This Artist Illustrates His Sweet Childhood Memories So Well The Results May Move You To Tears

Here’s a nice break from the usual MM fare. I hope that you all appreciate it, and are not offended by the art. Whether it is cute kids, cats, or pretty women. It’s not the imagery that is what is important, as it is the feelings that you have when you look at the pictures.

Childhood… youth… young adulthood… private memories.

Although everyone has very different memories about this significant period of their lives, there‘s no doubt it‘s full of magic. Magic of discoveries, your first friends, pets, first family trips, the smell of a fresh pie baked by Grandma… And so much more!

  • The smell of the cold damp cellar when you went to get a soda at Grandma’s house…
  • The quite moment alone in the dark in a deep, dark, snowy night.
  • Being with “the gang” and riding bicycles during Summer break from school.
  • That moment in time that evokes… feelings.

Omario Brunelleschi is an English-Italian freelance artist who is illustrating exactly those sweet childhood memories that bring back the nostalgia of those heartwarming moments. Scroll down and go back in time with these delightful creations!

More: Facebook, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

Have you ever been here…

Or, here…

A romantic night out…

Tromping though the snowy woods under a full moon… some of my favorite memories…

Waking up and out at the crack of dawn…

In the public and someone catches your eye…

Early morning beach walk…

With your childhood crew out for a “hike”…

Singing at night on a date…

A bike ride in early Spring…

It’s how the sunlight hit her hair…

The moment you saw sunlight through your fingers…

With your friends at school…

…don’t forget the rule of three.

A shelter while it rains…

Cool Fall air…

A kitty waiting outside…

The end and a new beginning…

Hanging out on a quiet Summer night…

Running through a field…

A perfect day for kites and play…

A special moment alone…

Playing under blankets…

When you just have that one opportunity to start something new…


Meeting a new friend…

Nap with your little buddy…

It was only brief, but you never forgot…

Fall is coming…

On the dock / pier alone…

Coffee outside, and a cat walking about unencumbered…

Walking home after playing all afternoon…


Jogging togeher…

Cat meets fish.

Thinking about life… and what to do…

Making friends with a bird…

Daddy and daughter…

Daddy and kid on a walk…

Counting stars…

A sudden discovery…

Keeping warm…

First grocery shopping for your new apartment…

Hanging out with friends while pulled at the side of a lake and chillin’…

Rooftop cats…

Smell the coffee…

Exercise to music. Your personal time and space…

Just a pause to enjoy the moment…

A nice camp out…


Listening to music during a full moon…

Getting to know each other…

Surprise meet…

Just taking time…

Falling in love with a stranger…

A tough talk…


A family moment..

Just a special moment…


Normally, I’m not an overt fan of this electronic art medium. But there are exceptions, and this is one of them. The composition of these images are exquisite. And they hit me deep down inside where it matters.

I cannot say that EVERY picture resonates with me, but a number really, REALLY do. They take me back to good, fine and pleasant memories that I treasure. It is my hope that you, to, find one or two images that resonate with you. And as with art; that’s all that it takes.

Enjoy the moments that you have. Don’t try to make them special. That comes naturally. Just be mindful of the moment, and don’t be so fixed on goals, objectives or work schedules. Just appreciate what you have NOW.

I hope that there is SOMEONE in the MM audience that finds just ONE of these images that resonate with them deep inside.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this one in my Art Index here…



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These pictures bring a lot of emotions out of me, because they capture the essence of youth so precisely that it felt like I was actually in some of those images.

Those were innocent times, where there were no big responsibilities, serious stresses, or a rigid routine that adulthood usually brings. You were free to roam as you pleased and had an open, if not positive outlook on the future.

I wish I could go back to those days, because being an adult has washed away so much of the wonder and awe I had back when I was young.