During my “van days” when I left the US Navy, but before I had my MAJestic training, we were very busy trying to find work. It was a tough time, an economic recession and work was hard to get.
When we would get money, one of our favorite things to do was to make these mega-sandwiches.
We would get a full loaf of fresh french or Italian bread, and cut it in half, then form a pocket.
I would add everything. From bread & Butter pickles, to onions, tomatoes, lettice, and all sorts of other things like peppers. Of course, I would add salad dressings, and oils, salt and pepper.
The process was simple.
We would line that pocket with salad dressing, and cut cold cuts, cheese, pickles, and everything under the sun. It was a meal plus, plus, plus and I loved that meal!
Every now and then I daydream about those enormous sandwiches.
Here’s some inspirational pictures…

What is stopping you from enjoying this right now?
What is the craziest thing you have ever said or done at an interview and still gotten the job?
I was sitting on the chair. She entered the room. It was evident from her face that she was totally exhausted.
There was a water bottle on the table.
Me- Have some water, please. I offered her the water bottle.
She took the water bottle and took some sips of water. She sat on the chair and closed her eyes for a while.
Me- Ma’am, you look so exhausted.
Interviewer- Yeah, a whole day of interviews.
Me- So you won’t get to go home today? (It was 9 pm)
Interviewer- Nothing like that. Basically I am from Coimbatore. I have a 3 months old daughter and a husband staying in Coimbatore. Yesterday I met them but missing my daughter.
Me- Don’t worry ma’am you will meet them soon. Even I am 2200 km away from my home.
Interviewer(Smiling)- Don’t forget I am not your friend. I am your interviewer.
Me(Smiling)- If you want to be my friend, I won’t mind.
Interviewer(Smiling)- Tell me about your self.
I spoke about myself.
Interviewer- Why do you want this job?
Me- I need money and you need a good employee.
After this answer, she did not ask a single question. She was just smiling.
The interview was done!!!!
I knew I had screwed my interview. I bid goodbye to the interviewer and came out of the room.
Result day- I got selected for Wipro.
America compared to China
I told my boss that I’m going to resign, and he offered me twice my current salary if I stay, what should I do?
Back in the day, I went to the office and asked for a $.25 raise just so my family could make ends meet. It took the better part of a year for the boss to get back to me to tell my I was out of line for asking for one, and the company couldn’t afford it.
So, I put out my resume and left. Around a year and a half later, I touched base with my old boss, told him I was out looking for another gig, and asking for a recommendation. What I got back was an email telling me that if I came back, I would get $1.50 more per hour, with increases to come if I stuck around.
Okay, I asked for a quarter an hour more. They couldn’t afford it, but 15 months later, they can outdo the modest increase I asked for? Really?
My advice: Bolt! Run for the door and don’t look back. If they can pay double right now, why didn’t they earlier. This kind of bullshit is not worth your time, and frankly, these “counteroffers” are an insult to your intelligence. Bolt! Leave! Go find someone who appreciates and respects your efforts, and your intelligence.
Stuffed Chicken Breast Wrapped in Bacon
Ready to liven up that chicken dinner? Try Slap Ya Mama’s Stuffed Chicken Breast Wrapped in Bacon! It’s a taste sensation that you have to taste to believe and it’s complete with Slap Ya Mama’s original blend seasoning. Start cooking today!

Yield: 4 servings
- 4 chicken breast halves, boneless and skinless, pounded to 1/2 inch thickness
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- 10 ounces fresh spinach leaves
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1/2 cup pepper jack cheese, shredded
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 jalapeño, seeded and diced
- 3 teaspoons Slap Ya Mama Original Blend Seasoning, divided
- 12 slices bacon
- Toothpicks
- Heat the oven to 375 degrees F.
- In a large skillet over medium heat add olive oil, garlic and jalapeños. Sauté until garlic starts to brown.
- Reduce heat to medium low, add spinach leaves and sauté until wilted.
- Add 1 teaspoon Slap Ya Mama Original Blend Seasoning, pepper jack cheese and sour cream. Stirring continuously, cook mixture until cheese is melted.
- On a clean surface, lay chicken breasts flat and season with the remaining 2 teaspoons of Slap Ya Mama Original Blend Seasoning. Spoon a little spinach mixture onto each breast. Roll up each breast with spinach mixture inside and wrap each breast with 2 or 3 slices of bacon, securing the ends with a wooden pick.
- Arrange breasts on a baking dish. Bake uncovered at 375 degrees F for 35 minutes.
- Set oven to broil and broil for 10 minutes or until bacon is browned.
- Remove wooden picks, slice into medallions or serve whole and enjoy!
Chinese school principal teaches students shuffle dance during break
I never get tired of watching this.
What was the reaction of HR when you resigned?
I was with the firm for about 5yrs 3 months. One fine day , I got a Offer letter from a leading MNC in trending technology. I resigned the same day and sent the mail to my manager and cced HR in the evening .
He called me around 10 am next day and enquired about good time to have discussion. I went at 12 and we had a very short discussion and the conversation went like this.
I share a cordial relationship with most of my management.
HR: We respect your decision of resign and we wish you all the best.
Can you please tell me your team details and your manager?
Me: Thanks and told the details
HR: So, xxx will be your last day with us.
May I know the reason for resignation?
Me: I dont like the managemet here. Is the feedback I am gonna share with you just for record sake. or you are actually gonna share this with management?
HR: What made you think feedback was not shared with the management.
Me: I have many a scenarios where feedback was taken but never acted upon.
Hr: I will make sure . please share.
Me: Fine, anyways I have made my decision But I dont want to leave unspoken about the fact.
I have never thought of resigning from this organisation.But, many fake promises are made.
HR: Who made false promise?
Me: You know who usually does.
HR: Smiles!!!
Me: I have been promised an onsite without being asked and I know there was a budget problem in project but management is frequently flying which made me rethink my place here.
HR: Ok got the reason. Anyways He explained about all the policies and rules to be followed during notice period and we are done for that day.
I went to my usual routine.
With in next few hours, My Resource manager(Not my immediate supervisor) walks upto me and asks if I would take back my resignagtion if offered an onsite.
Next day, I get a call Location HR and he asked me if I would be offered onsite I would stay back I said I might think.
Next day RM comes to me,
A new onsite opportunity has popped up in some other project and they are looking for people.
I gave them your name to them , talk to them and let me know.
I said I need some time and I have few question. Is it long term? What is the expectation?
Is it different from my existing stack? How long would it be? For all he said you can manage . It will be min of 1yr.
I said ok and will let you know if couple of days. He asked me to do it faster?
I called the other manager on friday and asked him the same above questions for which he said it is an immediate requirement from client.
and I need to learn new technology. If I am ok with it I need to take back my resignation so that they could do initiate VISA.
I asked him “What is stopping you from initiating VISA if I am serving notice period? ” He said It is policy I said ok.
I told him I will take my resigantion but on one condition. In case the VISA is rejected/ CLient doesn’t like profile.
I want to a written statement that My last date would be the same day as earlier.
For which, He is not sure he need to talk to HR on that.
I am confused and lost in thought . I said I will get back to him on Monday.
On the same day, I went to a Shop nearby Bought couple of beer and started thinking of the opportunity .
For an instance, I thought I better take my resignation back. and Travel abroad.
It has been one of my dream to stay abroad for atleast an year straight.
I gave it a thought over weekend and slept over it.
I called my brother whom I go to for advice. He said only one thing “If you have ever taken step stick to that no matter what.
That is what makes you better person.”
and at the same time I heard quote in movie which said “When you Say ‘NO’ to bigger Things in life You Grow Stronger.”
Then I decided I will continue with my resignation.
I met my RM on Monday, told him that I dont want to take risk. I am not getting confidence in this opportunity.He said ok.
I told the same to the other manager he said no problem.
After this I got three more calls from HR(Reg change of project, CHange of technology, onsite again) and had around 7-8 meetings with manager.
On my last day which is is mid march , whole country came to a standstill coz of Corona and all the Onsite travels are suspend.
I am happy that I made a correct decision, Had I stayed with Onsite promise, My Future could have come to a standstill.
Always stick with your decision, and move forward sincerely, It is destined to happen which ever is to happen.
Clubs in the 1980s
Today’s crazy comics

My mother recently informed me she baptized my two children against my wishes; how should I confront her on this matter?
Let me tell ya a little story.
When my husband was in the hospital, he woke up one day to see a priest looming over him, giving him last rites.
This was the ONLY time he was frightened, because in his mind, last rites was what you’d do right before someone died. Then he realized that I was not in the room, and that if he was actually that close to death, I would have been there with him.
After he got out of the hospital, he told his mother about this, and the first words out of her mouth were, “I didn’t send him!” She tried to say that maybe the hospital arranged it, or maybe it was one of the priests from one of the churches she belonged to (three, of different denominations of which only one does last rites) who stopped by to say hello. Or maybe it was some other priest that stopped by.
Suspicious, that.
When my husband arrived at the hospital, he filled out the intake form and said he didn’t want any religious folks visiting him, and he did not want last rites. That would have stopped the hospital-affiliated clergy from visiting him, but it’s not like they would have stopped a priest that my MIL specifically sent there, particularly if he showed up stealthily, with a scarf covering his collar.
Later, two of my MILs step children made comments to me about how sick my husband must have been to have been given last rites. Hmmm … how did they hear that?
It’s pretty obvious to me that she sent a priest to give him last rites, behind my back, and behind my husband’s (mostly unconscious) back.
But here’s the thing. If she had come to me and said that it was important to her, I would have said yes. I know she’s deep into all three of her religions, and if last rites would have comforted one of her multiple souls, I might have asked her to wait until his condition was more dire, but I wouldn’t have said absolutely no. The ritual wouldn’t have meant anything to my husband, as I would have made sure he wasn’t conscious (and thus not frightened) and it wouldn’t have meant any more to me than if someone came in and waved feathers around to banish demons. But if she wanted that, too, I would have been fine with it, as long as it didn’t affect his health or mental well-being.
I was annoyed at first that she did this behind my back, but that’s how she is. She’s happier when she’s sneaking around and manipulating and thinking that she’s getting away with something. She has only a glancing association with honesty, so she felt better lying to us than admitting what she did.
She is what she is. In the end, it didn’t harm anyone.
Russia – NATO conflict
From Hal Turner.
Below is a piece written by an Observer of matters geo-political - not me -- about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. Although I did not write this, it is so "spot-on" that I decided to share it with all of you because it expresses my sentiments and thoughts precisely.
————— BEGIN ————-
I want everyone of you to take a deep breath, and prepare for a flurry of events that will change the world forever, or at least for a very long time.
Always keep in mind what I have told since late 2021 : Russia set up a trap for the United Sates, they worked for at least a decade for this trap, and now, the United States fell into it.
I have decided to remove the word “West” in describing the side that Russia is in conflict with. There is no “West”. It is just the United States and its vassals.
This conflict between the U.S. and Russia/China is going to end when one side achieves its objectives. There is no middle ground, there is no negotiation, because the goal of the United States is to take control of Russia (by weakening it, and create a 90’s Russia, with oligarchs controlling Russia’s resources and themselves being controlled by the U.S., in order to suppress China’s rise, by controlling the flow of Russian resources), while the goal of Russia and China is to stop it.
If Russia and China could’ve stopped the United States by other means than militarily, it would have happened. The reason why the United States cannot be stopped otherwise, is mainly because of China. In China, the United States managed to create and sustain a system of very powerful Chinese economic oligarchs, that control China, and are being controlled by the U.S..
What the U.S. did not managed to do in Russia, they did in China. Putin removed/imprisoned/killed/replaced most of the Russian oligarchs, in a very short period of time; between 2000 and 2010. Xi still is in the process of cleaning China, but the process is much slower and harder then what Putin faced in Russia.
In other words, China’s economic power could not be used to weaken the U.S., and it is still far from being able to do so. The only option is to start a “nuclear” economic war, one that will see both China and the U.S. facing economic collapse and massive internal power struggle that will be from the very top, to the street level.
So, to sum up, the current conflict will end when one side will achieve its goals, the “victory” cannot be achieved economically, but militarily, and most important, the military “victory” must be achieved without nuclear war.
Back in late 2023, I predicted that Russia will re-open the Kharkiv-Sumy front when the Ukrainian defenses will start collapsing, and my estimate for this to happen was between January and April 2024, depending on a number of factors. As you all know by now, after Avdeevka fell, the Ukrainian defenses started crumbling in multiple directions.
When I predicted that this will happen, I was exclusively basing my reasoning on the lack of manpower, and the tremendous destruction that Russian military can bring to the front lines, and the inability of the United States and its vassals to sustain a flow of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, that can replace what Russia is destroying, while using mathematical calculation applied to military power of both sides.
Obviously, I did not have the exact data to work with, this is why my predictions were confirmed at a later date, but they were confirmed, almost 90% of the time. I however said that when certain events that I predicted (the collapse of Ukrainian defense, the start of Kharkiv-Sumy offensive, Ukraine’s inability to recruit, the U.S. and vassals inability to provide weaponry and ammo, etc.) will take place, and they did, the margin of error of my calculations, and hence, predictions, will be smaller.
While the current Kharkiv offensive is its early stages, and most, if not all of the people talking about it, are reluctant to quantify it, or to set predictions on how big this will be, my own calculations, again, based on what I have already predicted, is that the current Russian offensive is THE BIG ONE, the one that will break the camel’s back.
Based on my calculations, the current manpower of Ukraine is roughly 300,000 troops, barely equipped, and most of them are forced recruits and/or people with minimal military training and combat experience. While this manpower managed to slowdown the Russian advances, by using the vast network of fortifications and fortified towns and villages that they prepared and strengthened since 2014…this is no longer the case.
The front cracked in multiple locations, some Ukrainian brigades fleeing without order, others refused to follow orders, Russia is taking control of towns and villages [at] an increasing rate, since Avdeevka fell, the current fortifications are much weaker, and Russian troops are now passed the mildly hilly areas and went into open terrain. The big picture is that the Ukrainian army is on the brink of collapse, after being reduced in the last 2 years, and especially in the last 3 months (talking about game changers, there is only one : Russian aviation using FAB bombs extensively across the front lines), and there are only 2 options left for Ukraine – capitulation or full retreat across Dniepr river.
As I said back in the summer of 2023, the retreat across Dniepr should have taken place THEN, otherwise Ukraine’s army will be decimated. Retreating now across Dniepr will only BUY SOME TIME for the United States to send its troops and its vassals troops into Ukraine…IF that is what the U.S. is aiming to do…which I believe it is.
By opening the old fronts in Kahrkiv and Sumy, Russia is extending the current 300,000 poorly trained and equipped Ukrainian troops, to an additional 200-300 km front (I believe it will be much longer, around 600 km, because after Kharkiv, comes Sumy, and after, Chernigiv fronts), from a former 900 km front line.
Mathematically speaking, 300,000 Ukrainian troops defending a 900 km front line, will now have to defend a potential (and in my view 100% certain) a front line that is DOUBLE that.
Now, the military goal of Russia is to create the illusion that the United States and its vassal have a choice: commit to the fight, directly, and attempt to stop the collapse of Ukrainian army (or commit to this fight after Ukrainian army collapse), or…leave Ukraine being defeated, stay aside, and avoid WW3.
This is only a illusion of choice, because Russia is actually forcing the United States and its vassal to COMMIT to the fight.
Remember what I have said for over a year now? That Ukraine will NEVER GET F-16s? Well, they still didn’t get any, and will never get any, for reasons that I have explained a year ago, but I will shortly summarize them now : F-16 is a platform that can only function within the NATO military framework, Ukraine doesn’t have proper airfields for F-16s, and if we will ever see Western jets engaging the Russians, those will be piloted by NATO pilots and will operate from NATO airfields.
It is crystal clear that Ukraine lost the war, and the only hope to stop (it’s just a hope, really) Russia is a massive influx of trained troops and military hardware, including a large number of fighter jets, helicopters, cruise missiles, etc.
Ukraine DOES NOT HAVE the trained manpower to operate the required quantity of military hardware that is needed to fight Russia. NATO can send ALL OF THEIR JETS AND TANKS to Ukraine…here aren’t people to use them. And even if there were, such a large quantity of manpower and hardware will only be successful IF OPERATED WITHIN NATO FRAMEWORK AND DOCTRINE.
What I believe that will happen in the next 45 to 60 days, is, 100%, the collapse of Ukrainian Armed Forces. What is also 100% certain, in my view, is a number of NATO countries will OFFICIALLY ENTER the conflict in Ukraine, during, or right after the Ukrainian army collapses.
What is not certain, is how many NATO troops, how good they are, how equipped they are, and what is their goal. If the United States still believe that Russia can be weakened, those NATO troops will aim, at minimum, to secure Odessa and Kiev, which means that Dniepr river have to be secured, and be the new front line.
At this current attrition rate, the appetite for NATO countries to send troops, the Ukrainian Army have about 45 to 60 days to retreat beyond Dniepr, because they will still have roughly 200,000 troops, and NATO to send in at least 100,000 troops.
You cannot secure the Dniepr river without a MINIMUM of 300,000 troops, even if you blow up all the bridges. Keep in mind that Kiev is right on the Dniepr, split in two by the river. Also keep in mind that Russia can easily re-enter Ukraine from Belarus, making the Dniepr river irrelevant as a natural front line.
But, at least, they (200k Ukrainian and 100k NATO troops) can concentrate on the border of Belarus, on the defense of Kiev, and on the Kherson part of Dniepr, buying enough time to reinforce Odessa, Kiev and Belarusian border, give the proximity of Poland (Belarus and Kiev areas) and Romania (Odessa area).
So, to sum up : Ukrainian army is going to collapse in the next 45 to 60 days, during which they will retreat toward Dniepr, NATO troops will enter Ukraine, with the aim to create a strong defense in Kiev, along Belarusian border and on Kherson part of the Dniepr, to secure Odessa, and later on, with the aim of strengthening the above areas, while deploying along Western bank of the Dniepr.
This is basically, in my view, the only possibility to avoid a nuclear war, the conflict will end up in a stalemate between Russia and NATO, and diplomacy will, hopefully start happening.
But…there is a BIG BUT. The above (hopeful) scenario means a DEFEAT FOR BOTH RUSSIA AND NATO.
Without a serious buffer, Russia’s security will always be at risk. Nothing less then what Russia asked NATO in December 2021 (removal of all NATO bases from Eastern Europe) is going to stop Russia. Nothing less then a defeat of Russia is going to stop the United States policy of weakening Russia.
A Russia that occupies half of Ukraine means that NATO was strategically defeated. A Russia that ONLY occupies half of Ukraine, while the other half is full of NATO troops, and all NATO bases are still in place across Eastern Europe, means a defeated Russia in its strategic goals.
If my today’s prediction, that Ukraine army will collapse and start retreating across Dniepr, while NATO officially deploys troops in Ukraine will happen during the next 45 to 60 days…let us pray that a compromise will somehow happen, because the alternative is WORLD WAR 3.
I have very low hope that a compromise will happen…
————– END —————–
Hal Turner Remarks
I very much admire and respect the concise assembly of thought and facts above. It took many aspects of the current conflict into account, and laid out realistic results/consequences of each. Very well written, i think.
This past Friday night, on my radio show, I alerted listeners that a new offensive had commenced by Russia, heading for Kharkiv. The piece above speaks about that.
What I did not project in my remarks, the piece above does. The timeline is always the big unknown.
For instance, when I reported on my radio show that Ukraine assessed Russia’s offensive would being in the late summer, early fall, I had to point out they were way wrong because it had already begun Friday.
The Russians have made very significant gains in the past few days. The Ukraine Army is crumbling already.
So while the writer above suggests 45-60 days for things to come to the point where NATO has to crap or get off the pot, it could be much faster than that. It could also be slower. As above the timeline is always the big unknown.
What is known, though, is that time has grown very short. Whatever enormous event/change is coming, it is now VERY close.
If this thing goes wild weasel, and we start getting hit by Russian missiles here in the USA, you had better be prepared. Food, water, Medicine, generator, fuel for it, radio gear for communications, cash money in your house — not to pay bills, but to survive on. Guns, ammo, and mental willingness to shoot other human beings who are trying to steal your food.
I have a sick feeling we’re heading into some horrifying calamity; and almost no one in the entire country, seems aware of it. The mass media has not reported the serious developments and goings-on relating to the conflict. The American people, and most Europeans, will likely be totally blind-sided when it happens.
YOU have the upper hand. YOU pay attention to sites like this one. YOU have had advance warning. YOU will have prepared as best you can, and that will put YOU faaaaar ahead of the general public.
In any event, get right with God.
How is this even legal?
Unethical life hacks.
- Whenever you are starting a new job, always let them know that you have 4 alive grandparents. Then you have 4 pre-made excuses for whenever you don’t want to come into work.
- When you’re shopping online and need to reach a threshold for free delivery, simply add a gift card to your order. The next time you make a purchase, you can use the card and repeat the process.
- When dining alone at a restaurant, bring a notebook. Write in it occasionally. The staff might think you’re a food critic, and they’ll likely try their best to impress you, maybe even treating you to some free food.
- If someone ever calls you fat, tell them you used to be 75 lbs heavier. It will make them feel guilty for saying it to you, while also making you look accomplished for losing weight.
- Use airplane mode to hang up on people. They will see “call failed” instead of “call ended”.
- When you’re looking for a job, post a fake ad for a very similar position on the internet so you could check out the resumes of your competition.
- Don’t show your Tinder profile or Instagram to your date. Show your profile on some niche platform like luxy
- or Mensa to go from being average to standing out.
- If your girl ever gets mad at you and won’t speak, just tighten up all the jars in the house. Eventually she’ll have to talk to you to get your help opening up one of the jars.
- If your coworker ever calls in sick for work, you can do the same 1-3 days later. Your boss will think you have the same thing and it’s “going around the office”. Your boss may even do the same shortly after you. It’s called the “fake flu”.
- lf you want people to stop letting dogs sh*t on your lawn. Instead of a sign saying “no dogs allowed”, put up one saying “Lawn recently treated with toxic pesticides”. Nobody would let their dog anywhere near your lawn ever again.
- If you’re in a taxi and you think the driver is purposely driving slow to get the meter up. Just cough or sneeze to make yourself seem sick and watch the driver speed up to prevent catching something from you.
- If you want to slack off at work, slack off but act annoyed or frustrated around your boss. This will give the impression that you’re working hard and the job is getting you heated.
Chinese firearms training in first grade
The Chinese begin military training in first grade and continue with the training throughout the school years.
Who is the most dangerous person that you have ever met or encountered?
A woman named Diane. She was convinced that she was supposed to marry my brother. They never dated or anything, we three played pool one night, and he was kind to her. When she went off her medication, things changed. She threatened to kill me and my family, she left strange objects in the night drop where my brother worked, she tracked him down when he moved, and called me repeatedly, leaving terrifying messages. I changed my phone number. She also started stalking my nephew, and found out where he worked, then called repeatedly. She then called my church, and left messages saying horrible things about me.
During Covid, it all stopped. Nobody heard a peep. At this point, she had been homeless for a while, and we assume Covid killed her, or something else. I tried Googling her several times, but she had literally disappeared off the face of the earth.
She terrified me. I even called my kids schools and gave them a picture of her.
When I knew her in the 90’s, I didn’t know she was schizophrenic. We worked together and hung out. I wish she would have told me because I would have encouraged her to stay on her meds. I’ll always wonder what happened to her because, even though she scared me in the worst times, she was a friend in the good times.
Today’s Shorpy

Chinese village couple’s ‘rural-style shuffle dance’ goes viral online
Louisiana Fried Chicken with Pepper Sauce

Yield: 4 servings
- 2 1/2 pounds chicken parts, rinsed and patted dry
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup yellow cornmeal
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon celery salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
- 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
- 4 cups vegetable oil, for frying
Pepper Sauce (optional)
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 1/4 cups no-salt or low-sodium chicken broth
- 1 medium onion, finely chopped
- 1/2 green bell pepper, finely chopped
- 1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- Place chicken in large, glass bowl or dish; pour buttermilk over it. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
- In medium bowl, whisk together flour, cornmeal, salt, celery salt, pepper, paprika and cayenne. Dredge chicken pieces in flour, two at a time, turning to coat all sides thoroughly. Set chicken on a rack and let sit for 30 minutes.
- In medium saucepan over medium heat, warm butter. Stir in onion and bell pepper. Stew peppers until soft, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Stir in flour and cayenne. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring often.
- Gradually stir in chicken broth. Bring sauce to simmer; reduce heat to low and let cook until thickened, about 5 minutes. Add salt; remove from heat and set aside until needed.
- In large, cast iron skillet add oil to fill 3/4 inch deep. Over medium-high heat, warm oil to 350 degrees F. using kitchen thermometer to test oil temperature. Carefully place chicken, skin-side-down in oil. Reduce heat to medium and cook chicken for 15 minutes until browned.
- Turn chicken and cook for an additional 10 minutes, until internal temperature registers 180 degrees F on thermometer. Remove chicken and drain on paper towels.
- Cook remaining chicken in same manner until done.
- Before serving, reheat sauce and pass separately.
Per serving: 334 calories; 55g protein; 5g carbohydrate; 9g fat; 2.5g saturated fat
What is it like to live alone and die alone?
Have you ever been to a care facility for senior people? It’s pretty sad how life plays out.
The good news about living alone right now is that it’s easier to live alone someday should you be the remaining person of the relationship. Sure you may have children or whatnot, but they may not be around as much as you’ll be alone for a vast majority of time.
A common thing I’ve seen in old folks home is that at the end of life, oftentime they go completely alone. These aren’t people who lived a single life, but some were business owners, family people, and people who lived a otherwise full life but this is how they end. It’s kind of selfish to think, but the person who passed before them probably had it lucky to die quickly instead of waiting it out until the end.
A common scene that I’ve seen is someone about to pass, call their family, then they don’t come. The person is left to go alone and they have no one to see them other than the people who work there. Oftentimes these people aren’t used to being alone because they’ve been in a relationship nearly all of their lives and suddenly they’re experiencing everything you are right now on top of their own demise. I’m not sure how that feels but I imagine it would be a lot more torturous and painful than if you had no one and just wondered what sort of life you could have had.
How do I make close friends, not just acquaintances, as a female in my early 30s? I’m unmarried, have no children, and I don’t have a great career due to health issues. I’m volunteering in a passion project, but the relationships remain shallow.
I developed a trick. Here’s a common situation: I am very busy, with something I need to get done in the next two hours. Someone I know sees me and says, “Hey Rich, how about getting a cup of coffee with me?” My prior answer used to be, “Can’t. I’ve got to get this done.”
No longer. Now I have a standard answer: “Sure.”
In retrospect, the urgent thing I needed to get done was almost never really urgent. That amazes me. I had simply been putting work ahead of friendship.
I came across an aphorism that encapsulates this: “Never let the merely urgent get in the way of the truly important.” I love that phrase, “merely urgent”! (Nobody really knows who first articulated this thought, but it is a good guide to living your life well.)
I believe the key to friendship is spending unstructured time with people. Discussing business over coffee doesn’t count. Taking a hike to discuss business does count, because in my experience a two hour hike rarely consists of more than 30 minutes of serious business; the rest of the time you are talking about things that don’t really matter. And those conversations often drift, naturally, into discussions that do matter. And then you are at the beginning of a formation of a new true friendship.
What is the smartest comment that you have heard a child make?
I have an almost 21 year old grandson who is still as delightful as he was as a little one. He was a real charmer, but at three he realized he couldn’t charm his parents. We were at an outdoor theater and while waiting we bought popcorn for all of us. My grandson really wanted more, but both mom and dad said no. While still waiting for the play to begin my grandson started exploring where we were seated. We were in the back thinking the kids would get bored. This way they would have more room to move around. My grandson did just that, but with a purpose. He found a lady sitting eating her popcorn. He went and sat next to her. With his big brown eyes he looked at her and “Nice people share their popcorn.’ Of course she gave him some. This is the same kid who sang ‘Jesus must die” in the grocery store because his parents were both working for the show and he was at most rehearsals. My daughter in law said she couldn’t believe that of all the lines in all the songs this was the one he remember. She quickly left the store. I really love this young man since always.
36,000 Kids You Don’t Want to Mess With
This is China.
When did you realize that something you grew up doing in your house wasn’t normal or socially acceptable? What was it?
I was in college, and driving home for a break. Stopped at my roommate’s house on the way, to drop her off. I was invited to spend the night, and did, so I could complete the remaining drive rested.
That evening, my roommate sat at her mother’s feet and told her mom all about college life. Like … ALL about college life. And her mom listened attentively, and asked questions showing her interest, and shared experiences and they laughed together.
I remember being stunned that when her parents asked, “How was the semester?” my friend actually TOLD her parents how the semester was.
I can remember one time I came home from a movie and my mom asked how it was, and I gave my usual “Fine” response, and my mom then asked what movie I went to. I remember that because it literally only happened once. And I had to pause to remember what movie I went to because I was so surprised she asked.
Real, heartfelt communication with one’s parents was a completely novel concept for me.
I also remember when I was 15, a friend was talking to our theater director, crying on her shoulder about something that happened at home. I was confused by what I considered to be my friend’s over-reaction. My theater director looked at me and made eye contact and said, “The way your mother treats you isn’t normal. When she hits you, it’s child abuse.”
I remember that moment so clearly. It was the first inkling I ever got that not everybody was beaten by their moms.
What is the most brutal military force in history?
Many come to mind. The Imperial Japanese Army. The Mongols. The Huns. All war is terrible, but these groups I think deserve to be put into a class of their own when it comes to their brutality. However I think to find truly the most barbaric military force to ever walk the earth we have to wind back the clocks thousands of years to the time of the Neo-Assyrian empire.
Many if not all militaries have engaged in horrible atrocities throughout their period of existence, but few reveled in it the way the Assyrians did. Just look at a few of these primary sources, from the annals of various Assyrian kings:
“I felled 3,000 of their fighting men with the sword. I carried off prisoners, possessions, oxen, and cattle from them. I burnt many captives from them. I captured many troops alive: from some I cut off their arms and hands; from others I cut off their noses, ears, and extremities. I gouged out the eyes of many troops. I made one pile of the living and one of heads. I hung their heads on trees around the city, I burnt their adolescent boys and girls. I razed, destroyed, burnt, and consumed the city.”
—Ashurbanipal II
“I cut their throats like lambs. I cut off their precious lives as one cuts a string. Like the many waters of a storm, I made their gullets and entrails run down upon the wide earth. My prancing steeds harnessed for my riding, plunged into the streams of their blood as into a river. The wheels of my chariot, which brings low the wicked and the evil,were bespattered with blood and filth. With the bodies of their warriors I filled the plain, like grass. Their testicles I cut off, and tore the privates like the seeds of a cucumber.”
“I filled the wide plain with the corpses of his warriors. These rebels I impaled on stakes. A pyramid of heads I erected in front of the city.”
—Shalmeneser III
“I flayed as many nobles as had rebelled against me and draped their skins over the pile of corpses; some I spread out within the pile, some I erected on stakes upon the pile… I flayed many right through my land and draped their skins over the walls.”
—Ashurnasirpal II
The Assyrians didn’t just record their appalling behavior in writing, they also carved them into stone:

Assyrian “art” depicting the flayed skins of dead enemies being hung on a city’s walls

Victims of impalement
Assyrians ripping the tongues out of captives

Despite the barbarity of it all, there was a method to the Assyrian madness. The sheer brutality with which the Assyrians acted was done with the goal of dissuading cities from rebelling. Most ancient empires collapse due to internal unrest, and the Assyrians were determined to prevent this fate from befalling them. Their cruelty was a double-edged sword in that while it did convince some cities to stay in line, it also angered others and made them even less tamable than before. Eventually the rebellions mounted and grew to be too much, and Assyria collapsed due to a revolt by the Babylonians and an invasion by the Medes. Whenever I think of the Assyrians, I think of the famous proverb that goes something along the lines of “The harder you squeeze the water in your hand, the more that slips through your fingers”. The story of the Assyrian Empire is a story of squeezing too hard.
Have you ever witnessed someone standing up to a bully? What happened?
I haven’t witnessed someone, but my son was bullied.
I received a call from a principle about an altercation my son had with a bully.
My son was skipping breakfast and buying donuts on his way to school.
He hadn’t eaten the donuts, and they were in his backpack.
The school was having an assembly before classes began.
I guess the bag was part way out of his backpack, so the bully took them out and dumped them on the floor.
The bully and his companions laughed on the way to the assembly.
This incensed my son, and he picked up a jelly-filled donut and went into the assembly.
He found the bully sitting with his companions and smeared the jelly donut all over his face.
He then shouted, “If you ever do that again, I’ll do it again.”
Of course, this stunned the assembly and the principal grabbed both my son and the bully and took them to his office.
His punishment for both was to read War and Peace and give the principal a report on the book.
When the principal called me, he explained that the bully was a well-known bully, and he was much bigger than my son. He feared that this was not the end of the story.
I told him my son had already read War and Peace, so that may not be a punishment for him.
So, the principal meted out another punishment. He would help the janitor clean the assembly hall.
When my son came home late, I asked him why he was late.
He told me he met a nice janitor and helped him clean up the assembly hall.
I just said, “That was nice of you.”
Neither my wife nor my son know the princpal called and they are not on Quora, so I’m spilling the beans here.
The bully never bothered my son again.