Today I just started to listen to various talk shows, mostly conservative, out of the United States. For me, it’s been a long time don’t you know…
Truth is that I used to listen to them ALL THE TIME. Starting with Rush Limbaugh, Jay Severn, then Sean Hannity, and then all the others.
But, you know, since I left the United States and experienced what they have been talking about FIRST HAND, I stopped.It’s one thing to hear about the horrible downtrodden Chinese, and the “firm grip of totalitarism”, but it’s another thing to experience it.
Anyways, and now hearing them again, well, I’m stunned. Really.
Anything that any of these people are talking about that relates to somewhere OUTSIDE of the USA is nonsense.
As in LIES.
You know, like there is no fucking way that anyone with a brain could get the impressions that are spewing forth from these… “people”.
Maybe what they say domstically has validity, but outside of the USA?
All complete bullshit.
All they do is take the mainsteam press “news” and then posit their opinions on it. Not realizing that all the “news”… ALL OF IT… without exception is bullshit.
I’ve got to tell youse guys, these people are fucking lunatics! I don’t mean to bad-mouth anyone, but honestly, and really!
Why do they LIE?
And lie in such a profound manner? Do they have a collective mental illness or what?
Why do I say so, well, here are some examples…
- China and Russia are America’s enemies because they are not democracies.
Both are democracies, both Russia and China. You won’t hear this anywhere inside America, but oh well…
Russia is a social democracy, it’s not the former Sovieet Union which was a shade of hard line communism. It’s a completely different government all together.
And… and China is a very strong democracy at the local level. In fact, within China, unlike the USA, selection of election candidates is more personal. It’s more exacting. Truthfully, it’s more like selecting an avitar in a role playing game more than anything else.
What the fuck?
The USA has everyone voting on two preselected candidates by the oligarchy. What’s so fucking great about that?
You and 300 million others get to vote on a pre-vetted oligarch-approved President.
So, Sonny do you want [1] a lard burger with your fried maggots, or [2] reheated road kill. You get to choose. Isn't society wonderful!!!!
So China and Russia are evil?
They are derived from “Communism”. And “Communism” is bad. It’s been banged into our heads since birth! Yah. I know.
But the truth is something really different.
It’s just that they are arranged differently than the United States “democracy”. In fact, the Chinese elections were just held last November. Meritocracy. No one in the United States WILL EVER admit to that truth.
More nonsense that I just heard today. . .
- China has begun welding people in their homes again. Common place all over China. So says the guys that DOESN’T have a passport. Never left their county, and I suspect never left their tiny hamlet. I will add, perhaps they have other tiny attributes as well…
- Roads are blocked with body bags that going on for miles and miles. Oh my God. China must be super inefficient don’t you know. Body bags at athe side of the roads. For Pete’s sake. The Chinese are covering up their terrible inefficiencies! Their crimes against humanity, and everything else! Don’t you know! Something must be done! NOW!
- Ebola’s outbreaks everywhere. Of course! And the poor ignorant and illiterate Chininese don’t know what to do about it!!!!
- Chinese people vomiting blood is a sign of another China bio-weapon…
Sigh. It’s so outrageous.
Obviously all false. But it’s everywhere!
The internet is alive with these severely outrageous lies. Gosh! It’s a full-on saturation of complete BULLSHIT.

If any MM readers belive this dip-shit, then leave NOW! You all should be ashamed of yourself. Seriously. You should crawl under a rock and die in shame. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you people!
China is very transparent about deaths.
Unlike the USA, all deaths are public information because that affect the family HuKou. Duh! And if you are simply reguritating the nonsense of China hiding deaths and “covering up” things, but haven’t a clue as to what a HuKou is, then you are a FUCKING MORON.
I present things as they actually are. Not as others would want you to believe.
How the Hell do you think that China was able to have the one-child-policy? Births and deaths are all public knowledge and recorded and monitored with exact precision. China is super efficient in that area.

A HuKou, or the “Household registration” is your internal Chinese passport for everything. From buying a house, to getting medical treatment, to social insurance, to send your kids off to school, to your social scoring. And it’s all PUBLIC.
So it’s just ludicrous that the Chinese are “covering deaths” and what ever else is vomited out of Virgina.
Anyway, long time MM readers will know that I covered this issue extensively in the past. Here’s my post of what it is like during the January 2022 lockdown that they (the radio hosts) were claiming piles and piles of dead bodies alongside the roads. Here we don’t just regurgitate the “news” instead, we go in depth with videos and explanations.
Truth is not as interesting as the delicious lies to make you afraid.
And the media is working overdrive in fear-mongering. Seriously it’s way out of control. It’s almost like they believe that they can change the future by making people think fearful things….
…it doesn’t work that way. VOCALIZED THOUGHTS create individual change. Massive society world-line template changes are something quite different.
Well, I’m not going to waste too much time refuting this nonsense. They have got a nice following of fear-induced ignorant masses, and they are bringing in money, so (well), as I shrug my shoulders. Live and let live. You know?
Let them get rich. On paper at least.
In the future when a hamburger costs $100 don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you.
Now, one of the things that is being discussed is why the USA must fight a war in the Ukraine. Some are arguing that it’s a stupid move made by the Democrats, while others argue that America should just keep throwing weapons and equipment there.
Wait for it.
For “democracy”™.
All of it is silly.
Changing the current clown show in Washington, DC won’t make a difference. They are all puppets of the oligarchy. And America NEEDS a war, because without one, it will be a civil war. So the intention to direct attention outwards. And the enemies Du Jour are Russia, China and Iran.
Better them than seeing San Franciso lit up in fires. Supposedly… some people say.
Listen to me.
Putin and Xi Peng are not the fucking idiots everyone thinks they are. They are not. And you all DO NOT WANT to fight either. Both have inherited the military ruthlessness of Genghis Khan, and have fresh hurtful memories of recent massive warfare. They do not want to fight a war, but if you push them…
…they will hurt you really, REALLY bad.
Both China and Russia are very formidable military machines. Russia are ruthless, bloodlust tough guy badasses. China is disciplined, fearless, and capable of delivering simply huge; HUGE quantities of massive hurt.
You do not want to mess with them.
And so, Russia told Biden to “back off” and stop placing nuclear weapons on it’s borders. And China said that any further interference with China’s domestic issues (read: Taiwan) is a “red line” that will have very serious consequences. And the last two weeks we have all been waiting for a reaponse.
Well, it looks like the USA is “doubling down”. Dumb fucks.
Screen shot from Druge Report on 25JAN22 at 10am.
Smog or fog? Hum. Why not have a front page article on the smog in Los Angles? Sheech!
The “news” media is nothing but a lie-generating machine, and right now, it’s all garbage. Like these two Bloomberg “news articles”…
Bloomberg's smearing about the relationship between China and Russia, which was false, was to interfere with the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday, adding that the China-Russia relationship is stable and resilient, with both sides maintaining close talks at all levels. Zhao made the remarks at a regular press briefing after Bloomberg reported that China had asked Russia not to invade Ukraine during the Beijing 2022 Games in a recent call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. As a practitioner and supporter of the Olympic spirit, we firmly oppose the politicization of sports and will not be influenced by any international forces, Zhao said. China is confident it will present a successful event to the whole world and guarantees national leaders a safe and successful visit to Beijing, Zhao added.
- Diplomat slams ‘report’ of Xi asking Putin not to attack Ukraine as jaw-dropping fake news
- China slams Bloomberg’s fake news about China-Russia relationship
MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. A Bloomberg report about Chinese President Xi Jinping allegedly asking Russian leader Vladimir Putin not to attack Ukraine during the Beijing Olympics is spectacular fake news, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told the Ekho Moskvy (or Echo of Moscow) radio station on Monday. "Bloomberg has publicized utter jaw-dropping fake news recently, claiming that Xi Jinping had asked Putin not to attack Ukraine during the Olympic Games," she noted. "Frankly speaking, I did not expect this level of disinformation from Bloomberg not because it is an unconfirmed fact but because it is sheer impossibility and unbelievable stupidity. I could have expected it from some US newspaper but not from Bloomberg. They used to be less susceptible to these types of propped-up leaks, but now they seem to have given up on that," Zakharova stated. The Russian diplomat pointed out that while working on the report, Bloomberg did not request any comments from the Russian presidential press service, nor from the Foreign Ministry. "That’s not like Bloomberg, is it? They maintain virtually round-the-clock contact with high-ranking Russian officials on all issues," she emphasized. The Bloomberg agency reported earlier, citing an unidentified diplomat in Beijing, that Chinese President Xi Jinping could have allegedly asked Putin not to attack Ukraine during the Olympics scheduled for February 4-20. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova slammed the report as "an information black op" carried out by the United States. Furthermore, the Chinese Embassy in Russia rejected the report as fake news and a provocation.
Anyways, I’m telling you all. Don’t mess with Asia.
Don’t believe me?
Bora-class guided-missile hovercraft
Drel aerial bomb
This 540 kg glide cluster bomb is intended for hitting targets at a distance of 30 km (20 miles). Infra-red and radar-guided, it is used for destroying enemy armored vehicles, command posts and power units. It operates despite natural and man-made interference.
The Pantsir-S1
Soratnik robot
This is a system for rendering fire support to troops, patrolling and guarding an area. The robot is remotely controlled, with further upgrades (the Kalashnikov concern is now working on these) potentially not requiring any human intervention at all. The tracked chassis robot can be fitted with light firearms. In its basic version, it has an AK-74M assault rifle and a Dragunov sniper rifle.
A virtually invisible submarine
Floks self-propelled artillery system
This is Russia’s first self-propelled artillery system with a 120 mm gun. It combines the functions of a long-range weapon, a howitzer and a mortar. It can fire at enemy positions at a distance from 100 meters to 10 km (110 yards to 6 miles). It has a remote combat module with a 12.7-mm Kord machine-gun installed on its roof.
The Mig-35 multirole jet fighter

Uran-9 attack robot
This robot conducts reconnaissance missions and provides fire support for troops; it can also be used in counterterrorist operations. It has a 30 mm automatic gun and a 7.62 mm machine-gun, as well as Ataka anti-tank guided missiles.
The robot can operate at a distance of 3 km (2 miles) from its operator. By the end of 2016, five of these robots will come into service with the Russian armed forces.
Each comprises four combat vehicles: a reconnaissance robot or a fire support robot, a mobile post, and two power tugs.
The BUK-2 missile system
Gibka-S air defense vehicle
The system is intended for protecting military units from enemy aircraft at low and super low altitudes (1,600 and 500 feet respectively). It is fitted with the newest portable surface-to-air missile system, the Verba. Eight missiles can be mounted on the vehicle.
The RS-24 Yars

RPK-16 light handheld machine-gun
The new RPK-16 for 5.45 mm cartridges is an upgrade of the Soviet RPP-74 machine-gun.
This model has a Picatinny rail, making it possible to fit it with any type of sights, from night to thermal to collimator to optical sniper sights.
According to its designers, the machine-gun can be used to fire single shots and hit 20-cm-diameter targets from a distance of 300-400 meters (according to its technical and tactical characteristics, the machine-gun can hit enemy personnel at a distance of 800 meters).
The machine-gun has got a lighter 96-round drum magazine. The weapon now weighs just 4.5 kg.
The Tupolev Tu-160

Vikhr reconnaissance robot
The Vikhr reconnaissance and strike robot has been created on the basis of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle. The system, which can operate on a tracked or wheeled chassis, has a 30 mm gun and a 7.62 mm machine-gun as well as Kornet-M guided anti-tank missiles.
In its automated mode, the robot can detect, capture and track targets, with the decision to fire still taken by the module operator. Thanks to an HD camera and a thermal imager, the Vikhr can operate at any time of day or night.
The T-90
BT-3F amphibious armored personnel carrier
The new amphibious personnel carrier can accommodate up to 12 paratroopers and can withstand fire from the 14.5 mm KPVT large-caliber machine-gun from a distance of 200 meters.
On its roof, the BT-3F has a remote combat module with a 7.62 mm machine-gun fitted with a television and a thermal sight.
In future, the turret will be able to accommodate a 12.7 mm or a 14.5 mm machine-gun as well as a 30 mm or 40 mm grenade-launcher.
Borei-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines.



The Russian Mi-28 Havoc attack helicopter:

This chat-chat talk are all fear mongering for profit.
What Russia and China wants are quite simple. They do not want any nuclear weapons blaced on their borders, and the do not want any color revolutions either.
Anything else is bullshit.
Both Russia and China have mapped out a “check mate” strategy. No matter what move the United States does, it will lose, and lose big. The only out is to call the game a draw… accept the “white tent”, and focus on the myrid of American domestic issues that are becoming problematic.
White tent.
Easy out.
I am not convinced at anyone inside of America has any clue as to how serious and dangerous this time is. Maybe him, but even at that, he’s still spouting nonsense.
I do want to be optimistic. I know what I have been told.
- Little bads, not big bads.
- The Domain is on the side of Asia.
- “Old Empire” occupany in leadership roles in the Western Block.
- A much better, calmer and nicer world after this contentious period.
You all hang tight, and don’t get too caught up in the fear mongering. Most of it is BULLSHIT.
Russia posted it’s ultimatum. The USA; President Biden tried to “buy time”. Then presented it. He wanted it to be kept secret.
The response was
"No, but we will potentionally, maybe discuss issues, perhaps, one day, maybe in the future about other minor things as we (the collective West) feel the need to do so."
My guess is that they are trying feverishly to plan a “first strike” senario, or a “protected second strike” military senario. I do not believe that they will be successul in any way.
They HAVE to “switch gears“. They have to change from just another “far away war in the Ukraine” to how to deal with nuclear detonations on American soil.
And, the fools in Washington just don’t “get it.”
America today is not 1940. There is NO signifigant manufacturing presence remaining in the United States today. War…
Are you fucking kidding me?
Let’s talk about the reality. 90% are made in China. The remaining 10% are in the big American cities like Boston, New York and San Franciso. When the bombs come a flying, and cities are destoryed and all trade stops..
…Zero medicines in the USA.
Think about that.
It WILL really turn into zombie apocalypse for real. Do you have any idea what happens when you get off major tranquilizers like Zoloft, Prozac, etc? It’s insanity madness.
No blood pressure pills.
Good bye everyone over 50.
No heart medicine.
What happens when Viagra is not available? A bunch of frustrated American males with guns, that’s what.
What happens when Xantax is a distant memory? Sniffing glue.
What happens when there are no antibiodics and Coronavirus in Omega form is racing thoough the shattered remains of society. Death.
And… Lots of death.
60% of Americans are on some kind of prescription drugs. Everyone is going to go “cold turkey“, and without medicines, and an infected cut will be a death sentence.
Check Mate.
Do not fuck around about War. The USA hasn’t a God Damn Chance.
…keep in mind that global thermonuclear war will have a great liklihood of premature recycling members of the “Lost Battalion” prematurely. This is unacceptable to the Domain. So they will try their best to avoid nuclear war and mass casualities to the best of their ability.
They recognize that the generational turnings are built into the Prison Complex, but they have a plan and a time-table. Keep that in mind.
So relax.
Don’t get so caught up in all the fear-mongering talk.
Follow the basic MM precepts. You will be fine.
- Affirmation prayers.
- Stable world-line templates and cotnrolled slides.
- Fate forecasting.
- Be the Rufus.
- Participate in your local community.
- Be prudent, traditiaonl and have a larder.
You all will be fine.
Finally some word on wine…
An earlier article that I wrote mentioned that an Irish study “proved” that wine was not good for your health and that it should be banned completely.
Any level of drinking can lead to loss of healthy life, the World Heart Federation has said, as it sought to dispel the idea that a daily glass of wine may be good for you. In a new policy briefing, the organisation said it wanted to “challenge the widespread notion” that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can decrease the risk of heart disease and called for urgent action to tackle the global rise in deaths caused by drinking. Monika Arora, member of WHF’s advocacy committee and co-author of the briefing, said: “The portrayal of alcohol as necessary for a vibrant social life has diverted attention from the harms of alcohol use, as have the frequent and widely publicised claims that moderate drinking, such as a glass of red wine a day, can offer protection against cardiovascular disease.
It bummed me out.
As I do happen to like wine. It goes great with food.
So, this “Karen” has decided to tell me; and advise me, that wine is bad for me, and my world would be a better place if all drinking ended. then unicorns will prace around under rainbows and the sky would part and everyoen would love each other again.
But you know, today there is a new study..
"...The model decided that whilst wine was good for decreasing the risk of Covid, some other alcoholic drinks were not. The study discovered that those who consume five or more glasses of red wine a week had a 17% lesser risk of catching the virus. Scientists believe that this reduced risk might be because of the drink’s high content of polyphenol, which is known to help with the flu and other respiratory conditions."
Found HERE.
Drink wine, or not drink wine. It’s your choice. And don’t believe everything you read in the internet. Most of it is manipulative content designed towards for-profit motives.
So there you have it.
Enjoy life. Eat delicious food with friends and family.
And my choice…
I’m exhausted. Sorry, but I am. This year is entering up to be a mighty funky one, I’ll tell you what. So, I’ve been a day dreaming a tad.
Well, I think that it would be nice to ride in a classic car. Look at this beautiy. Man, wouldn’t you all just love to take it for a spin?

And then go get a burger, and fries at a non-franchised burger joint. Maybe something like this…

Where there is a picture of the founder over the enterance door. Yum.
It’s in YOUR hands. Make it great.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
Articles & Links
Master Index.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
“ So relax.
Don’t get so caught up in all the fear-mongering talk.
Follow the basic MM precepts. You will be fine.
Affirmation prayers.
Stable world-line templates and cotnrolled slides.
Fate forecasting.
Be the Rufus.
Participate in your local community.
Be prudent, traditiaonl and have a larder.
You all will be fine.”
I needed to hear this part. Thank you.
BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO! Thank you, MM, others and of course, baconandeggs. Ya make a good breakfast! LISTEN to MM and READ BETWEEN THE LINES. Baconandegss has the answer. Sit tight. Go transparent. And, Bo Chen, you’re doing a great job by going Run SILENT, Run DEEP.
We will all survive – if you do what MM says. And 48laws EVERYTHING!
When the time comes, when all around you say, “Hail, Caesar” as Caesar marches in with his army of light, WHAT DO YOU DO?
“Hail Caesar?”
May the Supreme Commander bless us all with WISDOM and the power to DISCERN – as we build a NEW and BETTER WORLD (without the sillyfcks ruining everything…).
Right on Bro! The USA isn’t wanting a war with anyone. We just got out of Afghanista, which wasn’t a “war”, but we had a few thousand troops keeping the terrorism down. Americans would prefer if we didn’t have to have troops all over the world but most of our allies are weak leftists and have inadequate militaries so the USA has to be the adult to protect them.
Not sure why MM is on his war-mongering, USA bashing kick. I think he’s butt-hurt about whatever it was .gov did to him that caused him to flee to China. If our leaders listened to him, we’d be in WW3 and all be glowing in the dark before the end of this month!
Read my MAJestic Index to know more about me. Then you will understand.
I have no desire for any kind of war. If you think so, then you are wholly misreading what is presented here. All I am trying to convey is that America is a zombie. And it’s heading for a cliff. That cliff is bigger, wider and taller than anyone in the ‘States realize.
hmmm. @congjing yu remember my dream a month or so ago about some military force prepping their nuclear arsenal? well the nukes in that dream looked a lot like those on that truck, except much shorter, though if half of that length was in an underground silo that they were protruding out of….
lol this just popped up upon signing into my email. F-35C crash leaves US fighter jet sunken in hostile South China Sea ( The western narrative is becoming more pathetic by the minute. So first the sub (which they link to in that article) just hit an underwater mountain, now a plane just happened to crash whilst landing on an aircraft carrier? There are only two options here, either your version is more correct and these fuck ups are the result of a silent war (which i assume is the more accurate one), or the united states military are seemingly really bad at using their expensive “toys”. What’s next, a nuclear bomb accidentally get’s launched because of a faulty computer system? Oh wait, they’ve already played that card
I agree. And so do others.

Great article, thanks for this, Mr Man. Only thing I’d add is that as well as being blood thirsty and ruthless, the Russians are also disciplined, fearless and capable of delivering massive quantities of hurt along with– and just as well as– their Chinese partners. Take a look at what wasn’t reported about those amateurs in Kazakhstan. (Very, very deceased amateurs, that is.)
As for the bullshit wine story, there have been many strange stories like that circulating in the rag-media of the British Isles recently. I made an enquiry to a trusted old source about this and the reply was that the stories are being ‘seeded’ into the Normie Narrative in order to prepare for massive casualties from the MRNA experiment over the coming months and years– as far out as a decade, apparantly. (The Powers That Were think that things will just get back to normal, you see– and that the perps will get away scot free with what they did in the name of ‘science’. Like the massive radiation-cancer deaths post 911 in New York City. If a doctor marked that on a medical certificate, though, he’d have been fired very quickly; or more likely have become very quickly dead. Doctors ‘in the system’ (especially the mediocre ones) instinctively know what they can and can’t say. And when one’s paycheck depends on one remaining uninformed– well, one is gonna remain uninformed; especially if they’re a yellow streaked coward.)
So for example: when folks start keeling over– they are already, but many more to follow– stories like: ‘it’s normal for children to have heart attacks’; ‘Brits and Irish have been drinking too much wine over the lockdowns, so now they’re all really unhealthy and are having heart attacks because wine is actually bad for you, don’tcha know’; and my personal favourite: ‘New studies’ (😂) show that gyms and intensive workouts such as jogging, cycling are actually vewey, vewey bad for you’. (In a Monty Python accent.)
There was a beautiful one in Korea last week about early morning exercise– light exercise such as walking included– are actually bad for your heart and should be avoided if one is over 50.
W in the actual F?????
So my guess is they are changing history– as in Orwell’s work– to reflect the reality they are creating. Or rather, intend to create. Only thing is, they didn’t figure on China-Russia and a Domain tag-team getting it on. As you say, 2022 is gonna be a weird one. Oh yeah, and they’re also installing defibrillators and other such equipment in parks and public spaces throughout EurAngloLand, too. And in Israel. (All in the interests of public health, ya see.) When the medications run out and the immune systems start to break down– which actually takes quite a while to do depending on the subject’s prior fitness level– it’s gonna be a zombie apocalypse indeed barring a miracle. Lucky for Normie, miracles happen, too.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a job testing military grade hardware/machinery AND testing all the yummy looking food shown in this post (and more). I just ate and now I’m still hungry! Oh well, time for another bowl of soup, I guess. Thanks MM.
MM posts make me so hungry.
Totally agree. For some reason, I get ravenous at 9pm. So have to stop myself from reading MM after dinner.