2022 03 26 08 19

The USA Is Committing Suicide

This is the year. It’s happening. It’s peaking.

This guy, Gonzalo Lira has laid it all out. All of it. Economic, Geo-political, economic, in very easy and clear terms. This video of his (in two parts – sorry about that) really tells you what is going on and why, and talks about what is going to happen.

MM agrees 100% with his assessment.

Outstanding video.

It’s in two parts due to some technical issues, but I have to tell youse guys, it’s brilliant. Man, oh man, does it set you up for a real understanding of what is going on in the Geo-Political scene right now.

Please watch both videos.

Hopefully they will stay up before the MSM takes them down. Outstanding. You need to watch both of these videos. Watch it to the very end. The best part is in the second video at 45:00:00 min to the end.

Part 1

2022 03 25 21 36
2022 03 25 21 36

Part 2


2022 03 25 21 22
2022 03 25 21 22


Pay attention to what is happening with Sanctions and Taiwan. You will start to realize the full extent what is going on.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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watched this guy give a breakdown of the failing US economy a few weeks ago and it was really well laid out. will definitely watch these when i’ve got some spare minutes

JC Soulwood

I know Gonzales. Quite well actually.
Just goes to show, how strong a force we are experiencing. I used to call this Soul Gravitation, but it’s non-local and non-temporal. I need a new name for this force. The force that is weaving a network of connections between people. You are in it MM, Daegon & your wife. A guy from Finland and a woman from Ireland. And Gonzales apparently. We are all nodes, there is no centerpiece. It is highly resilient. Take some time to think about this. I’m 100% sure, that you can spot 5-10 persons in your life that fits.

This net grows exponentially.


Do desperate globalists thrash about and grasp at straws?

Screen Shot 2022-03-26 at 3.30.52 PM.png

Makes you wonder if WWIII could be won solely on financial pressure. The only problem is when ppl go hungry they are ready to go to war, not just because of the enemy who is squeezing their economy but the leadership are afraid of being ousted (or even lynched in some cases, and rightfully IMHO), and they need a distraction and potentially gain some territory to restore some assets they can trade with. Assets can be oilfields, wheat fields or entire countries. And the price is always in blood and the leadership never mind that cost.


So its hard to see the breakdown of the US and Euro economies NOT turning to WWIII. Its just a case of who flinches first and caves. The Europeans are the weakest – will they cave and prevent the US from using NATO to go all out against Russia (and China)?. They could and that would deflate the whole big dog threat the US have. Hopefully anyway. If so it could be a relatively bloodless war and China/Russia could be the new top dogs. Not a bad result at all.

Laurie Seto

I’ve been watching and listening to Gonzalo Lira during his appearances on The Duran on Locals since the Ukraine business has been going on. I live in Canada and have seen what happens when an obscure protest of truckers decide to travel to the capital Ottawa. Then the sanctions against ordinary citizens include confiscation of legally donated funds willingly surrendered without rule of law, a leader of the opposition whose claim to fame was his legal practice safeguarding the rights and freedoms of Canadians.

I am bewildered.

The actions in Europe also beggars belief. Alex Cristoforou and Alexander Mercouris have been discussing the ramifications of different actions and the potential outcomes. You know, what if?

Well, here we are about four weeks and counting into this conflict, and we are where we are. They all discussed the suicidal actions and initially dismissed them as suicide because only stupidity would do such a thing. Don’t these fearless leaders converse with money people, political people, international people? The EU? The UN and the Security Council.
I’m still bewildered.

The US is playing a dangerous game and am I experiencing a Tom Clancy novel? Even when he was alive, he wrote of some wild ideas but at least there were some clear thinking people around to save the day. Oh well, fiction.

I’ll just go one day at a time, have a steak or meat everyday while I can, lust after younger women though that’s all I can do, wait for the snow to melt and then go bike-riding everyday. I’m just small-fry. I’ll be waiting to see what China does. It’ll be interesting. Cheers to all.


Lester Levenson (a physicist and engineer who was invited to work on the Manhattan Project) explains why pessimism (fear) gives power to the forces of evil while optimism (faith in God) helps defeat them. (recorded on May 31, 1966)

“This is the danger in reading newspapers, listening to the radio. The world in general has a very negative consciousness. If you go with it, it moves you in that direction. Now if someone tells you that that’s escape, it’s not. Any time you acknowledge anything in the world, you’re supporting it. If you acknowledge war and death and misery, you’re supporting it; that’s the mental thoughts you’re sending out. You see, we all send out thoughts. Every time we have a thought, we think it’s a secret little thing within ourselves. It goes out to the universe. So, the masters support the world; they counterbalance all the apparent negativity by just sitting in a cave and sending out the good whole thoughts, constructive thoughts, thoughts of oneness. So, the only way we can give real help to the entire world is by helping ourselves. The more positive our consciousness is, the more we send that out to everyone.”