The parable of the three houses

Instead of splitting Russia from China, the U.S. has unintentionally done its best to push them into a deeper alliance. It was the most severe strategic error the U.S. could make.-b

I just received a comment from a reader that said that I was “butt hurt” and hated the United States. Well, maybe I am, but I don’t hate the USA.

Instead, I simply tried to explain that I just see the bigger picture and I don’t like what I am seeing.

What I am seeing is all the makings for World War III, and the American citizenry are all actively participating in it.

Like zombies. Just going ahead allowing the rot to get worse, letting the buildings fall down, and reelecting the psychopathic to boss them into submission.

So I am going to create a parable.

It’s the parable of the three houses.

The Three Houses

Once up a time there were three houses in a town. They were all well known throughout the town as they were the biggest and largest homes in the community.

Oh, certainly there were many homes in the town. Nearly 200. But most of the homes were much smaller and inconsequential. Some were opulent, like Frans. Some were poor like little Bang A Desh. Some were complex like the house of Mex, and some were trying to fix things up like Zimmy Bob’s.

The biggest of the three was owned by a big, burly, bearded man who went by the name “Big Russ”. He was a big lumberjack and had this enormous bear for a pet.

The other two homes were roughly the same size, but one had many more children. That home was always lively and active. The kids were always playing and talking, laughing and singing.

That home was owned by a very short, quiet man named “Mr. Lee”. He was a quiet, studious man, who always spoke soft and gently. His hobby was making things, and he was always welcoming others to trade with him. When he wasn’t making things, he was always practicing his martial arts in the peace of his backyard garden.

And the last of the homes was one that sat on top of the biggest hill in the town. It was perhaps the richest of all the homes.  Everyone, for years, would look up at the home and want to live there. As it was a truly exceptional home; a mansion really.

That home was owned by a man whom everyone called “Uncle Sam”.

Some History

Now, Uncle Sam, being so tall, strong and incredibly handsome, usually got his way in everything that he did. For years, he has been able to strut around the town without confrontation.

He was so accustomed to getting a “free pass” in everything that he did that he started to brazenly offend the rest of the good townspeople.

He would go inside the other homes, raid their refrigerators, take things that he wanted and sleep with the daughters. No one liked that behavior (with a few exceptions), but no one was able to do anything about it.

And over the years, being so accustomed to being the biggest and baddest person in the town, “Uncle Sam” started to believe that it was the natural order of things. He started to believe that he was able to do this because “God favored him, his lifestyle, and his arrogance”.

He believed that he was the exception to all the rules.

He believed that he could define the rules for all the other houses in the community to obey, and that he would have his own rules; his own “exceptions”.

He started to tell this to everyone.

“I am exceptional” he said.

“I have a big shining house on the hill,” he said.

The other two big houses

Now, Uncle Sam had, from time to time, visited the homes of both Big Russ and Mr. Lee. But, he wasn’t ever welcomed, and over the years they have been getting rather antagonized, and infuriated with his actions and activities.

Realizing that, Uncle Sam pretty much stayed away from those two big homes.

Instead, he preferred to frequent the smaller homes in the less affluent section of the town. This included the homes on Mid-East Avenue, and South-Am Road.

As well as all the homes of the Stan Clan.Uncle Sam has really been active there.

Which included him having to be forcefully removed from both Aff Gan, and Kaz Is’s homes.

But, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t want to go visit Big Russ and Mr. Lee from time to time. But the thing is, that when he visited, his table manners were atrocious. His body odor was foul, and his behaviors were rude and distasteful.

What ever he once was, what he is today is something different. Today, he’s a wife beater, a child molester, an alcoholic drunkard, who has a passion for shoplifting, petty crimes, and rape. When he’s not practicing arson, getting into drunk brawls, or taking “a dump” in other’s yards, he’s out having sex with their dogs.

No one really wants to have much to do with him, because as everyone knows, once you let him in your life you won’t ever be able to get rid of him.

As of late…

The children of Uncle Sam has been busy raising all sorts of ruckus. And what’s more, they have been all over the town doing so.

Mr. Lee complained about it.

He told Uncle Sam to take his children, and get out of his backyard. He told him to get off his front porch. He told him to stop peeking into his windows. He told him to stop sabotaging his car, pouring salt in his garden, and pulling up his tulips. He told him to get his dogs and chain them up. He no longer wanted to hear them barking day and night, digging up his bushes, and having his children race around and around the home in loud muffler-less motorcycles.

Big Russ complained about it as well.

He told Uncle Sam to get off his porch, stay out of his backyard. He told him that he no longer wanted those children to set fires to the neighboring yards, stealing the lawn ornaments, and playing their rock-and-roll music at all hours of the day and night.

Uncle Sam heard both of their complaints.

He thought about them.

And said “no”.

The reactions…

Well, Big Russ told Uncle Sam that there would be repercussions. But, took no overt and obvious action.

He sent his children out (in secret) to the yard of Uncle Sam. Then, he sat back and smiled. No firecrackers. No noise-makers. No barking dogs. No loud motorcycles. No. Those children all silently, and sternly, went off to the house armed with dangerously lethal ten-gage shotguns.

No “fun and games”.

And Mr. Lee, always kind and quiet, smiled and sat on his porch with an 8-gage shotgun (which, is a very large gun, don’t you know).

His children, and were told to stay in the house and practice their martial arts, cleaning their long-guns, and reading up on the book “the art of war”.

But Uncle Sam, seemingly an idiot, doubled down.

“Do as I say” he roared!

“You WILL obey me! You will listen to me, and you will pay homage and tribute to me!”

And he sent his children, and his toadies over to the house of Mr. Lee. And, now, almost all of his children are going around and around the house of Mr. Lee. They are revving their engines and making as much noise as they can possibly create. Poor Mr. Lee is really getting “rattled up” with his windows shaking, and the dishes falling on the floor. His tulips all decimated, and his gates town and broken.

And, well Uncle Sam has also started to send his other remaining children to camp out on the porch of Big Russ. There they are lighting campfires on the “welcome mat” and tossing firecrackers at all hours of the day and night. Giggling, sticking out their tongues and making rude sounds and laughing.

It was noisy for years.

Really years.

And then Mr. Lee and Big Russ held a party.

It was a big party and it was held in the dead of Winter. Everyone was invited except Uncle Sam and his “toadies”.

And at the meeting, they announced that the entire town cannot grow and live in peace as long as there is a big bully in town, and that all of the townspeople must gather together and start committing to their promises, agreements, and rules. And that they would take the lead.

Everyone in the party agreed. The welcomed the inclusiveness of it, and their equal participation in it. And of course, they too hated the rude behaviors and the bullying behaviors of Uncle Sam.

The entire town rejoiced in a defined, sensible plan for dealing with the town bully and his toadies.

Now, let me ask the reader a question…

Looking at the big picture…

  • What action should Uncle Sam take to defuse a tense, potentially catastrophic event train?
I would suggest, sending his kids back home. Paddling them until their butts are red and sore, and selling off all those motorcycles, barking dogs, and firecrackers.

Then apologizing in public to the community.
  • If you were Big Russ, what action do you think you should take?
Would it be against the children on the porch; a continuous game of "whack a mole", or would it be against Uncle Sam himself?
  • If you were Mr. Lee, what action do you think you should take?
Would you wait until more children arrive and get louder and badder? Or would you lay down systems to disable those motorcycles? Or would you burn down the gas stations, so the motorcycles couldn't get any more gas?
  • Do you think that making an announcement at that party was a goo thing to do?
Words without action are meaningless. This is a solid framework that requires tasking. Is the rest of the town up to handle the challenge?

And that is how things are.

And MM here is just trying NOT to pick sides so much as I just want the entire town to live together in peace and harmony.

I live in the house with Mr. Lee. It’s a pleasant, peaceful, kind and calm place. I want to keep it that way. Don’t you?

video. My home in China. 11MB

MM Special Message

Life is fleeting.

Please, please make the best of what you have RIGHT NOW. Maybe there are evil psychopathic people, idiots and nasty malcontents. But you are in control of your bubble of reality. You can affect your own life.

You can make the world a better place. Please do so.

Video 7MB

Show care and concern to those around you.

Especially your family.


Do you really spend enough time with those that you love? Do you have a family that spends happy and sad times together? Is your life rich with pets, friends and savory food?

Video 7MB

Spend time with family, friends, or just have fun…

Likten to me.

I know it’s so easy to get caught up with work, needs, goals, objectives and all the rest. I, too, spend a lot of my time scrubbing dog shit off the floor, changing baby diapers, and fielding calls at midnight to Salesmen in Canada and the United States, but you all must start spending more “quality time” (such an overused expression)… more “fun time”.

Here are some ideas for your inspiration…

Dancing… video 5.6MB

Or maybe something like this. This is in Africa.

Video 10.4MB

Play a video game in full immersive simulation. video 6.3MB

You do know that the technology is really advanced in China these days. Like this. Video 2MB

We must be more than ourselves…

Yeah. Having fun is what relaxes us and adds the taste and spice to our lives. It’s really important, and terribly underutilized. Instead, it has been replaced by media, and social networking.  I think that we should always look at the bigger picture.

Like what?


Tasty long cooking food (not the fast food). Delicious. Food. Like your grandmother used to make. Food. Like baked fish, city chicken, scalloped potatoes, corned beef and cabbage and Beef Stroganoff. Food. Stuff that are difficult to get in restaurants. Stuff that your wife and family members can experiment with and make signature dishes that feed and nurture.

And then relax.

Chat over the food. Talk about your day. About her day. About your friends. About what needs to be done. About hope. Dreams. Plans.


Not television.

Don’t wait for others to make it happen. It’s YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Act in control of YOUR life. Stop waiting for others to do things… to agree on things… to endless debate things. Just do it.

You be the guiding light.



Start carving out a place in the table of life, and YOU start inviting others to share in your little piece of Heaven.

GOod friends. Good family. Good food and drink.

You start it. You make it happen.

Beef Stroganoff.

It will happen.

So will a nice, safe, secure home. Cozy, warm. Dry. Tastefully decorated. Your wife is in charge of everything domestic.

She’s the boss.

Like on an aircraft carrier. There is a Captain, and then there is the XO. She’s the Executive Officer, and you are the Captain. Be the Captain; steer that ship to a fine safe harbor and prosper there.

I’m giving you all the keys, don’t you know.

You will get, also, because of your lower stress and improved organization, a group of friends where you BELONG. You will get participation in life. Pets. A cat or two. Maybe a dog.

You will be invited places. You will have good walks. Good times. Great conversation, and people who make special occasions becuse…


…because (insert lame excuse here).

You will get other things as well.

A hobby. A pleasure or two.

And care about our surroundings.

Watch out for the kids, and the pets that run in front of us from time to time.

video 3MB

And just kind of live life.

Why not live life?

Watch good movies, enjoy art. Touch sculptures.

Have a hot fudge sundae.

Visit historical places. Enjoy the day on the beach or a snowy mountain hike. Play with your pets, or friends. Just start getting engaged in discussions about all sorts of interesting and curious things.

Sit on the porch with an inviting porch light on. Invite neighbors over for a game of checkers, or cards. Have beer available, or iced tea.

Check out interesting things and discuss them.

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Please know that you can make your life in a real paradise on the earth.

You really can. You just have to manufacture it.

You run your prayer affirmation campaigns and implement them in accordance to your fate forecasts. You follow the guidelines on being a Rufus, and participating in the community.

You get your home life in order. You divide responsibilities. Stop trying to run the whole world and carry it on your shoulders. Stop that egotistical nonsense.

Share the responsibilities.

The wife is in charge of all finances and all domestic, you (if you are a man) are in charge of earning money and fixing things. You earn it. She spends it.  It’s the natural order of things.

You give her all the money you make, and she hands back a living allowance. Things are much calmer and better that way.

No worries.

I tell you (men) that once you do this, you will forever never have to worry about food, bills, or disputes EVER again. She will take care of everything. You won’t have those worries. Never again.

You will eat WELL. Really, really well. You will have a larder, and a freezer full of premade meals, and canned goods.

Your stress level will go WAY down. There is nothing like daily meals of good fine delicious food, good conversation and an evening of winding down in cool soft relaxation.

And you will be able to focus on your job.

And your life will really start to look like this…

video 8MB

And really, isn’t that what you want?

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Bo Chen

The biggest problem is human overshoot causing resource depletion. Now that global energy has peaked, deminishing EROEI means the world at large is a shrinking Negative Sum game where all the pies get smaller…

Back in the 1950s America at least than 5% the world population was consuming 50% the world resources..

America was founded on the genocide of an entire landmass of natives and on the backs of black slaves and later the smarts of Chinese immigrants…

The unipolar moment was never going to be sustainable. Only fools would think America was great because it was “exceptional”


Back in the 50’s America consumed quite a bit of the world’s resources with the Marshall act in restoring Europe. Yes. Should we have not done that?

As of 2016 America uses quite a bit of resource in supporting in some form 86 percent of the planet militarily, domestic aid and social programs. My advice is….don’t take the resources if it is objectionable. People in America don’t take aid from foreign nations so we don’t have any advice to give other nations how to refuse it. We have no idea where it goes or what is actually done with it. I doubt its altruistic. But you should bring that up with your own government if the consumption of resource is objectionable. You can take a look at our roads and infrastructure and schools to know those resources aren’t being consumed by the American people for their own interests and communities.

America was founded by England, France, and Spain as colonies of the same. They brought slavery here with them before America existed. We didn’t own most of the landmass of America until relatively late in history and that in part, Westward Expansion was attempted as a short term fix to stem the flow of slavery into the longer term solution could be brought into play through natural law and the laws of inheritance.

We couldn’t do anything with European outposts just outside our borders. So we bought the borders. That expansion displaced Native Americans. Pick your poison. Displacement or slavery.

Now during this time do you think that no one in Europe and abroad were enjoying the fruits of slavery. No one was buying textiles, rum, or sugar? Do we really believe that?

What about slavery in America today. We have thousands of people spilling over the borders and they are trafficked in nation and disappear in nation and are routed abroad. But if America attempts to stem the flow of slavery what are called? Racists, haters and xenophobes.

Okay so the smarts of Chinese people. Why are they here if America is such a backwater of slavery, hatred and racism? Why do really bright people come here? Who made them come here? We DO get the best and brightest that Asia has to offer….why? I’m curious. Their nations of origins, I am told are much better than America so are their educational opportunities. So why do they come here? I am truly curious about this.

Are most of them to be found working in corporations that are based in Asia? We have lots of those here. They tend to put their factories in rural areas . You know where all the racists and haters are taking advantage of their brilliance.

Actually those businesses are situated there because they know that none of that is true. That would be a very bad business model for brilliant people to follow. And they know that too.


What action should Uncle Sam take to defuse a tense and potentially catastrophic train of events?

I think Uncle Sam should summon his children and gather all his strength as a physiognomist and visionary, precursor to tell the origin of their family and the way of building the house once well established. From this present day continue the perception of the future in its conditioning and find the problems to eliminate for the harmony of the houses of the city… but this is perhaps an insurmountable fantasy for the house.

If you were Big Russ, what action do you think you should take?
If you were Mr. Lee, what do you think you should do?
Do you think making an announcement at this party was a good thing to do?

I’m building an option to combine the other 3 questions.

Maison Lee and Russ prospect detection of influential and lucid cousins ​​near Sam invite them without telling Sam that they are invited. Developed a realistic speech on the problems and direct and long-term consequences to continue without solution revealed with as many arguments of sympathy before the infernal turn of the Sam house. Once the speech has been validated by the 3 parties, invite Sam and his children to the party with a strictly ordered staging Uncle Sam must enter first all the children are excluded from eating and playing outside under the supervision of the housekeeper.

The cousins ​​are hidden but can hear Sam will listen to the speech with if he does not agree to control his morals then they will send the speech and its public responses throughout the country.

Yes it is a lot of effort to help Sam and his family find the reason for harmony peacefully.

If the response is not compliant, then a capture and dispatch protocol to the sender will be put in place by the other 2 families. The interest that the lucid cousins ​​listen to behind the scenes is to see and hear the real rationality of this unbearable discord and in the hope that they will manage to find peace internally with Sam.

Ohio Guy

That was excellent.


We the Americans (the good people) are shell shocked at
the state of affairs. The gov is an utter disgrace. There are
crook FBI and crook CIA and crook banking and evil corps with
only one goal/”own everything.” Votes count for nothing. The
big boys have already stolen anything and everything and now
they want to kill us all. The hallmark of the stupid or evil braindead
“bad” Americans seem on an endless quest for creating envy
and loathing by having more and better stuff than their neighbor.
That is their identity, the owners of stuff.

Some Americans want to harm the China house because…they
may have better stuff. China “harms it’s own people.” A very tired
tripe. What do the Russ want people do? Have some control against
incursions from neighbors financed by Sammy to pester and threaten, and try to manipulate them?

Me thinks the Sammy clan needs to 1) sincerely apologize.
2) cease and desist all meddling in other groups territory.
3) make every effort to cooperate with the other 2 major houses.
There is a chance, albeit small, that by working together, we can
achieve new methods for creating clean energy so ALL may have

The last major effort the Sam group must do. It may be painful.
Sweep out all the past due date petty criminals from .gov and
punish, (banish) or whatever, the major crooks. Demented crusty
officials voting themselves a license to steal must end. The Klaus Schwab crew needs to go away one way or another. I suppose
there might be 1K items on the “list” but this is a comment, not an
essay. Last, the Sam groups hinting at war need to be shamed
and shunned by the world community thereby getting them into
exile. Stupid, or insane, or evil, (whichever) they have got to go.
The other 2 houses can do the same with any out of control

Regards, and TY for your work!