Pentagon Leaders are starting to shout-down the neocon war-hawks on K-street in Washington DC

Every now and then, you come across an article that resonates. Not from some unknown blogger who writes about his opinions after reading the “news”, but a thoughtful article by an experienced professional discussing a subject that he knows well. And so when I came across this work, I just had to reproduce it here on MM.
Granted, his title sucks. But the content is gold. All credit to him and the source found HERE.

By Byron King

“It Failed Miserably” – What If the US Lost a War and Nobody Noticed?

I have a friend who teaches at the university level — at a U.S. service academy, no less.

The other day he was running a class and posed a short (but profound) question to a group of students. Namely, what was the most recent strategic disaster suffered by the U.S. military?

“Blank expressions,” noted my friend.

After a period of time, one student offered an answer… “Afghanistan?” (And yes, the student’s answer was in the form of a question.)

Dutifully, my professor-friend led the students in a discussion of what happened in a war that began before they were born and whose outcomes will affect them for the rest of their lives.

There’s a Whiskey tale to tell just based on this anecdote alone.

But wait, there’s more!

Because America’s loss in Afghanistan has already been overshadowed.

Indeed, the U.S. military has suffered an even greater strategic disaster than Afghanistan: an epic military defeat that already occurred, and you likely don’t know a thing about it.

I’ll skip to the takeaway here.

The U.S. should refrain from fighting the next war because we’ve already lost, long before even one shot has been fired.

The source for this ultra-defeatist news is not just a teacher at a sailor’s college, sited on a salty bay. No, the source is no less than a serving, 4-star general whose job title is Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Let’s dig in…

Here’s the long and short. The U.S. military conducted a major wargame last fall and “it failed miserably,” said U.S. Air Force Gen. John Hyten earlier this week.

Hyten spoke at a conference sponsored by the Emerging Technologies Institute. It’s a think tank run by the National Defense Industrial Association, an industry group focused on military modernization. (You can watch it on YouTube here, about an hour and 18 minutes.)

“An aggressive red team that had been studying the United States for the last 20 years just ran rings around us,” he said. “They knew exactly what we’re going to do before we did it.”

According to a Pentagon spokesperson, one key scenario of this wargame involved U.S. forces battling with China over Taiwan. From Hyten’s summary, U.S. forces became sitting ducks and were destroyed piecemeal and systematically.

The overarching problem was, basically, everything.

It’s all fucked

That is, the problem for the U.S. was far beyond the shortcomings of any particular piece of equipment, or ship or airplane, let alone the willingness of U.S. and allied troops to fight. No, the issue was the very essence of how the U.S. military forms strategic concepts and conducts operations.

In other words, the problem was the entire belief system, architecture and construction of the Pentagon way of doing things — and certainly of waging war. By extension, it’s a political problem too, as we’ll address below.

“We always aggregate to fight, and aggregate to survive,” said Hyten.

That is, the U.S. military is built around massing people, equipment and munitions. Build up a huge complex of firepower. Then add massive levels of intelligence information, command and control, and targeting data to, as the saying goes, “take it downrange.”

This has been the U.S. approach to warfighting since World War II, with many of the roots extending back to the Civil War.

The war game fiasco

Per Hyten, in last fall’s war game, “We basically attempted an information-dominance structure, where information was ubiquitous to our forces. Just like it was in the first Gulf War, just like it has been for the last 20 years, just like everybody in the world, including China and Russia, have watched us do for the last 30 years.”

But the so-called “blue team” (meaning U.S. and allied forces) lost access to communications and data networks almost immediately. Satellites went away. Seafloor cables were cut. Bandwidth died. In general, it was impossible to utilize the electromagnetic environment, and within moments nobody could talk with anybody.

And “what happens if right from the beginning that information is not available?” asked Hyten, rhetorically. “That’s the big problem that we faced.”

According to Hyten, “in today’s world, with hypersonic missiles, with significant long-range fires coming at us from all domains, if you’re aggregated and everybody knows where you are, you’re vulnerable.”

And with an entire concept of operations poked in the proverbial eyes, red team easily defeated the blue side.

Not just a yearly exercise. It’s the planning run-on for something BIG…

Based on Hyten’s description, this wargame was not just another table-top exercise. No, this was a test of the all-up game plan for the “next” conflict, largely based on concepts of operations that have guided the American military process for three decades or more. And the outcome was a total disaster.

U.S. doctrine focuses on creating what is called a “kill box” for the opponent. But in this particular expedition, from the outset U.S. and allied forces walked into their own zones of destruction. They laid down in their own coffins, so to speak.

Opposing forces wrecked the entire complex of U.S. logistics. Rear bases came under fire, while aircraft and ships at sea were targeted by long-range missiles. There’s just no hiding anymore from people with sufficient technology to find you.

Even worse, most U.S. weapons were outranged by new systems recently deployed by China, much of it based on advanced Russian designs. It’s a long-term U.S. failure in research, development and procurement.

When the balloon went up, most U.S. forces near-immediately lost the ability to coordinate attacks and/or return fire. Much of the targeting data was worthless in any event, while systems used for aiming and guiding munitions also failed.

To the extent that communications worked at all, much of the data were corrupted or hacked.

It’s not overstating to say that, in this one wargame, far from home the U.S. lost vast numbers of people and equipment. In real world terms, think of casualty numbers in the tens of thousands. Of entire bases obliterated. Of hundreds of airplanes lost. Of dozens of ships sunk. And that’s just in the first few days.

The wargame ended with American forces defeated and devastated. U.S. allies were similarly shredded. And U.S. interests in the Western Pacific and Asia were annihilated.


To mix a couple of metaphors, the U.S. suffered defeats in a nature that mirror a modern version of Pearl Harbor, the fall of Singapore and a saltwater Stalingrad.

And it gets worse. Because the devil is in the details, many of which have little or nothing to do with purely military matters. The downfall of American power begins at home, not far overseas.

Return to Gen. Hyten’s comment that potential adversaries have spent 30 years watching and learning from U.S. operations. Well, yes. Obviously.

Any reasonably intelligent counterparty — anyone, any country, anywhere on the face of this planet — would pay attention to what the U.S. has been doing and then figure out what to expect and how to deal with it.

Over three decades, people everywhere watched, learned, and totally went to school on the U.S. military. And it’s all because the America made a foolish political and economic choice, namely, to engage in so-called “long wars.”

And that has never been a good idea, going back to the days of Sun Tzu and before.

“Wars cost much silver,” wrote Sun Tzu in his classic book, “On War.” And of course, he meant money. But the subtleties of Sun Tzu’s writing also delve into how war affects both people and culture. Wars drive a certain negative ethic within a political system, and the longer any war lasts, the more negative is the tendency.

Meanwhile, it’s not as if America’s 30 years of war were battles of necessity. Certainly, it’s not as if the country was being invaded and overrun.

No, the three decades of war (Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Trump-Biden) were an era of forward presence coupled with routine military belligerence, oft to the ring of political trumpets at home.

The named wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) speak for themselves. Then there are other levels of warfare, like with Serbia, Libya and Syria, where the gunslinging showed up in a different manner, but still as destructive to entire societies.

In this sense — that sense of reaching out to bomb people far from U.S. shores — America’s long wars are not just a military issue, easily dismissed by civilians as some sort of niche problem for the Pentagon.

No, because closer to home, the long wars reveal seismic flaws in the very nature and character of U.S. governance. The long wars reveal a deep weakness in the American form of government itself.

Indeed, we’re a long way from the sage advice of President John Quincy Adams, that “Americans should not go abroad to slay dragons they do not understand in the name of spreading democracy.”

And look at it this way. It’s not as if the U.S. ever had a series of national referenda on 30 years of continuous warfare. In fact, the past three decades of war overseas were based on the geopolitical ideas of a relatively small, self-perpetuating cabal of elite elected players and policy wonks, in Washington and various brain-tanks. Many familiar names, to be sure.

Abysmal strategic ignorance and lack of conscience.

Through it all, as well, Congress (and the courts too) showed abysmal strategic ignorance and lack of conscience. Because evidently, the country’s voters place many truly wrong people into important positions.

Consider one key episode, the 9/11 attacks and attendant national outrage.

No doubt, for America 9/11 was the source of a widespread, limbic-level sense of wanting to go somewhere and totally smash things up. That’s entirely understandable. And in that sense, America’s attacks on Afghanistan in late 2001 should have been, at most, a punitive expedition concerning Osama bin Laden.

Instead, Afghanistan alone morphed and mission-crept into a foolish effort of so-called “nation building.” And not even the Chinese method of Belt-and-Road nation-building, with highways and power lines, etc.

No, America in Afghanistan was more of a Vietnam-redux. The idea was somehow to pacify people who didn’t want us to be there, and if that didn’t work then destroy the place in order to rebuild it. Meanwhile, one can almost hear the echoes of at least one old bromide from the 1960s, that, “If we don’t fight ‘em over there, we’ll have to fight ‘em here.”

Through it all, and again in a Vietnam-like manner, Afghanistan was not so much a 20-year war for America, as a one-year war fought 20 times by a corps of officers, senior non-commissioned officers and civilian government personnel and contractors who made careers out of it.

At the end of the day, is anyone really surprised that smart, well-resourced adversaries paid attention and came up with an entire spectrum of methods to confront U.S. warfighting?

The Next War…

Come the next real war, U.S. forces won’t own space or the skies. Won’t run the electromagnetic spectrum. Won’t have unfettered communications. Won’t control logistics. Won’t have good targeting data. Won’t have air supremacy, let alone sea supremacy or undersea dominance. And many of the expensive weapon systems simply won’t work in the degraded environment.

Apparently though, it took an internal wargame in the Department of Defense to drive home the point.

Or at least, to illustrate the problem such that no less than one of the most senior generals in the military came out of the closet to admit that America’s super-expensive military complex can’t win the next big war.

On the bright side, perhaps it’s a true wakeup call that translates to progress.

On that note, I rest my case.

That’s all for now… Thank you for subscribing and reading.

Best wishes…

Byron W. King



This article is saying what I have been saying for years now. America is not going to just lose a battle here, or a battle there. The entire military excursion will be a Waterloo event.

It will be the Stalingrad of all Pacific military forces.

And then, it will move to America.

China will not act alone. Russia will assist.

Then with total dominance of the air by the victorious Asian combined forces will turn all of America into a modern-day Syria. While I do not expect that China will give any mercy, they however, will realistically set up conditions where starving, armed Americans, will kill each other for moldy turnip rinds.


And that’s only with conventional weapons.

Right now we are watching as the Pentagon experts and generals are telling the evil neocons in Washington DC to shut up.

Now, I don’t know if they will be successful…

…after all those evil psychopaths in Washington are crafty, deluded, and living in some kind of insanity (possibly drug induced) that gives this illusion of unaccountability.

Xu Guangyu, a retired major general and now a strategy researcher, said that DF-16 has a strike range of more than 1,000 kilometers, filling the gap that previously existed with the absence of a medium-range ballistic missile in the PLA’s arsenal. He said the missile also is able to reach Okinawa, a Japanese island about 400 km from China’s Diaoyu Islands.
Shi Hong, executive editor of Shipborne Weapons, said the DF-16 was developed by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp based on the DF-11 short-range ballistic missile and can carry a warhead of at least 500 kg. The missile has a strike accuracy as good as that of a cruise missile, Shi said. It is also able to maneuver in its final stage to penetrate enemy defensive firepower, he said.

Regardless to what those evil psychopathic war-monsters want, I can well imagine that a repeat of what happened last year in 2020.

This was when Trump ordered the Naval Armada to the South China Sea. Eight assault carrier steamed to China. They were intended to seize some outlying Chinese held islands in the inner island defensive chain.

But you know, nothing happened.

The commanders refused. They steamed home, and President Trump fired the leadership.

Again, we can expect, that reasonable leadership will refuse to engage either China or Russia or both.

They will refuse.

Just like late Summer 2020. And the sitting American President will fire his military staff for refusing to die.

The Chinese are subtle.

They speak softly and kindly and carefully.

During the “heat” of the anti Uighur Muslim “issue”, China responded with a video. It is below. Pay attention to the array of messages that are subtly embedded within it.

The video below is an Army unit located in Xingjiang to defend against insurgency movements by the United States to block the BRI. 

If you note, those are not SCUD missiles. Aside from a host of Medium Range ballistic missiles (DF-21 and DF-26), and if you look carefully, the DF-5C, additionally there are also DF-31A and DF-41 weapons presented as part of the defensive force. 

What is China trying to say?

Along with the destruction of nearby military bases, will be the simultaneous destruction of major American cities. These missiles are long range city-flatteners.

Look at the MESSAGE that China is telegraphing.

Those are nuclear (and neutron bomb) MIRV, hyper-velocity, (with artificial intelligence), long-range, ICBMs.  the DF-31A is capable of hitting every major American city on the West Coast. These are latest generation, decades ahead of America, nuclear missiles that America has no defense against.

If you start moving military against China, China will devastate the American heartland. Any surviving leadership will have to hide in the impoverished American ghettos to avoid the nuclear carpet bombing that will result.

The Chinese do not play.

A final comment

Chinese media has announced (last month), ever since the US pulled that aircraft landing stunt in Taiwan, that not only are military units fully armed with real munitions, and everything (EVERYTHING!) is out of storage, but they fly and run “HOT”.

There’s a high probably the next US / UK provocation will result in “accidental” deaths.

Nothing quite ruins your day like global thermonuclear war. Especially when you are on the losing side.

In America, it’s no longer an issue of “one day the common many will rise up against the evil leadership”.

Ai! It has become something else.

It has become “we need to hang these Washington DC bastards before they get everyone killed.”

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Great article MM.
Gives me hope that we might not be incinerated in a blinding flash and mushroom cloud after all 🙂


This IS a great article. We all heard about the war games but never heard the result. It’s a breath of fresh air when truth abounds.

In my opinion – yeah, the average American knows that what is left of the military and its leadership, though limp as grandpa in the attic – we know it’s not China they are going to hit. Or anyone else.

It’s us, it’s citizens. And we know grandpa in the attic, though limp, is the worst abuser of people in history and he is angry he is put out to pasture.

We also know that John Wayne Gacy, or any other older, weak serial predator, is just as dangerous in the attic as he is in the basement. He may be impotent – but now he just wants to hurt.

That’s what we see. Our government as the creepy old grandpa in the attic that nobody knows what to do with.


Regardless of advanced weaponry held by China, and regardless
assist of Russia…regardless anything, the world needs cooperation
now. The Chinese and Russians may have lost all trust in American
reliability to be honest. Some military scientists may say a winning
war is possible for the USA. So what? Why any war? Either cooperate
peacefully or butt out and isolate. Using force to prove you can have
superior anything is passe’. Advanced weaponry to “protect the people”
may be passe’. All the big countries have good enough weapons anyway…why keep spending $ on this stuff? Should the various
military around the world focus on maintaining some defensive material,
and quit the “power mongering” everyone could focus producing
positive work products and travel and visit and become comfortable and friendly with each other. Leadership types could host “banquets” for
other world leaders (invite as many as possible) rotating countries
actually. There they could congratulate each other on the peacefull
truce they have made. The amount spent would be a tiny fraction of
military costs at present. No belligerence allowed. Hostile groups may
be shunned and shunted out/teach them a lesson/give a 2nd chance.

Leaders can lead by example and the people will follow and everyone
be better for it. Cooperation is key. Open “fighting” is for belligerents,
not for evolved people. Shun belligerents and stealing crooks/let them
commit Seppuku (not bloody…use a pill) for their shame.

I hope this idea can catch on…or are we mere chimpanzees?


Below is a brilliant write up about having “friends” like US.

Like the old saying goes, “With friends like this, who needs enemies”

Ohio Guy

What pray tell, would be the purpose of committing Seppuku and omitting the blade and bowl only to substitute it with a pill?

I argue that all American psychopathic “leadership” do the authentic deed to gain some semblance of honor…or, let the plebes deal with them ala Robespierre.

It is my opinion that horrible humans who make their fortunes by hurting others,usually and mostly the poor and innocent, animals, and our planet, be put through the great recycler by way of the woodchipper…legs first.

Suzanna, I really am picking up what you’re throwing down but there are two things that prevents world peace. Power and Greed.

And in the grand scheme of things especially where the universe is concerned, yes, we are still chimpanzees.

Although I feel we are making great progress! Cheers, Miss Suzanna.