloud.)
  • Slides.

Let’s talk about the systems that take you off your “fated life”…

Verbal Affirmations

You must physically say, write down, or illustrate your dreams and wishes and desires to navigate using this method. This connection; between thoughts  and action is the most fundamental  way that you can move upon your pre-birth world-line template.

  • You can move upon the “fated” pre-birth world-line template.
  • You can move “nearby” to your targets that might lie off the pre-birth world-line template, but are not that too “far distant”.

Now in illustration, for illustration and descriptive purposes, I have illustrated the pre-birth world-line template as a “flat sheet” showing a matrix of world-lines connected by highest probability routes. In reality, it’s not really flat. It actually looks like a thick slab. And the world-lines that lie upon this sheet actually are (instead) embedded within this slab.

So movement, most movement, whether directed by thoughts alone, or by verbal affirmations will lie within the “pre-birth world-line template” slab.

To move about off the pre-defined vector path (as defined by the pre-birth world-line template) you need to navigate further than what the (default) pre-birth world-line template allows.

That requires actual physical activity, or physically associated thoughts.

You see, our consciousness moves in a cyclic fashion following a sine curve. One half the time it is in wave form, in which is it moving from world-line to world-line. The other half of the time it is in particle form where it occupies the physical body.

  • It is ONLY when it is in wave form that the consciousness can physically move within the MWI.
  • It is ONLY when it is in particle form that the consciousness can control the navigation.

So, [1] to navigate you need a starting world-line; the one that you occupy at that moment. Thus your consciousness is in particle form. [2] Your consciousness can only generate thoughts when it is in wave form. So your thoughts are basically generated entering and leaving a reality.

In Wave Form...
You generate thoughts. 
You move on the MWI.

In Particle form...
You occupy a world-line.
You navigate to the next world line.

Combined together, the ONLY way to effective navigate through the MWI off the pre-birth world-line template, (or to extreme points upon the pre-birth world-line template), you must do so by directing while in particle form.

Thoughts alone.
You move and navigate at the same time. 
You can only do this upon a Pre-Birth World-Line Template.

Verbal Affirmations.
You do this while in particle form, upon a world-line.
You program the physical reality by your actions.

Thus, thoughts (in wave form) cannot alter your course vector substantively. Only your actions while in particle form can.

In short, when you are in the physical form, you are operating the levers that control the body via quantum particle forms. You MUST perform physical actions to navigate. This usually means thinking while you are doing something physical. Thus reading affirmations out loud.

Now, let’s talk about making REAL and SUBSTANTIVE changes to your life…

Performing a “Slide”

A “slide” is a complete movement off and outside of the pre-birth world-line template. And what defines it from the “verbal affirmations” are two primary characteristics.

  • You navigate in a similar fashion to “verbal affirmations” AND…
  • You establish a completely new world-line template terrain geometry.

This new world-line template replaces your pre-birth world-line template.

The smart MWI traveler would define the new world-line template that he/she would travel upon. And he/she would make sure and provide safeguards to guarantee that accidental world-line template geometry wouldn’t be accidentally created.

How to generate a replacement template to travel upon

It’s actually rather simple.

The “devil is in the details”.

Scene from “Breaking Bad”. Be careful about what you wish for. It might not be what you really want.

Or, in other words, you must verbally create the new replacement world-line template that you will follow. But of course, there are many unknowns doing this. You might think that you are creating one new reality for yourself by constructing the template, only to discover that you have “created a monster” and other unexpected events, and consequences have cropped up and appeared “out of the blue”.

Let’s use the following as an example…

You live a nice, but boring life. You have a small pizza business in a small town. You are pretty happy doing it, but you hear and read about how everyone else is getting rich investing in the stock-market and in bit-coin. So you decide to completely replace your pre-birth world-line template with a template of your own design.

You perform your normal verbal affirmation campaigns, but you specifically state that you have slid off the pre-birth world-line template and on to a a new template of your own geometry.

You describe the new template as a life of wealth as a big important businessman, with factories making frozen pizza that everyone loves. You describe your rich cars, fancy mansion and tons of money in the bank.

What you fail to realize that these possessions, when they manifest, all come with other attachments and events. many of which you do not like at all. Such as a divorce, arrest for tax evasion, and medical problems. And while you might try to alter the manifestation of these side effects, many cannot be helped.

You see, the illusion that a 20-something beauty queen can be a world famous scientist, knows kung-fu, and live in a mansion is just Hollywood nonsense. The real world does not work that way. Do not try to replicate that fantasy. It will not work the way you intend.

A slide to a new world-line template can come with all sorts of unintended consequences.

There are numerous techniques and methods to slide off your pre-birth world-line template. This is just an overview. Keep in mind that I would advise careful thought be given to this decision. Any slide, no matter how well intentioned, WILL come with unanticipated consequences.


You must verbalize and write down your verbal affirmations for them to work. Thoughts alone are ineffective in world-line navigation. As I have stated in my answer to the above question…

The act of talking involves a wide range of activities. More than just thinking.

Consider thinking about eating Lasagna. Now, I love the stuff, but it’s very difficult to get in China. I’d have to make it myself or have my wife order the ingredients, learn how to make it, and then present it to me as a meal. Yet, I find myself thinking about this luscious dish often. Yet is doesn’t appear.


Consider worrying about paying a bill. And you worry and worry how you are going to come up with the money. You think about strategies, and your mind goes off in all sorts of tangents related to the debt that just sits there festering. Yet nothing is resolved.


Thoughts alone are not associated with the physical reality. They are just creations of your consciousness, and the only… the ONLY exposure those thoughts have with anyone or anything else is the consciousness that generated them. That’s it.

But, if you connect those thoughts to the reality that you inhabit, they leave the wave form, and enter the particle form. That is how thoughts are able to influence the physical. They are created by the consciousness, and transmuted into a form that the reality can accept. The techniques for this to occur include speech, sounds, writing, actions, etc. Physical activity must occur to connect the thoughts to the reality that you inhabit.

Thus worrying and fretting but not speaking, or writing about it results in no effect. Nothing happens. But if you speak about the worries (in such a way that they are resolved) the solution and navigation within the reality that you navigate manifests.

YOU MUST WRITE and/or SPEAK thoughts out for them to manifest within your reality.

Sanity Check

This is easy enough to check.

Generate two sets of affirmations.

  • One set you read aloud and read what you have written down on paper.
  • The next second set is a picture that you will look at and think about what you want.

Watch and record which thoughts manifest sooner.

I hope that I was able to clarify some key points and added some understand on how the mechanism actually works. There will be more posts and articles on this in the future, as there will probably be many more questions generated by this discussion.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Affirmation prayer Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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First let me thank you big time for this.
Its good to read more about the technical side of prayers.
You already stated that you will have some more follow up posts and my guess is it involves synchronicities. And when you re going to do that one, and please dont feel in a rush, but Please include why they mean that someone performed a slide.
And if I may say so how its possible that I have had a lot of them after about a week into my pause on 2 occasions already. And I specifically tried to avoid causing a slide.
And my prayers in general have relative small improvements over my current life. And when it comes to my far out prayer, i still asked that it only materializes if its able without causing any strife or danger.
And besides that probably false positive I told you about a couple months ago , nothing shows up about that one. Yet.
Big thanks again. It feels good that you took the time and effort to write this.
And I hope my fellow MM readers find value in it too.

Rod Cloutier

I wanted to manifest ‘Win the lottery’, and if it can’t be myself, then someone near me.

About a week later my twenty three year old son in law got offered a huge promotion, making 72 dollars an hour. It seemed to me from this that my manifestation was starting to work. My daughter and her husband were always at our place, raiding our fridge for food, wanting to use my car, borrow money, do laundry ect, now they suddenly had much more money and they were less dependent.

But, like you indicated this came with negative and unforeseen consequences. Now that they have more money they are planning on moving to a nicer apartment far away from us. So I will see them less. My son in law also now has to travel as part of his big promotion, and he’s not around as much to support and keep my daughter comfortable and happy. Also, if the job continues this would reduce my chances of having grandkids at some point in the future.

Be careful what you wish for, you will likely get it, is an important understanding.


I would like to add something to MM ‘ s advice. About talking to your son in law.
And that is that you also put in your next prayer campaign something like this. 1 that you and your daughter and Son in law live close by to each other in a way that everybodies CONSCIENCE is happy.
2. They have enough money to be able to pay rent , utilities , groceries and money to buy extra items and still have some left at the and of the month.
Now i’ll give you some of my reasons for saying the above things and you can keep my reasoning atleast in your mind when constructing your own words for your prayers.
I do NOT jusk ask that your Son in law stays close by. Its too open ended which after the situation you created through your prayer , might need something horrible to happen to reverse it to the situation you want. Like an accident happening too him.
Which is also why I added that all your consciences be happy.
Lets for instance say that your son in law ‘s soul signed up for an accident to happen to him in his life than this might be when it takes place. His and your conscience and your daughters ofcourse wouldnt want that. This way it only happens if his soul overrides the prayer. Which couldnt be prevented anyway but at least from your side you did all you could.
My stating that you ask for the second thing involving just having a bit more money left after being able to pay for everything instead of a lot of money like you did. Eventhough you ment well it also causes more that you have to pay back. Hence asking for less as I suggest.
I have many more reasons for how I word my prayers but that would take a whole post lol.
I hope this is of value to you.

Hi MM, Thank you very much for this. This is great and I am already working on it. And any more follow up posts would also be great. I have been working on my prayers and now i will follow up with the writing and the picture. I can only imagine how much work all of this is to you and it is sincerely appreciated.

Bo Chen

The outlook is not too good for China, because America knows its hegemony is now on the line, so it will suffer the sacrifices needed to do whatever it takes. A total chip ban and semiconductor supply chain embargo will paralyse China tech industry long enough for America to achieve AI dominance first, and since fusion and fast breeders are still 3 decades away from scaling up (at best) it wont be enough to meet the global energy shortfalls from peak oil production… the world is now an ever more crowded shrinking zero sum… and its winner takes all… with China out of the way America can proceed to continue to constrict and cannalbalize the rest of the world for a few decades longer to keep its superstructure sustained and propped up….

Petrodollar is really just US military might holding the worlds oil hostage and forcing everyone to pay US the hegemony tax (petrodollar/US dollar as global reserve currency lets Feds print while exporting the inflation to rest of the world and taxing diluting the worlds savings)… history repeats itself

Now China spends 3x more money buying IC chips than imports of oil… Semiconductors are the new oil in the 4th industrial revolution. US can use strongarm sanctions backed by its military preeminence to force global compliance on a full chip embargo on China…

This will cause global upheaval but like with Covid (covert CIA biovirus) the US strategy is one of scorched earth.. and it can make the world or its allies/vassals absorb most of the pains and costs of this strategic decoupling and the rerouting of all tech manufacturing and supply chains out of China… the end goal is to collapse the Chinese economy so that to prolong the resource decline dilemma and allow America unilateral leverage to raise its hegemony tax on the world with Chinese competition now out of the way.

In the Automated world its not about cheap labor or low costs anymore, when AI mets Peak Oil, its about getting rid of the mass eaters and China is the greatest threat to US from a raising per capita of 1.4 billion people…

For these reasons Im sure there will be major conflict and hot kinetic interactions between US and China soon, within five years.

Covid, like the upcoming Chip embargo, was designed to cripple the global economy on purpose, its goal is large scale “demand destruction” to offset the global Peak Oil / resource depletion issues

America is prepared to sacrifice not only the rest of the world but also the useless eaters at the bottom rungs of the ladder of its own sheeple

In the AI automation age low skilled workers or cheap labor is not a boom its a resource liability for Elites of Empire

In a fully automated society America can be ran with much less people, certainly fewer than the 100 million predicted by Deagal

2021 is going to be the last semi-normal year, what is the best way for me to find a super attractive woman to go on trip or travel vacation with me later this year? I am in DFW


I think you’re very close to what’s happening now, Bo. And to what’s coming. I don’t think Biden’s in charge of anything. The US military is. And they’re preparing for Plan B in the aftermath of last summer’s defeat by the PLA and naval forces. Scorched Earth might just be it. Probably localised pockets as Mr Man has alluded to but wtf knows.
As for 2021 being the last seminormal year, I have heard just that very same thing from a friend I trust. Not so much in the Big Bang sense, though; more along the lines of tectonic shifts in how globalized society is organised– and right down to the grass roots level.
The Great Reset shpiel has become kind of a caricature at this stage, but take a close look at their predictions for 2030 rather than all the current vaccines hoo-haa. And then it isn’t so amusing, anymore. People are concerned about travel and vax-passports and stuff? By 2030 if these sacks of shit get their way, there WILL be no passports. Or mass travel. Those days are over– another thing I heard a few years back from my source.
And as you quite rightly point out: who’s gonna stop them?
I think it’s quite clear that our Benefactors won’t. Shit needs changing; and we’re only getting started.
Where I am even the most brain dead mask-zombies are starting to ask questions, now– lockdowns, destroyed local businesses, etc. The stench of fear and helplessless is in the air 24/7. Little do they know what’s coming. I mean, one can’t even give them a hint, because they’d probably just get angry and blame you.
Even the fucking churches are on board.
70-80% of humanity are about to be squeezed like lemons. And it’s not going to be pretty.
Stay safe, ya’ll.

Ohio Guy

Cue, Don’t Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult.


Agree 100%, OG. And in no way do I wish to sound negative. Funnily enough, my gut tells me what’s happening will have a good outcome as per Rob’s hypothesis. And also that the incoming events are well overdue. Cruelty to animals– aka fellow sentient travellers on this MWI of ours– is one area I’ve had the misfortune to be exposed to probably a bit more than most over the past decade, or so. And some of the stories I could tell you,,well,,I’m sure you can imagine. Just check out those pork factories stateside, for a pointed example; critters being used for target practice, left to die in misery and disease with their young ‘uns suckling their corpses, then killed themselves, and that’s just the start of it. Of course, it’s a global problem. And we won’t even go into the dog and cat ‘sanctuaries’ and ‘private collections’ after the owners get bored and/or run out of money.
Something is coming, and fear has no place. The world as we’ve known it is not sustainable whether or not we’re exposed to its horrors, or not. Although preparing to deal with millions and millions of terrified, hungry and dangerous chumps when the penny drops should perhaps be a top priority for everybody. I mean, we saw how they tore into each other over toilet paper, so could you imagine what it’ll be like when they get hungry? And armed?

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

Hello again MM, I have begun digging into your prayer campaign postings, for which I sincerely thank you, and I have 2 comments.

  1. In more than 1 place you assert that the ‘refresh rate’ (as I might call it) or frequency of a consciousness cycling through wave/particle time, is 4 Hz. As it happens, about a year ago I began to notice a gentle thrumming in my head as I lay quietly unable to sleep at night. It feels like a pulse in my inner ears, but the rate is about 3 times too fast. Very curious, very consistent and not dependent an anything I think or do. I thought perhaps some kind of EM pollution effect? So as some might do to try to lull themselves to sleep (as in counting sheep) I tried to estimate that frequency. I came up with 3.5 to 4 Hz. Interesting.
  2. I have decided to embark on a simple prayer campaign. I am 65, in an unfortunate celibate and increasingly moody childless marriage, so sex seems unachievable, but money is not a problem. I have already seen a hobby manifest into a 20 year long successful enterprise which I retired from last year as it gradually tailed off. In retrospect I believe I achieved that through strong desire and actions so I want more of it in a different direction. And I want simple happiness, a peaceful relationship with my wife, good health, and to be a loved member in a vibrant community that is free of the COVID political curse.

Thanks for reading, and for writing!


I had a thought about something.
So it seems people who are still on their pre birth worldline can move about by their thoughts alone right.
So those people DO need to watch what they think.
Moving off your pre birth worldline requiers vocalization and or writing etc.
But how about once someone is on a different world line. Does then the same principle apply. One can then travel that new worldline by thoughts alone.
And most important. One has to control his thoughts very much again to prevent bad thoughts to materialize. ?


Thanks. And I do understand what you wrote above. And the things in the post itself were pretty easy to grasp with the knowledge you already taught me.
But I do think you misunderstood a part of my post. Where you thought I asked about other consciousnessess was me speaking about people in general just for ease of reading for my fellow readers.
And I was actually thinking on a deeper technical level.
Not So much worried about media influence and such.
So let me give one example. And im going to talk about myself. Just to make it easy. Lol.
I drive past a certain dangerous corner almost twice a day.
Its one I cannot avoid.
Kids run past it all the time.
I watch out not to hit them.
At that moment I am “forced” to think about the potential hit. Only then so as you can see its not something too worry about the rest of the day. Or even before. Its only for a couple of seconds.
I pay attention to prevent accidents from happening at that moment AND I know very well that for thoughts to materialize takes time. So far still good. Everyone stays safe.
Now for the technical part: does “thinking” about not hitting someone going past that corner for many times in my life now perhaps create a similar situation later in my life on a different corner. Especially if i perhaps moved to another town for instance. Which “causes” the pause from a “prayer campaign” to take place then.
Like I said just from a technical point of view.


Big Dog a lot of things happened today and I would like your input.
Right now im into my third pause since I started praying MM style.
In the first but mostly in the second pause the majority of the affirmations started to materialize.
Including a buttload of synchronicities.
And looking back it only gave minor stress and strife.
And no loss of anything good.
My prayers DURING the pause were only saying grace and being grateful for what I and other people recieved. And my prayers are only done from monday to friday.
The weekends were always off.
And today a lot of bad things involving my prayers took place.
Too much to be a coincidence I think.
And it just happens that last weekend started on thursday because I took an extra day of to go backpacking with a buddy and being in a place completely devoid of other people.
What took place?
Does saying grace extend prayer campaigns?
Did this weekend cause the “real” pause? My guess is unlikely cause way too much change took place during the second pause that only had 2 day weekends.
Or does some strife need to take place again even when I did not pray for new things.
My campaigns have stayed the same except for minor tweaks.
I would love to have your input on this.
And as an extra question.
Is it bad to pray for something if you got it already. Im not talking about wanting more of something because one is greedy. Just praying for something and perhaps having it already unbeknownst to one self.
E.g. You pray for a car that would be good for the whole family. Then after some time a friend gives you his car. You’re grateful but never think that thats the car for the whole family So you still pray for that car.
And then what if it turned out that that was the right car.
Can continues prayers for that specific thing become a hazard?
Or just stay neutral prayers.
Like nothing bad happens but also no other car materializes in your life.
Would love your input. Thanks in advance. And I hope it also helps other people


Very big thanks for the big answer. Really appreciate it.
And not to sound ungrateful because I read your answers multiple times and i’m Still going over them to see if there is more to be understood by me.
But there are still 2 things.
1. I think I used the wrong example with the car.
Maybe a better one would be this.
I prayed for pineapple pizza.
I receive a pineapple pizza.
But unfortunately that day my tastebuds didnt work and I never realize I had pineapple pizza.
So i keep it in my prayers.
This is perhaps a silly example but how bad would it be to keep praying for something you already had or have but you dont or CANT realize it.
From a technical point of view that is.
This might be a harmless thing but what about praying for safety for ones self and loved ones.
Can you pray to much for it?
If there is perhaps a bad side to to pineapple pizza then my guess is there could be a bad side to praying for safety. Like i said from a technical point of view.
2. I realize and know that strife is to be expected and here is how it went. Pause 1: strife and stress in dealing with certain prayers. Things getting a worse first. Just like you said.
Pause 2: lots and very big improvements in the areas involving a couple of prayers and during the pause and during the third campaign no stress or difficulties whatsoever. Just enjoying how things were then.
Pause 3: everything still the same for the first 3 weeks. And then boom. Yesterday lots of strife in most if not all of the prayers that were good. All at once and on the same day.
This feels like it couldnt be a coincidence