Things are very serious now

Well, we all have been dealing with a host of disturbing Geo-Political actions originating out of the USA for decades. And over the last few years they have become more brazen, more outrageous and more daring. It’s been building up to a crescendo.

This build-up has triggered actions from the rest of the world, and the most notable being Russia, and China.

China and Russia has laid down “Red Lines”.

The United States ignored them.

The United States Has no idea…

Alex Krainer:

Western powers seem to have largely lost institutional brakes on waging war.

Someone cries “human rights,” and we seem prepared to obliterate entire nations with hardly any debate, discussion, or any long-term plan.

The consent for war, or “kinetic action”, is simply contrived by myriad think-tanks, often directly or indirectly funded by the military-industrial complex.

With unhindered access to the media, these organizations produce rhetoric that rationalizes hostility, demonization of targeted adversaries and justifications for war.

Today, as tensions with Russia have escalated to a boiling point, some of them draw historical parallels between today’s Russia and Nazi Germany. Among others, Victoria Nuland and Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger have recently invoked Britain’s 1938 policy of appeasement that caused the destruction of Czechoslovakia and empowered Hitler.

The insinuation is that today, Ukraine is Czechoslovakia, Donbas is Sudetenland and that Vladimir Putin is Hitler.

If the parallels were valid, they would imply that we should pay almost any price to avoid repeating Neville Chamberlain’s errors of judgment that plunged Europe into the tragedy of World War II.

Of course, the parallels are entirely false, but unfortunately, this is not widely understood.

Things are serious now…

Then Russia forced the United States to comply and answer their concerns in [1] writing and [2] in public about placement of nuclear weapons on the Russian border.

When it did get an “answer”, it was told to keep it secret. Which fell outside the Russian “demands”.

The content of the US response on security guarantees allows you to count on a serious conversation, but on secondary topics."

"There is no answer to the most important question – about the non-expansion of NATO to the east.”

“Our President will now decide on the next steps.”


You know, over the last two months, the expression on the faces of Lavrov and Putin remind me of a scene from “The Sopranos”.

It’s very serious.


For some perspective…

And his counterpart in the Ukraine that NATO and the USA embrace…

And now, let’s look at the military…

And here is what you have in the Ukraine…

And the NATO troops that will take on Russia…

The course of action

A “white tent” was set up and ignored.

Now the “red tents” are up.

From now on in, things are going to get very ugly. It is no wonder that all of Asia is very somber and serious right now.

They remember history. They know what needs to occur…

I won’t let what happened to my father happen to me.

The Sopranos

As I said, the expressions on the faces of Putin, Lavrov, and the generals are very serious. The color is drained out of their faces, and they seem gripped with steeling determination and dangerous determination. It well reminds me of a scene from the television show “The Sopranos”.

The Sopranos crew.

In it, the (mob boss) Tony had to kill a beloved cousin, and a long time childhood friend to prevent a massive gang war. He didn’t want to do it at all, but he knew that if he didn’t, many people would die.

This was the death of Tony Blundetto (Buscemi).

In that case, Blundetto killed Joey “Peeps” from the Leotardo crew (a different mob).

This was really a very, very bad thing to do and very serious.

Since Phil Leotardo (Frank Vincent) was intent on making Blundetto’s death the most painful event in recorded history, Tony did him a favor by making it quick.

In the blink of an eye — and the blast of a shotgun — Tony spared his cousin the torture he would have received in Leotardo’s hands.

So reluctantly, but determined, he got his shotgun and killed his childhood friend. Then he called the other mob boss where to find the body.

He hastened the death of his cousin, and prevented his long-drawn-out torture. He also prevented a long ongoing mob war.

You Tube



Scene on MM here

video 22MB

Tony Blundetto Dead – The Sopranos HD-2022-01-28_06.50.32


I am absolutely convinced that what ever “leadership” is directing things behind the scenes in the United States and in Europe, they have no fucking idea what they are dealing with.

Maybe it’s the notorious American “echo chambers” where they believe their own propaganda.

Or maybe it’s all the power, wealth and drugs that got into their heads.

Or, as late John Kenneth Galbraith noted,

“People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage”.


Whatever the root cause…

…It doesn’t matter. It’s now too late. The “white tents” were rejected. And the “red tents” are out.


This isn’t what anyone thinks it is, and judging from the American “news”, all the collective West are setting themselves up for some horrible things. Maybe America will endure. Maybe America will survive. Maybe America will emerge unscathed as the rest of the world burns. Maybe Jesus will come forth and protect all Americans because of their inherent worthiness…

But I will tell you this…

When cold-blooded killers believe that they need to hurt you, and hurt you bad, you need to RUN

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Memory Loss

“I am absolutely convinced that what ever “leadership” is directing things behind the scenes in the United States and in Europe, they have no fucking idea what they are dealing with.”

Actually I have a half crazy theory but the problem is, that theory is the only one that really makes sense.
The leaders either do not know what they are doing because they have no free will in them anymore. They have been taken over by parasitic entities who may or may not be physical entities. Could be an Old Empire poison pill.
Synchronicity is a funny thing. While the idea of parasitic possession was brewing and boiling in my mind, the Unz Review had an article about such a possibility.

The elite lost their connection to humanity some time ago. Maybe Old Empire or negative entities work, either alone or together with the elite. I’m thinking that whatever the entities are, their plans are designed to frustrate the Domain.

Robert Heinlein described the Domain in Starship Troopers. I think he also did the other side of the coin in The Puppet Masters, where he described the take over of Earth leaders by slugs from another planet or dimension. How I think what Heinlein wrote is not actually fiction, is a story for another day.

The Domain has perhaps a mortal enemy and it may not even be Old Empire but some other entity who has seized the opportunity to move in.


@memory loss i think i may be to trace this enemy, whether OE or not (though my research is leaning more towards it definitely being OE) back a fair way….waiting on the next Domain Q&A to see if my suspicians are correct or not.


The obvious signs of distraction are also visible over here…

Words to the heat of deeds

Too cold breath gives.

But come what come may,
Time and the hour runs through the toughest day!

Best regards,


As the service-to-self types, that all Western leaders are, value their own lives higher than anything else, what would make them collectively mortally endanger themselves?

As others have said, only machinations and control by others, namely the Old Empire, would make these STS goofs in power destroy themselves. Whether they’ve been convinced they’ll win or are simply taken over by something else – I wonder.

Is it even possible that Domain operatives are guiding the Western leaders to a controlled event that would signify clearly to them their military impotence and thus prevent a greater conflict?


No, I don’t think the “leaders” are somewhat controlled or possessed or whatnot.
Their hybris is intrinsic – or as we say over here:
“Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall”
[ from Proverbs 16:18 [King James Version (KJV)]
18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. ]


Yes, but when does hubris turn in to stupidity?

A flotilla of western ships in the South China Sea don’t pose any real threat.

I suppose they could fashion a giant steam powered trebuchet to fling those useless F35s at the Chinese!

Bo Chen

I like images. You can tell a lot from an image; especially the right one; and I happen to know quite a bit about images as an accident of employment.

So, I can tell you this: take a good look at the image of that ridiculous looking sack of shit aka the ‘Ukrainian Defence Minister’.

See the silk hanky in his pocket and the finely tailored, expensive jacket?

That tells you all you need to know. It really does. All he’s missing is a wig or even a hairpiece. (That’d have been too much of a giveaway, though. So his fashion advisor– sorry, image consultant– at taxpayers’ expense probably said ‘no’.)

Ohio Guy

Not to mention all the hookers and blow, eh?

Ultan McG

One can only imagine, O.G. 😂. Although given that it’s the Ukraine, cut up with God knows what. (And that’d be just the hookers.)


That leadership group you refer to as not knowing what they are doing have been in control of humanity for a few centuries if not since Sumerian times, depending on how you view it.

That said, they are struggling with hegemony more and more as China grows and spreads its example of social organization….including public finance.

I expect you to know better than us low life whether the leadership are poor losers or not and a real option here is extinction…