The nature of war has changed

The notion expressed in the original piece that the US just resigns itself to failure and fades away is unrealistic, or at the very least not certain. 

Historically, the outcome of circumstances like the present is major war. 

Empires rarely die quietly. They go either piecemeal or all at once, violently. 

The British went piecemeal. But Britain was always too small to hold onto their Empire. 

The US is a superpower, not just an imperial power like the European colonial powers. As long as it has its navy and air force (another important distinction from Britain), it will continue to try to push its power everywhere until forcibly restrained.

-Richard Steven Hack

This is just going to be a short and simple article that I want to throw out there. But it’s an important one. Currently, the United States military empire is dying. It is collapsing from the inside, falling apart and flailing in every conceivable way and (since the “news” is owned and 100% controlled by the government) and all of this is selectively being reported or hidden intentionally. Here we are going to provide a tool; a “filter” from which to read all the bullshit on the internet with.

This filter is very significant. It should not be ignored.

Pay attention…

The Filter

The nature of war has changed.

Any major war between the Western Block and Asia will NOT be along any of the assumed avenues…

  • Color revolutions; CIA sponsored “regime changes” for “democracy”.
  • Military troop advances and the capture of territory; such as in Iraq, World War II, and so on and so forth. Including all this talk about the Ukraine.
  • Blockades. Whether by sea lanes, or sanctions, or currency manipulation.
  • Public Opinion. The only control of the media is domestic, and that is in tatters.
  • Grass Root movements. It used to occur centuries ago. No longer exists.
  • Economic. Sabotage, manipulation or theft are all well documented techniques.
  • Remote electronic precision attacks. The drone effect was pretty effective in devastating Yemen, Not so in the next conflict.
  • Bio-warfare. We’re in that right now. The 11 strains of American bioweapons did not suppress China, it only made it stronger.

Now what we do have…

  • HV-MIRV-ICBM. Hyper-velocity, AI controlled, flight maneuverable, independent, that may or may not be nuclear armed, weapons that can hit anything, anywhere and there is no defense against it.

In other words, why have a military moving to capture some nameless hill in the Ukraine…

… when Moscow can just kill all the generals and their neocon supporters by one singular nuclear burst in Washington, DC?


Problem solved. Root cause eliminated. Ukrane reverts to a peaceful agarian land.

And that is where we are at right now. The politicians can no longer hide in their mansions far away from the battle zones. The technical savvy fighters cannot sit in their comfortable barracks and fly drones halfway around the world. The wealthy warmongering businessmen can no longer guarantee that they will be safe where ever they live; even if it’s a bomb shelter in New Zealand.

It’s a new world; and a new situation.

Great Quote

This is the new situation, and Asia is incorporating it from the top downwards. If anyone attacks them, they will not fight the battles as they used to. They will now destroy the leadership of the war-sponsoring nation.

Let me give you this great quote to help put things in perspective…

“Russia plans to engage its nuclear weapons not against those countries where it was launched against Russia, but against the mastermind cities where all the decisions were made. 

To be exact, it is Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and numerous other American cities. 

Please fully understand, in case American nuclear weapons are launched from, eg. Taiwan, or Poland, the Russian response will be to hit New York or Washington.”

-Russian Duma deputy, Yevgeny Fyodorov.

This is Chinese policy as well.

So what does this mean?

Well, consider the “news”. About the United States sending ships out here, and military forces out there, and all this and all that.

Russia and China have both specifically “telegraphed” that any placement of offensive weapons in their borders will be met with the destruction of ALL AMERICAN CITIES.

It’s “red lines”. The ones that the media has so laughingly dismissed.

1. Russia (not just Putin) is insisting in ‘writing’ only because the U.S. pinky swear of 1991 was worthless and they denied it. If we go to war, Russia being all prim and proper wants this to be on record. ‘We got this on record!’

2. Russia made their demands clear, even if the U.S. denied it. Do not use NATO membership as an excuse to install U.S. tactical / nuclear missiles. If you do we will destroy them.

Hard stop. Period end. 

-Christian J. Chuba

Look at the militaries of all involved.

Russian militaries are NOT designed to advance over and take over large swaths of territory and police it. They are designed for rapid and horrific, short-lived devastation quickly and then go back home.

Kazakhstan is a perfect example of this…

A “color revolution” breaks out and all the Western media are in unison blaming it on gas increases.

A “color revolution” in the heart of the BRI explodes, with trained insurgents seizing all the major facilities and airports involved. Within 24 hours, Russia flies in and treats it…

… not as a pro-democracy uprising over the price of gas…

…but as a CIA-backed “color revolution” with armed and trained soldiers. And Russia came in and seized all the soldiers and killed them. Within three days it was all over, and the “staff in Langley, Va” were left with their “jaws on the floor” in stunned disbelief.

Russia comes in. Kills all the bad guys. Then leaves.
“By submitting their security demands, Russia is signaling unequivocally it is now taking the initiative.”

Yes. This aligns with my own thoughts. When Russia declared its ‘ultimatum’, existing conditions were already in a state of violation. 

Witness Kazakhstan. 

Therefore, Russia had no choice but to act or face global humiliation by failing to live up to its own decree. Russia could not just sit passively knowing another ‘color revolution’ was being hatched. This is why I believe that the Russian offensive began in Kazakhstan. Russian intel succeeded in exposing the Western-backed coup attempt and forced it to be prematurely executed. Everything was already in place to crush the uprising quickly and efficiently.

It is certain Russia is not passively waiting for what comes next with regard to Western intentions for Ukraine. I’m wagering that there is an active Russian initiative to solve the Ukrainian problem, but not one that will entail tank battles on the steppes. Rather, it will be a lesson in Russian-style hybrid warfare. Maybe not even a shot will need to be fired, or perhaps violence will be limited to one mass casualty event amongst Western PMC’s or UkroNazis. It is probable that the puppet regime in Kiev has only a few weeks left.

The same is true about China.

China’s military are not large to take over Japan. It is large to prevent anyone from even considering attacking the Chinese mainland. They have absolutely zero interest in seizing any further lands or territories. Though, the reunification of their Taiwan province is a separate matter.

Meanwhile, the United States military is for global force projection from staging based pre-supplied with equipment and material. With 800+ military bases, and guns, ammo and materials sprinkled all over the world, it is designed to be the “world’s Policeman”.

It’s a new world with new weapons and new power-structures.

What is the capability?

To strike anywhere on the world unopposed using massive weapons of destruction.

Which nations have this capability?

    • Russia
    • China

Which nations do not have this capability?

    • The United States
    • The UK
    • Japan
    • Australia
    • The European Union

So what does that mean?

The next “big” war will not resemble any of the previous wars.

Those nations that have the ability to deliver systems unmolested to their opponent will win the next war.

Nations, countries and societies that cannot fight this kind of war are advised not to get involved in any war. Instead, they should concentrate on their own domestic needs and trade.

If a nation refuses to do so, and tries to push towards a war using full-spectrum hybrid-war techniques, they are likely to be annihilated completely and erased from the surface of the planet.

What am I saying?

Russia and China can shoot down nuclear missiles. The United States cannot.

Russia and China can launch missiles that cannot be defended against.

Thus, during this short period of time we have a situation where the United States is being very aggressive in trying to start a war based upon historical techniques, not really realizing that THIS NEXT WAR will be the end of the United States.

Regarding the “news”

Any discussions of troop movements, and naval positioning is for the purposes of intimidation and to apply pressure on one nation or the other.

A REAL war will happen within minutes, and the only way that you will know anything is going on is by your lack of internet.

MM Advice

No one ever listens to me.

But, were I to be the President of the United States, I would advise surrender.

If I were president of Australia, I would advise kicking the USA out of their nations, and push forward as a neutral nation trying to be friends with all my neighbors.

If I were the head of the UK, I would advise focusing on all the domestic issues and reach outwardly to my neighbors in kind manners towards an embrace of mutual respect and friendship.

As I said, I am a practical person. I do not have the psychopathic tendencies that many of the leadership in the collective West seem to possess. So my advice will not be listened to.

So, the next best thing is to “punt”. Pull back and bide some time. What ever happens, absolutely The WORST course of action is to attack either Russia or China or any of their allies and friends. It will not go well.

Makes me yen for earlier days…

And it does. It’s so easy to get angry reading the “news”. Expecially all the lies that are going back and forth. I tell you that American “news” is the worst! Let’s go back to an earlier time…

Get a haircut and eat a breakfast. Together for under fifty cents.

Want a haircut?

Take a spin on a motorcycle…

Motorcycle man.

January 20, 1919. “Recreation barracks at the American Red Cross Agricultural Training School for French Mutiles, Le Liege (Indre et Loire).”

Go flying…

Go flying.

Life in the big city

November 1940. “Corner store in Lexington, Kentucky.” Medium format acetate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.

November 1940. “Corner store in Lexington, Kentucky.” Medium format acetate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.

November 1940. “Boys in soft drink parlor. Central City, Kentucky.” Medium format acetate negative by John Vachon for the Farm Security Administration.

Crossing the street

Buying some groceries. March 1939. “Small Mexican grocery store. San Antonio, Texas.” Medium format acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration.

Buying some groceries.

Roundhouse dreams…

October 1937. “Boy reading in bedroom. Note lack of proper bed clothing. Home of A.O. Ryland, farmer who has quit farming. Near Williston, North Dakota.”I love his breeches.

Getting involved in a good book.

Checking out the nice car…

New Hampshire circa 1906. “Taking trains of Mount Washington Railway at base station, White Mountains.” A cog railway to the highest peak in the Northeast.

Taking a train.

What does this all mean?

History is full of periods of inflection like we are experiencing today.

Whether it was American Indians meeting rifles, horse and smallpox, or the Polish calvary meeting German tanks with machineguns the period of inflection occurred.

And with each period of change, the world changed as well…


For many, if you were outside of the primary fighting or the battles, your life was safe. It was calm, and it was nice. Such as in these pictures above. And that is what is going on right now. Most of you all are safe. The only “news” is the bullshit that you read, and seriously it’s all lies.

Right now.

So, just live life. Strengthen your little bubble of security and live it. Don’t allow the monster that is the “news media” throw you “out of kilter“.  Live life well.

Have some delicious fondue with nice delicious cheese…

Enjoy the delicious fondue.

And enjoy it with some nice wine, breads, olives and cheeses…

Enjoy the good things.

And enjoy the time with friends and family…

Friends and family.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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” China’s military are not large to take over Japan. It is large to prevent anyone from even considering attacking the Chinese mainland. They have absolutely zero interest in seizing any further lands or territories ”

The US plutocracy hegemony simply isnt able to fathom this. They have a large military simply because they’re a conquering empire. Military force used to conquer & expand the empire. Gunboat diplomacy is what they do best.

Just like unwilling & unable to understand others culture, the hegemony is arrogantly applying his own twisted logic to everyone else.

A 250 year old nation trying to impose its will towards a 5,000 year old civilization. The arrogance is simply astounding.

Arise Zion

Stepping into the year of water tiger, the two water buffaloes shall be teared in pieces by the water tiger at a large sea gate. Great lamentation (after water buffaloes plowing the fields)!

Look at the ancient prophetic text, this could be the destruction of the two aircraft carriers (USS Abraham Lincoln and USS Carl Vinson) at a large sea gate (Taiwan straits or South China Sea). The Satanic Illuminati neocons won’t have their buffaloes to plow the fields any more. This coming year will be quite interesting. Buckle up and brace for impact, no more peace, but only with terrors!

So far, this is not a good sign. One of the birds fell off on the back of the Buffalo.

“..And of terrors in the way; When the almond tree blossoms…”. Ecclesiastes‬ ‭12:5‬ ‭

Paul Duncan

Always impressive Mr MM. Lurker gaining traction here perhaps.. I love all that have contributed to this site. Peace to all.


Peace to all. Repeat.

This is going to be a harsh statement. I apologize
in advance. Were the DC space and groups to vaporize?
For example, and act of God, that would be fantastic.
The mostly old and partially demented “ruling” decade
after decade, all the while stealing and looting and bribing
and being bribed is rather disgusting and demoralizing.
Why don’t they just go home and quit DC?

I am not wishing for a nuke or some such to target DC, or
LA, or Chicago, or NYC, no way no how. Bad, bad karma.
Yet, wouldn’t it be a cool fantasy to give a weeks notice to
innocents in those places, to get out now! And then let
God just disappear those places. The sadistic Satanic freaks
in charge are a disgrace to all of humanity and we would all
like to see them gone. They could apologize but too little to late.

Other countries that exploit and control their people? Take
heed, God might act again.