2022 03 26 13 38

The United States is tipping at the edge of a cliff. It’s fall will be soon, sudden, and absolute.

The United States is poised to hit the most horrific economic collapse in history. It will be stunning and absolute. This video discusses that reality. Buckle up.

This guy, Gonzalo Lira has laid it all out.

All of it. From the educational system, to society, to economic, Geo-political, economic, in very easy and clear terms.  It’s easy to understand. It makes sense, and it’s probably the best description ever as to the horror that is unfolding before our very eyes today.

MM agrees 100% with his assessment.

Outstanding video.

The Video

Found on You-Tube.

2022 03 26 13 08
Gonzalo Lira



Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Well summarised. The key for me was the last prat about lashing out. When someone or nation even refuses to accept responsibility for their failures lashing out is typically the standard response. Like a wounded animal the US could trigger mayhem in its last hours.


You are going to hang your hat on this guy? Yes, he makes some valid point BUT if America goes down the tubes that sucking sound will be the rest of the world imploding (which will include your beloved China). The smart thing will be for the West to follow China’s example by focusing upon domestic development while maintaining global ties. IMHO.


So like you get “brownie points” for how well you write for the CCP? To think China doesn’t have domestic and financial problems is BS on its face.

Furthermore, if the US isn’t able to pay the interest on the debt China holds – that sucking sound will be China imploding.

The problem with globalism is that there are no circuit breakers.

So yes….I agree 100% that the USA has many self-inflicted wounds and that these miss-adventures are stupid BUT it will adjust as people are finally waking up. Speaking of miss-adventures – one hopes that China is not foolish enough to invade Taiwan. This will be a situation in which the CCP, believing its own press releases, will be in for a rude surprise. Just saying.


Elements of truth (more like the obvious) but still a skewed view. Only time will tell who is correct.

Ohio Guy


This is probably nothing…right? Wake up, man!

Ohio Guy

Hi Nuke. You might also want to check out Vault 7. If the link conveniently provided doesn’t take you there, just type it in the search bar that our host, congjing yu has provided. You might also want to read up on our host’s history. He has led quite an amazing life. He tells of his life growing up in the US, his US Naval experience, transition to Majestic, retirement process and so much more. His destiny led him to China. Seriously, I tell most newcomers to read our host’s autobiography. It’s truly a fantastic factual story (imo) that will stick in your head for quite some time.


Here we go again.

comment image


上海的月亮: LARRY ROMANOFF — What part will your country play in World War III? May 27, 2021 (moonofshanghai.com)

Hi MM,
I dunno if you read Larry Romanoff but if you haven’t, you must. I share the same thoughts as he did (para 9). Wipe that bitch out (sorry Rufus) from the face of the earth. No ifs, no buts. Just do it. Btw, you ain’t no apple juice, right?


not good….

Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 11.41.46.png
Ohio Guy

Gonzalo Lira, aka Coach Red Pill, missing in Ukraine since 4/15/2022. Today is Tuesday, April 19, 2022. 12:30pm


My dearest brothers and sisters, and MM, and Others, I ask permission to write this piece as an EULOGY for Gonzalo Lira. I ask that for those who read this, please give me the opportunity to speak – and it matters not whether you agree with me or not, nor believe that this information should or should not be WRITTEN here. Please give me an opportunity.

I ask that to remember Gonzalo, as he is first introduced here on MM, that we MUST ALL ALLOW A FREE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS – just as Gonzalo spoke freely of his mind and heart – for us to understand just a little bit more. That free exchange of ideas is not allowed by the dark side of humanity is proof – paid for with his life.

That which is TRUTH or not, is subjective to each person’s CHOSEN MWI (if you believe the MWI principles expounded here on this site) and that which is unique to each person. We must not be afraid of the light – as the world turns to perhaps a new beginning for humankind, and yes, the WAPP (Wise and Power People) have planned this for many hundreds of years – as the GREAT PLAN evolved.

I do understand that there a HIGH price will be exacted on humankind, so that worthy and GOOD humans will find the way to the next step of “EVOLUTION”.

Gonzalo Lira paid for humankind’s evolution with his life.

I would like to write this message that is of assistance to any of you, perhaps one of you even, so that I hope that if I am right, your path to the NEW HUMANITY will be smoother. (If I am wrong, I do not think it would affect your chances negatively at all). If I am right in some ways, then Gonzalo Lira’s life paid for, and through his first appearance here, this UNKNOWN knowledge that you will now be exposed to.

I have not seen the information below published anywhere on the web – parts of it may be promulgated, but not in its entirety. I guess, that 30% of you who KNOW MORE, and are one degree of separation to people who are involved in control nexii that are involved in the Evolutioning of humanity – would certainly KNOW BETTER than I as I have no such special knowledge as am a truly a PEON – with a RUFUS consciousness and a heart that bleeds with Gonzalo’s passing.

I have been searching for info on Gonzalo since info spread on his non-appearance on George Galloway’s MOAT. And then info on his confirmation of demise with pixes of his apparent captors. Your friendly western trained and bred Azov heroes – one which has apparently the callname Chile.

MM had a very good YT video on Gonzalo’s death significance (see on sidebar). MM has the right pulse on things – he is right. The Death of Gonzalo is a milestone in history. Things will happen as a result of his death.

He has touched many people – including myself. I was introduced to Gonzalo FROM THIS EXACT place by MM – so I thank MM. I spent at least 10-15 hours watching 10 of his last videos – I am unsure about the total length. And even though this was watching someone speak, I felt that WE were having a dialogue as you would with someone you’re having coffee with in STARBUCKS – except that you are so engrossed with what he is saying that – you’re letting him TALK ALL THE TIME – while you just nod your head.

In this sense, although he will never know the tens of thousands of people who listened to him, I consider him a TRUSTED source – and FRIEND – just as I would MM, and all of you here who frequent this place. Even as my brothers and sisters.

The message that even Gonzalo has not been able to provide, and I cannot guarantee its TRUTH, is the points below. And his death, brings these points up. You who read these, DECIDE on their value to you. WE WILL NOW MOVE AT QUANTUM SPEED. You get what you get and dont get what you miss. Its as simple as that.

1. The WAPP are driving humanity to a new level and a new phase. But there appear to be factions that are competing for their own visions – I do not know whether the competition is REAL or CONTRIVED, which means that they want ONE FINAL Vision that is realized.

2. The OPENLY visible vision is the WEF Agenda 2030 vision. ALL countries are cooperating even in actions of war and conflicting actions. They are doing the THREE SHEEPDOGS guiding the geese thru 1 hoop held by the farmer’s daughter, and an inverted U done by her sister, while the farmer looks on nonchalantly – I saw this embedded video in one of MM’s posts – so MM has given us THE TRUTH. Ultimate Goals: population reduction, genetic stratification and genetic selection. Result – Selected genetic traits are propagated in future humanity. ID2020, Worldcoin, One World, One Government, One set of values. Internet of Beings. Subsistence Universal Basic Income (SUBI) for Worthy Citizens of the New World. Contributing to the society citizens get PREMIUM over SUBI. Higher officials and conglomerate owners and their progeny get special built-in credits that are hereditary based on recognized criteria. Governance is technocratic and leveled FAIRNESS. If drinking alcohol is curtailed, then it is curtailed for ALL. Corruption is squeezed out. (You can say they are standardized as built-in benefits for the elites). The Georgia Guidestones work as a guide – and not necessarily 100% expressed.

3. The NOT SO VISIBLE vision is the Service to Others Sentience Imperative that is to be worked in as the MOST IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE OF ALL. That is what I hope anyway. This idea is advanced by MM, and of course, Majestic people (MM is in his first Majestic posts have said that he is doing this site this on the permission and in some ways, behest of Majestic). The importance of Service to Others to the WAPP cannot be understated. The WAPP and their progeny want to live in a FUTUREWORLD where people are GOOD and help each other – so that their progeny can live in peace. Without an overarching STRONG GRIP on the future through TECHNOCRACY and new system of governance, all it takes is a NEW ATTILA THE HUN, to ascend power, AND REMOVE ALL WAPP progeny, and START A NEW WORLD ORDER….. Of course, they are afraid of this. SO, to do so, they NEED to create a MILLENNIUM GOVERNANCE system that is ostensibly based on TECNOCRACY in its underpinnings, but OVERTLY it is a NEW (Actually historic) form of Governance. (I will not mention what it is here. But if you live to see it, REMEMBER WHAT I JUST SAID HERE. Then you will know exactly what I mean). Okay, a BIG clue. Think of Dubai as a future template. Yes, really.

4. As the WAPP Representatives (WAPPREPs) have to deal with nearly 8 billion people, to move them to this new system, it’s a HUGE task and it cant be done by just saying, er, “well we’ll all have a new way of doing things, so let’s just do it.” So, the WAPPREPs are all compartmentalized and when engaged directly to do certain things, they are rewarded in the ways that they are motivated, whichever way and means is required, which means there must be many different control nexii (the guard dogs) that do different things to different groups that MOVE people like the GEESE to go through the two hoops. The WAPPREPs recruit doers and followers to do their bidding and offer appropriate rewards. The tools they use include Natural Selection forces that result in individual non-competitiveness – Artificial De-selection (obesity, drug addiction, mental disorder propagation [LGBTQ, Body Positivity], feminism, excessive drinking, etc), Wars, Famine, Social Deconstruction, Economic Deconstruction, Education Imperatives (Good vs NOT good), AND SO ON.

5. Most of what the WAPPREPs use are Psyops (Half-information truths, Misinformation, Disinformation, False lies, Ridiculous Ideas [Flat Earth])through education instituitions, corporations, MSM, ALT media, and even as MM says, ALT ALT Media. 99% of all the PSYOPs out there are meant to have DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS and are meant to confuse, hide the true nature of the NWO march to reality, depress and reduce the resilience and immune system of humans and so on. This is meant to THIN THE HERD relatively FAIRLY through FREE Choice for each human so that they themselves decide that they do not survive for the next iteration of a better world. If they do not qualify, that means, they are mentally, emotionally, physically, intrinsically not qualified – so they are not genetically chosen for propagation in the future. I say 99% of what’s happening out there are detrimental to humans. IMHO, MM’s website and from my viewpoint only 2 other websites ASSIST humans to be somewhat prepared for the next step. Only MM’s sit,e among millions of sites in this world, focuses clearly on the importance of the Service to Others Sentience Imperative (you need to read between the lines to understand why).

6. The WAPP have never lied to us. They have told us the truth in many instances but YOU must be able to aware of the information they send. And they do it such that humans that appear to have characteristics desirable to them can decipher the TRUTH among the lies out there. It is looking for needles in a haystack, but only those whom they believe are gifted enough can find such needles.

7. One clear motif among all the truth ensconcing lies, is the concept of the fight between Good and eeevil. And of course, I am guessing, and I do hope I am right, that in the end, the WAPP intend to establish GOOD and Service to Others as the FINAL SOLUTION to future generations of humanity (or, we as a human species are FCKED). Look at the many Hollywood Good vs Evil movies. Like Star Wars. The first movie was 1977? good triumphs over eevil. So, the many things and PSYOPS today are good vs evil stories – except the players in each psyop believe they themselves are Good and the other side Evil. The WAPP hoever, have made their rules – and it is for them, what set of qualities and values are best to protect their interest and their progeny, with a second consideration of what’s best for what’s left of the masses who survive the coming culling. So, if you are a WAPP, what values will you choose, and what values will you NOT CHOOSE. Then, you get your WAPPREPs to create events, plans, systems to result in selection of those people who meet your desirable qualities, and those who do not. And you create events that will first encourage those with genetically predisposed undesirable characteristics to OUT themselves and grow and become influential in society so that they become pied pipers as leaders to other undesirables. Then when the time is right, MORTALLY CHALLENGE each from of the the undesirables and cause them to have excessive corruption, excessive consumption, mass confusion, dysphoria, depression, anti-social activities like mass crime, genocide, and in the end, create mechanisms that result in their genetic discontinuance in human evolution.

9.That is why they over many years created Zone A and Zone B countries, and how the 2 largest Zone B countries and other small states have begun their metamorphosis into STO entities (albeit not perfect). The WAPP are taking down Zone A Empire of the USD bcos it has always happened for Magicked systems that use fiat money – over hundreds of years. In every zerotization and reset, the WAPP gained more assets. They ALREADY OWN EVERYTHING of instrinsic value – like farmland, mineral resources, islands, and of course, all REAL resources in the world – besides the biggest amount of virtual money put there. The WAPP are NOT AFRAID of the Empire of LIES blowing up bcos they own everything in the world, and the unique and recognized monopoly on creating any monetary system they want. (That’s why cryptos came into being. They are WAPP created and owned in the end. (And the cryptos will crash when they want it to crash). the cryptos exist for a certain end reason – to introduce the viability of the worldcoin, and ás a quisksand method of attracting all liquid assets of young people, when they crash all the cryptos, they will create many depressed younger people who may or may not fit the NWO desirability profile. So when a young person’s 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 million dollars worth of crypto goes to ZERO, what does he do then at the DAWN of a NEW WORLD? Hmm, a real indication of human character, isnt it?). All these Conflicts and NOISE are created to allow, as MM uses this term first, Genetic Stratification. In the end, genetic stratification leads to genetic success for those who are chosen on the highest levels, and genetic discontinuance for the lower levels.

10. Guess what? Be A RUFUS is MM’s suggestion among other useful ones. If you listen to MM, do you think you will end up on the higher level of the genetic stratification mechanisms and processes that are taking place in the world today?

11. Gonzalo Lira has made his contribution to humanity with his life in the Good vs Evil processes that are taking place. Do you believe Eeevil or good had a hand in his death? Do you believe the ideas that he espoused drastically criticized Good or eeevil? Do you think whatever he said that moves you or aligns with your values makes you a member of all which is GOOD or eeevil? You know the answer. This is his true contribution. His VALUABLE and CLEAR marker to all of humanity. Once you are exposed to Gonzalo Lira, you have two responses – and which ever response you have CLEARLY indicates whether you as a human being align with Good or Eeevil, Like the vkks. Like the corruption. Like principles of governance of any country. Like LGBTQ. Like corruption. Like MANY THINGS addressed by the many PSYOPS out there. The moment you understand it – and take one side, YOU ARE BEING STRATIFIED as either DESIRABLE or UNDESIRABLE by the WAPP. With consequences.

12. I will stop here. It goes only as far as this.

(13. This point is only reserved for the special among you who have read between the lines, and truly UNDERSTAND and agree with what I have shared with you. Read Simon Jacobson’s “Toward a Meaningful Life”. You can buy it as a book, or if you just search it on the web, it is available as a FREE access read. If you read it, you will UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING I have said above.”).

May the Supreme Commander bless the soul of Gonzalo Lira. And help all who come to MM ready themselves, and successfully navigate to a better word.

I will never have the courage nor the influence of Gonzalo. I want him to know that we love him and thank him for his sacrifice – in his bid to enlighten us on the Good vs evil processes.

Thank you, MM and OTHERS.


Dearest brothers and sisters, MM and others, I append a moving tribute and explanation by Scott Ritter who explains the circumstances of Gonzalo Lira’s passing, and the significance of his life – and death. Link is here.

Good will triumph over eeevil? Well, each of us who has the ability to become truly self-aware, to have a conscience, to have GOODNESS inside us, and who are led by a RUFUS soul, know what is GOOD and what is not.

It is time to LIVE out your lives that which is defined by your soul.

May the Supreme Commander help us and guide us through the New, Better World.

Where there is ONLY GOOD.

Thank you, MM and OTHERS.


Dearest brothers and sisters, MM and others, since I started this string, I need to append to this. As many thousands of us who consider Gonzalo Lira a [virtual] friend, we were obviously saddened when he disappeared, and knowing how things were, with the friendly execution squads Azov heros going around various places “cleansing” the population of “orc-sympathizers”, and Gonzalo’s own warning about the 12 hour dead man’s watch, we assumed the worst, when Gonzalo disappeared, and the ever friendly trans Cirillo cackled at his being captured by the Azov heroes, and orcshill-slapped (how orcshills should be treated in private).

Well, many people proceeded to respond and said they would pray for Gonzalo. So did I, I mean seriously, even though I accepted “reality”- even as Scott Ritter – man who has seen many wars, and dead bodies – believed.

Well, Gonzalo is ALIVE. Read this link.

Perhaps it is because thousands of people prayed, and requested intercedence from the Great Power in the Universe – and the fact that the OUTED card had been played with the Azovs and trans Cirillo gloating in orcshill-slapping of Gonzalo – a US and Chilean citizen, that this orcshill could not be simply disappeared in the fog of war with PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. I am sure the puppeteers pissed greatly at those involved who were at hand who OUTED themselves thru TWITTER (of all the censored media out there that is supposed to be so bad for freedom speech, ironically, it ends up saving G), when this orcshill could simply be buried in a compost pile to feed the sunflowers in the spring.

Twitter and the gloating Azovs and Trans Cirillo saved GL – and of course, the Supreme Commander made it happen in answer to those of us who prayed for Gonzalo.

But, the END TIMES are near.

Be ready. Or not.

Believe MM’s formula for this. RUFUSness. Take it one day at a time. Love your family. Find something besides the NOISECRAP around you, to focus your life on, for a meaningful purpose for yourself and for your community – and in the end for humanity.

A new Beginning shall commence. But a lot of CRAPSHIT needs to happen to take away those NOT WORTHY.

You decide on your Destiny as you have FREE WILL.

Those of you who choose it – choose redemption.

May the Supreme Commander keeps those of us who choose redemption – safety and passage to the New World.

Thank you MM and others.