The tale of the three shepherds.

The following is my very own first attempt at a fictional story.

I have been told that I must be a great writer because all of my Metallicman writings are so fantastical and imaginative. I must have a great colorful and active mind to dream up such ideas. But that’s not really true. I only write what I have personally experienced, and talk about the life that I live and what I see and do.

There’s nothing fictional in this site whats so ever.

Never the less, I have tried to write fiction in the past, maybe the early 1990’s and it got no where. Maybe I could try again. Maybe I’ll be another Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke or Robert Heinlein. Who actually knows?

So with that introduction, let’s introduce my first internet published short story. And you’se guys are the first to read it. I do hope that you enjoy it.

The Three Shepherds

Once upon a time, in a rather pastoral land, were three shepherds. They were men of sheep.

All of them were tall, strong and carried about a long crooked cane. And as they went about their day to day life shepherding, doing sheep related things, and discussing sheep related current events, they would often gather together (as was their want) under this huge shady tree.

And there, under the great expanse of the mighty oaken limbs, they would discuss the latest in sheep husbandry, sheep technology, and sheep-related gossip.

The three shepherds went by the names of Tom, Dick and Harry.

Tom, the best shepherd of the trio had a massive and impressive flock of sheep. All of them were well cared for, happy and were the envy of the local village.

Dick, an average shepherd, had an average flock of sheep. There was nothing really that great about it. All of the sheep were solid “C” grade students in the local sheep academy, and it showed in their actions and behaviors.

And, Harry, well, Harry was the worst shepherd of the three. He tended to ignore his flock of sheep and left them to do their own bidding. Meanwhile he would cavort with a prized sheep or two off in the wilds behind the bushes in a most devilish manner.

And one day, on this fine and quiet pastoral land, they came to an argument.

It turns out that they were arguing just who was the best shepherd.

And the point was raised, that your actions are reflected in how the sheep behavior, and not whether or not you get ribbons at the local annual sheep parade, or are given the key to the city for the most amazing sheep.

Ai! And the argument went long and hard and well into the night. No one could decide who was the best shepherd.

By the crowing of the early bird, a cock named  “amorphous weasel” on account of his propensity to steal long bananas, with (two) well rounded kiwi fruit off kitchen window sills, the group tiredly came to a conclusion.

It was decided that each shepherds would go off, one by one, and gather their flock and bring it to the tree. And there in front of everyone the sheer beauty (or maybe it’s “shear” beauty) and magnificence of the flock would be obvious to all to behold.

So Dick, the average shepherd, went off to gather his flock.

And after what seemed to be day, but was really a mere two hours, he came back. (Let it be known that he stopped for a blueberry pie, and maybe a little kiss, from the baker Lady Ms. McSmunch-a-lot in the town.) And refreshed, wiping the blueberry stains off his lips, he led his flock to the rest of the trio to observe.

And there, came the flock.

They were clean and presentable. Their hooves were all trimmed and well manicured. Their eyes were also clear, and the wool was obviously of the finest quality. They came well behaved, and presented themselves are docile, but proud sheep; they were the kind of sheep that you would introduce to your son.

And as they arrived, they sang a little sheep marching song. It went a little like this…

  • Baa Baaaa, Baa Baaaa,
  • We’re the sheep of Baaa Dick.
  • Baa Baaa, Baa Baaa.

And then, after a short while, the filed to the tree, and then upon the proper signal (by Dick obviously), they settled down. All the time making tiny cooing sounds…

Baaa Baaa.

Of course both of the other two shepherds were impressed. For indeed this was a fine, fine flock of sheep. It was undeniable. And nothing would make this moment more noteworthy than when a shepherd talent-scout showed up and wanted to take a picture of young shepherd Dick with his fine, well tended flock.

There were rumors that he was going to be on the cover of “Sheep News and Pastoral Report”.

And it seemed to be his destiny, for shortly afterwards a gaggle of young attractive lasses, with hair in long pony-tails, wearing short skirts with low cut bodices were asking for Dicks autograph. They all wanted a piece of Dick, and were willing to do anything to get a taste of this Dick action.

Well, as impressive as all that was, Tom decided to go off and get his flock of sheep.

Now Tom went off and it wasn’t long before the clouds in the sky opened up. And bright blue “spring time” sky appeared with two enormous sheep blowing long golden trumpets appeared. And as they blew the ground and surroundings became calm. Everything went absolutely quiet. Even the worms and the snails stopped their crocheting, and stood by a listening.

Then, brighter than day and appearing in blinding, and stunning radiance appeared the flock. It approached the stunned spectators in organized cadence. And they hummed, and sang, and their voices resonated in brilliance and within spectacular fashion.

  • Ba Ba. Ba Ba.
  • Baaaaaa!
  • Ba, Ba, Baaaa, Baaaa, Ba!

They approached the group in groups of three. marching to the beat, and their hooves landed ever gently upon the grass at the feet of the shepherd.

There was no question that this flock was truly exceptional. Their wool was of the finest texture, and so white and clean that it hurt the eyes of any who beheld it. The faces of the sheep were impassioned with glee, happiness and empathy.  And when they finally gathered together they were polite about it.

They would say such things as “Excuse me, my fine fellow sheep, can you please pass me the Grey Poupon…. Baaahhh.”

Indeed, these sheep were exception. No one could deny it.

And when the shepherds started to talk, the sheep took the time to post insta-sheep photos for their followers, for after all, many of the sheep in this flock were famous influencers. And sheep all over the world would follow their postings. They would want to know what grass they were eating and why. They would want to see who they were hanging out with, and pictures of their latest meals, and pictorials of their latest pastoral settings.

It was absolutely clear that this flock was spectacular.

Well, the time came for Harry to show his flock. So he got up off the long he was sitting upon and ambled off to gather his flock. As he went he muttered something under his breath, but no one could make it out.

It sounded something like “truck fist” or something similar. He grumbled away saying things like “razzmatazz” and “hoodwink, and scurvy tweaky boondoggle”

Hours passed.

The sky got dark, and a wind started to blow.

Dark clouds appeared on the horizon and a cool chill started to cause everyone to gather their shawls and jackets around their shoulders.

And the ground started to rumble.

It was low at first but soon become enormously loud. It sounded like an air plane jet engine revving up, and the exploding and dying over and over as it’s internal parts bashed and clanged upon each other in the most terrible of grinding sounds. People started to cover their ears, and a light oily rain started to fall upon everyone in a brown oozy slimy mess.

And there, on the horizon were what appeared to be a herd of tiny tornadoes. These brown dusty and dirty nightmares approached the crew, the tree, and all the two flocks that were gathered there. The talent scout stopped talking and taking pictures, the Insta-sheep models stopped filming selfies, and everyone stood shaking where they stood. They remained rooted to the ground.

And as the group got close you could make out what was approaching.

For, in front of them was a small army of “Mad Max style” cobbled together quasi vehicles of all makes, models and unusual pedigrees.

Some looked like something the devil himself would weld together with nightmare steel, twisted metal, and chain link accoutrements.

Others looked like a maniac’s idea of a military vehicle if they had the budget of a used junk yard attendant.

And still others looked more like they belonged outside a meth-lab, a biker bar, or an abandoned kiddie circus prowled by nightmare clowns with chainsaws and blood lust in their eyes.

And they roared towards them.

It was like an avalanche or a tidal wave and they pulled up in front of  all the startled spectators. they all revved their motorcycle and various engines for effect.

  • Barroom! Barroom!
  • Braaaaam!

And black oily smoke blew out of their exhausts. And the sheep themselves looked like Frankenstein-sheep.

Many had patches of wool missing, obviously from a diet low in vitamin “D”, or perhaps suffering from mange. Many were missing eyes, limbs, teeth. They all wore vests emblazoned with the words…

“Satan’s orphan lamb”

And many had tattoos everywhere.

Some were of names of a certain loved one, a sheep from their past, but with the name crossed out, and another one written next to it. Others were tattoos of knives, skulls, and “low brow art”.

And then…

…just then…

… a big noisy, and particularly malodorous motorcycle-like vehicular contraption pulled up. It sprayed dust and gravel everywhere, and the lone dark sheep got off the bike.

He was an ugly brute, a big blustering monstrosity, that was foul, nasty, criminally dirty, and oily…

…an onerous sheep that went by the name of Beelzebub.

He was big, and nasty. His wool was black and grey with red and purple highlights. He wore lipstick, and ear rings, with seemed to point to some kind of LGBT sheep hybrid of sorts, he wore a big leather belt with an enormous belt buckle featuring the head of one of the missing sheep-dogs that used to help the shepherd, and emblazoned upon his chest was a big garish tattoo with the words…

“My shepherd doesn’t love me”

And he scanned the people gather there with his one lone bloodshot eye. As he got off his bike and hobbled towards them, his single leg ended up hitting the dust while his wooden peg-leg went thunk, thunk, thunk….

…and he stopped in front of all the shepherds, and their flocks. No one said a sound.

A moment passed and then another.

Finally, shepherd Tom cleared his throat, and said…

“You are by far, the absolutely worst flock of sheep that I have ever seen in my life!”.

And no one moved.

No one.

No one said a thing.

You could hear a pin drop.

Then the leader, the biggest, the baddest, the most foul, and slimy sheep went up to him. his foul sheep breath was stinky, oily, nasty and disgusting.

And he said…

“We might be the ugliest, the most disgusting, the most untamed sheep that you have ever laid your eyes upon. But I will tell you one thing…”

And he paused for effect, and gave everyone a good harsh look with his remaining blood-shot eye…

“…. we’re baaaaaaad!”

The End.

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The story is like a fever dream crossed with the twilight zone. Had no idea what to expect. Especially the ending caught me off guard!


Ever just “need” something like this to get you going in the morning? I did-thanks!!!


In all sincerity, I cannot believe that someone of your purported credentials could, or even would write such a thing. Just junk. No, I did not laugh, or even chuckle; I cringed at the third-grade drivel. Of course the grammar and spelling do not help (yes, I remember your time-constraint-90%-OK claim on the shit-English). Awful.


Well, Mr Man. I guess it’s a thankless task explaining the mysteries of the multiverse! They’ll still turn on you in a New York minute no matter how much time and thought you give if it’s not what they wanna hear.
Such is life pre-sentience sorting, I guess. Wheat, chaff and all that. Keep em coming, I say. Story writing and imagination exercises are proven cognitive expanders no matter what the lost souls think!


I am truly amazed at writers – or real [fine] artists… be they musicians, painters, sculptors or whatever. They say so much in just a color, or texture, or chord; they bring to life vivid imagery with fucking WORDS. Although it is a gift, I believe that it requires continual maintenance.

To those commenting on my [previous] comment: we live in a world of sycophant morons – I will not subscribe.


Well, DSK; now that you mention ‘words’, you’ve managed to fit ‘junk’, ‘drivel’, ‘shit’ and ‘awful’ into a mere 3 and a half lines above as a response to someone who took the time to think out a lot more in answering your own particular queries previously. And since you also seem to think a defence of same makes us sycophants, perhaps you’d benefit from a dictionary as well as a thesaurus, too.
Have a nice day– sounds like you need one.

Ohio Guy

Please, Ultan, don’t drive Disklauslfler off. It’s kinda fun having him around. Don’t you agree?


Okay, okay. I agree. And it certainly wasn’t my intention to drive anyone away. Nor would that be my right on another man’s blog. I just really dislike destructive criticism, but on rereading my retorts above, it seems I’ve tarred myself with my own brush! I half expected Mr Man to ditch my comments to be honest, as I know he dislikes folks bitching off on the threads.
From now on, I’ll endeavour to be more of a Rufus and less of an old granny. My wife does accuse me of being a pass-agg bully on occasion, too! The zombies and terrified Normies stalking this once great land of ours are starting to get to me. I mean, a grown man wearing a mask while driving? Alone? Jumpong away from you in a frikking grocery store as if ine has leprosy? What’s the medical benefit of that?! Our civilisation is doomed, clearly. And it gets to me. But I also know a sentience sorting event is both necessary AND overdue. That’s how I reconcile the lunacy. It’s the only possible way forward.
Anyway, come back, DSK! You do ask some rather pertinent questions, after all.
Best to all

Ohio Guy

Even in my tiny little town, the family owned grocery requires a face diaper. Conversely, my employer has not required me to wear a mask for two weeks now. Everyone else in the bakery does except me. I find this somewhat curious. And yes, I too, occasionally see folks driving the highway fully masked, windows up. And yes, it does seem, seem I say, that our country is doomed. Certainly large cities. But the rolling hills farmland small town I live in is untouched by the madness other areas faaar away are experiencing. I rarely view anything touting itself as a “news source”. There’s enough madness here on the interwebs. It’s why I visit our host’s site nearly daily. I believe truly that our thoughts and vebalizations influence our surroundings. I wonder if magicians or illusionists like Chris Angel, David Copperfield, et al. have highly aware and intuitive thinking abilities to do the things they do. Anyhow, (I’m starting to ramble on, I know) have a great weekend.


Ramble away, OH. We’re relatively remote, too. Yet somehow independently minded and tough farming folks all around us have succumbed to the MMMedia madness. It’s some kind of hitech media entrainment being used. I know this from a friend and former colleague still in the Game. I’ve developed resistance techniques over the years taught to me originally by some of the best in that Game. Thats why I’ve never since early adulthood watched TV or any kind of moving pictures. I will though on occasion check out a ‘programme’ from time to time if referred to it. The Masters reveal a lot about their future plans in this way. It’s called predictive programming based on the work of Pavlov and Bernays, especially. (And folks think Pavlov was studying dogs, eh? The Bernays family own Netflix– a little known factotum– avoid that shit whatEVER you do.)
I also know COVID is very, very real and mutated versions are probably incoming. We take the necessary precautions definitely. But there is a sanity limit.
MMan’s revelations about how reality works also check out with snippets I’ve picked up in my former line of work over the years. And for this reason I too check out his invaluable offeringsand insights, daily. It’s no accident we’re here, and I can sense DSK, for example, really, really struggling with what he knows to be true regardless of former programming and manipulation we’re all subject to to a greater or lesser extent. Most deep thinkers do.
Thoughts make reality– a core teaching implicit or otherwise in the great religions everywhere. But a teaching that’s been corrupted and concealed by operators embedded in these religions too right from the very beginning.
Stay safe stateside– something big is coming this July, I gather. Starting with major economic wobbles and stock market problems. Have a months food just in case. But I sense you already have!
Stay safe, ya’ll.
ps as for China’s hitech sector, Mr Man? You should check out the BIRD agreement. Think it’s an accident the PLA’s new 5th gen stealth fighter is practically identical to the Raptor? With respect, think again.
The US does not give tech to its enemies for sure, but its “friends” are all over that shit like files on a turd. And they have friends, too. Check it out.


ps This BIRD btw, Mr Man. And not the pretty ones in your trees outside!

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan
Ohio Guy

Are you sure?

Ohio Guy

I think MM short story time should be a regular feature. I hope it’s not Baaaaaad of me to feel that way!


Eh dsklausler you do realise it’s about the metaphors right?

Ohio Guy

DSKlausler, I encourage you to reread about the sheep belonging to Dick. And read it as many times as it takes, I’ll wait. Do you see any parallels?

Cw liew

Ok. I lost it at “Mad Max style”… This is hilarious and so hard to find. More please!


Hi, it took me some time but your message passed. I like it. It’s a good read, and I read a lot. I like the way you write, honestly your posts of reposting others are less interesting .. well, sometimes you do bring some jewels. but I am here for your writings, your ideas, your enlightenments, especially regarding sentience, our place and mission in this world, the geopolitics which is looking at the beehive, or different beehives from above, or maybe I should say, the power structures inside one particular beehive.. The comments, some of them for sure are here not for nothing.
The world line travel section and writings was a bonus, but it is the one to rule them all..
I am back in Israel, long story. came back as I felt a need to. it was from above. A month later my dad passed away, it was a surprise for many, not for me. I had the privilege to be with him in this final weeks. we had good conversations.

We had some good tense family time, it was hard for everyone, but it was a good lesson. things changed.

Things around are about the change, I can feel it. I felt it when leaving Israel in July, but it seems it was another world line.. now it’s different. powerful people are trying to run their plan. for now clashes between different groups in Israel are taking place and the criminal political syndicate which rules Israel provoked the Hamas to start again a new round of fighting. in any case, please keep on writing 🙂

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

Hey MetMan, what a well-written story. If I had been dring anything when I read “truck fist” I might have sorted it out my nose. And the longest lead-up to pun, ever.
So I was inspired to try my hand at something. Feel free to adopt, edit and post if the spirit moves you.
Hey I’m developing a plot for a new BatMan movie, trying to break into Hollywood work.
It goes like this. 
Gotham City is home to an international gang. They have been extremely successful for at least 200 years, and have more money than God. They have bought all the yachts, jets and tropical islands they want, and they have bought every government (except Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea). They own all the mass media and all the big industries, too. But, they still feel like they have no purpose. (If you have to hide on your islands to play with your special little 10 year old toys it can get boring after a few decades.) So about 70 years ago they started having meetings about what their worldly legacy should be. 
It didn’t take long – all of them agreed there are too many common people in Gotham City, polluting the place and milling all over ruining everything. They weren’t going to just go away, even with ginned-up riots and epidemics. They made a longer-term plan to cull the useless eaters, using their astronomical and idle war chest. All of the gang leaders inserted alarming stories about pollution and overpopulation in the news to start to plant guilt, a few of them hinted at the objective (oops) and one of them even carved it into a monument in the countryside surrounding Gotham City.
So the next, proposal meeting minutes went like this: 
1. “We need a disease, an epidemic that will wipe out at least half of the citizens of Gotham City so that we can come out and enjoy the pleasures of our city in the open. What good is it to own a city, if you have to hide all the time? We’re doing it for the children! (ours that is)”.
2. A large, fast-spreading lethal epidemic was ruled out as unreliable. “We’ve tried a few before and they always fizzled out. We also have to take careful measures to protect ourselves. We need a way to directly inject a disease. But first, we need a real disease so we have a cover for the ‘cure’ “.
3. The Doctor in the gang outlined his diabolical idea to destroy Gotham City. “We can make up millions of genetically based shots that induce clotting and thrombocytopenia through a simple, direct mechanism. We already have a fast-spreading disease – Influenza, but it doesn’t do that. We have to make the deplorables of Gotham City think there is a new virus that kills them, even though there isn’t…”
4. “I know! How about we make up swab test that randomly contains our dastardly pathogen, so some sheep can test positive and others not? We would have to shove them way up deep to work, even though the Flu can be spread by droplets. So that way, we get a panic rolling when half of them get sick!”
5. “Yes!” says another gang leader. “While you’re doing that angle, I’ll plant all kinds of stories about bats and sinister laboratories, so the nerds who don’t believe it’s real will at least think it was manufactured by evil scientists.”
6. Another top man chimed in, “Excellent. At the same time, we can confuse and demoralize everyone in Gotham City by having the mayor lock down the city with curfews, mandates, and closings, and then flip-flop on all kinds of nonsense like ineffective cures. They’ll be BEGGING for a sure-shot!”
7. “Once they start flocking in for the our solution, it will snowball even more and they might get wise. What do we do then?” said the Doctor.
8. “Don’t worry. Well snow them with stories about new variants, bury, hide and fake the data – after all, that’s where we really shine – and censor anybody who tries to highlight it. Even the Sheep Doctors will be afraid if they make a peep about how nonsensical it is, because they will know the real score and be scared shitless by the sheer reach of our power. The stupid ones might get taken in, but the rest will stay zipped.”
9. “They’ll never know what hit them. By the time they activate the Bat-Light, it will be too late! BWAAHA HA!”
10. “Gotham City will be half gone, maybe even Bruce Wayne and Alfred will get suckered in and take the shot. It will be ours to rule as we wish!”
But in the hanging-by-a-thread climax, BatMan and Robin are not suckered. They sprang into action, destroying the evil potions in their refrigerated hideouts. All the news anchors called them “conspiracy theorist white supremacists” but they used their bat-ropes to take over the evil newsrooms and broadcast the truth. And they saved Gotham City just in time! 

What do you think? Remember this is all fiction.

Ohio Guy

Would you believe there is a “lottery” in Ohio. Eligibility requires two doses of the “vax” and four “winners” will be picked this wednesday to the tune of 1 mil each. Our pharma mega corps. are a gargantuan monster eh? I’m sure it’s all legit though, huh!