Important note: Image above is NOT of the USS Connecticut. It is of the USS San Francisco that rammed into an undersea mountain in 2005.
Let’s get right to the point.
The official American story is that the USS Connecticut rammed into an unmarked undersea mountain.
Since the Navy revealed this week that the fast-attack submarine Connecticut struck an undersea mountain in early October while operating in the South China Sea, one question springs to mind: how could this happen? How could a $3 billion Seawolf-class boat, considered one of the Navy’s most formidable and advanced, crash into an undersea landmass? -NavyTimes
Which is pretty strange as the locations of all undersea mountains has been well mapped for decades. You can see them on Google Earth for goodness sakes!

It’s a very questionable conclusion.
And you know, what makes it even more questionable is that the United States navy has been flying their radiation detection aircraft all over where the USS Connecticut was running operations. Which is abnormal.
Radiation detection aircraft flight path…

But then if you couple the United States silence to the Chinese inquiries as to whether or not nuclear payloads, equipment, and fissionable materials entered Chinese waters.
There are absolutely zero answers from the United States government to very serious questions asked by China.
The official Chinese story is something else. Here we will tell the Chinese side of the story.
Believe it or not. It’s up to you.
Here’s another post that you simply will not find anywhere else on the Internet. And, you know, I tire of my own sluggishness in trying to understand the great failure of the American “free media”.
Even I realize that there is no such thing as actual “news” in the West, but really guys it’s not too FUCKING DIFFICULT.
- Beware of any “news” that you WANT to believe.
- Look for what IS NOT being reported in the mainstream or conservative media.
- Take particular note when the official narrative is absurd.
- Be especially cautious of “seeded“ narratives that you get in emails, or in alternative websites.
That being said, let’s dive in…
The Seawolf class overview

From my email 17NOV21
The Chinese military authorizes the disclosure of the truth about the accident of the Seawolf class nuclear submarine on the USS Connecticut.
16 November 2021
How the Chinese People’s Liberation Army hunted and sunk the (state of the art) USS Connecticut Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine in the South China Sea.

I am told it feels like being burned alive while frenzied hordes of cocaine-addicted rats gnaw at your eyes, gonads and fingers. And insects borrow deep inside your skin, biting, chewing and clawing all over your body. -MM

Translation confusion. I do not know if it placed weapons charges, or if the entire robot detonated itself. -MM

Translation misunderstanding. It is unknown if the damaged submarine was actually escorted by the Naval Vessels, or if it then immediately submerged when given the opportunity. -MM

A final update by the source
The PLAN would be messing around with USN at this point. 1500 meter depth misinfo probably planted deliberately to taunt them because if the Drone sub did find the Connecticut, they definitely knew the actual depth it was running. From the questions subsequently posed by the Chinese, it does seem they knew there was no nuclear leak. China is playing around but It's like a cat with a mouse it caught. The whole thing has Donald Cook vibes. Morale can't be good atm. Added link. You might like.
A comment on the destruction
The picture used above is a Los Angles class submarine. It is the Nuclear Submarine USS San Francisco which struck an undersea mountain in 2005. It is NOT a seawolf class. So do not read too much into the imagery that I used to open this article with. It’s for illustration purposes only.
These pictures are all over the internet and I snagged one for use here.
Unfortunately the damage to the seawolf is not well photographed anywhere that I could find. Obviously the damage is a secure matter and the USN will not disseminate any pictures of it. Which is exactly what you would do to prevent an enemy from ascertaining knowledge on how effective their weapons systems were against you.
You do not do that with undersea mountain collisions. As the hundreds of USN released photos attest to. In previous mountain collisions, the USN was quick in the dissemination of information.
- All photos depicting “combat damage” are classified as secret.
- All photos depicting “accidental damage” are classified as “confidential” and released as the USN permits.
By all indications the damage to the seawolf is much more substantive than what everyone is led to believe. It is far more extensive than the collision damage indicated in the article featured image photo above.
Bow of a seawolf…

A Los Angeles submarine bow…

This is the only photo that I have been able to obtain on the actual submarine in drydock and the damage involved. This is from THE DRIVE.
You can clearly see that the entire bow of the submarine is GONE. This fact alone shows that the damage is far more substantive than what is illustrated in the collision photo used as the header above.
Additionally, please note the orange ventilation tube, and the three access points where the tubes pump air into the front bow of the ship..
It appears that the entire front of the submarine forward of the conning tower is seeping water. And thus, needs to be pressurized to keep the water out.
This implies hull breaches at numerous points in the front one third of the submarine. This is NOT damage indicative of a forward collision. It is indicative of an explosion.

From the photos it appears that the entire bow sonar array is GONE.
This is not a crushed impact. The array does not disintegrate upon collision. Some event completely eviscerated the entire front of the bow. Then punctured the hull in numerous points up to the conning tower.
Air is being pumped into the entire weapon storage and handling area aft of the forward navigation section.
That all being said, it is obvious that the Chinese do not want radioactive waters near the Chinese coast, so they only damaged the sub, not sunk it completely. For after all it is a nuclear sub carrying nuclear torpedoes. But we cannot expect this behavior and “safety rules” to continue with the pushing by the United States towards war. This is an aspect of war that I hadn’t thought about previously, but makes complete sense. This is why New Zealand absolutely refuses any nuclear vessels in and near it’s waters.
Yet nothing else about this incident is available anywhere. Very curious. Very, very curious. I presume there is video footage of the sub surfacing and it’s surrender. The PLA Navy seem to be toying around with the US navy like a cat would with a mouse. Seeing this video footage would greatly substantiate this narrative, but as in all things Chinese PLA, access and dissemination are tightly controlled.
It’s difficult for me to accept the American narrative that the submarine not only collided with an uncharted mountain, but that the Chinese just stood by and did nothing while a four aircraft carrier armada conducted missile drills simulating an attack on China. There are NO uncharted undersea mountains in the South China Sea. Hasn’t anyone watched the 1980’s Tom Clancy movie “Red October”? The entire ocean has been mapped.
It is also difficult for me to believe that the Chinese with all their advances and lead in military technology are thwarted by the American Navy. It just doesn’t stand up to the “sniff test”. At least not to us “technology wonks“. The Chinese have surpassed the United States military in a number of very new and novel technologies and the USA will take decades trying to counter them.
Overall, the Chinese seemed to intentionally want to disable the submarine, force it to surface, and then acquire it in a fully functional state. Whether this is for Geo-political purposes, or to reverse engineer it is unknown. My guess is the later, as they really don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks. When your reputation is shit, who cares if someone says something bad about you.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
Military Index.
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Trump took China’s conciliatory gesture as weakness and thus gave him the confidence to launch his trade war.
Americans in general has never truly tried to understand others culture. That said, those professional civil servants in the States Department that understood Chinese culture were probably over ruled by the politicians who thought they knew better anyway.
Yes, the PLAN was being gentle & sent a message. Whether the US military and administration could listen is another matter. They seem to only be able to understand in your face messages rather than gentle hints.
The Russians have a term for this kind of people … nekulturny (некультурный).
Having thought about it, at the most the “info” seems to be speculation. Not specific enough to be considered an “official” leak by Station B. But it is quite interesting as a thought experiment and a warning of sorts to the USN. Stuff like this will affect overall morale in the submarine boys. And if it gets Biden and gang to back off a bit, then it’s a good thing.
Thanks MM. I think war is inevitable. You see the two historical opium suppliers working together. They will never tolerate a strong powerful China. Just a matter of time, and how they will do it. Sneak attack, like a thief in the night. Jesus.
Yes。Sneak attack is the plan. But the USA government is so full of holes that nothing is really secret. China will not be caught off guard. Neither will Russia. China is still at high readiness, DEFCON TWO.
Not unplausible. Seems like a totally legit use case for these HSU0001.
But may I amend, the damaged sub in the Intro Picture does NOT show the USS C –
the seawolf class has no fins/canards(?) on the tower – which also has a slightly different shape.
Oh, man – the books of Tom Clancy. Easy reading at the time, at least for me!
Will look into the new ones now, while we are beginning to lock down again for the winter…
Your mention of Red October made an association to “Kill Decision” by Daniel Suarez,
this is just like TC’s books, but with drones – and a very interesting happening – located in ther south china sea, too.
Best regards, take care and have a nice end of the week,
@Memory Loss
*bullies on the playground
*dangerous intrusions
*war mongers should be banned
hi, did you open that link i sent to you earlier? It said the USS C was completed in 1998 at the price of USD6 billion. My gawd. Not 3 billion, it’s 6 billion. Btw, don’t you feel it strange in your bones? I mean, USA sub was attacked and it sailed back to Guam for repairs. It’s got its justification to start a war but maybe fucking joebiden still looking for his balls. MM, can you analyse this? Maybe they are now consulting trump.
I just cannot figure out these people Rosalynn. I really cannot.
The only thing that seems to fit or makes sense is that they must equate “making money” with “knowledge and wisdom”. It seems to me that they believe that if you are able to make a lot of money then you MUST be a genius. Which is the most insane idea ever! Why not equate “being able to rake up leaves”, or “Walking on the sidewalk without stepping on a crack” with being wise? It’s all equally foolish. But there you have it. That’s the only way that I can explain the actions of these truly moronic dunderheads.
hahaha. That is 3rd world war? Sarajevo is a small piece of firearm and it wrecked the world. How much more a submarine? Do they understand this?
The South China Sea is international waters. The Connecticut Nuclear sub may have hit another Chinese or Russian sub. They are often tasked with shadowing other subs for weeks. Claiming international waters is like Australia claiming the entire Coral Sea, or the US half the Pacific because they are in Hawaii. Not plausible! The international court ruled that the red dashed line has no bearing in international maritime law, and militarizing islands in international waters is illegal!
You are correct they are international waters. Just like Boston Harbor is. I propose that China should conduct ICBM missile launch drills in Boston Harbor to demonstrate “freedom of navigation”. Don’t you agree?
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Any info about USS Jimmy Carter? I read somewhere that USS Jimmy Carter and connecticut often work in pairs. Not sure how true is it.