It’s going full steam ahead.
- Convergence of AI, Geo-political changes, the end of the United States, and when idiots have access to great powerful machines
- The Chinese are getting ready for the American promises of world war 3
- Adapting to a society of Americans
- Vintage thoughts on things and stuff
- Win-Win vs Lose-Lose: The Time Has Come for the World to Choose
- The changes are irreversible, and unstoppable…
- A new world with an independent Hawaii and Okinawa under an Asian umbrella of protection
- We have not even started yet. Do not fuck with us. This is not a game.
Tipping point
- The tipping point happened. The crisis point has passed. The battle still rages, but the major threat is now neutralized.
- Relax and enjoy the entry into the new normal
- It is a new world that we are moving towards – no freedom to speak and a hidden reality denied you
- Nazi running Europe by the Nose, brain-dead American “leadership” in “control” and the rest of us running terrified
- Changes to everyone including MM
- Many changes all over the place
- The United States is just starting to grudgingly accept the place as second rate and second best
- China is like the Borg
- The USA is “considering” bombing Taiwan, as well as defaulting on it’s debts to China
The long slide…
- Everyone do not freak out. Things are progressing forward. Its just that the psychopathic leadership doesn’t know it yet.
- What is really going on regarding China
- Biden with the band of psychopaths and their end of the world discussions
- Reaching the evaporation threshold
- Before the lights go out, make the night worthy.
- Depopulation of the United States is imminent
- It’s frightening
- Game Over: The Empire flails wildly to retrieve its lost supremacy
- Have you noticed all those “undersea earthquakes” lately?
- I can play dirty, but you can’t, it’s in the rule book
- President Biden (at the G7) says that the cold war with China will thaw