This great interregnum or why are heavily weaponized squads of urban militants roaming the woods outside of rural white communities?

Traffic on Interstate 95 is diverted in the area of an hours long standoff with a group of armed men that partially shut down the highway, Saturday, July 3, 2021, in Wakefield, Mass. Massachusetts state police say nine suspects have been taken into custody. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

It’s one day after the fourth of July, 2021.

I woke up this morning and scanned my news feeds. I often just look at the titles. Taking the time to read the content is useless, as most have zero content of worth.

And I discovered this…

And when I read the content, it was clear that they were avoiding the fact that these were all urban African-american militants who are traipsing in the Massachusetts countryside far from their homes. In fact, they were “practicing maneuvers” around white-dominated communities and villages.

I wonder why?

Why would they do that?

When interviewed and interrogated by the police, they claimed that they were “Moors”.

At least some of the suspects were clad in military-style gear with long guns and pistols, Mass State Police Col. Christopher Mason said. He added that they were headed to Maine from Rhode Island for “training.”

“You can imagine 11 armed individuals standing with long guns slung on an interstate highway at 2 in the morning certainly raises concerns and is not consistent with the firearms laws that we have in Massachusetts,” Mason said.

In a video posted to social media Saturday morning, a man who did not give his name, but said he was from a group called Rise of the Moors, broadcast from Interstate 95 in Wakefield near exit 57.

“We are not anti-government. We are not anti-police, we are not sovereign citizens, we’re not Black identity extremists,” said the man who appeared to be wearing military-style equipment. “As specified multiple times to the police that we are abiding by the peaceful journey laws of the United States.”

The website for the group says they are “Moorish Americans dedicated to educating new Moors and influencing our Elders.”
Police work on in the area of an hours long standoff with a group of armed men that partially shut down interstate 95, Saturday, July 3, 2021, in Wakefield, Mass. Massachusetts state police say nine suspects have been taken into custody. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

The interesting aspects about this entire event are what is not well reported…

  • These ethnic individuals are not from the region that they were found.
  • The region where they targeted was disarmed by very strict anti-gun and anti-weapon legislation, thus leaving most residents unable to defend themselves.
  • The “long arms” were (what would otherwise be reported as) “assault weapons”.
  • Everyone wore either camouflage clothing, military attire, or black colored garb.


I wonder what this means…


What were these people doing outside of the quiet rural community of Wakefield, Massachusetts?


We know that this is not a “new” event.

Coming to rural America.

Meanwhile, let’s see what some of the more learned people on the planet has to say about the current state of American politics and the changes going on in America. And this is a pretty good write up…

Silicon Valley has a monopoly of social capital now. Every call, every text message, and every email is theirs to use as they see fit. This allows them to derive information about the public and use it for financial and political advantage. Tucker Carlson worries about the NSA when he volunteers to carry around a tracking device that records his every movement for the benefit of the Silicon Valley oligarchs.

The great class struggle among white people has also stopped making sense. The old left-right conflict of the prior era manifested itself as a battle between the working and upper classes. The white middle class in America, for example, operated as a ballast and referee. Both sides of the political class courted them in elections, while making promises to their base in the other classes.

The great divide in this age is demographics. America is increasingly nonwhite and headed for majority-minority status. The politics reflected the old demographics, which was 80% white. Fretting over minority rights, for example, makes no sense in a world where everyone is a minority. It makes even less sense when a unique minority is the ruling elite and has total control of the institutions.

The ruling elite has evolved a colonial mentality in response to the crisis, but white people are increasingly embracing demographic reality. The uproar over critical race theory is an omen of what is to come. This intermediate conflict is between a ruling class that thinks it can keep feeding the alligator, hoping to be eaten last, and a public that has no desire to be erased from the book of life. Demographic reality is the new class struggle.

This July 4th, America finds itself in the middle of a great interregnum, a transition period between the old order and the new order. The reason the buildings that symbolize the political institutions of America remain behind layers of razor-wire fencing and armed guards is not a fear of insurrectionist soccer moms. Those barriers exist as a bulwark against the inevitable, protecting an ossified and obsolete political elite along with the political system that maintains them.

Predicting the future is always a mug’s game. Just as our frozen lefty would be stunned to see how history unfolded, we will be shocked to see what comes after this great interregnum. Therein lies the reason to celebrate. The current crisis environment is a transitory state. It cannot last and everything that cannot last eventually comes to an end, usually sooner than anyone expects.

Well everyone is trying to understand

The USA is in a mess, and everyone is trying to grasp aspects of it in handfuls that they can understand. All the time they failure to see the big picture. Things do not happen in isolation. An event here, or an event there, are aspects of a much larger plan. Whether intended or not.

Intellectuals try to intellectualize it. Patriots try to look at it from a revolutionary angle, and socialists try to analysis the functional vectors of group behaviors.


Wake up folks. The dinner is almost ready. The bridge is wobbling and the cables are about to snap. The cattle are restless and the fence is about to go down.

Can’t you smell it in the air?

I can, and I’m far way in China.

The Kakistocracy Is Real

An easily ignored aspect of the Tucker Carlson spying story is just how ham-fisted this caper was executed, regardless of the reason. Carlson is a relentless critic of the regime, but his audience is relative tiny. His average total audience is roughly 3 million people per night. Even if every night is a new crowd, that is an audience of 15 million in a country of 330 million people. He may be the biggest name in cable news, but the reality is, cable news is a low impact medium.

This was always the lesson of the Trump phenomenon. The entirety of the mass media, including the so-called conservatives, aligned against Trump but he was able to win the nomination and the general election. These are people who were sure they were the king makers in national politics. This TV carny comes along and walks right through their lines as if they were not there. Then he turned them into objects of ridicule and mockery by calling them childish names.

If the intelligence agencies were what they imagine themselves to be, they would see that Tucker is never going to be much of a problem. They could just ignore him, like most everyone does, or they could use him. Carlson is one of the few serious people on television, but he is still on TV. He wants ratings, so a shrewd intel operative could feed him some juicy tidbits that serve the interests of the regime. Instead, they are in a petty spat and making him the sympathetic victim.

These sorts of thumbless capers raise an important issue. Our managerial elite is rapidly getting dumber. This is plainly obvious in the military side. Sure, rural peasants armed with Russian surplus were able to defeat the US army in the 1960’s, but that theater negated the primary American advantage at the time. Armor and advanced transport are useless in a jungle. Air dominance is not terribly effective against guerilla tactics in urban and jungle conditions.

In Afghanistan and Iraq, the US military could exploit every technological advantage against a poorly equipped and trained opponent. In Afghanistan, the US faced off against a Bronze Age opponent. After two decades the white flag has gone up and the Taliban will take over this autumn. In Iraq, a ragtag force of insurgents led by a cleric came close to defeating the US army. The final peace looked more like a concession by the US, as Iraq is now an Iranian client.

The gross incompetency of the military is not unique. The entire managerial class is suffering from a rapid decline in intelligence. The truth is the system evolved for an adult population of the last century. It reflected the demographics of the population as a whole, but also the demographics of the ruling class. Over the last couple of generations, the people taking up positions in the system are significantly dumber, reflecting the changing demographics of the country.

This IQ decline will only become more acute in the next decade. The great Baby Boomer retirement will hit the civil service harder than the dreaded private sector, because the civil service is much older. The average age of the private workforce is roughly 35, depending upon who is doing the measuring. Similarly, the average age of the government workforce is 50. The leadership class is even older. In other words, the people running the system are geezers, not long for the world.

This is most stark in politics. Joe Biden is so old he has been in office longer than most people have been alive. The leadership of both parties is close behind. Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy, Hoyer and McConnel reflect the sensibilities and the mating decisions of the disappearing past. Their replacements, Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Tim Scott, and so on, reflect the rapidly approaching future. Repeat this throughout the civil service and you can see the problem. The kakistocracy is real.

This decline in IQ is evident in the current upheaval. The great Progressive awakening of the 1950’s and 1960’s was driven by idealism. They really thought they were going to create a better world. It was also driven by the big change in the ruling class. Jews had taken up positions in the post-war ruling elite. They were making their mark by leading many of the cultural revolutions, like civil rights. Self-interest played a role, but social justice has always been a part of the Jewish cultural outlook.

Today, the revolts we see look like a cargo cult. They are reenactors playing parts they heard about in school. They think if they can replay the events of the past, the past will come alive and the great do-over begins. They are led by a carnival of simpletons and lunatics who mostly like smashing things and making noise. Antifa and BLM are the short bus passengers in the story of street activism. None of what we are seeing makes any sense or has any point. It is just mayhem for the sake of it.

The institutions of a society are the tools of the people running the society, designed for their use over the course of time. The institutions of America were made for people a full standard deviation smarter than today’s rulers. Those tools were also created with certain cultural assumptions missing from the current class. The next generation of rulers are the opening scenes of 2001: A Space Odyssey compared to the men who created the tools used to run the empire.

It will not end well.


Obviously some “Moors” are emboldened to reconnoiter the defenselessness communities of wealthy Massachusetts, while the intellectual class are busy trying to intellectualize the turmoil inside of the United States fiasco.


What gave them the idea that they could do this?

What the FUCK is going on?

I can tell you all ONE THING. This kind of activity would NEVER be tolerated in China, and it would be taken cared of immediately and absolutely. The fact that the United States is unable to do anything… shows exactly what a huge, colossal, and absolute failure the nation it; the leadership is; and the system is. There is only one solution remaining…

Allow it to collapse.

Let the rot fester, then purge it completely.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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I am quite familiar with this area where this occurred. I was just there about a week ago.

A couple of interesting things about Wakefield

  • This fruit loop is from Wakefield
  • There is a business in town with a Svoboda flag in the window signed by a bunch of people, not sure who. Just have seen it driving by. I am supposing it is signed by local Svoboda people that are friends with the owner.
  • Almost within sight of the Svoboda place is a tiny Romanian Orthodox church. People may be aware that during the Cold War US intelligence used small, obscure denominations as cover for Nazis and other assets. Just thought it was funny.
  • I’m not sure how it is now, but in the past there were a ton of sex offenders living in Wakefield. They had a whole wall in the town hall plastered with pictures of sex offenders. There was a guy arrested in the center of town some time back for running an illegal daycare center. He was, as you might expect, a convicted sex offender.
  • On the subject of guns, there are no gun ranges in Wakefield. But out of curiousity I looked on google maps, and there are 9 ranges within 10 miles of Wakefield. So it might not be the case that people in town are unarmed and defenseless.

As to these ‘Moors’, I don’t know anything about them.

But I do know from google maps, that Pawtucket is only 60 miles from Wakefield, and it is absolutely impossible that they needed to refuel their vehicles there.

I would imagine that the night refueling on the side of the road was actually part of the ‘training’ that they were doing.

There is a book by Victor Ostrovsky, who was in the Mossad, where he talks about as part of his training he had to get mixed up with the cops, who were not in on his training, and get himself out of it.

I would not be surprised if these guys were also ‘training’ by interacting with the cops. The behavior of the cops was beyond suspicious. When the cops around here thought they had Tsarnaev, the supposed marathon bomber, cornered in a boat, they riddled the boat with bullet holes and only failed to kill him due to their poor marksmanship. It is inconceivable that they saw all these heavily armed guys and just talked to them and let them hang out all day. It is just impossible. So it seems to me that there was some level of artificiality to this event.

As for their destination, if you draw a line through the middle of Maine on an angle parallel to the coast, the inland half is essentially uninhabited.

There is a big Navy training area up there (strangely far from the ocean), as can be seen from this article-

I don’t have a link, but I have read that there is at least one ‘compound’ for some kind of American Indian nationalists in this same area. This is some kind of town with families and stuff, but it is 100% Indians, no outsiders allowed.

This news story from some time back, I feel could have some relation to the recent events-

Army Veteran Arrested with Massive Weapons Cache Claimed it was for a ‘Classified’ Mission


Like all the other false flag shooting events I believe this event was also staged. This type of fear mongering creates easy future budget approvals for local law enforcement. Does your local police station need more officers with military style weapons and vehicles? Well if more events like this spring up the police departments will be approved for anything they want. I’ll bet every person in the “Moors” group was military or from one of the alphabet agencies.

They still show videos and photos of Chinese tanks being carried on trains in the USA, and a huge mass of Chinese troops gathering on the border of Canada. Pfft! I don’t think so.


“Free radicals”…. as in chemistry. Parts of the society are not bonded….soveriegn citizen movement..the Freemen in Montana… Northern Idaho…parts of TX…Nor Cal/So ORE…the new Black Panthers…. . all the same. Lack of representation….a republic model broken with Reynolds VS Sims. The democracy dysfunction will continue until critical mass…. be it economic or social collapse. You can run a Nash game theory on it..the results are the same. “Reset” and/or “Civil War”..which may come in the form of Balkanization of the USA.

Bo Chen

America’s plan to collapse China (now that the first round of CIA biovirus petered out for now):

1) Nuclear blackmail of China and the entire world

2) Win the AI race by banning and full embargo of all chips, semiconductor equipment and lithography supply chains… against all of China.. Without high end microprocessors China cannot develop AI or climb the tech value chain to rise above “middle income trap” and may even regress economically as it gets contained, isolated and left behind

3) Take advantage of its hegemonistic position including petrodollar reserve currency status to squeeze the rest of the world much harder, to call in its long bets and canalbalize its allies and vassals in order to stay on top and harvest and consolidate even more power and dominion over the rest of the planet as we slide down global peak energy curve

Last edited 3 years ago by bochen2021

Anyone who has worked in corrections, as I did, can tell you about the “Moors”. This is a splinter pseudo–Islamic black-supremacist group calling itself Moorish Science Temple in the prison system. MST cooperates with another such splinter group, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. The two groups have lots of ties.

Most whites, and probably most cops, have never heard of MST or the Moors. The history is convoluted and you should look into it online if you’re interested—and maybe you should be.

The question I have is how many of these “Moors” in the Massachusetts incident had served prison time, which would make them as felons ineligible to have firearms. The group is very low-key outside the prison system.

But as others note, something seems sketchy about the cops’ response. Why the kid gloves and chumminess? Massachusetts is the state that sent a man to prison for defending his family with a handgun decades ago, so its attitude about packing heat is well known. Where were the mass arrests in this incident?

Something about this story should make everyone worry. Thanks, MM, for posting it.

Bo Chen

9 out of 10 its a false flag…

I work in IT and most of the recent cyberattacks you see on the news all reek of false flags…

Ultan McG

Given that the state police colonel speaking about the incident”s name was “Christopher Mason”, you bet your sweet ass it was a false flag.
Sorry, Mr Man. I call b.s. too on this embedded story. But there was an ulterior motive, for sure. Strategy of Tension exercise, that was. Nothing more.

Codes like 3, 11, 33 embedded in the article a dead giveaway, too.

This stuff is EVERYwhere now in media– particularly stateside. Watch out for gematria codes such as: christ, man, son, Mason and people with same initials for given and family name especially CC, or phases with phallic references.

Its All mockery and theatre aimed at herding the sheep into pre assigned pens.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan McG

There is another point to be made about the “Moors” in this incident.

Suppose some of them had felony records. If you look at the history of Stalin’s takeover of Eastern European countries, you find that Soviet apparatchiks released criminals from prisons in the newly occupied areas and told those criminals to take from the rich.

The “rich” were anyone who wasn’t communist. They included the likes of family farmers—kulaks in Soviet–speak. The prisons were filled quickly with enemies of the new socialist regime after the criminals were freed.

Now the question arises: just what kind of “training” in Maine are the Moors on their way to receive? Maybe rural American whites are going to be the new kulaks once the training is done? With such plans as the Great Reset and Aganda 21 afoot, don’t laugh. Take this seriously.

Ohio Guy

The many from the foothills to the mountains of appalachia wait with giddy excitement, I assure you.


There are similar precedences to what’s happening in the usa today in history relating to China. Here’s a link with lots of information, also the comments section has more:

Ohio Guy

That article was eye opening. Commenter SC has remarkable research abilities