You know, the anti-China media hysteria has reached new lows and levels of insanity that is truly difficult to fathom.
I mean, who in their right mind would believe this nonsense? Wait for it?
…Dumbed down Western media consumers.
I do tire of all the “War with China over Taiwan is imminent” bullshit.
It’s not.
Unfortunately, the Republicans are equally locked into an adversarial mode when it comes to Russia and China. Ex-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, is now calling for economic war against Beijing. Some might conclude that everything in contemporary Washington comes down to a latter-day opera buffa in which an assortment of comic characters parade for a moment only to be replaced by the next bumbler sporting an equally ridiculous message. Russia aside, witness the recent wave of China bashing, begun by Barack Obama with his pivot to Asia, continued under Donald Trump with his China virus rants, and endorsed by Joe Biden’s team which persists in labeling Beijing as enemy number one. No one steps back and considers even for a moment that the US is China’s largest market and that the US in turn relies on Chinese manufactured products to fill its Walmarts. (Not true. The USA represents only 2% of Chinese exports. It was 11% in 2019 when COVID hit. The largest export market for Chinese products is Japan. Please get your info correct. -MM) If ever two nations had good reasons not to go to war, it would be China and the United States, yet the US desire to confront the “Red Menace” to include defending Taiwan continues to drive policy. -UNZ
Here’s another post that you simply will not find anywhere else on the Internet. American “news” has become a sewer of noise, horrible lies and distortions. And, you know, it’s going to get people killed. I tire of it all. To understand what is really going on you need to study the issues, and then you look for what is not being reported and stay alert for distractions.
I’ll drink to that.

Anyways, a long story (made) short; I received an email from my brother who was petrified that World War III was going to explode “any minute” and that I had to flee China immediately.
Well, I wrote about this in another post HERE, and I told him that I was going to stay in China. After all, it is the safest location on the planet.
Anyways, my brother is so very convinced that Taiwan is it’s own singular nation and that it is in need of defending by America for “democracy”. And that because of the “evil regime” in China, and the “gross overreach”, and “saber rattling” of the horrible communists, that a war is soon to explode.
China is a “democracy” for Pete’s sake! (Head slap!)
Pretty strange for a certified “tax protestor”, who had his passport seized by Uncle Sam to talk about “freedom” and “liberty” when he himself is restricted in travel due to not having a vaccination. But then again, that’s the USA for you.
All talk, no substance. Or, as we used to say in Texas; “All hat. No cattle”.
Well, this bullshit about Taiwan being an “independent” nation is simply not true, and I am going to explain why.
What is the relationship between Taiwan and China?
History need not be difficult to understand, but you do need to know the basics. Here’s my simplistic abridged version. And YES, I do know that I have omitted a lot of details…

Between 1945 and 1949, China experienced a massive civil war. It was more massive than the American Civil War, and many, many people died.
Eventually, towards the Fall of 1949, the Communists under Mao Zedong won the war. They set up their capital in Beijing, and on 1 October 1949 declared the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.
The losers; the “Chinese Nationalists” fled the Chinese mainland.
They looted all the museums, and using lorries, trucks, and other conveyances hauled their booty to the coasts where they loaded them on boats. The major staging area was in the Xiamen coastal region. As the laden boats began to depart, the communists began shelling the vessels and so the retreating rebels landed on the island of Taiwan and fortified themselves in.
They had no where else to go. They spent years fighting the Japanese, and they couldn’t go there. Korea was too risky, as the Chinese communists had well secured that area, and heading south towards the South China Sea was the only remaining option.
So they hunkered down, and fortified their positions and made Taiwan their base of resistance to the Chinese mainland. Since that time, these rebels have declared themselves to be the “true” heir to the Chinese nation, and they have enlisted help from the United States to conduct “color revolutions” and other black operations in an attempt to regain their power back.
This effort continues to this day.
Over the last 70 years
The rebels in Taiwan, with all the looted gold and valuables, left the mainland destitute, poor and agrarian.
In the tiny Taiwan island, they used their money to construct huge enormous palaces for themselves and their families, and then used the rest of the loot to set up business as factories that would cater to the West.
And they were successful.
Over the decades “Made in Taiwan” dominated much of the world’s manufacturing concerns.
While mainland China had to work hard, step by step to become the economic powerhouse that it is today. They went from sub-zero to the very top and the very best.
It only took them 70 years.
Today, we see an eclipsing of economic power between Taiwan and China, and the oligarchy that rules Taiwan is literally scared shitless.
For the wrath of China will not be kind to them.
So they have been funding, in terms of billions of dollars, the American Senate, and American neocons, to get American intervention regarding mainland China. And the greedy, psychopathic American leadership are just lapping it all up. Yum!

Many things has occurred over the last 70 years, but one thing is certain, China will once again be unified as one nation. Both Taiwan, and mainland China expect it.
Is Taiwan and China separate nations?
- China says that they are the same nation.
- Taiwan says that they are the same nation.
- The United Nations (UN) says that they are the same nation.

The only nation that doesn’t accept the one-China solution is the United States. Which is thanks to the many billions of dollars that the Taiwanese billionaires have been throwing at Washington DC over the last few decades.
Now the current ruling “political party” in Taiwan is pushing for a “two nation” solution, and want the United States to force this situation into being.
Which, you know, seems to be a severe death wish, and delusions of dying in a full scale nuclear holocaust.
Haven’t they seen what America looks like today?
I guess not. It’s “exceptional” don’t you know!
Size Comparisons
I shouldn’t need to do this, but since most Americans are dumbed down to the knowledge of a retarded snail, I am afraid that I have to speak in pre-school terms to get the message across.
Since, China and the United States are roughly the same size. You can compare how big Taiwan is relatively. Taiwan is roughly the size of Rhode Island comparatively.

In case you don’t believe me, here’s a map of China. Taiwan is pretty small.

Taiwan is a tiny, tiny island that sits right off the coast of China. It has been part of China for thousands of years, and still is recognized as part of China. And all the millions of dollars in saying otherwise will not change that fact.
Why is Taiwan important to the United States?
According to all the literature on the subject, all American battle plans against China originate from a fortified staging area inside of Taiwan.

Thus it is critically important for the United States to place enormous quantities of war and military munitions and equipment on Taiwan in preparation for a landing inside of China.
Obviously this is myopic, short sighted and stupid.
China would have Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Houston in radioactive ruins long before the first landing wave touches the shoreline. And if you think that China will allow Taiwan to have active American military bases there, you are delusional.
Insanely delusional. Foolhardy idiotic.
Mind-numbingly stupid.
A handful of technical advisors is one thing, but a full scale military presence is a war-move.
But I have covered all the actual and real reasons why all the fuss is over Taiwan right now. It’s the billionaire oligarchy inside of Taiwan that want something done. And they are in a state of panic.
Names, dates, places, and facts. Here…
New Beginnings 2.
So what is going to happen?

Well, if you listen to the bullshit blaring American media microphone, war is imminent. But you know, that’s just a song for the Americans to dance to. Hype up war. Create a context and then strike preemptively on some kind of false-flag bullshit excuse.
It’s the American way, don’t you know.
Provoke China to fight. And then America “plays China like a fiddle”.
Will China attack Taiwan?
It can.
It certainly has the ability. But it won’t. China is far smarter than that. It will do so if the “red lines” are crossed. They are not crossed, so China will do nothing.
Countercurrents against peaceful reunification must be curbed. General Secretary Xi Jinping stated categorically that nothing can change the fact that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese with the same national identity, and nothing can stop the trend toward reunification of the Chinese nation. Taiwan independence goes against this unstoppable trend and will eventually be crushed by the wheels of history. Chinese must not fight against Chinese, and for this purpose we have made the greatest efforts for peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity. However, we do not renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all necessary measures to prepare for possible interference by external forces and separatist activities by a handful of "Taiwan independence" separatists. Such measures would certainly not be targeted at the people of Taiwan. -QStheory
Though they really can.
China really does love their missiles…
Impressive video this. video.
Another video of some of the Chinese military systems. video.
Oh, and by the way, China is decades ahead of the USA in laser beam weapon systems
I’ll bet you didn’t know that. Well, you know, any real good things about China are suppressed. You probably think that all of China is polluted, filthy full of bat eating, floor spitting, tiny brown people riding bikes, huh? video.
There’s a lot of things in play right now. And I am going to do you all a favor and simplify things for you all.
An overview of China Military
Well, since no one is going to do this, I will. There’s a two minute overview of just how formidable the Chinese military is right now. It’s a great little short video, and if you are still thinking that China can be attacked, or that China is just some bunch of untrained peasants with AK47 clones, you are sadly, and dangerously mistaken. The PLA will attack and be very, very nasty about it. You haven’t seen shit yet. DO NOT POKE THE PANDA. video.
And what China can do to Taiwan, right now!
Just a reminder on how close Taiwan is to the mainland. Just in case you didn’t get that fact while listening to CNN, FOX “news” or the Drudge Report. Check out what China can do to Taiwan right now. video. This can happen from inside of mainland China to the tiny, tiny island of Taiwan.
Watch the video.
Learn a thing or two.
Because China can do what is shown on this video without even putting a foot on the ground. China just pressed a button, and all of Taiwan is on fire. Watch and Learn. video.
What to expect… the nightmare scenario.
This is what would happen if the billionaires get their way…
Russia and China are tired of the buildup to war, and preemptively strike America with a bone-crushing nuclear salvo, while simultaneously destroying all naval carrier groups, boomer subs, and major Naval bases. Additionally, Australia suffers massive destruction, as does Japan and Korea. Massive, in that the top ten cities of Japan, and Australia are all radioactive rubble. American command centers are all black blank screens all comms are down. Satellites malfunction, or fall out of orbit. Alt communication goes black. The ass-kissing diversity officers, and the trans-gen military leadership start freaking out in the command bunkers and they desperately try to warn the American leadership to fly to safety, but before they can pick up a cellphone, they themselves are gone in a shooch! of bright light and dust. The largest city surviving is Picayune Louisiana. But, you know it's tough, as they are trying to cope with a massive flood of armed, ethnic-urban-youth, radioactive refugees streaming out from the blackened remains of smoldering New Orleans. Big thick oily black clouds fill the air with soot. The United States government collapses. It's not hard. Long in coming. But with Washington DC a water filled crater, I mean, what are you gonna do? All American supply lines completely collapse. Hordes of hungry starving urban ethnic youth stream into the suburbs. They raid the "McMansions", the small towns, and the communities, and they take over all of the highways and transport routes. Oh, sure there's a few "freedom patriots" that shoot back. Not many. It's "every man for himself". Many die, overwhelmed by the millions of angry, hungry, pissed off hordes. People who hate. Hate. Hate. HATE. Balkanized battles are common. White people are hung screaming and crying from the top of McDonald's "golden arches" signs. Asians are tied to chairs inside of Starbucks and set on fire. Mexicans are attacked, but they shoot back, and the "good ol' boys" try to hop into their trucks to join the fray, but they are immobilized as an EMP burst fried all automotive electronics. The first major storm of Winter hits. All the homes freeze as there isn't any heat, and all the pipe crack and break as CPVC isn't as strong as cast iron. To make matters worse, they needed secondary booster shots of the mRNA Vaxx are not available. People start dying of the common cold. Many nine year olds die from heart attacks. A sniffle becomes the mark of the plague. Starvation, sickness, gunshot wounds, and poor sanitary conditions prevail. The most frustrated transgens start to freak out as their hormones start altering, and their sex-change medicine is no longer available to them. They become enraged angry maniacs and the cities become true horror scenes. In the midst of all this turmoil, the second American civil war starts. Texas, and California break away to become their own nations. Others follow. Virginia organizes. Armed enclaves set up in Georgia. Mississippi monitors all road traffic with lethal consequence. Many a dead person sways in the breeze. Snipers slow all movement in the desert to a standstill. And you have all those guns in the hands of all those civilians shooting everyone. Organized State armies, using all those fancy tanks and high tech weapons developed by the military-industrial union turn on the people and serve their own needs. National guard patrol the major cities, but are overwhelmed by organized armed rebellion. Killings, rapes, torture, and looting are commonplace. The interim federal government in exile flies to New Zealand and tries to coordinate control over the collapsed United States out of a survivalist bunker, but is unsuccessful. They try to coordinate but are unsuccessful. They too start to worry as their own supplies of drugs and sustaining medication are quickly being depleted. Eventually, they surrender, and the United States is carved up into tiny, tiny fiefdoms. The rest of the world moves on. America? What's an america? North America is listed as a quarantine zone, and is isolated from the rest of the world. Millions die. The survivors become hardier, but no longer speak English. The Southern "new" nations speak Spanish, and the rest have their own various regional accents. With ghetto ubonics betting the most common. Most white, Asian, and Spanish Americans north of the Mason-Dixon line are killed in mass. Fifty years later, some of those fiefdoms are recognized as independent countries and are permitted to attend the UN meetings in "observer" status.
Pretty nasty, huh?
You bet.
I hope that I frightened you. It’s not a pretty sight. I think we have to be reminded that the things that we do have consequences, and we must always hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
What’s more than likely is this…
In Taiwan, a number of the hard-core separatist nationalists start dying off of old age, coronavirus, and car accidents. Rapprochements by the traditionalist factions inside of Taiwan and the Chinese mainland government come to a workable solution for reunification. The United States military is kicked out of Taiwan, as all the USA weapons systems that they have (billions and billions of dollars worth) are boxed up and shipped off to Iran as a "good will" gesture. The Iranians welcome the many shipments of high end fighter jets, missiles, and equipment. The United States has a fit. News media screams! And the rest of the world continue as if nothing has happened. A new American election looms on the horizon. The candidates scream to do "something" about China, and the dumbed down apathetic sheeple go eat their McFat burgers and slurp their mega-Coka sodas. All continues in the land of the dumb, fat, and ignorant.
Anyways, keep in mind that what you see on the “news” is for regional consumption. The rest of the world doesn’t really care.
Remember. China has friends.
Something that is somehow omitted in all the hate – hate – hate dialog flooding the media. China has friends, and the “West” is increasingly becoming more and more isolated every day.

Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning 2. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 2.
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So, Taiwanese billionaires want to keep their $
and have been bribing US pols to “protect” them.
China need do nothing about this. Should the US pols
give the bribe $ back to the Taiwanese billionaires, and
mind their own business? That isn’t likely.
US pols are having nightmares about lampposts. They are
willing to start a war to “protect” themselves thru distraction.
We have been pillaged here. Pillaged literally and figuratively.
50% of people are stone ignorant. 40% know everything is
upside down, but they want to keep their jobs and homes and
lifestyle so they keep quiet. 10% are aware and at least are
leaving the cities. That is the best I can report. We are slaves
here now. Keeping out of the way seems the only option. Then
again I am a woman. Women keep the home, men confront
other men. At best, women work hard to support their men.
have been following her blog for quite awhile now…she gets it, MM

Efforts To Groom Us For War With China Are Getting More Forceful
Caitlin Johnstone
58 min ago 6
“China’s massive investment in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) may show China is preparing to fundamentally change the status quo and preparing for possible war with the United States over Taiwan,” the piece begins. “To deter China, the United States must rapidly build up its forces in the Pacific, continue to strengthen military alliances in the region to ensure access to bases in time of conflict, and accelerate deliveries of purchased military equipment to Taiwan.”
The article goes on to narrate about Taiwan’s importance on the global chessboard and why we should all expect a full-scale invasion by Beijing quite soon, casually discusses a direct military conflict between two nuclear-armed nations like it’s no big deal, and calls on the Biden administration to “articulate to the American people why Taiwan’s defense is critical to the United States.”
Then at the very bottom of the article you get to the part that really matters: the information about the author.
“David Sauer is a retired senior CIA officer who served as chief of station and deputy chief of station in multiple overseas command positions in East Asia and South Asia.“
Ahh, okay.
Apparently this “retired” senior CIA officer has been spending his “retirement” churning out war propaganda articles for The Hill with titles like “The US cannot allow China to think it will abandon Taiwan” and “The next US president has a tall order: Keeping China in check“, as well as acting as an expert source for virulent anti-China propaganda rag The Epoch Times.
Would you like to know what this big brave warrior looks like? Would you like to see a picture of this mighty hero who has no fear of leading us all into a third round.
Why is it that all the worst warmongering narrative managers are always weird-looking little nerds who plainly wouldn’t know how to hold their own dicks, much less a gun? Were they bullied so bad in school that they just have to act out their pent-up aggression by helping to incinerate families in the global south over crude oil or something? What the hell is wrong with these freaks?
Anyone who supports the idea of the US and its allies entering into a third world war against a nuclear-armed nation to determine who governs an island off the Chinese mainland is an enemy of humanity. Such a war could easily kill tens of millions of people if engaged with full commitment, which could turn into billions at any time if it went nuclear. I hope Beijing never launches an unprovoked attack on Taiwan (
unlikely), and I hope the US doesn’t provoke it into doing so (far more likely), but if all this brinkmanship spins out of control and that does indeed happen then entering into such a war to stop it would benefit nobody but a few sociopaths in Washington, Langley and Arlington. And quite possibly not even them.
Contrary to what propagandists like Sauer keep implying, the US is not even treaty-bound to defend Taiwan militarily and hasn’t been since 1979 when the only such treaty was annulled during Washington’s campaign to coax Beijing away from the Soviet Union. Yet because of their steadily escalating propaganda campaign, for the first time ever a majority of Americans surveyed on whether they’d support going to war with China over Taiwan now reportedly say yes.
At best all these manipulations are geared toward manufacturing consent for pouring vastly increased military resources into the US empire’s ongoing pivot to Asia, which just by itself will necessarily include myriad provocations against the Chinese government which can easily escalate into war at any time. These people are playing games with the lives of every living organism on this planet, and they are suffering no consequences for doing so.
And now Moscow and Beijing are moving further into a military partnership that seems to be getting closer by the year in response to aggressions from the US and its client states, which, I dunno, I’m no historian but maybe might be cause for alarm when you’ve got world powers splitting into two increasingly hostile global alliances. Could that lead to something bad? It seems like maybe that could lead to something bad.
Cornered animals are dangerous, especially ones with fangs and claws. Dying empires are dangerous, especially ones with nuclear weapons. We’re being aggressively propagandized into consenting to insanely dangerous agendas geared toward maintaining US unipolar hegemony in defiance of the natural movement we are seeing toward a multipolar world. We are seeing signs everywhere that the drivers of empire are preparing to do some very, very crazy things in order to stop that movement and maintain their dominance. The fact that they are still ramping up their propaganda campaign is concerning, to say the least.
A wonderful comment, and a great lead in to another article that I am musing about. Thank you for this.
The KMT does not represent Taiwan. They only make up a fifth of the population of Taiwan, including their descendants. Are you really saying that the people who commited the White Terror in Taiwan, represent Taiwan?
Of course not. I simplified the relationship for Americans to understand. This is not for intelligent people like you.
You must realize that Americans have been dumbed down to a point where they cannot find Africa on a map. They think that 1 Km is equal to five slices of cheese, and 80% don’t know where their state government representative offices are.