I have been asked to “fill in the details” regarding what happened in the space of time from when “Alien Interview” was transcribed, and when I entered MAJestic. It’s a rather simplistic narrative, but I will include it here.
For the record.
World War II ended.
The United States launched two nuclear explosions on Japan. The first was an atomic bomb. The second was a hydrogen bomb.

The USA began operation paperclip where research and technology in the ruins of Germany were plundered and shipped to the United States for testing. Most of this equipment went to the South West states for testing and evaluation, as well as many of the Nazi German scientists involved in their development.
The Domain started to investigate the nuclear detonations. That brought their vehicles into the air space around Japan, and South Western United States.
Meanwhile, the testing of the (Operation paperclip) procured German radar systems occurred in New Mexico. Simultaneously these systems uncovered cloaked extraterrestrial vehicles and systems. It caused them to behave erratically and eventually crash.
There was a crash of a Domain vehicle in Roswell New Mexico in 1947. The nurse that interviewed the type-1 grey extraterrestrial transcribed the interrogation.
Majestic 12, also known as MJ-12 was established immediately afterwards.
This organization is the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft. Evidence suggests that all the 12 participants were in Roswell, NM during the interrogation.
The leaked secret government documents surfaced upon the death of the last living member of the initial committee. This occurred in 1984.
1948 through 1953 / 1954
The commander of the downed Domain vehicle stopped moving and “died”.
MAJestic began to use the radar systems to down all extraterrestrial vehicles. This action resulted in downing and capture of numerous extraterrestrial vehicles and species.
At that time, four separate and unique extraterrestrial species were identified. This resulted in a greatly expanded role for MAJestic, and all sort of programs and structures were put in place.
This action continued in earnest, but got the Domain’s attention when yet another Domain vehicle was disabled and crashed.
This forced The Domain to make an appearance to the ranking American leadership. They knew who to contact, when and how as they were “keyed” to these consciousnesses from the interview in 1947. They made an appearance at the individuals bedroom, and startled him completely.
It is not known what was spoken.
What is known is that afterwards, there was a series of formal meetings. The first was established by the Domain. As was the second one.
The third meeting was by mutual arrangement and established the basic relationship between MAJestic and The Domain.
By 1955/6 the agreement between the Domain and MAJestic was in place.
A program and plan was developed jointly by The Domain and MAJestic in which certain “special” individuals would be chosen as “representatives / interfaces / Liaison officers / Ambassadors” between The Domain and MAJestic.
Various programs were set in motion.
My program came into being around 1955 -1957. I was selected by the Domain and agreed to participation in the non-physical realm. Whether this was inside of “Heaven” or outside of it is unknown. My memories were erased as I entered the confusing static field that surrounds the earth physical environment.
I was groomed for my role after that. And was physically born in 1958.
Thoughts and Conclusions
My experiences are suggestive of there being an amnesia field that surround the Prison Complex, especially around the physical earth. However, the idea of me going “into” a tunnel “towards the light” is not something that I recall. Though, this could very well be something that was erased from my memories.
Putting together what I know we can suggest some ideas and concepts worth musing about.
Amnesia Field
There is absolutely a static filled, cloudy, foggy field that surround the earth. I well remember this field and how my memories gradually disappeared as I entered it.
Tunnel of Light
Whether or not there is a “tunnel of light” is unknown to me personally. Everyone talks and discusses the tunnel of light, but to me it just seems to manifest as a “parting of the fog” rather than a clear and direct tunnel. You can peer towards a target, or an objective to head towards, and older consciousness that have gone through many such reincarnations know exactly what to do upon death.
MM Prebirth experience
My knowledge and prior histories suggest a life in and about “Heaven”. To include meeting “elders”, “guardian angels”, and other important beings. I have a distinct memory of a prior reincarnation that I have written about before.
However, my memories of what this life would be is cloudy and sparse.
I know that I had a large meeting of some type, and that this life was all completely mapped out to the point that I was excited to enter into it. If you can believe that! And that I specifically told myself not to forget that this life was going to be an exciting roller coaster adventure. So obviously, I knew what I was getting into, and why as well as what to expect.
Thus, I had to have joined or agreed to work with The Domain long before I was born.
I will tell everyone that while The Domain Commander says that I was Mades Escapleon, I have no memories of that life. What memories that I have acquired through my Past Life Regression hypnosis concerned growth as an assemblage of other life forms contributing to the consciousness that exists today.
This does not in any way suggest a dwarf-like funny little administrator man running a Prison Complex for the “Old Empire”. Nor does it mean that the Domain Commander was lying. It means nothing.
…that I was not ready for the full scope of my involvement with all which has been going on.
At that time, when I did my Past Life Regression my targets were a search for answers about my relationships with others; my piss-poor luck at working at a stable company, and why I ended up being married to a mentally ill woman. I had no knowledge of anything that would inspire me to ask questions related to MAJestic issues.
At that time I did not recall that I was in MAJestic. Instead, this (past life regression incident) occurred ten years prior to my retirement.
All of which means absolutely nothing.
All that matters is what is going on right now. I can only hope that I am “living up to my end of the bargain”, and making a difference, a positive one, in the world.
What’s Next
Yah. I’m gonna die.
It’s going to happen. We all die.
Usually it comes quickly without warning, though both of my parents realized that their time was drawing near and tried to ready us kids for the shock of their departure. Good thing that. Though it still came as a shock.
When my time comes, my family will grieve. MM followers will wonder about the silence. But it should be obvious.
Death is a natural process.
As I figure it, were I to stay in the United States, in that "lifestyle" I would probably die around 80 years old. Thus giving me some 15 years or so left to keep clunking about on this ball of mud. . But I live in China, and my lifestyle is healthier, with far less stress, and better in every way. I figure that I could probably make it to my high 80's maybe even 90. And that gives me another 25 years or so. . Of course, world war III, coronavirus, and cigarettes and alcohol might shorten that calculus substantially. . I figure that the USA stole 5 years of my life. So I DESERVE 80 years plus the 5 stolen years = 85 years. Minimum.
In any event, let’s hope to have a nice calm peaceful death, and when I die, and when that happens…
… I will summon the Domain Commander and await for retrieval. I will not go through anything or expect anything or follow the defaults. This is my last time on this fucking Prison Shit Hole, and I am NEVER going to return to it. Well, at least, that is what I think, anyways.
How do I know?
Consider the following statement(s)…
..from my past life regression session in the late 1990’s. This was long before I was “woken up” from my MAJestic induced amnesia of my operational segment(s). Thus at that time, I had no idea of my actual life or role. Not until I was “retired ” in the ADC Pine Bluff facility did I recall my role. And in this memory erased role…
I told the hypnotist regression expert that…
- This was [1] my absolute last reincarnation on the earth.
- My life has been one of [2] wrapping up karma and [3] performing good “works”.
- Though at the time, I had no idea what those “good works” were.
- That [4] I was moving on to bigger and better things.
- That what ever form that I would take on in the future, [5] it would not be human.
- And [6] that I was a “trans dimensional” being.
Combined with what I know now, and what I was exposed to then, we can see how puzzle pieces are fitting and falling into place. This expands upon the entire MM adventure saga.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Past Life Regression Index here…
Past Life.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
I’m pretty sure you’re doing good work as Head Rufus.
What you have accomplished so far in a single life and how much you have inspired this eclectic, esoteric gang of unique beings (MM followers) is awe inspiring.
Sir, I salute you!
aye. second that
I also second that. Puzzle pieces slowly falling into place.
Here here
great explanation. thanks for fleshing that out. It makes perfect sense. I hope you/ Domain have some contingancy plan in place to allow the comms channel to stay open after you are done here.
It’s always a great meal at MM, we walk the road with you rufus will always be with you to help you
Well my friend, I sure do like to hear your [shared] feelings about this place.
Still, I say still, I find it laughable, yes laughable, that The Domain, in all their claimed glory and brilliance, from whence we do not know, could not discern what these idiot humans had running here – radar – and [literally] fell to our simple systems. Were they asleep at the wheel, or just not as ingenious as they would have us believe?
What for, the downvote? Yes, I find myself wondering about that as well. Like cowboys on the prairie riding into fields of cow patties, slipping and breaking their horses’ legs, and the bulls all going “Golly! All we have to do is cover the trails in shit, and they’ll all fall down!”
Whatever should happen in the future, your work here has given me a great deal of knowledge and a vision of what I hadn’t known before. Thanks!
WOWOWOW! It’s the comments that I WOW over. I am going to say something that will PISS YOU OFF, MM! And, that is when ONE does an excellent bang-up great job in a FUBAR place, YOUR BOSS makes you do it all over again. Like a great general in an interminable war. You are not going to leave this shithole prison planet, whatever you and others call it. When you return in your next life, AND I am sure you will be made to return (I hear sniggering at the back of the office…), it will be a wonderful place. All populated by progeny of many ppl who have come to MM. In other words, sons and daughters of RUFUSes that YOU created. And, it wont be a shithole. It will be paradise…. Simply because you and the Majestic people – made a BIG human evolutioning difference. Thank you, dear MM. Just look at the comments, and the many more who have not commented (the silent ones, you call them), but feel indebted to you and people like you. May the GPU bless all of us. Everything will be clear in the future. I just hope that I might be able to see it with my eyes…. I ask your permission to let this comment on.