I’ve long held the theory that the Russians should speak and not keep secrets.

Now this one we all know.  Probably all of us have read or heard of Dave McGowan’s Wagging the Moon Doggie as it was almost required reading at the time.  Dave said that the moon landing was a hoax.  Unless one is very invested in rabbit holes, it is an impossibility to know whether it was real or not.

Until now …

Personally, this has relevance from a childhood memory for me.  I come from a religious environment that was pretty much ‘sola scriptura’ and the moon landing and imaging of this round moon floating in space, threw my grandfather into a crisis of faith, because, from memory, scripturally the earth is grounded on its four pillars.  As a religious family, this caused outrage and my grandfather went into a period of fasting and prayer to find his own spiritual pillars again.  I never knew what the outcome was for him but remember some mumbling about who to believe, the Scriptures or the Americans?

And now …

The previous head of Russia’s Roskosmov, Dmitry Rogozin, recently had some exposure in Russia Today saying that while many in Roscosmos defended Washington’s version of events, no one could produce irrefutable proof of the landing on the moon.

‘No proof’ US landed on moon – Ex-Russian space boss

2023 05 11 20 42
2023 05 11 20 42

The former head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, has expressed doubt that the US Apollo 11 mission really landed on the Moon in 1969, saying he has yet to see conclusive proof.

In a post on his Telegram channel on Sunday, Rogozin said he began his personal quest for the truth “about ten years ago” when he was still working in the Russian government, and that he grew skeptical about whether the Americans had actually set foot on the Moon when he compared how exhausted Soviet cosmonauts looked upon returning from their flights, and how seemingly unaffected the Apollo 11 crew was by contrast.

Rogozin said he sent requests for evidence to Roscosmos at the time. All he received in response was a book featuring Soviet Cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov’s account of how he talked to the American astronauts and how they told him they had been on the Moon.

The former official wrote that he continued with his efforts when he was appointed head of Roscosmos in 2018. However, according to Rogozin, no evidence was presented to him. Instead, several unnamed academics angrily criticized him for undermining the “sacred cooperation with NASA,” he claimed.

The former Roscosmos chief also said he had “received an angry phone call from a top-ranking official” who supposedly accused him of complicating international relations.

Rogozin concluded by saying he still cannot believe that the US was able to pull off the feat, but is now unable to, despite the incredible progress in technology since the late 1960s.  “

The fascinating sentence is:  “What he claims to have found out, however, was that Washington has “its people in [the Russian] establishment.”

Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to the Moon, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin going down in history as the first humans to walk on the lunar surface.

The flight was preceded by the unmanned Soviet Luna 2 program, which blazed the trail for Moon exploration.

Last April, President Vladimir Putin pledged to resume Russia’s lunar program.

And now we know about Wagging the Moon Doggie.  I followed the commentary somewhat, not too deeply because I don’t have time for rabitholio, and here is a salacious selection of Russian comments:

  • The US moon scam is an excellent reason to put pressure on America in the global information space. The image damage will be huge.
  • The United States does not have lunar soil. The samples turned out to be terrestrial soil. The original footage of the landing on the moon is also no longer there. All 300-something boxes were “lost”.
  • At that time, their spacesuits did not have systems for ensuring the removal of waste products from astronauts. And where did the rocket technology that made it possible to take off from the moon go?
  • Etc. and so on.
  • Therefore, the fact that Rogozin raises this issue is correct. But it would be even better to make an official statement from Roskosmos about the lies of the Americans with the provision of all the available invoices, which we undoubtedly have.
  • At one time, we did not tell the whole world about this in exchange for the construction of gas pipelines to Europe. But now, given all that the Americans have done, including blowing up SP-2, I see no reason to continue this myth anymore. If there is an opportunity to hit the image of the United States, then it should be used.

Yes Russia!  Tell Us!  I’m ready for the Scandal of a Lifetime!  Who smoked the pipe with the happy baccy?  Was it a Moon Landing, or only an impressive out-of-body experience?


The featured image is from the Daily Star which is the epitome of yellow trash media.