2022 04 09 11 34

This Man Designed A Purrfect House For His 20-Plus Rescue Cats

Probably most cat owners have dreamed of building their cat a little home at some point, but not like this! Peter, the founder of the ZenByCat organization, and the builder of this wonderful cat paradise that we’re about to show you, slowly but surely executed his life’s dream: living in harmony surrounded by the cuddly and perfectly happy rescued fluffballs.

Just how many cats, you might ask? Over twenty. But it’s alright, Peter’s house is built for it. Literally. So scroll right down and check out the catopia, the Shangri-La of cat homes, except this one exists for real.

God bless this man.

Here’s Peter, the founder of the “House of Nekko”

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620cedc30869c 700


Nobody could’ve imagined that he’d turn his house into catopia (cat utopia), but he did

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Peter, who bought the house in 1988, has designed the house to meet all of the needs of his rescue cats

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It has platforms specially made for cats to roam around without sacrificing the high ground

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620ced88dc4d7 700


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There are tons of plants and feeding spots so they feel like the kings and queens of the jungle

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620ceda5b47a1 700


Separate feeding spots ensure that they’re never fighting for their food

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It even has spiral stairways that have access to floors only cats can get to

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Even the bathroom is decked out to suit the needs of the felines

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Yes, this is a cat hamster wheel

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There are even some plant-themed rooms just so they feel like in great outdoors

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620ced8d9cdaf 700


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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620ced8bd0c7e 700


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The house has lots of high spots that cats love

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Of course there are scratchers and beds, too

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“I heard you like cat houses, so we put a cat house inside a cat house, so you can live while you live”

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620ceda9cd9a0 700


Overall, Peter has over 20 rescued indoor cats living with him

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The cats are well taken care of. As if all of it is not enough, they even have their own pillows and blankets

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Peter’s ZenByCat non-profit organization was found to fight a deadly disease called FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620cedb2ed279 700

The story of Zen By Cat begins with a kitten Peter adopted in, 2016, Miss Bean.

Miss Bean was diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). With her condition rapidly deteriorating Peter seemingly had no choice but to euthanize her.

But before the decision was final, Peter received a message from a friend of his. She said she knew a vet at UC Davis, who might be able to get Miss Bean into a Drug Trial for young kittens with FIP.

Peter decided he had to try.

Over the course of the next 31 days Peter and Miss Bean went on a roller coaster of improvements and setbacks against FIP.

Sadly, Miss Bean lost her fight on July 26, 2016.

In honor of Miss Bean and all other victims of FIP, Zen By Cat was set up as a nonprofit to raise money and awareness for FIP research. Since this, Dr. Pederson and others at UC Davis, have made great strides in their research and have successfully cured many cats from FIP, including Peter’s cat Smokey.

But there is still work to be done to bring the drug that saved Smokey and others to market.

Peter’s workstation just screams “I love cats”

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620ced96b2225 700


And last but not least, an obligatory stalking window

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This Man Turned His Home into a Cats Paradise 620ced8731c37 700


Sure, the world is undergoing a realignment. And the West, led by the United States, is putting up a fit, and a fight. But it will lose, and the world will calm down soon enough.

This little article is designed to show you what one person can do to make their little corner of the world a better place to live in.



Make the world a better place.

And if the rest of the world howls, let them howl. You have far better things to do with your time. I believe in you.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my cat section in my happiness index here…

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Thank you MM. Just what is needed for a Sunday morning.


We do not have a cat utopia but we do have 3 cats (and dogs, chickens, and sheep), mainly to keep the mouse and other rodent populations around the house at low numbers. How they tolerate the kids dragging them around by the head or feet I don’t know. Our orange cat Poon, disappeared and only recently we wondered where he could be. This afternoon, one of the kids said he heard a cat meowing, but couldn’t locate it. I went outside to help search, and sitting in our only attic window (we are currently doing a major renovation of this/our house) was Poon. Our attic access is only from an outside ladder. Apparently, the wife and friend were hauling sheep wool up into the attic about 5 days ago and Poon must of run up the ladder to investigate and got locked in. Occasionally, the cats get shut in our root cellars when we retrieve our root vegetables for supper, but they get out usually in a day or so. We do not visit our attic very often.  Our Poon was immediately fed and watered and played with as he readjusted to being outside the attic.

Ohio Guy

Yep, big strong ol’ guy like me nearly cried on this article. It gave me a few more ideas for my crew though. A bit misty in here, doncha think?

Ohio Guy

Thanks for this.


Love this!


Kitties in mesh bags on the street in Shanghai waiting to be picked up for extermination due to CV:


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