2023 01 16 15 42

Top general admits US is preparing a proxy war against China

Todays post is going to be a maze. Please note that at the end is a video about a guy who died, had a NDE and then returned back to life. His story is VERY INTERESTING. I would like for you all to tell me what you think about it.

Heres the thing – the Chinese follow Sun Tzu

Its ingrained in their blood

Not just mainlanders, even Chinese in Malaysia or Singapore – They always have secrets , Nobody knows the real extent of their actions

They always portray a far grimmer situation than what it really is

They always portray more pessimism than what is required

If you read something about their latest technology – trust me its not the latest – its usually at least one generation older

If you read some Chinese talking about how difficult it is to adapt to the Semiconductor Export Control and needing to go through the WHO – Trust me Its mainly an illusion and China have already anticipated this years ago and have a ready strategy. Its all Drama.

If the Chinese are making a lot of noise about India placing missiles on the border and the Agni V etc – They already knew this would happen a year ago and have made plans for the same.

So if you read it in the newspapers – even Chinese newspapers – Its definitely likely to be something China wants you to read.

As the Huawei CEO said – Being Sanctioned is the New Normal for China

You really think China sat down for 3 years after Trumps first actions ????

Of course not.

They would have anticipated far worse and would have acted on those assumptions. You would have shell companies emerging in HK , Singpore, Dubai and all over the world ready for such sanctions. You would have made a lot of worst case scenarios and planned for each one of them.

Huawei regsistered its first EUV Patent for both the Lithography Machine and the UV Tools

The First Nation in History to do so without US Assistance

Guess when they began?

10th November 2018!!!!

They already knew as early as 2018 that one day EUV Technology is going to be restricted and they began to work on the assumption.

They didnt just start this work after Bidens announcements.

Likewise most of their Chip related actions – must have already been anticipated well in advance and China must have worked out strategies for each and every one of them

So now experts estimate that as early as 2025 – China could commercially make EUV Machines that can manufacture < 7 nm Chips .

And if they have an EUV Patent – trust me they have DUV Technology rearing to go

Yet they will pretend to be in deep trouble so that US thinks it has China in a vice and doesnt think of new methods of targeting China. Meanwhile using this- China will make all other deals – like Qatar Gas Security or Saudi Oil Security or Brazilian Food Security.

You think the US is Hostile to China today?

The Chinese Leaders anticpated this day would come at least 15 years ago

So whatever will happen in China – China plays a much tougher game and a game that is usually 20 steps ahead of any other player.

Like i said – China plans for 10 years into the future. They would already be examining things like a Blockade of Malacca Straits, Trade Embargos of Chinese Goods, More Restrictions etc from the United States and how to respond.

Meanwhile the US will be bleeding badly with every such decision – while China pretends to bleed very badly but in fact has anticipated the decision long earlier and has made alternate arrangements

The Next 10 years will thus see China evolve to a very different China. No longer a Sweatshop and a Nation with core technologies and a stronger army than ever before and with a technological base

The US meanwhile will go more unreliable and untrustworthy in the eyes of half the world and would bleed itself dry with these Anti Chinese actions – thinking its hurting the Chinese economy

Then when US is weakened – China will reveal its aces and strike hard and strong

Its Sun Tzu all the time

I am a Black American. I lived in Beijing, China teaching English. I never had any negative interactions with Chinese people. My Chinese co-workers enjoyed working with me. We laughed and played, but still kept our focus on providing an excellent product for our adult students. After work, I enjoyed hanging out with my co-workers.

At my place of work, I taught adult students. Some of them asked me about racism and prejudice toward minorities in the USA. They were very concerned about visiting or moving to a country where they would encounter racism and prejudice. None of my students ever said one negative word about Black people.

In the streets of Beijing, I spent plenty of time walking, taking taxis, riding subways and buses, hanging out at markets and going shopping. I always received excellent treatment from everyone that I interacted with in public. I never felt fear or threatened. I would be outside late at night to go eat. I always felt like another Chinese citizen.

I remember fracturing my toe. I needed to get to the hospital. A Chinese friend of mine was a driver. He saw me in pain trying to get to public transportation. He quickly came over and offered to take me in his car. My Chinese is broken, but at the hospital my friend gave me his number and told me to contact him after I finished. I called him after I received treatment at the hospital. He had another friend come pick me up.

I had to wear a removable cast on my foot for a few weeks. Everywhere I went, Chinese people would ask me if I were okay. In fact, older women would come up to me, rub me on my back and tell me that everything would be fine. I never had so much concern shown for me at any earlier point in my life. I asked one of my Chinese women friends why people were so concerned about me. She told me it was because they cared about me. Later on, at home alone, I broke down in tears over the love shown for me.

Heartwarming how the mother cat retrieves her kittens one by one, spending time grooming each one before bringing the next one indoors. She’s really dedicated to her kittens!

Recently, the second largest chip manufacturing company in the United States, Ge-core confirmed that this month will lay off 800 employees, accounting for about 6% of its total workforce, and subsequent layoffs may continue, resulting in one of the reasons for its layoffs is the loss of Chinese chip orders, which also reflects the reduced revenue achieved in the Chinese market will have an impact on its chip industry.

Top general admits US is preparing a proxy war against China!

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“The US and Japanese armed forces are rapidly integrating their command structure and scaling up combined operations as Washington and its Asian allies prepare for a possible conflict with China,” says top Marine Corps general James Bierman.

“The US and its allies in Asia are emulating the groundwork that enabled Western nations to support Ukraine’s resistance to Russia,” he said.

Translation: Washington is actively seeking to launch a proxy war against China.

In regard to the build-up to the situation in Ukraine, he said: “A big part of [our success] has been because after Russian aggression in 2014 and 2015, we earnestly got after preparing for future conflict: training for the Ukrainians, pre-positioning of supplies, identification of sites from which we could operate support, sustain operations.”

This is a devastating admission!

It proves beyond a doubt that Washington was never interested in peace or Minsk 2. The US was preparing for war in 2014. The intention was always to use Ukraine as a proxy to bait the bear.

“Training Ukrainians, pre-positioning of supplies… We call that setting the theatre,” he said, adding that WE ARE SETTING THE THEATRE IN JAPAN, IN THE PHILIPPINES, AND IN OTHER PLACES.”

The US and Japanese armed forces are rapidly integrating their command structure and scaling up combined operations, Bierman continued. The two militaries have “seen exponential increases . . . just over the last year.”

As a result, Tokyo is now embarking on a “radical security policy shift that will include increasing defense spending & deploying missiles capable of hitting Chinese territory,” the general revealed.

Ultimately, this article removes any and all doubts over Washington’s China policy. The US is intent on war with China.

Normandy Chocolate Mousse



  • 12 ladyfingers, split
  • 3/4 cup butter
  • 1 3/4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon rum extract
  • 4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted
  • 6 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans
  • Whipped cream


  1. Line 13 x 9-inch pan with wax paper. Arrange ladyfingers around sides and bottom of pan.
  2. Cream butter. Gradually add sugar, creaming until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks, one at a time. Beat until smooth after each addition.
  3. Blend in milk, vanilla and rum extracts. Blend in chocolate.
  4. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry, and fold into chocolate mixture.
  5. Fold in pecans and pour into prepared pan.
  6. Refrigerate overnight.
  7. To serve, invert on serving plate; remove wax paper.
  8. Decorate top with whipped cream and cut into slices.

US once-in-a-century political chaos disturb the world: Global Times editorial

Published: Jan 05, 2023 12:35 AM



The US Capitol building is seen in Washington, DC., on November 4, 2022. Photo: Xinhua

Right before the second anniversary of the Capitol riots, on January 3, 2023, another political chaos, dubbed by CNN as a “horror show,” happened in the same place. US House of Representatives went through a “difficult labor” of a new speaker after three rounds of voting failed. The last time a House speaker vote went to multiple ballots was 100 years ago. Tuesday’s occurrence was truly a once-in-a-century phenomenon. During Capitol riots, American rioters shocked the building from the outside. This time, the stalemate was the result of conflicts from inside the Capitol. The two events are chaotic phenomena of spread and aggravation of the disease of US political system.

The one who failed to pass the three rounds of the votes for US House speaker is Kevin McCarthy. In the eyes of outsiders, he is a well-known ultra-conservative politician. He is against Clean Power Plan and the Paris Agreement, and promised to overturn a number of relevant legislations that Washington has passed. His crazy anti-China remarks also left a very bad impression on the Chinese people. However, astonishingly, McCarthy was not opposed because of his radicalism, but because he was considered not tough enough by some more radical congressmen in the Republican Party. It shows how severe the division and polarization in the US politics are.

What happened in the highest hall of “US democracy” is not a simple farce, but a political thriller with huge destructiveness, and a wide-ranging and far-reaching impact. This not only worries Americans, but also political observers from quite a few countries internationally.

While the antagonism between political parties in the US continues to escalate, the internal divisions in the Republican and the Democratic parties have become increasingly prominent. At this time, a completely irrational and dangerous tendency has surfaced in Washington: finding or creating an “enemy” outside the US to suppress, alleviate and divert political divisions within the country.

As a result, China, which is developing rapidly in economy and has a different political system and ideology from the US, is forcibly being established as an “enemy of the US.” Some lawmakers are scrambling to show their toughness toward China. The tougher, the better. They will gradually fall into collective self-hypnosis, and will keep a blind eye on the fact that the enemy of “US democracy” is actually the US itself.

The US House of Representatives will continue to vote on Wednesday, but to some extent the result is no longer important. McCarthy is intensely negotiating with his opponents in the Republican Party. To put it bluntly, it is a political exchange, and he is likely to make a more “tough” promise in the future. If McCarthy is still elected after some tossing and turning, then his extreme words and actions may intensify.

In fact, the current difficult status of China-US relations has a lot to do with US sick party politics. Meanwhile, the electoralization of political party functions, the frequent emergence of extreme issues, and the rise of veto politics has spilled over from the US to many countries and international institutions, causing widespread concerns and seriously hindering international cooperation.

History proves that political parties’ “being at daggers drawn” in the US Congress often indicates major turmoil.

Before this time, there have been 14 times in the history of the US that Congress was unable to elect a speaker in the first round of voting, 13 of which occurred before the Civil War, and the elections in 1855 and 1859 before the outbreak of the war were among the most voted – 133 and 44 times respectively.

Amid rising political animosity, 90 percent of Americans expect 2023 to be a year of political conflict in the US, according to the latest Gallup poll. More than 70 percent of Americans disapprove of the performance of Congress, according to a previous Gallup poll. This reflects a general disappointment in the US society with its domestic politics, and also shows that the “anti-democracy” in the US has developed to an advanced stage, and has caused it to be trapped in the cocoon of “veto politics,” losing the momentum of innovation, and will become more radical in the future. Such a US is dangerous to the world.

Faced with the political chaos in the US, Canada’s Globe and Mail raised a sharp question: whether the political class of the country is able to govern, and whether the internal conflicts and contradictions of one of the major political parties contaminate the entire system.

Another Canadian media quoted a research report saying that the toxic political culture in Washington and across the US was spilling over the border. “Canada is picking up the political radicalization bug from the US.”

It seems that as Canada is a close neighbor of the US, its feeling is very distinct. When such a US shamelessly claims the world cannot lose US leadership, isn’t that horrific?

What about the Taiwan Military Leadership?

What the western news doesn’t tell you (Well Bloomberg did but that’s entertainment not news).

This week, 6 RoC (Taiwan) military officers – 2 retired and 4 active duty, have been charged with spying for the PRC. This should really come as no surprise. The entire RoC military is compromised. A portion of the officer class, are pro China.

RoC military is so bad, that even the United States does not trust the RoC side and sees RoC as a used condom.

-RoC retired General Fu Weigu 傅慰孤 once said that when he was active duty, he asked the staff at the American Institute in Taiwan “What will USA do if there is a real problem in the Taiwan Strait?”. The Americans did not answer. General Fu then asked “What is the bottom line then?” Again the Americans did not answer.

This raises a question if the USA really considers RoC a trustworthy ‘ally’ and a “friend” why wont they clarify the position to General Fu in private? Because the USA does not respect RoC as a “friend” and instead considers RoC as a “puppet” . The USA sees no value in coordinating or communicating with their “Ally”.

-Why hasn’t the USA included RoC in the F35 program and sell the latest generation of American weapons and equipment? USA already claims to have troops in RoC and Beijing has not reacted, why not incorporate the latest generation of American weapons and equipment into the island? Because all of that technology will probably get lost to the Chinese Mainland. Some spies will probably funnel information over to the PLAAF , PLAN and PLA about its true capabilities. Either that or RoC is indefensible and they (Americans) dont want the best equipment to be destroyed in the first salvo

The RoC military community is very small group. The elders in the RoC military community have a lot of respect. Where did all these elders go? Lets see:

許歷農General Xu Ni long

Xu was the commander of the 1981 Taipei military parade, Commander of the garrison in Kinmen island from 1981 to 1983, in 2014 declared that he is no longer anti-Communist and is still committed to ” promoting reunification of China…The reasons for anti-communism have long ceased to exist”

羅文山 LT General Luo Wenshan

General who was the parade commander of the 1991 Taipei Military parade. In 2016, General Wen was accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and developing connections to a HK business man named Xu zhiming who is a member of the CPPCC in Beijing

陳廷寵 General Chen Ting Chung, who was the former army chief of staff in the Taipei “presidential office” in the 1990s, gave a speech at the RoC military academy in September 2020. General Chen declared that ‘I am Chinese and this is a symbol of pride. There are a lot of scum in our Chinese nation that are willing to sell out RoC to become a dog of Americans and Japan.”

王文燮 General Wang Wenxie (Recently died in car accident)

Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Taiwan said in 2019 ” both sides of the strait are Chinese and will be unified sooner or later”

LT gen Gao Anguo 高安國

“When PLA attacks, soldiers in Taiwan should help accomplish the sacred task of China’s unification and overthrow the DPP fraud regime”

In November 2016, 32 retired generals from RoC went to Beijing and listened to Xi Jinping’s speech on Sun Yat Sen. The 32 generals all rose for the PRC National Anthem. Among this 32 group was a LT General Wu Sz-huai 吳斯懷 who was a a serving member of the RoC legislature

Wu on the same year supported the PLA creating an ADIZ in the south china sea and criticized “democracy” in RoC . Wu Sihuai – “democracy is not really a good and perfect system”, “excessive democracy has caused restrictions on the development of free and democratic countries”, and emphasized that “we should try our best to talk to young people about the advantages of Chinese culture”

These people are all not chumps. These people were at the very top of the RoC government and army. They support unification!!!! Even the current minister of defense in RoC was a student of these elders when he was in the military academy during his youth!! When he was a cadet, Xu Linong was the teacher and principal!!!

10 Major Layoff Announcements That Have Already Happened So Far In 2023


This is my rebuttal to those in the federal government and elsewhere that are attempting to claim that the job market is in good shape.  No matter how many workers get laid off, the Bureau of Labor Statistics always seems to find a way to post a positive jobs number each month.

We were told that the U.S. economy somehow added 256,000 jobs in November even though Challenger, Gray & Christmas determined that the number of layoffs in November 2022 was actually 417 percent higher than it was during the same month a year earlier.

And even though the tsunami of layoffs continued in December, the Bureau of Labor Statistics is telling us that the U.S. economy somehow added 223,000 jobs last month.

It is almost as if there is a certain number that the BLS refuses to go below.

For each of the last five months, the number of jobs that the U.S. has “added” has miraculously come in between 200,000 and 300,000 each time.  But meanwhile large companies all over America have been laying off workers at a staggering rate.

Unfortunately, the pace of layoffs seems to be picking up speed during the early days of 2023.  The following are 10 major layoff announcements that have already happened so far this year…

#1 Salesforce has announced that approximately 10 percent of their workers will be canned…

Salesforce Inc. plans to cut about 10% of its staff as part of a restructuring plan, the software company said Wednesday.

The company will also exit some real estate and cut back on office space, it disclosed in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The plan is aimed to reduce operating costs, boost operating margins, and drive “profitable growth.”

#2 Vimeo says that “11% of the company’s workforce” will be permanently canceled…

Vimeo has launched another round of layoffs, a company spokesperson confirmed to Insider on Wednesday.

In an email to staff, Vimeo CEO Anjali Sud said the layoffs would impact 11% of the company’s workforce.

#3 StickFix is eliminating “about 20% of its salaried workforce” as the company starts to come apart at the seams…

StitchFix will cut about 20% of its salaried workforce, according to a statement published by the company on Thursday.

Along with the cuts, the company’s CEO is stepping down, the company announced in a statement.

The company will also close a Salt Lake City, Utah facility, they said.

#4 Their first round of layoffs was not deep enough, and so now Genesis is saying goodbye to “30% of its workforce in a second round of layoffs”

Cryptocurrency firm Genesis has cut 30% of its workforce in a second round of layoffs in less than six months, according to a person familiar with the matter, as pressure builds on crypto industry executives to cut costs in the wake of a downturn.

#5 Not to be outdone, Silvergate Capital is laying the axe to 40 percent of their workers

Amid a “crisis of confidence” across the cryptocurrency industry, crypto banking group Silvergate Capital will cut 40% of its workforce and abandon some projects—including a blockchain-based payment solution based on Meta’s abortive Diem project.

#6 SuperRare Labs has just announced that 30 percent of their workforce will need to look for new jobs…

SuperRare Labs, the company behind NFT marketplace SuperRare, became the latest crypto player to make job cuts on Friday, announcing it will reduce its staff by 30%.

The news came from SuperRare CEO John Crain, who tweeted out a message he sent to employees in Slack.

#7 More than a third of Biocept’s workers will be shown the door as the company struggles to survive…

Liquid biopsy firm Biocept said Friday that it is exploring strategic alternatives to enhance shareholder value, and has engaged EF Hutton, a division of Benchmark Investments, as its financial adviser.

As this process moves forward, the firm is implementing a restructuring plan that includes reducing staff by approximately 35 percent.

#8 The first two rounds of layoffs didn’t do the trick, and so now Compass has decided to conduct a third round of layoffs

Compass is still coming back to earth — but this time possibly without its headquarters. On Thursday, The Real Deal reported that the real-estate company was looking to sublease its 89,000-square-foot office space at 90 Fifth Avenue near Union Square. The same day, Compass also announced it was conducting its third round of layoffs this year; in an SEC filing, the company wrote that layoffs would “allow for a path to achieve positive free cash flow in 2023.”

#9 It turns out that the layoffs at Amazon will be much larger than originally anticipated

Amazon said it is slashing a total of 18,000 jobs, a larger number of positions than it previously announced and the largest set of layoffs in the e-commerce giant’s history.

“We typically wait to communicate about these outcomes until we can speak with the people who are directly impacted,” CEO Andy Jassy said in a note to employees that the company made public on Wednesday. “However, because one of our teammates leaked this information externally, we decided it was better to share this news earlier so you can hear the details directly from me.”

#10 The Daily Mail is reporting that McDonald’s “will slash many of its 200,000 corporate staff in coming months” as it attempts to turn the business back in a positive direction…

McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski has revealed plans to slash corporate jobs later this year to help the business grow.

In a letter to staff on Friday, the fast-food giant boss said there would be ‘difficult discussions and decisions ahead’ and warned that the company had become unfocused.

But don’t worry.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is telling us that everything is just fine.

You believe them, don’t you?

Sadly, it appears that a lot more layoffs could be coming very soon.  For example, Bed Bath & Beyond is in such bad shape that it may soon not have many employees left at all…

Now Bed Bath & Beyond “has concluded that there is substantial doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern,” the retailer said on Thursday. This means Bed Bath & Beyond has to consider all financial options, including restructuring, selling assets or going through bankruptcy.

“These measures may not be successful,” the company added. Its stock price dropped more than 20% as soon as markets opened.

For years, our leaders have been desperately trying to prop up our “bubble economy”, and for a while their efforts were successful.

But now they can no longer hold back the economic catastrophe that has been building for more than a decade.

This generation was handed the keys to the greatest economic machine in world history, but those in power have wrecked it.

Now we stand at the brink of an unprecedented economic crisis, and the months ahead are likely to be quite brutal.

3 People Describe What It’s Like To Travel To Egypt


1. I just got home from a 2 week trip to Egypt where I went to Cairo/Luxor/Sharm El Sheikh with a group of friends.

Dear god, what a mistake. If this post can deter anybody from going and spending money in this country, it served its purpose.

I’ve never been anywhere where the general population was so misogynistic and disrespectful to women.

You are completely and blatantly lied to and ripped off by everyone everywhere – regardless of how “savvy” of a traveler you think you are.

When you are not dealing with that you are battling constant food poisoning despite “playing it safe” and eating in the higher end hotels (Sofitel, Marriott, etc). The street food in Southeast Asia is safer.

The joke is truly on the tourists who choose to come here.

Want to go to the Pyramids? Prepare to get harassed and haggled into getting on a dying horse that will be beaten and whipped to keep moving.

Want to go inside the Pyramids? Prepare to be cornered and shaken down for everything in your wallet.

The same goes for Karnak and The Valley of the Kings in Luxor.

Make sure you don’t go into any corners or tight spots because the people “working” there will block you and make you pay them.

Sharm El Sheikh? If you are a diver than the red sea is beautiful, everything else including the hotel is an absolute Russian wasteland (my wife is Russian I can say this).

Think it’s cheap? Speak English and your prices are pinged to the dollar.

Even the doctor at the Sofitel in Cairo will charge you $300 USD for a covid test (costs around $80 USD everywhere else).

I consider myself a savvy traveler and I have been all over the middle east, some places better than others. This is the worst place I have ever been to and I highly recommend you pick another destination.

A real tragedy for 50% of Egyptians who are nice people, because the other 50% have ruined the country. I am a male in my 30’s.

2. I don’t think I have been anywhere as intense as Cairo. I got hassled EVERY time I was on the street, constantly without exception.

It got to the point where I started living in this reality where nothing anyone said was real and everything was a complete utter lie.

I was with my (white, western) girlfriend and I felt like I was her hired security detail just to get her from site to site. I am Asian and I am not sure if that is what caused more attention or not.

Even when I was on the street without her, I got hassled by everyone except a select few who were wearing suits.

I would say it was still worth it to see the pyramids, because they are just on another level of majestic greatness. But, it required A LOT of everything. A lot of patience.

If they didn’t have Uber (or Careem) there, I would say this place would be 100% not worth to go. I can’t even imagine having to deal with scam taxi drivers on top of the scam hustlers everywhere else.

Literally, every restaurant, every salesmen on the streets, every person approached me even to just go to the grocery store was out to get to my wallet.

If I bought beer at Drinkies in Tahir Square, EVERYONE knew what was in the black bag and desperate to get me to buy them alcohol. (I was told that yes anyone is allowed to buy alcohol but they do not want to be seen purchasing alcohol.)

I had one guy BLOCK my elevator to beg me to buy him some beer and I had to physically move him out of the way and threaten him until he backed off. That’s how far they are willing to take it.

I had TWO people use their bodies to block my Uber to the pyramids to claim a guide is required and that they were the guy to take. Yes, you read that right they got HIT by my Uber driver’s car to force him to stop!

2. If my girlfriend was more than a meter away from me, she got SURROUNDED by local Egyptian men. Hassled. Groped. The moment I reappeared, they scurried away like rats. It was truly insane.

Morocco was Disneyland compared to this. I read that **99%** of Egyptian women have been sexually harassed. If I didn’t have a little imposing size and a trained fighter, I am not sure how I would feel walking around Cairo with a woman.

Unfortunately, ‘no’ was not accepted as an answer until I forced it to be the answer – I have never in my extended experience of traveling had to resort to being physical to get hustlers to back off.

Even a proper gift shop across from the Egyptian Museum tried to lie to me and give me wrong change scam! Just shameless.

So be warned, and nothing will truly prepare you for it. You can research it like crazy, like I did, but it barely gives you a head start of what you will experience.

Over 50 countries traveled and this left me in awe of how insanely shitty a culture can be towards guests.

3. 90 Percent of the time I spent at the Pyramids was not spent enjoying the scenery, however It was spent chasing off the scammers and sales people. It is a shame that the Egyptian government doesn’t do something about it.


Illustrator Reveals The Brutally Honest Life Truths

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1 36

Illustrator and author of “A Sticky Note Guide to Life“, Chaz Huton, perfectly sums up the realities of everyday life, and he does it all on brutally honest sticky notes.

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Will 2023 be Worse Than 2022?
Is Joe Biden willing to destroy the world to “weaken Russia”?

Even though one has become accustomed to seeing the United States government behaving irrationally on an epic scale with no concern for what happens to the average citizen who is not a member of one of the freak show constituencies of the Democratic Party, it is still possible to be surprised or even shocked. Shortly before year’s end 2022 an article appeared in the mainstream media and was quite widely circulated. The headline that it was featured under in the original Business Insider version read “A nuclear attack would most likely target one of these 6 US cities — but an expert says none of them are prepared.” The cities were New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and San Francisco.

The article seeks to provide information and tips that would allow one to survive a nuclear attack, repeating commentary from several “experts” in emergency management and “public health” suggesting that a nuclear war would be catastrophic but not necessarily the end of the world. One should be prepared. It observes that “those cities would struggle to provide emergency services to the wounded. The cities also no longer have designated fallout shelters to protect people from radiation.” It is full of sage advice and off-the-cuff observations, including “Can you imagine a public official keeping buildings intact for fallout shelters when the real-estate market is so tight?” Or even better the advice from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s “nuclear detonation planning guide” that for everyday citizens in a city that has been nuked: “Get inside, stay inside, and stay tuned.” Dr. Ron Paul asks “Are they insane? They act as if a nuclear attack on the United States is just another inconvenience to plan for, like an ice storm or a hurricane.”

The article argues that the six cities would be prime targets as they are centers for vital infrastructure. The bomb blasts would kill hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans with many more deaths to follow from radiation poisoning, but the article makes no attempt to explain why Russia, with a relatively sane leadership, would want to start a nuclear war that would potentially destroy the planet. Also, the targeting list of the cities provided by the “experts” is itself a bit odd. Surely Russia would attack military and government targets as a first priority to limit the possible retaliation while also crippling the ability of the White House and Pentagon to command and control the situation. Such targets would include both San Diego and Norfolk where the US Atlantic and Pacific fleets are based as well as the various Strategic Air Command bases and the underground federal government evacuation site in Mount Weather Virginia.

Reading the article, one is reminded of the early years of the Cold War that sought to reassure the public that nuclear war was somehow manageable. It was a time when we elementary school children were drilled in hiding under our desks when the air raid alarm went off. Herman Kahn was, at that time, the most famous advocate of the school of thought that the United States could survive the “unthinkable,” i.e. a nuclear war. An American physicist by training, Kahn became a founding member of the beyond neocon nationalist Hudson Institute, which is still unfortunately around. Kahn, who served in the US Army during the Second World War as a non-combat telephone lineman, started has career as a military strategist at the RAND Corporation. Kahn endorsed a policy of deterrence and argued that if the Soviet Union believed that the United States had a devastating second-strike capability then Moscow would not initiate hostilities, which he explained in his paper titled “The Nature and Feasibility of War and Deterrence”. The Russians had to believe that even a perfectly coordinated massive attack would guarantee a measure of retaliation that would leave them devastated as well. Kahn also posited his idea of a “winnable” nuclear exchange in his 1960 book On Thermonuclear War for which he is often cited as one of the inspirations for the title character of Stanley Kubrick’s classic film Dr. Strangelove.

The appearance of the Business Insider article dealing with a cool discussion of the survivability from a nuclear war suggests that the nutcases are again escaping from the psychiatric hospital here in the US and are obtaining top jobs in government and the media. While one continues to hope that somehow someone will wake up in the White House and realize that the deep dark hole that we the American people find ourselves in mandates a change of course and a genuine reset, there is little daylight visible in the darkness.

My particular concern relates to the entangling relationships that have kept our country permanently at war in spite of the fact that since the Cold War ended in 1991 no potential adversary has actually threatened the United States. Now, the federal government appears to be in the business of cultivating dangerous relationships to justify defense spending and placing the nation on the brink of what might prove to be catastrophic. The current US mission to “weaken Russia” and eventually also China in order to maintain its own “rules based international order” includes such hypocritical and utterly illegal under international law anomalies as the continued military occupation of part of Syria to deny that country’s leaders’ access to their oil fields and best agricultural land. A recent UN humanitarian agency investigation determined that the Syrian people are suffering and even starving as a result of that and US imposed sanctions that the Biden Administration maintains against all reason and humanity.

At the present time, however, the most entangling of all relationships, even more than with Israel, has to be the engagement of the US in the proxy war being fought against Russia on behalf of Ukraine, which is exactly what threatens to turn nuclear if someone blinks at the wrong time. Billions of dollars in direct aid as well as billions more in the form of weapons stripped from arsenals in Europe and the US have been given to the corrupt regime of President Volodymyr Zelensky while Zelensky continues to work assiduously to milk the situation and draw Washington into a deeper war directly confronting Moscow.

In fact, by some reckonings the war has already begun, with the US and its allies clearly dedicated to crippling the Russian economy while also getting rid of President Vladimir Putin. The 101st Airborne is now in place in Romania next to Ukraine to “warn” the Kremlin while the Pentagon has recently admitted that some American military personnel are already in Ukraine, contrary to the denials by White House spokesmen. The British have also revealed that some of their elite Special Ops personnel are on the ground. And there are reports that more American soldiers will soon be on the way, ostensibly to “track the weapons” being provided to Zelensky, which will include US-made, Patriot Missile batteries some of which might even be placed in NATO member Poland to provide air cover over Western Ukraine, a definite act of war as seen by Russia, which has warned that such a move would mean that the US and its allies had “effectively become a party” to the war in Ukraine and there will be “consequences.” “Consequences” means escalation.

The soldier-“trackers” mission may be in response to reports that weapons provided by NATO have been corruptly sold or given to third countries by the Ukrainians. The several US initiatives taken together could produce a rapid escalation of the conflict complete with dead Americans coming home in body bags and an inevitable direct US involvement in combat roles that could lead anywhere, but at this point it is the Russians who are acting with restraint by not targeting the NATO and US “advisers” who are already active in Ukraine.

Suspicion is also growing that the United States “green-lighted” in advance recent cruise missile attacks carried out by Ukraine against military targets deep inside Russia. Since the attacks, the White House has declared that Ukraine has “permission” to attack Russia and has basically conceded to the unbalanced Zelensky the right to make all the decisions and run the war that the US is largely funding, which is a formula for disaster. It is already known that Ukraine is receiving top level intelligence provided both by the US and also other NATO states. The precision attacks on Russia suggest that the Ukrainian army was given the coordinates of possible active targets, something that the US would be capable of providing but which would have been beyond the abilities of Ukraine, which possesses no satellite surveillance capability. If it is true that the White House was involved in escalating the conflict it would be a very dangerous move, inviting retaliation by Moscow.

To be sure, some idiots in Washington, mostly of the neocon variety, continue to see war against Russia as something like a crusade for world freedom. Rick Newman, Yahoo’s top Finance Columnist, observes how “Budget hawks in Congress are worried about granting President Biden’s request for an additional $38 billion in aid for Ukraine to help defeat the invading Russians.” He concludes “They’re right. Thirty-eight billion isn’t enough. Make it $50 billion. Or even $100 billion. The more, the better, until the job is done.”

Apparently, the bellicose Rick does not quite get that Russia has made clear that if it is about to be defeated by force majeure it will go nuclear. And Congress and the White House don’t seem to get it either, with both the Republican and Democratic parties oblivious to the real danger that confronts the American people. Nuclear war? Sure! Just hide in your basement, if you have one, and tune in.

When The Killer Thinks The Cameras Are Off

Very interesting.


Twitter Files Show How The Deep State Conquered Social Media

Matt Taibbi provides a summary of the recent revelations of Twitter manipulations in service of partisan government entities. The publication of the ‘Twitter files’ came in several Twitter threads from writers, left and right leaning ones, who had been given access to the files and internal Twitter communication.

Capsule Summaries of all Twitter Files Threads to Date, With Links and a Glossary

There have been 12 threads so far. Some of these are of special interest:

Twitter Files Part 1: December 2, 2022, by @mtaibbi


Recounting the internal drama at Twitter surrounding the decision to block access to a New York Post exposé on Hunter Biden in October, 2020.

Key revelations: Twitter blocked the story on the basis of its “hacked materials” policy, but executives internally knew the decision was problematic. “Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the policy?” is how comms official Brandon Borrman put it. Also: when a Twitter contractor polls members of Congress about the decision, they hear Democratic members want more moderation, not less, and “the First Amendment isn’t absolute.”

We will later learn that it was the FBI, which had the Hunter Biden laptop material and knew it was real, which pushed Twitter to censor the story by claiming that it was ‘Russian hacked’ material.

Twitter censorship:

Twitter Files Part 2, by @BariWeiss, December 8, 2022


Bari Weiss gives a long-awaited answer to the question, “Was Twitter shadow-banning people?” It did, only the company calls it “visibility filtering.” Twitter also had a separate, higher council called SIP-PES that decided cases for high-visibility, controversial accounts.

Key revelations: Twitter had a huge toolbox for controlling the visibility of any user, including a “Search Blacklist” (for Dan Bongino), a “Trends Blacklist” for Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and a “Do Not Amplify” setting for conservative activist Charlie Kirk. Weiss quotes a Twitter employee: “Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels. It’s a very powerful tool.” With help from @abigailshrier, @shellenbergermd, @nelliebowles, and @isaacgrafstein.

The above one is of special interest to me.

Until late 2021 my Twitter account @MoonofA, which I mostly use to promote my writings here, was not allowed to grow beyond 19,500 followers. There were also signs that tweets by me were not shown to users who were following me. After my account was released from the growth prison it rapidly grew to 47,500 followers in the fall of 2022. It then again went into growth prison for no discernible reason and without me getting any notice of it. Now anytime my follower count increases by 100 or so it will automatically be slashed back to 47,450 followers. There are also again signs that tweets from my account are again ‘shadowbanned’.

Yesterday @semperfidem2014 retweeted my latest:

Blue Check Brandon @semperfidem2004 – 21:27 UTC · Jan 5, 2023Well worth reading

Moon of Alabama @MoonofA · Jan 4New on MoA:
Ukraine – The Big Push To End The War

Then @New_Westphalian responded to @semperfidem2014;

New Westphalian @New_Westphalian – 21:47 UTC · Jan 5, 2023Replying to @semperfidem2004

If you hadn’t retweeted that, I doubt I’d have seen it. I follow MoA, never see a single tweet.
Not sure the cleanup has been entirely successful yet.

Well, I do not think that Elon Musk bought Twitter to do a ‘cleanup’. I believe he wants to use it for his own purposes whatever those may be. If it requires a new deal that gives government entities censoring access in exchange for whatever Musk’s wants or needs he will agree to that.

Back to Matt Taibbi’s summaries. Thread 3 to 5 were about Trump’s removal from Twitter. His account was locked despite the fact that he had not violated any of Twitter’s internal rules.

Thread 6 to 12 are about the government infiltration of Twitter from every angle, the Pentagon, the three letter agencies as well as various other entities started to censor free speech on Twitter:

Twitter Files Parts 11 and 12, by @mtaibbi, January 3, 2023HOW TWITTER LET THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY IN



These two threads focus respectively on the second half of 2017, and a period stretching roughly from summer of 2020 through the present. The first describes how Twitter fell under pressure from Congress and the media to produce “material” showing a conspiracy of Russian accounts on their platform, and the second shows how Twitter tried to resist fulfilling moderation requests for the State Department, but ultimately agreed to let State and other agencies send requests through the FBI, which agent Chan calls “the belly button of the USG.”

Revelations: at the close of 2017, Twitter makes a key internal decision. Outwardly, the company would claim independence and promise that content would only be removed at “our sole discretion.” The internal guidance says, in writing, that Twitter will remove accounts “identified by the U.S. intelligence community” as “identified by the U.S.. intelligence community as a state-sponsored entity conducting cyber-operations.” The second thread shows how Twitter took in requests from everyone — Treasury, HHS, NSA, FBI, DHS, etc. — and also received personal requests from politicians like Democratic congressman Adam Schiff, who asked to have journalist Paul Sperry suspended.

The big mainstream media have been quiet about the Twitter revelations. The New York Post and a few other right leaning outlets had a piece about the attempt to ban columnist Paul Sperry:

Dem Rep. Adam Schiff wanted journalist Paul Sperry’s account suspended over reporting on Trump whistleblower, Twitter Files reveals

The journalist in question was Paul Sperry, a Post columnist who in January 2020 wrote an article for RealClearInvestigations about the purported “whistleblower” behind former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment, for which Schiff served as a House manager.In the article, Sperry said then-CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella was overheard talking in the White House with Sean Misko, a holdover staffer from former President Barack Obama’s administration.

A former official who reportedly heard the conversation told Sperry, “Just days after [Trump] was sworn in they were already trying to get rid of him.”

Misko later left the White House and joined the Intelligence Committee, which Schiff chaired, Sperry reported.

The email posted by Taibbi shows that Schiff’s office asked Twitter to take five specific steps that an unidentified company employee said were “related to alleged harassment from QAnon conspiracists.”

They included, “Remove any and all content about Mr. Misko and other Committee staff from its service — to include quotes, retweets, and reactions to that content.”

In response, another unidentified Twitter employee wrote, “no, this isn’t feasible/we don’t do that.”

Schiff’s office also asked for suspension of “the many accounts, including @GregRubini and @paulsperry_, which have repeatedly promoted false QAnon conspiracies and harassed” someone whose name is blacked out.

The Twitter employee responded to that by writing, “we’ll review these accounts again but I believe [name blacked out] mentioned only one actually qualified for suspension.”

In an email Tuesday, Sperry told The Post, “I have never promoted any ‘QAnon conspiracies.’ Ever. Not on Twitter. Not anywhere.”

“Schiff was just angry I outed his impeachment whistleblower and tried to get me banned,” he said. “I challenge Schiff to produce evidence to back up his defamatory remarks to Twitter.”

The only major and good piece written about the Twitter revelations I know of is by Lee Smith in the otherwise not readable Tablet Magazine:

How the FBI Hacked Twitter
The answer begins with Russiagate

This one is well researched and well written. It shows that the whole manipulation by the FBI was and is done in partisan interest with the war-mongering parts of the Democrats being the main beneficiary. The piece is quite long but I recommend to read it in full.

You may think that the paragraph below is exaggerated. However, the evidence following it fully supports the conclusion:

In fact, the FBI’s penetration of Twitter constituted just one part of a much larger intelligence operation—one in which the bureau offshored the machinery it used to interfere in the 2016 election and embedded it within the private sector. The resulting behemoth, still being built today, is a public-private consortium made up of U.S. intelligence agencies, Big Tech companies, civil society institutions, and major media organizations that has become the world’s most powerful spy service—one that was powerful enough to disappear the former president of the United States from public life, and that is now powerful enough to do the same or worse to anyone else it chooses.

All of this was build in secret. All of it can be secretly used against any target. It is also interesting that the fake issue of ‘Russiagate’, like the ‘Skripal affair’ in Britain, was to a large part the preparatory buildup to the current war in Ukraine.

While the Twitter files have now given us some knowledge of this they will not change anything. The Republicans are too weak, too corrupt and too susceptible to blackmail to seriously get into the depth of the whole issue.

Posted by b on January 6, 2023 at 17:26 UTC | Permalink

World War II poster, 1942


Banana Caramel Custard



  • 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar, divided
  • 2 medium-size slightly overripe bananas, peeled and cut into pieces
  • 8 large eggs
  • 2 (12 ounce) cans evaporated milk
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Strawberries (optional)


  1. Fill a roasting pan or a 13 x 9-inch baking pan half full of hot tap water and place on an oven rack in the center of the oven. Heat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. In a small heavy saucepan, heat 1/2 cup of the sugar over medium heat for about 5 minutes, swirling the pan occasionally until the sugar has melted and turns golden brown. Watch the sugar carefully after it liquefies. If it gets too dark, it will taste burned. Immediately pour the mixture into a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan so the sugar (caramel) covers the bottom of the pan completely.
  3. In a large bowl, beat the banana and remaining 3/4 cup sugar with an electric mixer on high speed until completely liquefied with no lumps. Or process in a food processor. Beat in the eggs until well blended. (If using a food processor, scrape the mixture into a large bowl.) Add the evaporated milk, vanilla extract, nutmeg and salt. Beat with a mixer on low speed or stir just until blended. Pour the mixture into the loaf pan. (Don’t worry if the caramel cracks.)
  4. Carefully place the baking pan in the center of the pan of hot water. Bake for 1 hour and 15 to 20 minutes, or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean and the top is browned. Remove the pan from the water and set on a wire rack to cool completely. When cooled, cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.
  5. To serve, run a thin knife around the inside edges of the custard. Invert a serving plate over the pan. Invert the pan and plate together. Lift the pan and allow the syrup to run onto the plate.
  6. Serve right away or cover loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  7. Cut into 10 slices.

Nixon’s last meal at the White House, 1974

I understand that ultimately the actual murderer is at fault. But what kind of people abandon their drunken friend without her phone or belongings or even a way home?

Remember. These are the kinds of people that are in control of the “levers of power” in the West; the United States, UK, and Europe.


Are There Any U.S. Red Lines?

The Biden administration has so far refrained from sending longer range missile to Ukraine. It fears a severe Russian reaction should it change that policy. Some warmongers dislike such sensible restrain.

In today’s New York Times some former British diplomat, now working for a pro-war think tank, is arguing for the delivery of longer range weapons to Ukraine.

Putin Has No Red Lines

“What are Putin’s red lines?”This question, asked with growing urgency as Russia loses its war in Ukraine but does not relent in its aggressions, is intended to offer analytical clarity and to guide policy. In reality, it is the wrong question, because “red line” is a bad metaphor. Red lines are red herrings. There are better ways to think about strategy.

Red lines, where a consequence is threatened when an opponent does a specified escalating move, do not really exists, says the author. Red lines are movable, responding to a red line violation is a cost to the one who drew the line and red lines invite deceptions – says the author.

After spending several hundred words arguing that red lines are a useless concept the author argues that the ‘west’ should draw a big one:

Concerns about Russia’s “red lines” are driven above all by the fear that Russia might resort to nuclear escalation. The West should avert this by deterring Russia rather than by restraining itself — or pressuring Ukraine to do so — for fear of “provoking” Russia. It can do so by communicating the certainty of severe consequences should Russia use nuclear weapons.

For the record: Russia has never threatened to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. It is a false assertion by the Biden administration that Russia did so.

Communicating that the ‘west’, i.e. the U.S, will do severe consequence X if Russia does Y is drawing as red a line as I have ever seen.

So what is the purpose of that red line:

Russia has no red lines: It only has, at each moment, a range of options and perceptions of their relative risks and benefits. It only has, at each moment, a range of options and perceptions of their relative risks and benefits. The West should continually aim, through its diplomacy, to shape these perceptions so that Russia chooses the options that the West prefers.America has done this before. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the most dangerous nuclear confrontation so far, the Soviet Union’s position shifted in a matter of days, ultimately accepting an outcome that favored the West.

The former British diplomat obviously lacks a decent education in history. The Soviet missiles in Cuba were stationed there because the U.S. had stationed nuclear capable Juniper mid range missiles in Turkey and Greece. Those missiles threatened Moscow. They had crossed the Soviet red line. The missiles in Cuba were a counter threat to what the U.S. had done. When the Kennedy administration recognized that it negotiated the removal of its missiles in Turkey and Greece in exchange for the removal of the Soviet missiles in Cuba.

It were the Soviets who had won that round of the Cold War, not the U.S.

As he does not know the history of the Cuba crisis the author is drawing false conclusions from it:

While Russia is more invested in subordinating Ukraine than it was in deploying missiles to Cuba, the logic is the same. In 1962, America persuaded the Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, that removing nuclear weapons from Cuba was, however unpalatable, a better choice than deploying them. Similarly, the West should now aim to persuade Mr. Putin that withdrawing his forces from Ukraine is less perilous than fighting.

To convince Russia to retreat, says the author, the ‘west’ should not restrain itself in weapon deliveries to Ukraine. It should increase sanctions on Russia to increase its costs. It should communicate that a retreat from Ukraine would not mean regime change in Moscow. (Even when that in fact is the obvious U.S. endgame.)

Pursued firmly and resolutely, these diplomatic “shaping operations” in support of Ukraine’s military campaign can ensure that Russia’s least-bad option aligns with what the vastly more powerful West wants. Such a strategy is the opposite of accepting red lines.

Mr. Putin [..] should not be allowed to define the limits of Western policy now. Strategy needs rigorous thought, not lazy metaphors.

A lazy metaphor is like arguing against red lines while drawing a new one. A lazy metaphor is like faking history to draw the intended but wrong  conclusion from it. The op-ed is not rigorous thought but muddled gibberish.

As soon as it becomes obvious to everyone that the Ukraine is losing the war, the Biden administration is likely to deliver more long range weapons to Ukraine with the advice to use them within Russia. Russia will respond to that. But most likely not in Ukraine, but in a place and at a time where it hurts the U.S. more than anything that can be done to it in Ukraine.

Posted by b on January 2, 2023 at 17:07 UTC | Permalink



“Foxes Rushed Out Of The Book”: Beautiful Dreamy Illustrations Of Xi Zhang

Xi Zhang is a China-based illustrator and concept artist. She graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China.

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I totally believe this. I was in home healthcare, and one of my clients had a cat. I tended to both of them for 8 years! When my client passed away, I took the cat. A year later, I was suffering a terrible back ache and was very light-headed. I went outside to just lay in the grass. This cat came to me and started shoving his nose into my arm pits and various places in my body. He had never acted like this to me before. when I got up from the grass he started shoving his nose where I had just lain. I said out loud, something is very wrong with me. I packed up and headed for the hospital. When I arrived it was ascertained that I was having a heart attack. (3 Stents and 2 balloons) Several of the nurses and 3 doctors asked later, how did you know to get here when you did? I told them all, my cat told me. AND I believe he saved my life.

Emmanuel Todd On The Third World War

The French Le Figaro has an interview with the well known anthropologist Emmanuel Todd.

Emmanuel Todd: «La Troisième Guerre mondiale a commencé»

“The third world war has began” is his new thesis. Todd is quite famous for correctly predicting the devolution of the Soviet Union long before it happened. He was quite alone at that time.

I once had a piece on Todd’s later predictions for the U.S. and Europe which still seems spot on. I also quoted him in a piece on social decline as a national security issue.

Unfortunately the Figaro piece is paywalled. But Arnaud Bertrand has done us the favor of translating the gist. Here is his slightly edited thread:

Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand – 15:42 UTC · Jan 13, 2023Emmanuel Todd, one of the greatest French intellectuals today, claims that the “Third World War has started.”

Small 🧵 translating the most important points in this fascinating interview.

He says “it’s obvious that the conflict, which started as a limited territorial war and is escalating to a global economic confrontation  between the whole of the West on the one hand and Russia and China on the other hand, has become a world war.”

He believes that “Putin made a big mistake early on, which is [that] on the eve of the war [everyone saw Ukraine] not as a fledgling democracy, but as a society in decay and a “failed state” in the making. […] I think the Kremlin’s calculation was that this decaying society would crumble at the first shock. But what we have discovered, on the contrary, is that a society in decomposition, if it is fed by external financial and military resources, can find in war a new type of balance, and even a horizon, a hope.”He says he agrees with Mearsheimer’s analysis of the conflict: “Mearsheimer tells us that Ukraine, whose army had been overtaken by NATO soldiers (American, British and Polish) since at least 2014, was therefore a de facto member of the NATO, and that the Russians had announced that they would never tolerate Ukraine in NATO. From their point of view, the Russians are therefore in a war that is defensive and preventive. Mearsheimer added that we would have no reason to rejoice in the eventual difficulties of the Russians because since this is an existential question for them, the harder it would be, the harder they would strike. The analysis seems to hold true.”

He however has some criticism for Mearsheimer:

“Mearsheimer, like a good American, overestimates his country. He considers that, if for the Russians the war in Ukraine is existential, for the Americans it is basically only one ‘game’ of power among others. After Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, what’s one more debacle? The basic axiom of American geopolitics is: ‘We can do whatever we want because we are sheltered, far away, between two oceans, nothing will ever happen to us’. Nothing would be existential for America.

Insufficient analysis which today leads Biden to proceed mindlessly. America is fragile. The resistance of the Russian economy is pushing the American imperial system towards the precipice. No one had expected that the Russian economy would hold up against the ‘economic power’ of NATO. I believe that the Russians themselves did not anticipate it.

If the Russian economy resisted the sanctions indefinitely and managed to exhaust the European economy, while it itself remained, backed by China, American monetary and financial controls of the world would collapse, and with them the possibility for United States to fund their huge trade deficit for nothing. This war has therefore become existential for the United States. No more than Russia, they cannot withdraw from the conflict, they cannot let go. This is why we are now in an endless war, in a confrontation whose outcome must be the collapse of one or the other.”

He firmly believes the US is in decline but sees it as bad news for the autonomy of vassal states:

“I have just read a book by S. Jaishankar, Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs (The India Way), published just before the war, who sees American weakness, who knows that the confrontation between China and the US will have no winner but will give space to a country like India, and to many others. I add: but not to Europeans. Everywhere we see the weakening of the US, but not in Europe and Japan because one of the effects of the retraction of the imperial system is that the United States strengthens its hold on its initial protectorates. As the American system shrinks, it weighs ever more heavily on the local elites of the protectorates (and I include all of Europe here). The first to lose all national autonomy will be (or already are) the English and the Australians. The Internet has produced human interaction with the US in the Anglosphere of such intensity that its academic, media and artistic elites are, so to speak, annexed. On the European continent we are somewhat protected by our national languages, but the fall in our autonomy is considerable, and rapid. Let’s remember the Iraq war, when Chirac, Schröder and Putin held joint anti-war press conferences.”

He underlines the importance of skills and education: “The US is now twice as populated as Russia (2.2 times in student age groups). But in the US only 7% are studying engineering, while in Russia it is 25%. Which means that with 2.2 times fewer people studying, Russia trains 30% more engineers. The US fills the gap with foreign students, but they’re mainly Indians and even more Chinese. This is not safe and is already decreasing. It is a dilemma of the American economy: it can only face competition from China by importing skilled Chinese labor.”

On the ideological and cultural aspects of the war: “When we see the Russian Duma pass even more repressive legislation on ‘LGBT propaganda’, we feel superior. I can feel that as an ordinary Westerner. But from a geopolitical point of view, if we think in terms of oft power, it is a mistake. On 75% of the planet, the kinship organization was patrilineal and one can sense a strong understanding of Russian attitudes. For the collective non-West, Russia affirms a reassuring moral conservatism.”

He continues: “The USSR had a certain form of soft power [but] communism basically horrified the whole Muslim world by its atheism and inspired nothing particular in India, outside of West Bengal and Kerala. However, today, Russia which repositioned itself as the archetype of the great power, not only anti-colonialist, but also patrilineal and conservative of traditional mores, can seduce much further. [For instance] it’s obvious that Putin’s Russia, having become morally conservative, has become sympathetic to the Saudis who I’m sure have a bit of a hard time with American debates over access for transgender women in the ladies’ room.

Western media are tragically funny, they keep saying, ‘Russia is isolated, Russia is isolated’. But when we look at the votes at the UN, we see that 75% of the world does not follow the West, which then seems very small.

With an anthropologist reading of this [divide between the West and the rest] we find that countries in the West often have a nuclear family structure with bilateral kinship systems, that is to say where male and female kinship are equivalent in the definition of the social status of the child. [Within the rest], with the bulk of the Afro-Euro-Asian mass, we find community and patrilineal family organizations. We then see that this conflict, described by our media as a conflict of political values, is at a deeper level a conflict of anthropological values. It is this unconscious aspect of the divide and this depth that make the confrontation dangerous.”

There you go. Is he right on everything? I don’t know, but Emmanuel Todd is certainly always a very singular and interesting thinker, with a vastly different analysis from the depressingly predictable bad takes that usually dominate French media.

Todd’s thinking rhymes well with that of Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson as reproduced at Naked Capitalism.

Economists Radhika Desai & Michael Hudson Explain Multipolarity, Decline of US Hegemony – Original here

Yves Smith introduces it:

Yves here. Some rousing weekend listening! Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are launching a bi-weekly talk show, Geopolitical Economy Hour. The opening segment gives an overview, starting with the breakdown of US dominance and how it has been accelerated ironically by self-defeating efforts to preserve the system. It seems trivial at this point to observe that American defense of its hegemony has helped forge a strong Russia-China alliance. But will this partnership wind up dominating other countries, and stymie the development of a truly multipolar order?

Good food for thought …

Posted by b on January 14, 2023 at 14:52 UTC | Permalink


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Rod Cloutier

I’ve had multiple near-death experience. All were short, all were blissful and full of joy. Some say it is possible to have that while alive in the physical. Many people dedicate whatever they have left of their lives to finding it again. I recommend this fellow, he found it and he tells it like it is, no bullshit, straight up truth from direct personal experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDVCxm_UpLw

Ohio Guy

Sounds like he had a pleasant meeting with some Mantids and perhaps…The Creator? I’d say that he still has some unfinished business here in this bubble reality. What a great recall of events. That was very encouraging. This bubble reality, I believe, is a test. Like MM says, a sentience sorting. Not a day goes by when I think about calling out to The Domain when my time here is up. I know I don’t understand it all but I believe.


The video raises the question, was this guy meeting his mantids in a morphed form, who for some reason sent him back without entering the tunnel of light and enduring the memory sweep, or did he really escape from the PP for a short while?


Thank you for the NDE vid mate. That was super interesting hey. Yes it was. Cheers again mate for that.


Everything that this man describes feels quite familiar to me, especially when he describes the vista of spheres/stars/subdomains he travelled through once disconnected from his body.

Although, I have an inkling feeling that this entire out-of-body experience was scripted/managed. He was only meant to get a taste of the hereafter and learn about the existence of immortal matrix-souls, other realms, and so on before he was sent back to his body to tell the experiences.

I, personally, have had two near-death-experiences. Granted, neither of them involved me leaving my body. In both cases, my hyperactive and inherently disconnected brain gave some very weird imaginary experiences while I was experiencing severe pain. I imagined myself being here on Earth as part of a mission and that once I reconnected with my higher self, my power would exponentially grow: so much so that if I was allowed back on Earth, I could cause Armageddon with little effort.

And for whatever reason, I was ready to forget my life and everything I have done and start anew: treat everything I have been through like a very crappy Visual Novel or a fever-dream induced from me taking too many THC chewies.