What do I mean when I say “sending to the cornfield”

This little article is for those who are not clear on what this statement means or what it implies.

Fundamentally, this is an American Idiom. It comes from the spoiled kid in the famous “Twilight Zone” episode, “It’s A Good Life.”

In that episode, a six-year-old kid prone to temper tantrums and getting his own way rules with absolute power over his parents and the townfolk of “Peaksville.”. You see this boy has the power to change reality. He can change people into anything he wants, and being a young six year old, what he wants is quite capricious.

And everyone goes along with it.

If they do not, well, then, bad things happen to them.

Since this kid has the ability to bend reality, he can change them into hideous beasts, monsters, retarded brainless oafs or anything that a six year old that watches cartoons can dream of.

And in every case, when this affects others, the results are not pleasant.

Bad man!

There is a cornfield at the edge of his town, and when there is someone who he does not like, the teleports them into that cornfield where very bad things happen to them.

In most conversation, when you use this idiom, it is assumed that you mean that you will do something very bad to the person. Such as firing a person, hurting them in some way, or damaging them to the point of death. And this is how most people understand this idiom.

However, this is NOT how MM uses this idiom.

MM has a skill. It is a very strong and powerful skill. It is a skill that is so advanced that most humans are unaware that it exists. MM’s role in MAJestic was to anchor world-lines. MM can target a person, and alter their world-line, anchor it to that alteration, and force a person to live the life so created.

This skill has been used for benevolent purposes. However, there are those that which to hurt, disparage or just be a trolling pest to MM and the work herein.

In these instances, MM actually DOES send the person to “the cornfield”.

You’re a bad man; a very bad man.

It is a lot of work, and it is a hassle, but for those deserving of it (as determined by MM) time and effort will be allocated to send this targeted individual “to the cornfield” for the rest of their physical life. It IS a life sentence.

How this is accomplished…

Technique 1

MM takes your pre-birth world-line template. Then, amplifies the Y coordinate that refers to heights of the mountains. Inserts the target individual back on that template, and then locks it in place; or to use MM parlance… anchors it in place.

Y modification on the template gain.

The end result is that everything would appear to be the same for that person, but everything will be much harder to accomplish.

As an example; When once it was easy to drive to a gas station and fill your car up with gas, now your car would run out of gas in the middle of a busy intersection with everyone directing hate at you and honking their horns. When you walk the 15 Km to the gas station, you would find out that it was being robbed and the police tell you to walk another 30 Km to the next nearest station. There, while you are filling up the tank, the hose springs a leak and the police come and arrest you for vandalism…

…and so on and so forth.

Technique 2

Here, MM switches your template completely.

You get sent on a nice long slide to a very different world-line template, and there it is locked into place.

This template, is of course, not a pleasant one.

A very busy and difficult terrain to live upon.

And the person so locked in will find that everything is bad luck (compared to their previous world-line template), and all sorts of *new* and disturbing experiences will manifest in their life.

Not sent to the cornfield, but might well have been.

Technique 3

Here, the world-line template itself does not change. Just the skin-suit that occupies that reality.

So everything else would stay the same, but the skin-suit would change.

Maybe the person would end up with AIDS, or discover that they no longer had arms and legs, or perhaps they could not see. Maybe they would end up in the body of the different sex, or even different species. Maybe they might be of a different skin color, or have a different head of hair.

But more often than not, the easiest thing to do is change the size of various portions of the body. To make them colossal, or extra tiny, tiny, tiny.

What a discovery! Such a nice little tiny thing!

You know, anything is possible in the MWI.

It’s goes without saying that when I say that trolls to MM have small dicks, I am being literal and not figurative.

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fucking lols. Oh man it is probably a good thing I don’t have this power. The amount of people whose dicks I would invert into oblivion so that they cannot reproduce is off the charts

Memory Loss

Yikes. I’m actually probably in someone else’s cornfield actually. A totally creepy guy. Please don’t tell me it’s forever.


Big dog , i remember you mentioning in a comment to me a couple of things not mentioned in this article.
like how you have to get someones mantids clearance if you want to do this.
And how anybody can do this.
Did you leave some things out on purpose?
Like deagon just said: i think it would be good for us regular folks niet to have this power.


I understood that your parable was less pleasant and harder to live with than the figurative sense. The current experience outside of the cornfield, although it seems close, quickly suggested that I control my thoughts and actions from childhood even if I make mistakes when I realize it. a problem. start of victory. Taming your own nature or preventing your mistakes by identifying and then using rigorous tools a path to the multiples available when you take the trouble of the reckless
and to say, leave the field without forgetting that according to the severity of the errors according to the encountered ground, could lead me there and even without the help of MM quickly. That’s why the advice and all your information calls out to me and I love it. Please help us in your own way so that we don’t cross the ditch to the cornfield. Thank you MM for helping me understand rufus tricks that I discovered without knowing you and that you make available for public improvement.


Seriously, you can do that? Wow.

With great power, comes great responsibility, no?

Feels to me, like someone’s been fucking around with my world-lines.

Fix me up, would ya buddy?



Of course you have my permission, fire away.

From the 3 Stooges: “If it’s deep, we’ll blast; if it’s near the surface, we’ll use twenty men with pick and shovel.”

Probably just me mad at my never-cared-parents, and the world in general.

Memory Loss

Wow MM. If you could do something like that for me also, that would be awesome. I have had super bad luck since I stole someone’s wife (to my shame) nearly 18 years ago. A run so bad you wouldn’t believe (I mean a normal person, you probably have a broader understanding of reality than most people but you get my drift). I just thought I’d endure but it’s quite nuts. Any relief would be fantastic.


I think there are others with that skill as they may have sent me to the cornfield for no reason other than possible jealousy or because they simply could do so. I thought it may be a curse or bad luck. We have all been stabbed in the back or had doors shut on us during our lives for no fault of our own. I’ve always been bullied, mostly when I younger but still even as an adult I am reminded by those who have a higher rank or social status. I start to analyze what could I have done wrong. I’ve never deliberately screwed anyone over, sold them products they do not need and I have always given to less fortunate. I may have joked or been sarcastic but nothing more rude that given to me. I did hunt when I was younger and killed animals, maybe that was it, but most of them were dinner and not killing them for sport.

On the pie chart of blame, sure we are on there, I accept my mistakes. However the slices of persuasion, manipulation, combined with wrong timing, locations, let me know it’s not all my fault that things did not work out as they should have. Sometimes realistically we have only a few chances to make something of ourselves. The hopeium idea of it’s never to late to become what you wanted or should have seems difficult. Yet with the same regard, nothing is impossible if we are willing to make sacrifices and keep trying. After awhile giving up and accepting my current lot in life seems to be the only affordable option.


Vous reflètez la déférence future et nous sommes prêts à vous défendre, défendez-nous ce mot.


11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Ephesians 6

Ultan McG

QED, meethinks.
(Trust the Plan, 🤫)


not really sure how that works.
my ex is an ex-marine, and drunkenly let it slip that he has a military contact that can do that to you. and then he got real quiet real quickly after that.
i know im in ncic as a “drug trafficker”
ive been left alone for about a year.
ive been dragged into other timelines, i have persistent memory when it occurs.
im not complaining. i feel cheated and i wish i were there instead.
but time is a manifestation of perception anyway so –
if i survive, itll be because i said “im not going anywhere until we fix this mess first.”