This is my podcast on war! Particularly the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it affects all of us strapped to the roller-coaster ride which it entails. It’s not really a streaming podcast as I had hoped, but rather a downloadable 6-minute movie. I explain it all in the video.
The Podcast

You can watch the video HERE, or download the ZIP HERE and watch it later on.
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Loved it! It’s about time we had some face time with this website’s author!
It’s a nice touch to throw a video into the mix.. Nice to hear from you directly during these crazy times. Thanks for the message MM.
Great podcast!
You just couldn’t help yourself on the affirmations I see…. its k, I have been the “what not to do” example my whole life. I see it as taking one for the team!
Hi! Stranger. I know that you have been off-line as you didn’t comment on the Lasagna, or any of my rantings. LOL. You have been well missed.
I missed ya there guy. Good to hear from ya.
A few video postings by foreigners (white males, Japanese male) on tiktok on screaming incidents in Shanghai condos. These foreigners may well be working for the NED to “initiate regime change” in China.
Most of those invading my various Chinese streams are white expats. Same nonsense.