The truth about “forgive and forget”

Ah. I tire so about repeating myself.

Earth is a Prison Planet. There are systems within systems, within systems to control the inmates. It’s a big subject and I have covered it elsewhere. If you want to learn all the details, then you can browse around here on MM. But for now, I want to discuss one of the control mechanisms.

It’s the “forgive and forget” control mechanism.

I can tell you that criminals inside the United States use this method all the time to reduce their sentences, get away with crimes, and conduct “damage control” to lessen the impacts of their crimes to others.

I’ve explained this many, many times over.

If you can convince your victim to forgive you, then there is a great chance that they will not press charges or file a report on you. And thus you, as a criminal, can continue repeating your crimes over and over. All you need to do is follow the simple formula;

  • Hurt a person.
  • Have someone else convince them to “forgive you” and then “forget about the event”.
  • Repeat. And hurt a different person.

That is precisely why the police routinely look at first time offenders with an eye towards how many prior crimes they committed, but were not caught in.

It’s not just felony activity. It’s about everything. Thoughts, feelings and behaviors are all connected.

It’s a nice trite saying that is used to control you.

Learn this fact; children learn from their mistakes. A child that falls off a chair, then a ladder, then a table will stop accidentally falling down because it HURTS. But what if you mind-wipe the memories, and forget what it was like when you fell down? Well, the child would repeat again, and again, and again over and over.

If you are in a bad relationship, after a long string of bad relationships, you need to stop “forgiving and forgetting”; bone up. Grow a spine and learn from your mistakes.

And for the really brainwashed out there in internet land…

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Ohio Guy

And if that was grandmother’s expensive china, you just got yourself written out of her will! Are we learning yet???


Sorry Mr Man but yes, this is a topic that needs repetition over and over and over again, because it is so very deep ingrained! And it’s hard wrap my head around it. But the thing is, there is a difference between “forgive and forget” and properly saying “I’m sorry”!! And it’s mixed up. Bad guys just need to say “I’m sorry” without asking the victim how they can make it up to him and letting the victim decide if they can EVEN MAKE IT UP. Thank you “justice” it takes away this victims right. At least that’s my opinion.


Great post, it is brief but teaches an important point.

Digressing for a moment – once upon a time, I taught electronics to a few gifted boys, together with their parents. I would go on for many hours at a time during the first few sessions, but eventually I realized that what mattered was not how much I taught, but how much they learned. After that, I would do much shorter lessons, then open discussion and, if possible, have them use what I had taught, not formal labs, but “playing” with an example circuit and meters, then another brief lesson, several rounds per session. (We could not all meet very frequently, which would have been better — some of the boys had to travel hundreds of miles, so sessions had to be long.) Anyway, I like the brevity of this article and how it has a single sharp point.

I’m tempted to ignore your example and talk about an idea I have for an organization for coordinating and crowdfunding anti-corruption and “David vs. Goliath” lawsuits using loans, which could make possible an effective alternative to forgiveness of the people who repeatedly cause injury, but rather than going into details, I’ll just note that it is indeed a systemic problem and can’t be fixed by atomized individuals one case at a time, but rather requires a system for many victims working together on the stream of many such cases simultaneously and in a continuing manner.


Not sure if you deleted your newest post about Questions but it won’t load for me.

I have the PDF (of screenshots) ready–you can email me at and I can reply back with the file if that works. (Domain Expeditionary…)


Its kinda funny that today I went to church and they were speaking about the same thing. Forgive and forget. coincidence?


“Forgive and forget” is a favorite ploy of greedy, geriatric, genocidal, elites. When called out for some psychopathic harm they’ve done, they simply say, “mistakes were made.”

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